"Well... just thinking about it makes me very happy..."

Ran Xinxue was so happy that she was about to roll on the bed.

Thinking that she had already preset all the scenes of the plot, Ran Xinxue was so excited that she wanted to take action immediately.

When night fell, she happily drank a few more glasses of wine.

Then in Baoguang Hall, a doll was pulled out from under the hidden low couch.

Here's something she's learned recently.

She made a human-shaped doll, filled with cinnabar inside, and carefully made a white dress on the outside. She already has the skill of sewing clothes, so it is not a problem to make a pretty doll.

But she is not a naive girl with a childlike innocence.

Her sole purpose in making this doll is to...

"Wei Tu, Wei Tu... Aren't you amazing? Don't you think you can do whatever you want? The harem is on fire, and I'll see what you do!"


Then, holding a silver needle in his hand, he pierced it directly into the doll.

The vermilion cinnabar will leak out, creating a visual effect like bleeding.

She felt refreshed.

"Don't you like to torment me? Don't you like to say the most ridiculous things with a fart expression? Say it, say it! Bastard!"


Another needle, this time directly between the opponent's legs.

Seeing that a little bit of cinnabar leaked out there, a bright color appeared on Ran Xinxue's face, as if it was a different kind of excitement.

"Hahahaha...Wei Tu has become a eunuch~ Wei Tu has become a eunuch~~~ I see how you are going to harm those girls! Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!!"




One stitch after another, the doll was instantly riddled with holes.

The cinnabar even spread to Renxinxue's hands.

The bright red leaked all over the place.

Just when Ran Xinxue became more and more excited, wild and even crazy laughter filled the entire Baoguang Palace, echoing back and forth in the empty palace.

"It looks like you hate me, suzerain."

sudden sound.

A familiar, unforgettable voice.

It was so deep-rooted that the figure of anger and resentment that I felt in my bones every day suddenly appeared in my heart.

All of Ran Xinxue's movements stopped abruptly, and she froze in place for an instant.

She turned her head in disbelief, and then saw the figure in white standing by the window.

Still as handsome as ever, still like the morning dew, like the warm sunlight, the young man stood by the window, and he looked at himself with a smile.

And... the doll riddled with holes in his hand.


Immediately dyed the new snow and hid the doll behind him.

A flame spread directly from the hand and incinerated the doll.

She stared blankly at the boy with her beautiful eyes wide open.

"You, when did you come back? I didn't do anything!" PS: Go take a shower first, then have breakfast before writing the next chapter!

46 Master, are you hot~

Wei Tu stood at the window.

Just looking at this woman looking at me nervously, her eyes are wide open, like a beast guarding the gate.

And behind her was a cloud of dust, as if something was burning behind her and turned into ashes.

The boy saw clearly, and then his eyes shifted back.

"Sovereign Master, the disciple came to see you as soon as he came back. You don't seem to be moved at all. You look like you want to eat me."

"You simply have no other place to go and use my place as an inn?!"

Ran Xinxue saw through the young man's tricks almost immediately.

Just as Wei Tu got to know her better and better, of course she could quickly understand the boy's temperament.

Wei Tu coughed a bit, then put on a straight face.

"Nonsense, suzerain, you just talk to me like this? What a great authority."

Ran Xinxue almost subconsciously took a protective action, took a step back, and said sternly.

"You don't say these strange things, what should you do? Go back to your place and don't even think about spending the night here in this palace."

Wei Tu looked at him amusedly.

"Ran Xinxue, you are really a typical representative of forgetting the pain when the scars heal. Is it because you have forgotten everything after I have been away for a long time?"

Ran Xinxue snorted coldly.

"Don't overestimate your own means, let me tell you, I have adapted to the slave pattern, and it won't work if you activate it. I will be at your mercy? Dreaming!"

Then he watched Wei Tu raise his finger instantly.

Followed by vigorous rubbing.



Accompanied by Ran Xinxue's unbearable kneeling on the ground, she couldn't help moaning from her throat resounding throughout the Baoguang Hall.

Her pretty face was flushed, and her snow-white skin instantly became peach-like red.

A pair of eyes that were cold and resolute just now turned into watery and charming eyes in an instant, with a little grievance mixed in them.

It has to be said that the transformation of temperament and expression at this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a real fairy.

I don't know how many years it will take an eminent monk to resist this woman's natural enchantment.

Wei Tu walked over and looked down at Ran Xinxue.

"Didn't you say you've gotten used to it? Damn, it's a mess. You probably didn't find the right way. Do it again?"

Ran Xinxue turned pale with shock, and immediately hugged the boy's leg with hands and feet.

This movement is obviously very smooth, it seems that after repeatedly breaking the bottom line in front of this man, there is no bottom line to speak of.

She shook her head and tried her best to show a charming and enchanting smile.

"Master~ Nunu is just joking, how can you remove your means, even if you can, Nunu will not choose to remove it, this is not because you are too serious, master, Nunu will find you some fun~"

Wei Tu felt uncomfortable, although the other party seemed to have successfully trained him.

But it is clear that the rebellious bone has grown to the forehead.

Basically, as long as you fail, she can immediately stab you in the back.

Obedience is only superficial obedience, trying to avoid those pain and humiliation.

Wei Tu sneered.

"It's nice to say it, then I just came back, what have you prepared?"

Ran Xinxue climbed up along Wei Tu's legs, like a beautiful snake, with fiery curves sticking to the boy's body.

He tried his best to hide the disgust and disgust in his eyes, as if he felt that just using this level of teasing could make this young man show mercy to his subordinates.

she says.

"Nunu is going to let the master have a good rest, no one should disturb the master..."

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue amusedly, the two faces were almost touching, it seemed that their bodies were close to each other, but they deliberately kept a distance from each other.

It was as if everyone was trying to avoid the other party's breath from being sucked into the body.

"Ran Xinxue, are you kidding me? Is this what you prepared?"

Ran Xinxue pretended not to understand, put her finger on Wei Tu's shoulder, and lightly nodded, as if it was an invisible tease.

"Then what does the master want Nunu to do? Or... Nunu to serve the master?"

Ran Xinxue really thought well, anyway, since this young man dislikes his body, he wouldn't really do such a thing. As for teasing... Isn't he afraid that he won't be able to bear it?

So taking advance as retreat is the best choice.

She seems to be a female general who has summed up her experience in a long-term battle. She seems to be obedient on the surface, but in fact she is counterattacking step by step.

Wei Tu also knew what this woman was thinking.

He smiled.

"Do you think that if I don't want you to sleep with me, you have nothing to do?"

Ran Xinxue's face froze, but she immediately put on a smile.

"How could it be... Nunu has never thought about it this way, Nunu will do whatever the master wants Nunu to do."

This deliberately disgusting tone is really...

Wei Tu was still smiling.

"I've been walking all the way, and my legs are a little tired..."

Ran Xinxue bit her thin lip.

this bastard...

Of course she understood what the other party was implying, so she took a deep breath and smiled.

"Then Nunu, will you massage the master's legs?"

You bastard, don't be ignorant... Although I can't kill you, I can break your leg... Wait, can I really beat this boy now?

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue with a smile.

"It would be disingenuous to press the legs."

"Then... what else does the master want?"

Ran Xinxue really wanted to crush the silver teeth.

Wei Tu thought about it.

"Go and get a basin of hot water, just to wash my feet. I have never enjoyed others washing my feet in such a big life, let alone such a big beauty as the suzerain, right?"

"...Master, Nunu is not very good at washing feet, if it hurts, it will make the master angry..."

Ran Xinxue wished to die with the other party, although she always felt that way, and every time she just thought about it.

Wei Tu got rid of Ran Xinxue's entanglement, but sat on the edge of the soft couch by himself, looking at Ran Xinxue with a smile.

"You can learn if you are not good at technology, and there will be many such things in the future. Of course, if you don't press well, you will still be punished, so you'd better be careful and don't think of me in any crooked way, you know?"

Ran Xinxue's face turned red.

It's just terribly shameful.

But what can she do?She could only grit her teeth and say.

"Nunu knows...!"

Die asshole!to die!to die! !

What can be done to dye new snow?She really has nothing to do, and she doesn't want to be humiliated by the other party with the slave pattern, and she can't die so simply and neatly.

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