Ran Xinxue was shaking with anger, her hands and feet were cold.

But the worst thing is that she still has no way to completely curse the boy, because now it's only dawn, not her own.

He can still easily control his own life and death.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue, who was disheveled and looked very attractive, and coughed.

"Can you put your clothes on first? Who will be tempted by this?"

"Asshole... who made me take it off?"

Ran Xinxue said angrily, then picked up the dress from the end of the bed, went around behind the screen and put it on neatly.

And Wei Tu seemed to have remembered everything that happened last night.

He asked himself, and said.

"I really just came last night to ask you what's going on with your sect recently..."

"You still want to lie to me after all you have done?"

Ran Xinxue was even more angry, who would believe what the other party said?

Wei Tu shrugged helplessly, then remembered something.

"By the way...why are you sleeping on me?"

"I don't know! Pack it up and get out!"

"Speak well."

"Master, go slowly, I really don't have the energy to send you off for the first time's favor~"

After teasing this stubborn woman, Wei Tu still left Baoguang Hall.

Ran Xinxue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Regarding Wei Tu's question about why the two ended up sleeping together, Ran Xinxue still remembered it, and she believed that the other party remembered it too, after all, she was not drunk, as long as she was a normal person, her memory would not decline to this extent.

It's just that Ran Xinxue was convinced that the other party was just trying to humiliate herself, to satisfy his bad and despicable habit.

Last night... It was clear that Ran Xinxue returned to Baoguang Hall after brushing her teeth countless times, but the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she beat Wei Tu recklessly.

Even if Wei Tu used the slave pattern, she still insisted on punching and kicking the young man, but her strength was indeed limited.

In the end, she was held in Wei Tu's arms.

This woman who had always been strong and showed a strong desire for life finally burst into tears.

And the boy didn't say anything, just hugged himself quietly.

I hugged Ran Xinxue until the tears seemed to run dry, why I cried so heartbreakingly, Ran Xinxue actually didn't feel so clearly.

Maybe it was because of the unprecedented shame, maybe it was because I had never done this kind of thing for a man before, but I would rather do this kind of thing for him than die, and finally made myself the first to collapse.

Crying in a daze, she seemed to have no more strength to resist, but was hugged by the other party.

The boy's body temperature seemed to penetrate through the clothes and be transmitted to her heart. She couldn't tell what this kind of warmth was, and she felt that she didn't like it.

Still nasty.

Still disgusted.

Still hated.

But in such warm body temperature and sunshine-like temperature, her will became more and more dizzy.

And before she finally closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, she only heard a soft word from the other party.

"It seems understandable to do anything in order to survive, and no one can blame it... It's just that I am the person involved, and I didn't kill you, which is my greatest understanding."

Bastard... do you think I want this?Do you think I have a choice!

Dye Xinxue is still very angry.

It's just that the woman standing on the edge of the bed can only touch the still warm bed at this moment, and she can only sigh.

She would fantasize countless times that it would be good if she could do it all over again. She even wished she had never been to Yuan Jianzong, but how could there be such an opportunity in life?

The light shines in from the window, dyed new snow surprised when the window opened?

She turned her head and saw a beautiful face smiling at her.

"Show more sunshine, don't make yourself look like a lonely ghost all day long, sleep alone, you should be more at ease."

After speaking, he couldn't even wait for Ran Xinxue to react, and he left the window.

Ran Xinxue swallowed all the words she wanted to blurt out, as if she had nowhere to vent.

She could only frown and mutter.


Now that it's dawn, Wei Tu must return to Xiaoyuan Peak immediately.

At this time, Su Mi probably hasn't woken up yet. Because of her cultivation talent, this girl is actually a little slacker. She basically sleeps until she wakes up naturally. For some reason, Lin Ruoyin, the master of Xuejian Peak, is also very dumbfounded Turning a blind eye, never scolded the other party because of this girl's slack.

This is probably the difference between people.

Su Mi didn't need to get up early, and in Wei Tu's memory, she never had a chance to sleep in since she was a child.

Originally, my own practice was considered hard work, but sometimes I was so tired the day before that I couldn't wake up at all, but if I couldn't wake up the next morning, Lu Qingyan would just grab the cane and break into it directly. The door of his own room, and then no matter how he slept, he just picked up the whip and whipped it, so that he just woke up with a start.

It's just that thinking of these things now, Wei Tu didn't feel any blame in his heart, but instead revealed some nostalgia and a touch of warmth.

If it weren't for such strict requirements, how could I become an extremely self-disciplined person later.

Know what is the last thing you should give up, and learn how to persist in practicing for 20 years, not to be abandoned for any reason, and not to be confused by those desires that seem a bit mundane, but most people can't resist.

Maybe he would have complained a little at the time, but Wei Tu can only feel lucky that he has such a master along the way.

The clouds and mist gradually lifted.

Xiaoyuan Peak has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and it is still so familiar, even the smell blowing in the wind seems so sweet.

Wei Tu suddenly felt a little nervous, then understood, shook his head and smiled wryly.

This is probably the timidity of being close to the hometown.

I actually have such emotions, as if I only had such emotions on the day of rebirth.

When he came to the familiar courtyard, it was peaceful and serene, and the chirping of birds seemed so clear and sweet.

Wei Tu finally pushed open the courtyard door, and it happened to be at the same time.

In the direction he was facing, the door of the small attic belonging to this woman was pushed open.

A figure stepped out from inside.

Wearing a light green dress, she walked from the door to the outside, and before she even looked up, she felt something unusual.

When she looked up she saw him.

He was standing in the yard, under the blue sky and white clouds, looking at himself with a smile.

There is no inscrutable smile, he smiles like a child who was brought to Yuan Jianzong by himself many years ago.

His clothes are neat, and his hair seems to grow a little longer.

It's just that his face is still so beautiful, and his eyes are still so bright.

The bright one is like a stream where you can see the pebbles in the river bed at a glance.

As soon as she saw these eyes, Lu Qingyan felt that there was nothing to be afraid of even if the sky fell and the earth fell.

The boy almost grew up watching him grow up, but his eyes never changed.

It seemed to comfort the trivial and boring time of my practice in those years.

It's just that they met again after a while, Lu Qingyan thought about it, she felt that her favorite lover came back from a long journey, and took a detour from the world.

It shouldn't be very easy, I should say something to comfort him... Even if it's as encouragement and praise...

But Lu Qingyan realized her clumsiness at this time, as if she couldn't even hold back a good word.

There was silence for a moment.

The wind blew the ends of her hair around her ears, and the cold woman stretched out her hand to hold it down, and then said in a daze at this moment.

"I'm back..."

The young man smiled all over his face, feeling like a spring breeze because of this sentence.

"Yes. Master, I'm back."

Where does life need so many beautiful words, important people only need such a simple four words, and they can get into their hearts.

Because of this sentence, he has a home where he can settle down.

49 Good Master, Good Master~

"Such a thing happened in the world..."

Lu Qingyan let Wei Tu into the house, which was always casual.

This is what Lu Qingyan did before, but just now there was a little hesitation.

After all, this boy has grown up, and she is also a young woman who is not yet old. Although it is normal for the master and apprentice to be closer, if someone sees it, there will still be gossip.

Although Lu Qingyan doesn't care about her own reputation, from before to now, she only cares about her own practice.

But Lu Qingyan cared very much about this young man's reputation, how he would be viewed by others, whether he would be regarded as an excellent man, or a deviant and evil person.

It's not that she doesn't know that some people only do small things, but in the eyes of others, they deviate from the scriptures and deviate from the practitioners themselves, and thus they are criticized step by step and become crooked.

Some people themselves are pure white, but they can be sprayed into pitch black by others.

This is Lu Qingyan's biggest fear of this world, and also the deepest disgust.

So she is very concerned about Wei Tu's reputation, she is not important, but this young man, who has a bright future, can't do it because of himself.

So this time... let's treat it as a little bit of tolerance for his return from a long journey. It's not good to reject his idea of ​​coming in at this time, or find an opportunity to explain it to him in the future...

With this in mind, Wei Tu told Lu Qingyan all about his descent to Dashang.

Even though Wei Tu would deliberately lower the importance of some things, he would try to talk about the dangerous situation he encountered as lightly as possible, and even make some witty remarks halfway through, which made Lu Qingyan laugh in some episodes.

These things are as vivid in Wei Tu's mouth as a storyteller.

It was as if those dangerous moments had never happened before.

Wei Tu's mouth was dry and he took a sip of tea.

Then said with a smile.

"Actually, there are turmoil everywhere, but the result is very good, which is something to be thankful for. But... Master, do you know what happened to those Wu people?"

Wei Tu actually knows some, but he wants to sort out the clues in detail to see if there is anything missing, or can be combined to form some directions of inspiration.

Lu Qingyan thought about it.

"I don't know much. Most of the time, it's some fragmented clues I heard from my master before. For example...the Wu people are very cruel. They don't seek longevity, they only believe in witch gods. And every time they do What matters, they are often not as simple as solving one or two people, they will kill the roots and liquidate all the people involved, even innocent people..."

Lu Qingyan continued to speak while thinking.

"I heard from my master that these Wu people would choose to live in different places, but they basically didn't involve the areas of Xianzhou and the Central Plains of the world. They like to stay in the corner, absorb capable talents from all over the place, and then pass on their Wu people's spells. These recruited talents don't care about their character, they don't have this concept. It is also more convenient for them to search for some common and rare materials, and their sacrifices are also extremely cruel, not even using livestock, sometimes living people, or Both sinners and innocents can become victims of their sacrifices."

Wei Tu nodded, then looked at Lu Qingyan.

"I also saw some of these things in the Sutra Pavilion...Master, do you know what these people have always believed in, or their creed?"

Of course Lu Qingyan knew it, she almost blurted it out.

"Seize a ray of heavenly secret."

"The disciple killed two people, one is called Duo and the other is called Jue."

Lu Qingyan frowned.

"I don't know the identities of these two people, but they can be called by this name...maybe they are one of the priests within the Wu tribe. Seize and cut should be titles, not names. They will be passed down from generation to generation. , to achieve the goal that their inner beliefs will not be forgotten, and there are four corresponding ones, one line, one sky, and one machine..."

Having said this, Lu Qingyan inevitably gasped.

"In other words, if you kill the two Duojie...you offend the other four. They probably won't let it go..."

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