Even when He Daqing was busy, she continued to say, "Master! I underestimate you!

"You are really hiding something."

"Unexpectedly, your hidden weapon technique is so exquisite!"

"Please teach me!"

He Daqing rolled his eyes, "This kid is too greedy."

"You want to learn everything."


"Master does not agree."

Li Yan'er was also in a hurry, and suddenly her mind became hot, and she said, "If I give myself to you

"Be your woman."

"Would you like to teach?"

He Daqing was stunned.

Is there such a good thing?

Is this little girl out of her mind?

Is it the legendary Wu Chi?

In order to cultivate the strongest martial arts, he will pay all the price.

He Daqing shook his head resolutely, "That won't work."

"Who do you think Master is?"

"Can you take advantage of someone's danger?"


"Don't mention it in the future."

"Master has always been strict with himself."

"Resolutely do not make mistakes in style."

Li Yan'er was very happy.

Are you pretending to be a gentleman again now?

Then you should take your hands away first!

Chapter 312 Why are there so many dramas? 【Seek full order】

Some toss.

Li Yan'er finally escaped.

She was relieved.

He stared at He Daqing with complicated eyes.

Oh my God!This little old man is actually a master of hidden weapons at the same time!

Isn't he a cook?

Spoons all day long.

With so much free time, practice this and that.

Simply unbelievable.

He Daqing glanced at her, and said with a smile, "Yan'er, what are you thinking?"

"Acupoint acupuncture, master can pass it on to you."


"Don't even think about hidden weapon kung fu."

"Master has seen it."

"You have a rebellious bone in the back of your head."

"Sooner or later you will betray the teacher."

"Didn't you quietly clean up Master by then?"

"The moon is dark and the wind is high."

"Take the opportunity and give it to Master."

"The courtyard has to eat."

Li Yan'er couldn't laugh or cry.

You save it.

Why are there so many dramas?

What about dramatists?

Someone wants to kill you.

Is there that much hatred?

When Zhao Yifeng dealt with Li Huaide, he only stabbed him a few times, and they were not fatally wounded. Li Yan'er was searched hundreds of times by He Daqing.

But she doesn't care anymore.

Anyway, no one else knows.

It doesn't affect her looking for a partner.

Li Yan'er said, "Master, there is no one like you."

"If I knew early in the morning, I would deceive my master and destroy my ancestors."

"Why do you still accept me as a disciple?"

"Just force me to sell pigs into the water every day."

"Same as Cui Dake and Xu Damao."

He Daqing smiled even more happily, "It's fine if you want to.

"Then go back to your old business."

"It's really inappropriate for a girl from every family to deal with pigs all day long.

"Master will give you a pig's tail."

"I promise to let you sell to your heart's content."

"Earn a commission and earn a soft hand."

Hearing this, Li Yan'er sighed.

Said, "following you, I have long been a little rich woman."

"There's no need to sell that."

"That's what it means."

"I don't want to defeat you in my life?"

He Daqing hummed, "To be honest, it always hurts too much'". "

"You have no chance."

"I'm not afraid to tell you."

"Even if you hit Master's numb point."

"Let Master's whole body be paralyzed."

"Master can untie it in an instant."

Li Yan'er subconsciously said, "Impossible!"

"Are you a freak?"

"I found a lot of people to try."

"At least a dozen."

"No one can undo the acupoints by themselves."

He Daqing smiled playfully, "This is Master's biggest trump card."

"It's okay to tell you."

"Because as long as you compete with Master."

"No chance of winning."

"Master has a hundred ways to deal with you."

Li Yan'er fell silent.

She looked extremely complicated.

I don't know whether the other party is bragging or really that powerful.

However, she prefers the latter.

Because He Daqing repeatedly shocked her and rewrote her understanding of the Celestial Martial Arts.

Li Yan'er gritted her teeth.

seems to be struggling.

He Da counted a cigarette and said, "Do you want to try it?"

"no problem."

"Pay another month's commission."

Li Yan'er immediately made a decision, "Deal."

After finishing speaking, she pointed like the wind.

He quickly pointed at He Daqing.

The latter didn't hide at all.

Let her hit firmly.

Practice acupuncture every day.

Li Yan'er is very confident in herself.

Acupuncture is absolutely accurate.

The strength is also absolutely in place.

To deal with ordinary people, it is accurate with one shot.

The problem is that He Daqing is not an ordinary person at all.

The biggest advantage of the internal boxing master.

It is in the dantian that possesses tyrannical internal force.

Therefore, He Daqing concentrated his thoughts on the Ma point, covering it with internal force.

Easily, the sealed acupoints were flushed open.

At this time, Li Yan'er slapped her hand.

Just wanted to teach this old bastard a lesson.

As a result, before the palm fell, He Daqing clasped the wrist in an instant.

Li Yan'er's heart trembled wildly.


He didn't lie!

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