This feeling still made Bai Youwei a little excited.

She finally let out a long sigh of relief and opened her eyes, but she was surprised to see the boy in white next to him, looking down at something on the ground slightly.

"You haven't left yet?"

Bai Youwei asked in surprise.

Wei Tu raised his head, his star-like face faced her, and smiled.

"I'm afraid you'll make another mistake."


Bai Youwei didn't know how to respond to this sentence, it seemed that the other party's words were so casual that Bai Youwei didn't know whether it was caused by this man's dissolute nature, or... his sincere words.

After a while, I hesitated to say anything else.

"What were you looking at just now?"

Bai Youwei leaned over and noticed something seemed to be engraved on a piece of smooth ground.

Wei Tu said with a smile, "It was written down by a senior, a regrettable love story."

"love story?"

Bai Youwei looked over suspiciously.

Wei Tu explained, "It's a senior named Qin Rao who likes an outstanding woman in the sect. The two met each other, fell in love, and even lived and died together. However, the man felt that he had no hope of reaching God Realm anymore, while that woman was already a fairy in God Realm, a person with extraordinary talent and promising future in everyone's eyes. He deeply felt the gap in talent, and felt that he could no longer I dragged this woman down, so I wrote my farewell here."

Bai Youwei looked over, and the story was indeed as Wei Tu said, written very clearly.

But every word and every stroke is so hard, as if penetrating three points.

She couldn't help but read the last sentence on the stone.

"If I hadn't met at that time, I probably wouldn't have realized the cruelty of fate at this time. But if I do it again thousands of times, I still hope that I met you back then."

Bai Youwei couldn't help raising her head to look at Wei Tu beside her.

"If you were this man, would you choose to say goodbye?"

Wei Tu thought about it.

"No, if you really like it, it's absolutely impossible."

"Even if others laugh at your mismatch in strength, even if you are in a state of inferiority?"

Wei Tu smiled, then raised his head.

"Believe me, nothing hurts more than regret. The pain is only temporary, but regret will be like maggots attached to the bone, haunting you until you die."

Bai Youwei felt that the other party's words were extremely heavy.

Even though he is so young, Bai Youwei has noticed the weight of these words, perhaps... this concept is really important to this young man.

There was silence for a while.

Wei Tu put away those emotions and asked calmly.

"How do you feel now?"

Bai Youwei nodded.

"Everything is normal, it's just..."

"Just how?"

Wei Tu asked naturally.

Bai Youwei froze suddenly, because she noticed that she was in a strange state of mind, as if she knew everything about this young man.

It seems that if there is any difficulty in my heart, I will subconsciously want to tell him.

But what kind of identity and mentality does he have to know?

In the past, all my thoughts were suffocated and I would not reveal anything to others. I lived in fear, as if no one could be trusted.

But when dealing with this young man, since he revealed his identity, he has embarked on the path of self-destruction, and there seems to be nothing to cover up.

If he wanted to expose himself, he had already exposed himself, so why didn't he reveal his identity?

Coveting your own body?

But if this is the case, he had an opportunity to make himself even more irresistible in the Hundred Thousand Monster Mountain, and he didn't do it.

So... what exactly does he want?

Even Bai Youwei herself didn't know.

Maybe...he is really a kind and gentle person?

It's just that every time I'm so angry with myself, I hate myself, how can I be considered gentle...

Bai Youwei lowered her head, but still couldn't help saying.

"I had a dream in which I faced my own demons. I just realized... It turns out that I have always been afraid of revenge."

When the other party said this, Wei Tu roughly understood what she had gone through. ,

Wei Tu's initial judgment was that Bai Youwei had encountered a deadlock, and there was a lock in her heart that could not be unlocked unless she faced it.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case. Now that she can break through the Dragon Slaying Realm, it seems that she still made a choice.

"So you're still facing your fears, but it doesn't look like you're having fun."

Wei Tu is keenly aware of the girl's little emotions, and this is not a difficult thing, after all, no one who has broken through will have such melancholy.

Bai Youwei forced a smile.

"Maybe it's because I made a choice, and I feel that fate is like this, and there is no way out... probably because I feel lost."

Wei Tu thought about it.

"Do you feel that you will live your whole life because of the hatred in your heart?"

In the final analysis, is Bai Youwei afraid of revenge?

It may not be the case, she just feels that she is very innocent, and that others can live happily and practice without worry.

But she needs to bear the hatred of her clansmen on her body, day and night, without stopping.

Bai Youwei didn't answer, but just lowered her head slightly, the shining pearl shone on her Qingye face.

Wei Tu knew what she was thinking just by looking at her expression.

The boy smiled and said softly.

"Why do people live? People think about this question every day, but must this question be more important than how you live?"

Bai Youwei looked at Wei Tu in confusion.

"What's the difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. What you live for is your belief, your obsession, and the reason for you to sustain yourself in the most difficult time. And how to what kind of attitude and mentality you should adopt. face the current situation."

"I...I don't know."

Bai Youwei is indeed very confused, revenge needs revenge, and Bei Mo must go back, but she is really at a loss as to what to do.

Wei Tu nodded.

"Don't worry, anyone who encounters such a thing at your age will be confused. Maybe it's a will, or maybe it's a matter of course. What you have to do now is very simple, improve your strength, put these things aside temporarily, and you will be more worry-free To practice and live without worry, the storm in the future...don't care, the future will come anyway, right?"

Bai Youwei was a little moved.

It seemed that he had found an outlet to comfort himself temporarily.

But still hesitantly said.

"It's just's just a way to deceive yourself. It seems that it is still useless. What should come will always come."

Wei Tu nodded.

"Yes, what should come will always come, but... a sad day is a day, and a happy day is also a day. If you can, why don't you choose to spend every day happily until the problem finally comes, and you won't feel that there is a problem. What a pity, you will even be determined to survive in this world, you..."

Wei Tu's words came to an abrupt end.

He looked down at his hand, which was being suddenly held by another hand.

It seems that there is no one else except this girl next to her.

He turned his head, and saw Bai Youwei who was still bowing her head, her palms were trembling slightly, and she said in a low voice.

"You don't want me to die, do you?"

Wei Tu thought for a while, then let go of his hand.

Bai Youwei was at a loss for a moment, she didn't know where to put her palm, but the young man held it backwards.

She turned her head and looked at Wei Tu in disbelief.

The young man smiled, like the spring breeze is morning dew.

"I hope you live well."

The delighted girl at this moment didn't know what to say, she couldn't speak, her eyes seemed to overflow with uncontrollable weakness.

And Wei Tu smiled and stretched out his hands to hold her face, and bowed his head.

He has always acted rashly, there is no need to hesitate, if you can kiss, then kiss.

Bai Youwei didn't dodge, she even leaned forward slightly, and her other hand grabbed his neck from the other side.

Fiery, can't wait to send her red lips.

Tears finally overflowed from the eyes.

very nice……

There are still people in the world who want to live a good life. PS: Learn from the lesson and speed up, so as not to procrastinate or seem to be making no progress.The main line is even more distant.

68 Brother, you are so bad~ (Monthly ticket plus 17)

Wei Tu left the cave one step ahead.

As for Bai Youwei's stable state inside, the key is that this girl seems to be unwilling to go out with her, saying that she is afraid of being misunderstood.

Wei Tu, who is used to thick skin, naturally doesn't know what it means to be shy, but women always like to insist on such seemingly inconspicuous little details, which is their cuteness.

As for the relationship between the two, it is still unclear after all.

Bai Youwei carries too much in her heart, and there are also many evils around the young man.

That kiss was regarded as a good comfort, as for what should be said, what should not be said was not said.

Everyone has difficulties, and everyone thinks that this is not the best time, but some shadows remain in their hearts and they can't linger no matter what.

"Is there a face to come back after being gone for a whole day?"

In the Yaowang Pavilion, Wei Tu had just entered the hall when he heard sarcastic words.

Wei Tu was taken aback, and said subconsciously, "Sister Xitong, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. What is missing, I have to go to work."

But Wei Tu didn't see Mu Xitong's figure, it was a little strange, and he didn't know where the other party was staying to make the sound.

It's not about sound transmission.

Then I heard Mu Xitong continue talking.

"Hehe, I think you are looking for a girl who has lost her mind?"

"Where is it? Sister Xitong wronged me."

where is it?Impossible not to see people...

"Still stubborn! Kneel down, I still don't know my mistake!!"

Wei Tu thought about it.

"Why is sister Xitong so angry today?"

"I'm not angry with you! You don't have to kneel, just hurry up and cook, I'm starving to death."

"It turns out that sister Xitong is hungry, so tell me earlier...what would sister Xitong want to eat?"

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