Everyone was stunned by this scene. They had never seen more than 30 fish jumping together alive and well. It was really shocking!

At this moment, Chu Xiu's fishing rod began to shake. He wanted to lift the rod as before, but this time he encountered obstacles.

A dark shadow swam beneath the surface of the water.

"It's a big thing!" Chu Xiu judged instantly that if he forcibly lifted the rod, the rod would probably break, so Chu Xiu pulled repeatedly, and when the big fish exerted force, he would loosen it. Once the force was released, he would reel in the line.

There was a stalemate for several minutes.

Everyone looked terrified and nervous, feeling as if they were fishing.

The surrounding was quiet, and everyone held their breath watching Chu Xiu's operation.


Finally, after constant pulling, a huge wild herring was pulled out of the water by Chu Xiu, causing waves.

A wild herring more than one meter long kept beating on the shore, and the mud was flying.

The crowd quickly backed away.

"This is wild herring!"

"It's terrible, at least 30 kilograms!"

"Hey, this is the biggest fish so far, it can be called the king of fish!"

"The Fishing King catches the Fishing King, it's amazing!"


Everyone was amazed, and they were very curious about this wild herring, after all, they had never seen such a big wild herring before, and it felt like a dream.

Chu Xiu was also surprised at the moment. You must know that wild herring can be regarded as a treasure among freshwater fish. The meat of herring is tender and delicious, and its protein content exceeds that of chicken. It is the top grade among freshwater fish!

It has the effects of clearing away heat and improving eyesight, nourishing deficiency and Qi, improving intelligence and nourishing the brain!

It even has the effect of delaying aging.

Extremely rare!

A well-dressed old man stepped forward, looked at the wild herring as if he saw a treasure, and hurriedly said: "I am willing to exchange [-] catties of pork for this big herring. What do you think?"

Everyone was amazed when they heard it. You must know that the value of forty catties of pork in this era is not low. Ordinary people can't eat meat a few times a year, and it is extremely rare. Just taste it. In this age of scarce supplies, and he How dare you exchange forty catties of pork that can be boiled in oil for a fish that you can only eat once?

Chu Xiu didn't even think about it this time, and directly refused: "This fish is destined for me, and it happens to be used in my wedding banquet!"

Taking this fish out is a way to gain face, so he naturally won't change it, after all, the factory manager and others will come over, just to make a show.

"Okay!" The old man felt a little regretful, but since Chu Xiu refused, he wouldn't buy and sell by force!

Seeing that he was a little disappointed, Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Don't worry, sir. After I get married, I will definitely go out fishing more to supplement the family income. When I catch a big fish, I will exchange it with you!"

Anyway, this time it won't work, after all, he's going to hold a banquet tonight.

The old man was also cheerful and shook his hand, indicating that he was fine.

Afterwards, everyone began to exchange fish, bartering items. In less than 10 minutes, hundreds of catties of fish except wild herring were exchanged!

Everyone was very happy, looking at the fish in their hands, and thinking about what they had exchanged, they knew that they must have made a profit, and it was not enough. This is because they thought that Chu Xiu was kind and exchanged it for everyone at a low price.

Chu Xiu also left happily, carrying four chickens, three ducks, ten catties of pork, and five catties of beef!

Even Chu Xiu was shocked that he was able to exchange for beef.

But he also knew that many of them were the wishes of these old men. After all, the price of beef and pork was very high, so there was no need to exchange them, but they were all brought in to help him get together the ingredients for the banquet.

Chu Xiu also kept it in mind, thinking that next time he could catch more fish and return them to them.

Throw it with plums, and return it with peaches!

By the river, Chu Xiu left, but everyone was still there.

At this moment, someone couldn't help but praise: "This Chu Xiu has a really good character!"

Everyone now knows Chu Xiu's name.

Suddenly someone was taken aback, as if thinking of something, and said: "Chu Xiu? He is Chu Xiu? I didn't recognize him before. He has been published in newspapers, he has improved the state machinery, and he is a precious talent for the country!"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard it, and then the news they read in the newspaper rang out, and the picture on it overlapped with Chu Xiu.

"He is Chu Xiu? Is that the pillar of the country??"

"I couldn't resist coming before, I was attracted by his fishing."

"If you say that, it really is exactly the same as the people in the newspaper, and they are all called Chuxiu!"

"We didn't realize it until now. We thought that his fishing skills were already very good. Now, it seems that it's just his hobby!"

"After all, he is a genius who can even improve the state machine!"

"I actually chatted for a long time with the big man who appeared in the newspaper!"

"So young, but so humble, not showing off at all, no wonder there is such a big achievement!"


Everyone was amazed and shocked!

But what they didn't know was that Chu Xiu was more than that.

The youngest workshop director in history, and a ninth-level engineer!

With various subsidies every month, the income can exceed hundreds of dollars!

Chu Xiu rode his bicycle back to the yard, with the exchanged ingredients and some fish on it.


Seeing this, Ding Qiunan hurried up to wipe Chu Xiu's sweat with distress, and asked in a low voice, "Where did you get so many ingredients?"

"I got it in exchange for fishing!" Chu Xiu smiled, and didn't care. With his physique, he was just sweating a little. In fact, he was not tired!

Ding Qiunan obviously knew that Chu Xiu knew how to fish, and felt a little distressed, knowing that Chu Xiu must be doing it for himself, otherwise why would he use such hard work to fish for money!

As Chu Xiu walked into the courtyard, everyone was shocked by the food in this cart!

"Wild herring!"

The old man was shocked when he saw the giant wild herring. With his experience, he recognized it at a glance. It was probably more than one meter long. , is ready to make it on the table tonight!

I am more and more satisfied with Chu Xiu in my heart!It is so generous!

"This day is really prosperous!"

The second uncle Liu Haizhong was very envious at the moment, Chu Xiu is so rich, even these things can be bought and there are so many meats, how much does it cost, how many meat tickets?

He thought it was Chu Xiu who bought it!

He Yushui was also in the crowd. Seeing what Chu Xiu brought back now, he couldn't help but envy Ding Qiunan. He was lucky enough to marry a capable man like Chu Xiu, but he could only watch silently with a low self-esteem. .

I didn't even have the courage to go up and say it.

Everyone couldn't help discussing.

"Is this too much? How much will it cost?"

"It's not your money that was spent. Chu Xiu now spends more than 100 yuan a month. Do you still need to worry about it?"

"Even if you have money, there is a quota for meat tickets. How do you get them?"

"This is not a meat ticket bought secretly, is it?"

"This kind of thing is illegal, Director Chu is so arrogant, let's all keep quiet!"

"It's up to you to say it? Whoever tells it is a beast!"


While everyone was shocked, they couldn't help but question it. After all, in this day and age, meat tickets are all fixed. According to their perception, if they want to buy so much meat, they can only buy it by trading meat tickets behind their backs.

The Jia family is also envious and jealous at the moment.

But there were too many people in the courtyard, and they didn't dare to curse at the moment, but the hatred appeared in their eyes. After all, Chu Xiu invited the whole courtyard to the banquet, but his family was not invited, which was an obvious target.

Jia Zhang was resentful, but at the moment, she could only hold back, she just kept scolding Chu Xiu in her heart.

Jia Dongxu's eyes were bitter, but there was nothing he could do.

Qin Huairu couldn't help swallowing, his eyes were full of greed, thinking that Chu Xiu hadn't found a chef until now, and it was very likely that he would ask Sha Zhu to do it. After all, the relationship between Sha Zhu and Chu Xiu was not good before. Why did Chu Xiu invite him?

There is only one reason, that is, he intends to ask Sha Zhu to cook for him.

And in this way, Sha Zhu will definitely bring back some dishes for them in the end.

At that time, these things now, they can also eat at home!

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu looked forward even more, looking forward to Sha Zhu's return with vegetables.

Looking at this scene, the crowd said sourly, "Where did Chu Xiu get all this? He won't speculate, right?"

After all, these things are not cheap, and they need meat tickets. He doesn't believe that Chu Xiu bought them through formal channels.

Everyone was startled when they heard it. Although they also discussed it, they were not bold enough to point it out in front of Chu Xiu, and all looked at Sha Zhu as if they were fools.

Today's Chu Xiu actually dares to offend, he is looking for death!

Chu Xiu didn't care about this, and wanted to say a few words.

At this time, the third master stepped forward directly and said angrily: "This is all obtained by Chu Xiu's own fishing skills, and Chu Xiu is also known as the king of fishing. The technical department is beyond your imagination!"


For Chu Xiu, the third master admires him from the bottom of his heart. He must have character, be able to endure hardships and stand hard work, be handsome, and have strong abilities. Now he is only 25 years old and already a workshop director and a ninth-level engineer.

The future is unlimited!

Then I felt a little bit emotional, no matter how much I have this skill, I will never be hungry, this little life is too good, Ding Qiunan will wait to enjoy the blessings in the future!

The uncle also moved his eyes at this moment. He was still thinking about how to please Chu Xiu. Now that he saw the silly Zhu appearing by himself, he could only say sorry in his heart. You can eat indiscriminately, but you can’t talk indiscriminately, this is the benefit Chu Xiu gave to our courtyard!"

This silly Zhu is simply an idiot, didn't you see that everyone is trying to curry favor with Chu Xiu?

As long as he can, he can go to the sky, and he is still floating. He has not realized how strong Chu Xiu is now. Just one word, not to mention that he was suspended for a month.

Everyone also looked at Sha Zhu with weird eyes, thinking that he was too stupid, his mind was abnormal, and he still couldn't tell the difference between the big and the big king, no wonder they fell in love with Jia Zhang!

Then everyone had an idea and praised it one after another.

"Chu Xiu's fishing skills are amazing!"

"I seem to have caught a lot of fish last time, and now there are even more!"

"There is also a big fish, I don't know what kind of fish it is!"

"It's still Chu Xiu who is good at everything, even fishing."

"Too strong, is this the level that humans can reach?"


Everyone hurriedly praised, fearing that they would not be able to show it in time. After all, Chu Xiu is now the workshop director with great power. If he can be flattered, there will definitely be benefits.

The deaf old lady also shook her head at the side, sighing in her heart, this idiot really has no eyesight, others can't wait to put it on Chu Xiu, but he is the only one who sings the opposite tune, isn't this giving others a chance to behave in front of Chu Xiu? !

Didn't see that even Yi Zhonghai went up and angrily scolded Silly Zhu for showing Chu Xiu.

Obviously, the current Chu Xiu is above everyone no matter his status or status, and he is the object of curry favor.

This wronged Silly Zhu to death, so he questioned it for a while, and it was as if he had committed public anger. Before he heard that they were all suspicious.

Why just talk about yourself?

Thinking of this, Sha Zhu just wanted to refute, but suddenly saw the wild herring caught by Chu Xiu Chu Xiu, and was stunned!

He was originally a chef, so he naturally recognized herring and knew how precious herring was, especially a one-meter-long herring, which could be considered a delicacy!

It is not seen in the world at all, there is a price but no market, even if someone is lucky to catch it, someone will spend money to take it away immediately, and it will not be circulated on the market at all.

This is something money can't buy!

Then he suddenly thought about it, thinking that when Chu Xiu asked him to cook, he would sneak a few pieces of fish to his goddess Jia Zhang to eat. After all, such a big fish would not be noticeable if a few pieces were missing.

So he rolled his eyes, squeezed out a smile and said: "You are the bridegroom when you get married today. It is definitely not suitable for you to cook by yourself. I can help you. You should know my cooking skills, but I also need to be paid for helping. In this way, as long as You give me a chicken as a reward, and I will help you cook tonight's banquet! I am the chef of Tan's cuisine, and the price is worth it!"

He not only wanted to give the meat to the Jia family, but also wanted to kill Chuxiu a chicken in a legitimate way!

After all, he was the only chef at the scene besides Chu Xiu. It was impossible for Chu Xiu to refuse him, otherwise this banquet would be a joke. It's really embarrassing to throw it home.

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