Ye Bingluan nodded with a smile, and gently wrapped his fingers around the young man's ears, as if they were there or not.

It seems that after entering the state, all actions seem to be self-taught.

"Immortal master, teach me how to practice, now I'm so good... won't I be even more powerful after you teach me?"

Wei Tu adjusted his breath gently to stabilize his breathing, and then said.

"Take off your socks."

Ye Bingluan just used both feet, and the two feet took off the socks from each other and fell on the floor.

"Take it off, then what? Immortal Master~"

Wei Tu gasped, this woman...

He grabbed Ye Bingluan's hands and turned him over, pressing him on the bed.

He looked down at Ye Bingluan from a high position, and the scene seemed to change all of a sudden.

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu angrily.

"What are you doing! I want to be on top!"

Wei Tu looked at Ye Bingluan with a sneer.

"You want to suppress me? I'm afraid your morality is not enough."

"Hehe, you'll soon know if enough is enough."

The girl raised her foot, and precisely touched Wei Tu's key point from below.

The little feet without socks look round, round and clear, full and delicate.

Wei Tu took a deep breath, then lowered his head.

"Hmm... bastard... what kind of immortal master... I, I don't want to do this!"

The twisting body was mixed with the small but ambiguous voice.

Wei Tu really didn't want things to turn out like this, but it seemed that the arrow was on the string and he couldn't help it.

Enthusiasm seems to melt the two of them, and the rising temperature and ambiguous air seem to only confuse people.

Until a slight pause, it seems to be extremely difficult to restrain.

With her neck raised, her towering bust exudes a seductive fragrance in the air.

She lay on the bed gasping for breath, and seemed to have no more strength left.

Wei Tu was also sweating thinly.

Both of them seemed to be wet, but their bodies were tightly stuck together.

Ye Bingluan was breathing rapidly, and it took a long time before she calmed down slightly.

It's just that the hair sticking to the cheeks due to sweat is not so easy to dry.

She looked at Wei Tu with lazy eyes.

"Also... that's how it is..."

"Your mouth is really hard, it's so cool, isn't it?"

Wei Tu said with a smile, lightly touching the other's earlobe with his palm, once touched, the girl's body would tremble slightly.

"Nonsense... I don't have it, it's just that I don't have experience for the first time."

she said stubbornly.

Wei Tu couldn't help laughing.

Ye Bingluan was a little confused.

"Why doesn't it seem to hurt?"

Wei Tu couldn't help but laugh.

"You know that? It's didn't happen at all. How could it hurt?"

"...Why didn't it happen?"

Ye Bingluan frowned and looked at Wei Tu.

Wei Tu coughed.

"Let me ask you first, you still want to practice, right?"

Ye Bingluan nodded.

"When the situation in Chaoge is completely stabilized, I will hand over Dashang to a trustworthy person."

Wei Tu nodded.

"That's it. Doing that kind of thing will affect your cultivation. You are now at the foundation building state, at least you have to wait until the dragon slaying state."

Ye Bingluan frowned.

"Are you a Dragon Slayer Realm?"

"of course."

"Then don't you..."

Wei Tu froze for a moment, trying not to look so embarrassed.

"What are you thinking about, does it have something to do with you? Besides, when you really reach the Dragon Slaying Realm, you may not look down on people like me."

Ye Bingluan narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"Well, so you can't either."

"I just don't have it yet, what do you mean I can't! You girl, please be respectful, it's just that I'm very demanding."

"Then what are we?"

Ye Bingluan issued a soul torture.

Wei Tu thought for a while, and he couldn't say anything too irresponsible, although the cause of this incident was not because of himself, it was entirely because of this girl's self-righteous assertion.

"It's... a friendly exchange."

"Hehe, irresponsible man."

"You are the empress, shouldn't you be responsible for me?"

Wei Tu looked at Ye Bingluan strangely.

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu.

Stretching out his hand to pinch the boy's ear, the two faced each other, looking at each other's eyes, the inexplicable emotion was spreading.

"I can be responsible for you and make you a great merchant national teacher, but will you stay?"

Wei Tu shook his head.

"This is not the place I should stay. Although there are many good places in the world, it will ultimately affect my practice."

Ye Bingluan sneered.

"I think you really can't bear to part with those old friends in Xianzhou, okay?"

Wei Tu frowned.

"What do you mean by old friends? They are all my fellow teachers and sisters..." Well, there is also a master, and a suzerain slave.

This is such a precious wealth, how can I give it up.

Ye Bingluan sneered twice.

Then reach out.

Wei Tu froze for a moment, then frowned and looked down.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Bingluan said with her blushing cheeks while kneading her breasts.

"This thing is not very powerful..."

Wei Tu said angrily.

"Nonsense, how do you wear hard clothes all the time?"

"Then you were so hard just now, is it because you like my body very much?"

Ye Bingluan asked with a smile, her eyes were soft and charming like silk, although it didn't seem to be deliberate, but it was charming.

Wei Tu felt that the feeling in his body seemed to start to recover. Although he didn't get vented at the beginning, he managed to calm down. Now it seems that the desire to make a comeback is just around the corner.

"Don't make trouble..."

"Then tell me."

"Like, like it, okay?"

"Then you will be reluctant to part with me?"

Ye Bingluan stopped smiling, but showed some seriousness.

Wei Tu nodded, and he sighed helplessly.

"I don't come to the world very often. You are the first person I meet when I come to the world. How can I forget?"

"That's fine, you will come back when I arrive at the Dragon Slaying Realm."


"Take me to Xianzhou, what else?"

Ye Bingluan looked at Wei Tu suspiciously, and Wei Tu coughed.

"'s nothing, I thought you wanted me to bring some special products."

Wei Tu touched his nose, of course he would not admit that he thought of something bad just now.

Ye Bingluan could see it.

She got up slightly, leaning on the bed with her elbows, her long hair poured down, her fair and smooth neck and her delicate collarbone were displayed in front of Wei Tu's eyes.

She is indeed a special existence, she is not bold like a woman, but she can reveal such an irresistible softness.

"You were thinking dirty things just now, weren't you?"

Wei Tu coughed.

"Absolutely not."

Ye Bingluan narrowed her eyes and smiled playfully.

"Is it a pity to tell me about the dragon-slaying realm and the foundation-building realm's not so easy to lie to me?"

Wei Tu shook his head.

"I'm taking a serious and responsible attitude and telling you all the pros and cons. Don't try to seduce me. You have to know that no man will say no to this kind of thing. It's just that I don't think you've thought clearly enough."

Ye Bingluan shook her head and looked at Wei Tu seriously.

"I think clearly, more clearly than you think. I will only have one man in my life, and I will not change if I look for it. I don't think I will ever find a man like you...don't think about mocking me , I love how I feel that it’s my business, all you need is enough. So I don’t want you to let me go, and I don’t care about the price. After all, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have anything.”

That's right.

If not him.

How did he regain the throne?

How can I be the emperor of this big business again?

Everything is just an illusory bubble shattered in the long river of history.

That being the case, what does it matter if you give him everything?

Some people may say that they are sloppy and irrational.

But Ye Bingluan knew very well that if he couldn't keep the other person, he had to keep himself in his heart.

At least in the days and nights to come, he will remember that there is such a woman as himself.

Wei Tu smiled and reached out to caress her cheek.

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