It seems that we still have to find a way to get the TV back, otherwise the hearts of these two daughters will not be tied.

He Daqing, oh He Daqing, you old dog has done a lot of harm.

Xu Hui cursed secretly from the bottom of her heart.

Then, they also went to Chen Xueru's house.

Entrust the youngest daughter to Chen Xueru and ask her to take care of her.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Huizhen rode on his bicycle and went to the courtyard to look for He Daqing.

One is for the television.

The second is to find out what happened in the afternoon.

It's like nine o'clock at night.

She arrived at the courtyard.

It so happened that He Daqing was sipping tea in the room with a contented expression on his face.

It was as if they hadn't experienced a fierce wine fight at all.

Qin Jingru was not at home, and she didn't know where she went.

Xu Hui really didn't bother to care about this.

She entered the door and asked straight to the point, "Senior brother, what did you do to me this afternoon?

He Daqing didn't answer, but motioned her to close the door.

Wait until Xu Huizhen closed the door with his backhand.

He Daqing hooked his fingers and signaled her to come to the back room to talk.

Xu Hui was really reluctant to enter this bad old man's bedroom.

However, it seems nothing.

So she bit the bullet and followed He Daqing to the back room.

He Daqing sized her up and said with a smile, "Huizhen, would you like to know the answer?"

Xu Huizhen nodded.

Because she was at home and confirmed it privately.

He Daqing didn't touch her.

This is not right.

So anomalous.

There is no tiger that does not eat meat.

It's hard to imagine.

He Daqing chuckled and said, "I'll show you something, and you'll understand."

Xu Huizhen looked confused.

What is it?

Then, she saw He Daqing took out an envelope from the drawer, which seemed to contain a lot of things.

Xu Hui jumped in her heart.

Open it up and take a look.

She was speechless.

Does this work too? !

Really unexpected.

This old dog is really bad.

an hour later.

Xu Huizhen came out of He's house, holding a well-packed TV, and asked He Daqing for two pieces of adhesive tape to fix the TV to the back seat of the bicycle.

Only then did I push the bicycle home.

As she walked back, she sighed.

This time it was a big loss.

It doesn't work if you don't admit it.

Although the TV didn't cost her a penny.

However, in the future, he will be determined by this surname He.

Just like getting on a pirate ship, you can never get off again.

Damn, so angry!

Xu Hui had mixed feelings in her heart.

But there is no way.

How can there be such a bad old man in the world.


have to say.

He Daqing is an old bastard, although his heart is very dark.

However, the physical fitness is quite excellent.

too strong.

Here, send Xu Huizhen away.

He Daqing is so refreshing.

Lighted a cigar.

He pumped up happily.

he said to himself.

Old He Tou, Old He Tou.

Labor and capital are by no means coveting other people's beauty.

But looking for a reliable business partner.

Take Xu Hui's true mind.

As long as you take it for your own use, you become the woman by your side.

Then in the future, she will definitely have a place in the He Group.

Let her take care of things.

This Xu Hui really has something.

Comparing Ding Qiunan to her, it is purely a vase, a bit fancy but useless

Xu Huizhen's talent for doing business was to hang Chen Xueru up and hammer her.

It's still possible.

He Daqing felt that his move was correct.

Want to do something big.

There must be some sacrifices.

In the beginning, why Cao Cao wanted to be a Cao thief was not because he took a fancy to the wealth and power behind those women, which was tantamount to saving the country from the harem.

Forethought belongs to yes.

He Daqing thinks that it is necessary for him to learn from the elders.

Learn and use it alive.

No problem.

With the light on, he took out the electronic paper book and read it.

Seeing that it was almost zero.

Immediately, I heard two cries of Peng Hu from the roof.

He Daqing was refreshed.

This is Li Yaner's return.

Is it a little too fast?

He Daqing went out for a trip and met this female snitch.

In the darkness, Li Yan'er's face was very excited.

She said, "Master, what a coincidence'"! "

"The evidence caught me."

"It was all filmed."

"Exactly as you speculated."

"Those people are really digging the soil."

He Daqing nodded.

This is fun.

He reached out for the camera.

Then he said, "I'll go back and develop the photos first and see the situation."

"Come and see me tomorrow morning."

"At that time, we will proceed according to the original plan."

Li Yan'er nodded solemnly.

Quickly disappeared into the night.

He Daqing began to develop the photos.

Well, this Li Yaner also took more than a dozen photos.

All the people like Jia Xingguo were photographed.

In the photo, Uncle Stick and his accomplices are digging a hole in a barren hill with a low-quality cigarette in their mouths, the kind of homemade cigarettes that they roll with paper, and a shovel in their hand.

In the other photos, old objects that had just been unearthed were placed on the ground, and the captains Mojin passed them around with smiles on their faces.

The evidence for this is already evident.

He Daqing reckoned that these people were familiar with the terrain around the village, and having discovered the underground burials, they dared to dig in broad daylight.

In other words, Li Yaner is clever.

After following for so long, it was not discovered.

Well, her ability to handle affairs is still so-so.

After the photos were washed, they were aired.

He Daqing went back to the house.

Qin Jingru had already lay down and fell asleep.

He Daqing took his time, communicated with the system, and routinely started the lottery draw.

The system prompts, "Drip! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery! You have won a thousand Polaroid cameras!"

"Drip! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery! You have won a set of Huang Yi's novels!"

He Daqing was happy.

This system is interesting.

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