He Daqing said, "Ah, what happened?"

"Co-author, do you like our Begonia?"

"Damn, tell me earlier."

"You are young and promising."

"Can she refuse?"

"If you don't keep it neat, you want to climb high branches."

"Being the factory manager's wife."

When Deputy Factory Manager Ling heard this, he burst into laughter from ear to ear.

This old man can really talk.

The old vixen is gone.

He said, "I love hearing that from you."

"Okay, I'll leave things up to you."

"waiting for your good news."

He Daqing said, "That's it."

"I'll talk to Haitang later."

"However, it's up to her to decide."

"Whether she agrees or not, I can't guarantee it.

"Although I am her godfather in name."

"Actually speaking may not be easy."

Deputy Director Ling's mouth twitched.

Said, "Then let you worry about it."

"Do your best."

He Daqing nodded, "Don't worry." After leaving the door, He Daqing sneered.

This person surnamed Ling thought too much.

Yu Haitang, even if he had a crush on Xu Damao, would not have a crush on him.

First of all, appearance is not enough.

In a word, no play.

He also wanted to use his position as the deputy factory manager to force Yu Haitang to submit.

How is that possible.

Yu Haitang is actually not very ambitious, at least far inferior to her sister Yu Li.

The big deal is not to climb up.

Live as a broadcaster.

Deputy factory director Ling's method is not easy to use.

He Daqing was not idle either.

Go directly downstairs to the Propaganda Section.

He bumped into Xu Damao again.

Xu Damao was obviously scared, and he looked timid, "Uncle! You can't do that, right?"

"Wherever I go, you will follow."

"What does that say."

"Did I provoke you?"

He Daqing glanced at him.

heart said.

Still playing innocent here?

Li Ji's iron fist was about to come down.

Just don't cry then.

He ignored Xu Damao and walked towards Yu Haitang.

Xu Damao made fun of himself and slipped away in embarrassment.

Yu Haitang raised her head and asked, "Godfather, what do you need from me?"

He Daqing took a look and found that there was no one else in the office, so he said,

"I want to ask you out."

"Please go to the restaurant."

"I'm dating you."

Yu Haitang laughed, "Just him?"

"Forget it."

"Deputy Director Ling asked me to bring you a message."

"Grandma, I'm not interested."

"If you are free, please tell this Ling."

"Say that I have seriously considered Haitang."

"I still decided not to accept his invitation."

"We have to think about the next generation."

"In case there is a baby."

"Long his virtue again."

"It's hard to find a wife when I turn back."

He Daqing was also amused.

It seems that Yu Haitang is in a good mood recently.

Walked out of the trough of being suppressed.

He Daqing asked, "Are you not afraid of offending the leader and being put on little shoes?"

Yu Haitang replied, "I'm wearing small shoes now."

"Afraid of wearing an extra pair?"

"It's the bottom floor of the factory anyway."

"Who am I afraid of?"

"Big deal, you can do something for me and transfer to another big state-owned factory."

"Can I still starve to death?"

He Daqing snapped his fingers and said, "Okay! The little girl has figured it out."

"Good mentality."

"Let's delay for two days."

"If this surname Ling can't figure it out."

"Come and ask me."

"I'll explain it to him."

"You look ugly, but you still want to be beautiful."

"How can this be done?"

Yu Haitang said, "Just do as you say."

"However, then again."

"You have to work harder."

"I still count on your old man to cover it."

He Daqing said with a sneer, "That's easy to talk about, see you later."

Carrying two big front door cigarettes, He Daqing returned to the logistics department.

Take care of a little chore.

Seeing that it was noon.

The young people in the department took their lunch boxes and went out one after another, heading for the cafeteria.

Because we add vegetables today.

Stir-fried pork with green peppers.

If you go late, you won't be able to eat.

He Daqing was not in a hurry.

because he noticed.

Yu Li was still huddled in the corner, absent-minded, writing and drawing on the workbook, as if she had something on her mind

Wait until people are almost gone.

Yu Li stood up and walked towards He Daqing quietly.

He Daqing's heart moved, "Lily, do you have something to do with your godfather?"

Yu Li nodded and said, "You still have the face to say it."

"After that last time."

"How long have you been ignoring others?"

"As a coauthor, you use people to move forward, not to move backward."

"Is this like a story?"

He Daqing smiled playfully, "Then what do you mean?"

"Go to Mao'er Alley at night."

"Shall we talk about work?"

Yu Li snorted, "You can figure it out." After speaking, Yu Li also went to the cafeteria with her lunch box.He Daqing stroked his chin with a wicked smile on his face.

He's been really busy lately.

Busy taking down Ding Qiunan, busy bidding farewell to Yi Lianna.

Yu Li hardly paid any attention.

It looks like a business.

Didn't it piss off Yu Li?

Harm, it seems to be busy at night.


He Daqing made do on the sofa in the office.

Then skip work.

After leaving the factory, I went to Pigeon City to look at the tatters and collect antiques.

Don't say it yet.

to the place.

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