Ding Qiunan was skeptical.

She tentatively said, "Just like you, you dare to give someone a needle."

"I'm afraid it's where the acupoints are, but I haven't figured it out yet."

He Daqing smiled calmly, "Girl, don't use this to test uncle."

"Uncle is a professional."

After finishing speaking, he curled up his fingers and pointed towards Ding Qiunan.

Chapter 231 This Bad Old Man Doesn't Talk About Wu Mori!

Siheyuan, He's family.

The dinner table.

He Daqing pointed his fingers and said at the same time, "This is Baihui point."

"This is the Tinggong acupoint."

"This is the fish waist hole."

"This is Shuitu Cave."

Less than 1 minutes.

He quickly explained the one hundred and eight acupuncture points.

And the location is exactly right.

Not only Qin Jingru was shocked.

Even Ding Qiunan expressed disbelief.

Because the names of those acupoints are very professional, and some are even awkward, it is useless to memorize them by rote, and you must know how to recognize the acupoints.

Otherwise, with a map of acupuncture points in hand, everyone can become a master of acupuncture points.

Obviously there is no such thing.

This is enough to prove that He Daqing has indeed dabbled in medicine.

Ding Qiunan exclaimed, "Uncle, I'm beginning to believe it."

"But you have to prove it."

Actually, at this time, Ding Qiunan still didn't believe it.

The reason is very simple.

This He Daqing stayed in the kitchen all day.

No medical experience at all.

No chance to practice.

Even if you have really read a few medical books and have a good memory, you can memorize them.

It's also just talking on paper.

It cannot be used to treat people.

In fact, those top doctors almost all have decades of medical experience.

Unlike He Daqing, who dared to call himself a master of Chinese medicine as soon as he put down the cooking spoon.

He Daqing smiled, "Eat first."

"Wait a minute."

"Someone will come."

"Uncle, treat him in front of you."

"By the way, I'll treat you as well."

Ding Qiunan couldn't believe it, "What are you treating me for? I'm not sick."

He Daqing chuckled, "Uncle's acupuncture can cure more than 40 diseases."

"From the look on your face, I can tell that 03 has a cold palace."

"If this disease is not treated early, the consequences will be very serious."

"It may be difficult to conceive a child in the future."

Ding Qiunan shook his head, "Don't scare me, it's nothing like that."

He Daqing said calmly, "This child, his mouth is stiff again."

"Uncle asked you."

"When you came to your aunt, did you feel cold hands and feet and an uncomfortable stomach?"

"The whole person is limp and has no vitality."

"The amount is still small, and it will be gone in two or three days."

"And you usually have a bad complexion, with no luster on your face and dark yellow skin.

"Do you often feel that your mouth is very bland, and you don't have any taste when you eat anything?"

Ding Qiunan was stunned.

Because what He Daqing said was very accurate.

Ordinary cooks don't even know the word Gonghan.

Not only did He Daqing know, but he also spoke clearly and clearly.

Ding Qiunan frowned and asked, "Then according to you, how to treat it with acupuncture?

He Daqing snapped his fingers, "This is simple."

"It's enough to pierce four acupoints."

"Mingmen point, Guanyuan point, Qihai point and Shenque point."

"Cooperate with some traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning, such as motherwort, angelica, donkey-hide gelatin and so on."

"Guarantee that your medicine will be cured."

Ding Qiunan's heart trembled wildly.

Good guy!The cold beauty called her a good guy!

Hearing what Uncle He said, he really has the demeanor of an old Chinese doctor.

It's not like fooling people.

However, there is an embarrassment.

The four acupoints mentioned by Uncle He, except the Mingmen acupoint on the back, the second and third lumbar vertebrae

The other three acupuncture points are all near the belly button.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Qin Jingru was confused.

What the godfather said was quite professional.

She has never heard of those terms.

It doesn't feel like a fake.


At this time, someone just knocked on the door.

Everyone look back.

It was Cui Dake who came.

He was still wearing a blue and black factory uniform, with a puzzled look on his face.

Seeing the situation in the house, Cui Dake knew it well.

Uncle He is an old dog.

He actually brought Ding Qiunan home.

With the means of this old driver.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for Dr. Ding to escape from his clutches.

No, I, Cui, have a strong sense of justice, and today a hero will come to save the beauty.

Take the former goddess away from the He family.

In an instant, Cui Dake made up his mind.

The reason why he dared to challenge He Daqing.

It was also mainly because he hadn't had contact with Uncle He for a long time.

Well, the scar forgets the pain.

Moreover, Cui Dake has made some money in Pigeon Market recently.

In less than a month, he earned several times the wages of his fellow workers.

He immediately felt good about himself.

The mentality is also a little swollen.

When He Daqing saw this person, he immediately smiled and said, "Dake is here, please sit down."

"have you eaten?"

"If you haven't eaten, eat some."

"Let Jingru bring you a pair of bowls and chopsticks."

Cui Dake originally wanted to say that he was full at home.

But at first glance, the food on the table is quite rich, much more powerful than holding banquets for weddings and banquets in the countryside.

He immediately changed his words and said, "Okay, I'm really hungry, so let's have a meal at Uncle's place."

"By the way, my wife said you were looking for me."

"What's the matter?"

He Daqing raised his chin and turned towards Ding Qiunan, "Didn't you see it? This is an old acquaintance, Dr. Ding Qiunan.

"I came to you this time because of her."

Cui Dake listened.

Suddenly made a murmur.


What kind of confusion did Uncle He commit?

Do you want to match labor and capital with Dr. Ding?

The problem is, labor and capital are already married, so it is impossible for Dr. Ding to agree.

in the blink of an eye.

Cui Dake made up a big show in his brain.

Shouldn't be.

This bastard surnamed He ruined Dr. Ding, and then in order to make up for it, he wants to ask labor to take the blame?

On a horse!

With He Laogou's peeing nature, it's entirely possible.

Suddenly, Cui Dake's face was extremely ugly.

When I looked at Ding Qiunan again, I no longer felt that she was pure and clean, but seemed to see a broken shoe.

Ding Qiunan obviously also knew Cui Dake.

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