Turning his head, He Daqing went to tease others again.

It actually made Teacher Ran feel a sense of loss.

Chapter 242 Ran Qiuye: Let me ask you, does Uncle He have a date?

Elementary School, Grade Office.

Ran Qiuye didn't know either.

Why did you hear this news.

All of a sudden, my heart was in a mess.

There is no reason.

She is not someone who belonged to Uncle He.

Not yet.

Worry about who you're with.

However, she was a little reconciled.

Looking at Banggen, Ran Qiuye asked, "Jia Geng, did you see that

Stick nodded, "I see."

"Not only my mother saw it."

"Both Xiao Dang and I saw it."

"Young and good-looking."

"It's almost comparable to my aunt."

Ran Qiuye was startled.

This is the reaction.

The children of the Qin family call Qin Jingru aunt.

Pretty aunt?

It means that the little girl who has gotten close to He Daqing recently is not inferior to Qin Jingru in appearance.


very scary!

In Ran Qiuye's opinion.

Qin Huairu is already pretty enough.

However, Qin Jingru was even better, looking fresher and younger.

Why is it that an old scumbag like Uncle He is surrounded by top-notch little girls? !

Ran Qiuye was very upset.

It made her feel bad.

Originally, Ran Qiuye wasn't that outstanding in appearance, but she read a lot and had a bit of a bookish air.

In terms of temperament, it is quite stable.

However, Uncle He casually found a new target who was better looking than her.

This made Ran Qiuye feel complicated.

It's so unpleasant.

Since she was a child, although Ran Qiuye was soft and weak, she liked to compete with others.

Plus she's not too stupid.

Therefore, from elementary school, junior high school, high school to teacher training, it has always been the role of a top student.

This allowed Ran Qiuye to develop a subconscious mind that refused to admit defeat.

Originally, she might not have thought much about He Daqing.

However, someone actually robbed her.

She is not happy.


This girl will never admit defeat.

Ran Qiuye said again, "Very good, student Jia Geng, can you tell the teacher one more thing?

"How old does that aunt look like?"

"Older than your mother, or younger?"

Sticky replied, "It's about the same as you."

"Twenty-early teens'-oH

"She's really pretty."

"It just looks cold."

"The kind that strangers don't get close to."

Ran Qiuye groaned.

Hard hammered.

Uncle He is a playboy.

Sure enough, I didn't do a good job.

However, what does Qin Huairu mean by calling Banggen to remind her?

Ran Qiuye didn't use God's perspective, and he didn't live in a courtyard, so how could he know so much.

She had no idea.

The relationship between He Daqing and Qin Huairu is unclear.

What's more, they don't know about He Daqing and Ding Qiunan.

She didn't even know Yu Li and Yu Haitang.

Therefore, she began to doubt Qin Huairu's motives.

What is the intention of this pretty widow?

Want to shoot fire behind your back?

or what?

However, Ran Qiuye decided to find out more about it.

Otherwise, he would be out of the game inexplicably.

Still kept in the dark.

Because she also planned to go to He Daqing's place regularly to study with him or something.

The Deer Ding Ji is really good-looking.

She can't wait, wanting to know the follow-up plot.

After sending the sticks away.

Ran Qiuye stood up and walked to the next office.

Yan Bugui is over there.

At this time, Yan Bugui was preparing lessons.

Suddenly seeing Ran Qiuye coming, he hurriedly said hello, "Comrade Xiao Ran, what can I do for you?

Ran Qiuye looked around.

In the office, there are at least eight teachers sitting, too many people to see.

So, he said, "Teacher Yan, I want to ask you for some information."

"Can we talk outside?"

Yan Bugui hummed, and quickly followed out.

Because he knows.

He Daqing misses this young teacher.

Don't be offended.

Yan Bugui was still counting on, continuously, to get commissions from He Daqing.

What if He Daqing and Ran Qiuye get married.

He is also happy to see.

Chef He is too rich.

If we put this in the old society, it would be a big scholar who dominates one side, three wives and four concubines are just trivial matters. As for Yan Jiecheng.

That useless piece of trash.

Do you also want to get your hands on Mr. Ran?

Does he fit?

When they arrived near the flower garden downstairs, the two stopped.

Yan Bugui took the initiative to ask, "Xiao Ran, what do you want to ask me about?"

"It's not about Lao He, is it?"

Ran Qiuye was a little embarrassed.

This old fox is too smart.

It was seen through at a glance.

She said bravely, "Well, you guessed right."

"I just want to ask you about it."

"Uncle He, does he have a date?"

Ran Qiuye didn't know either.

Why myself, asked this sentence out of nowhere.

Yan Bugui was not stupid, and immediately replied, "Not yet, but it will be hard to say in the future."

"You know, I'm quite familiar with Lao He."

"I often go to his house to drink."

"I know everything about him."

Ran Qiuye nodded.

Nothing is fine.

It means that the Dr. Ding mentioned by the stick has not gotten too close to He Daqing.

Actually, neither is Ran Qiuye, she has to marry He Daqing.

She was just not angry, she was played by He Daqing, and she was not happy with Ding Qiunan's appearance.

Make her very passive.

Assuming that she is already in love with He Daqing, if Ding Qiunan comes out, it is tantamount to robbing her of a man

Ran Qiuye didn't like this situation very much.

She wishes she could take the initiative.

In fact, Ran Qiuye discovered that Uncle He is quite mysterious, and sometimes he can make people happy.

She quite liked it, being with this bad old man.

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