
It's zero o'clock.

Then start the lottery.

The system prompts, "Drip! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery! You have won [-] yellow fins!

He Daqing was happy.

I go!This is a good thing!

It's just that the common people nowadays hardly eat this much.

Ring oil fin silk, that is a good dish for dinner.

Shrimp popped fin noodles are also great.

He Daqing opened the system space and took a look.

Good guy!

All are big fins that start at a pound.

Okay, great.

Save it and enjoy it slowly.

This thing is not easy to sell at the moment, if you really want that money, people are willing to buy a few more catties of grain

at this time.

Qin Jingru also walked in with a yawn.

With a snap, she turned off the light.

He Daqing deliberately coughed twice.

He said, "Jingru, does what you said today still count?"

Qin Jingru was startled.

She said shyly, "That's for sure."

"You have been such a great help to our family."

"I must repay you."

He Daqing smiled openly.

good!This little girl is very conscious.

He also knows how to repay his kindness.

Let the sand tea doll cool off.

He Daqing nodded, "Then why are you still standing there?"

"What time is it?"

"I have to go to work tomorrow."

"There are a lot of things."

Qin Jingru didn't care.

I had no choice but to move the quilt slowly.

Chapter 277 Don't Bring Other Women Here!

this night.

He Daqing slept beautifully.


No more sneaking around.

It is said that the girl is a little padded jacket.

Sure enough, it was warm enough.

Woke up early.

He Daqing was a little embarrassed.

For reasons that everyone understands.

The scene was a bit inelegant.

Fortunately, Qin Jingru slept soundly.

Didn't bother her.

He Daqing tiptoed off the kang.

took a shower.

Then I looked at the calendar.

Today is Thursday.

There are two days left until Saturday.

On that day, Ding Qiunan was going to eat at home.

There is still one day until Friday when the regular list is announced.

At that time, Yu Li will fulfill her promise.

Hey, I'm busy.

He Daqing rubbed his hands.

The sense of anticipation is full.

Back in the house, he made two bowls of fried shrimp noodles, which were delicious.

This is a Suzhou-Hangzhou-style snack.

Logically speaking, the original owner would not do it.

However, today's He Daqing is a man in two lives, and he has eaten all the delicacies of the Celestial Dynasty in his previous life

It also looks the same.

After eating a delicious meal, He Daqing felt refreshed.

Then, left the courtyard.

It's still early.

Go to Pigeon City first.

Xu Damao, Cui Dake, and Yan Jiecheng, the Big Three are indeed there.

Everyone is working hard.

It's just that they occupy Pigeon City in different urban areas.

This is also to avoid vicious competition.

Half an hour passed.

Qin Jingru also woke up.

She looked at the empty bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately nothing happened.

He Daqing seemed to be quite disciplined.

Just don't know.

After Ding Qiunan came.

what will happen.

She must not be allowed to continue doing this.

However, Qin Jingru has tried it out, Ding Qiunan is quite conservative, and will not marry into the He family so easily

it means.

Good day for Qin Jingru.

At least for a while.

To ten-six years old.

You can enter the factory.

At that time, get a regularization indicator, and then place a target.

Seems to be fine too.

Although, this object is definitely not as rich as the Qing Dynasty, nor is it as good as the He family's conditions.

But what else.

Among the people Qin Jingru has met.

Uncle He is undoubtedly the only existence.

So mysterious.

It's just too strong.

Especially that background.

There are so many antiques and paintings at home that there is no place to put them, so I was forced to rent an empty courtyard outside as a warehouse

From the bottom of her heart, Qin Jingru didn't want to leave He Daqing.

Where can I find such thighs?

The issue is.

The new mistress of the He family.

Certainly not willing to share resources with her.

How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch.


She herself became the new mistress of the He family.

thought here.

Qin Jingru's heart was pounding.


How could I have such an idea.


The difference between the two is more than 30 years.

Qin Jingru really wants to marry He Daqing, wouldn't it be embarrassing to see He Yushui again?

The sisters couldn't do it.

To be someone's stepmother.

This picture is simply too sour.

Qin Jingru quickly shook her head, expelling this terrible thought from her mind.

She washed up.

Then eat the noodles on the table.

God!It smells so good!Delicious!

This bowl of prawns is full of happiness.

What to do if you can't eat it in the future.

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