Yuan Wei thought only for a moment, he looked at the dozens of people who suddenly appeared in front of him, and finally shook his head.

"Li Hanyang."

"Master...the disciple is here."

"Take your brothers and sisters to the mountain immediately, don't turn back, I will come to the rear."

Li Hanyang stared in astonishment at this man who had always seldom made moves and liked to fight for power and profit with him.

"What about you? Aren't you leaving!"

"It's up to me to go! Don't give me love for my children, go quickly."

"It's not... Master, we..."

What did Li Hanyang want to say.

But Yuan Wei has drawn his sword.

The faint moonlight that has not yet fully come out illuminates his somewhat aged figure. At this moment, Li Hanyang suddenly finds that his back looks so generous and tall.

Facing the dozens of people alone, he raised his sword without fear.

And the words he left were.

"Let's go, don't wait for me!" PS: I want to write it as well as possible. This is a big project, so in this episode, it should be the most intensive and dedicated section of my character creation. Thank you for your support. Well, shit... I'm going to revise the chapter, and I got caught a lot.

83 You are strengthened!


Li Hanyang was pulled, he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay and accompany Yuan Wei to solve the difficulties in front of him, even though he felt that the difficulties were insoluble.

Looking at this group of Fulong watchmen, he was aware of Yuan Wei's concerns. There are so many people, there are always a few who are cannon fodder.

They will easily die in the torrent of history. They are definitely not big trees that can stand tall in the face of storms. They have strong strength. They will be like grass around them. One look at them, and they are floating in the air.

Maybe no one cares whether the weak still survive.

But Li Hanyang understood that his master cared.

Although he seems to be such an unreliable old man, hated by many people, he seems to be able to talk to everyone, but once his strength is involved, he will automatically back down, and he can ignore anyone's invitation to fight, but he can't. Ignore or play dead.

But probably no one thought that on this day, he would take the initiative to stand here and let them go first.

None of them would give up, even the rootless duckweed wanted them to survive.

Li Hanyang shouted hoarsely.

From a distance, it seems that the old man drew his sword and turned his head and said, "Why are you crying? You will cry when you are on my grave. Grandma, I wanted to be a turtle for the rest of my life, but it seems that I can't do it. ...I am also a Dragon Slaying Realm after all!"

"call out!"

When Li Hanyang saw the sword light, it lit up brilliantly.

He has turned his head, tears streaming down his face, pushing the people around him, and roaring with all his might.

"Let's go!! Do you want Master to die in vain? Qing Tingfeng will remember this day!!"

Someone was crying and running, their countless hearts were connected with the figure of the old man who seemed to be dancing, but the distance was getting farther and farther, and they almost... ran in opposite directions.


It was Elder Xue who blocked Yuan Wei with a sword.

His face was gloomy, looking at Yuan Wei who seemed to have given everything in front of him, and looked at him coldly.

"It's wishful thinking for you, a Dragon Slaying Realm, to stop us. You can't even change your life."

Yuan Wei held a sword in one hand, his beard fluttered in the night wind, and the cold wind could not cover his energetic eyes at this moment.

Perhaps many people have seen his shrewd philistine eyes and his calculating face, but few people have seen Yuan Wei at this time, he is as firm as a swordsman.

"You have to try to find out, damn it... You kids, ten years ago, you didn't know where you were running with bare buttocks, and now you're playing tricks on you, Master Yuan!"

"Array, kill."

Elder Xue issued a simple order with a cold face.

Immediately, the disciples of Fulongguan hurriedly separated, spying on Yuan Wei in the middle from various angles, they were like a group of hyenas, just waiting for the beast to show its weakness.

Yuan Wei didn't think about it that much at all, maybe now he has realized that no matter how much he thinks about it, it won't help.

Killing one is one, killing one is not a loss, killing two is enough, killing three makes a lot of money, killing four makes money!

Still afraid of a hair? !

"Give me my life!"

Yuan Wei was like a fierce tiger, and Jian Guang let out a roar.

With a single sword, he stabbed Elder Xue in front of him. Elder Xue, who had resisted Yuan Wei before and knew Yuan Wei's strength well, was not afraid at all. He raised his breath and raised his long sword.

"court death!"

The sword light seemed to surround his body, rooted under his feet, as firm as a rock, waiting for Yuan Wei to come to die by himself, while he remained motionless and waited for the counterattack.

When Yuan Wei came close to Elder Xue, he narrowed his eyebrows and eyes suddenly as if he was going forward indomitable.

The sword shakes.


The sword light skyrocketed, but it turned towards an unsuspecting disciple on the side of Elder Xue!

In a hurry, Elder Xue stared wide-eyed, and the disciple was even more unprepared, and the temporary defense was useless.

Yuan Wei's sword light pierced his shoulder, and blood sprayed on the ground mixed with snowflakes!

"You old bastard!!"

Elder Xue was in a hurry, but Yuan Wei smiled, "The older you are, the more demon you have never heard of it?"

After severely wounding the opponent's disciple with a sword, Yuan Wei revealed his true face, which was that strange figure.

Shuttle back and forth between the opponent's formations, he would be slightly injured or seriously injured every once in a while, and the encirclement became bigger and bigger all of a sudden, and he didn't even dare to approach this old and tough old man.

Elder Xue saw that the situation was not good, and the figures of those disciples in the distance would gradually disappear, so he couldn't care less.

The tip of the sword pointed at Yuan Wei, pinched his fingers and recited a mantra.


After speaking, the sword light diffused from the feet of Elder Xue towards Yuan Wei.

Of course Yuan Wei knew that the situation was wrong, so he quickly moved his body and prepared to dodge.

But I didn't expect it, at this moment.

Several Fulongguan disciples raised their swords together.

The sword light filled the sky, almost blocking all his escape routes.

Not only that, but the weird sword energy spread to his feet at an extremely fast speed.

And the moment he came to his feet, Yuan Wei's movements froze for an instant, as if his body was frozen, he used his strength, although he was not unable to move, but his movements were much slower than before!

The sword light is overwhelming!


Jian Guang was tearing wildly, Yuan Wei's talent was indeed not as good as those top masters, he couldn't dismantle it in detail, he could only resist with all his strength.

But in an instant, many tears appeared on Yuan Wei's clothes, and blood sprayed out from the shocking wounds.

Yuan Wei was in a panic all of a sudden, standing in the middle was exhausted for no reason, and he had nowhere to escape.

Elder Xue seized the opportunity and sneered.

"That's enough, old man, it should be enough for you to pretend to be a hero. I took your head away!"

Elder Xue jumped up, holding a sword in his hand, rushing towards him like a shooting star.

The point of the sword pointed directly at Yuan Wei's neck, Yuan Wei saw that he was powerless to fight back for a moment.

Suddenly, a beautiful face appeared in front of Elder Xue, and he shouted instinctively in shock.

"Lu Qingyan!"


And what responded to him was a heavy blow.

Lu Qingyan, who punched Elder Xue's face with a punch, slowly fell to the ground, and Elder Xue spit out blood and rolled backwards.

People around looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in surprise.

Yuan Wei panted heavily and looked at Lu Qingyan.

"What are you doing here? I need you to save me even with an old bone?!"

Obviously being rescued by this woman was very unconvinced, Lu Qingyan didn't say much, but said in a deep voice.

"This is not your business alone. If the disciples and elders of Yuan Jianzong want to protect, then let's protect together."

after this sentence.


Suddenly someone screamed, and Elder Xue, who was covering his face, looked through the gap between his fingertips, and saw that his disciple was pierced through the heart by a sword!

And he fell down slowly, revealing a burly figure from the shadows.

"Red eyebrow peak Chen Ran!"


On the other side, the disciple who was still in astonishment had no time to react, his head was slapped flying, and immediately landed in front of Elder Xue.

The corners of Elder Xue's eyes twitched crazily, and he didn't even care that his face was already covered in blood.

Suddenly, another man with a gloomy and cold face walked out.

"Xie Jin, Red Sandalwood Peak!"

The four elders gathered together at this time, as if it was a negotiated support. Elder Xue had already guessed that this was the other party's arrangement, or that it was a cooperation that had been discussed earlier...

just not right...

"one left……"

Elder Xue squinted his eyes, and his companions in the dragon slaying realm around him were careful. Those disciples died as well. Someone must be sacrificed, as long as they are valuable...

There is one more... Where is the other one? Why doesn't she show up now? What is she waiting for? !

Elder Xue suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and felt a burst of coldness behind him, almost piercing himself like a light on his back.


Elder Xue screamed strangely, his body shifted abruptly, and a cold sword light almost brushed his face as he passed by.

By the time Elder Xue reacted, thick blood had already started to flow on his cheeks...

And when he took a closer look, a cold and beautiful woman was already standing in front of him, holding a long sword that seemed to be shining coldly, and said coldly.

"Xuejianfeng, Lin Ruoyin."

all here...

Elder Xue felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, but he did not feel hysterical fear.

Instead, he laughed.

"Hahahaha... You don't know what you are going to face now... It's really sad..."

And Lu Qingyan looked at Elder Xue coldly, but said in a deep voice.

"In any case, what you want to do can't be done."

"A group of elders are willing to sacrifice their lives for their disciples? Hahahaha... You can't find such stupid and honest people in the entire Immortal Continent!"

Lu Qingyan turned a blind eye to this kind of ridicule.

"Do you think that we bring our disciples up the mountain and teach them to practice just to make them serve themselves as tools? There are some things you will never understand, and it must be death? I don't think so."

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