The door is open.

The light shone in, but there was a strange scene inside the palace.

The girl standing at the door has exactly the same face as the girl sitting on the dragon chair.

In addition to the completely different clothing, it seems that every strand of hair is exactly the same.

'Ye Bingluan' who is just wearing a dragon robe and sitting on a dragon chair does not have the vivid expression of Ye Bingluan at the door.

She just stared blankly in this direction.

Ye Bingluan looked at her without fear.

Instead, he walked over step by step. No matter how weird the scene seemed, there was nothing to be afraid of at this point.

"I know you."

Ye Bingluan said so.

The other party moved a little, and seemed to be looking at her with empty eyes.


When she said this, it seemed that the bull's head was wrong.

And Ye Bingluan is even more wrong than her.

While holding the other sword Wei Tu gave her in her hand, she walked towards him.

"Is this position comfortable to sit in? It turns out that my substitute looks like this..."

And 'Ye Bingluan' also looked at Ye Bingluan.

The lips moved slightly.

"You shouldn't have come."

Saying this sentence seems to have been prepared for a long time, but only saying it at this time makes people think that the program is out of order, it seems that the joint is not aligned.

Ye Bingluan didn't care about these, stood in front of her, and raised the long sword in his hand high.

"I've killed people before, and I'm not afraid of killing people. Besides, you're not human, get out of my position."

she said so.

But 'Ye Bingluan' suddenly showed a stiff and weird smile.

Laughing makes one's scalp go numb.

"Think about this position before sitting down."


She can't draw a beautiful sword light, but her strength has made great progress under Wei Tu's only teaching.

With this sword strike, the head of 'Ye Bingluan' fell to the ground.

But the body seemed to grow on the dragon chair like a bone-attached maggot, and it didn't move at all.

Ye Bingluan frowned and stretched out her hand, and the whole body of the doll fell to the ground.

She took a look.

The falling puppet head was originally a lifeless thing, and it could not produce any resistance to her actions.

But at this time, the angle at which it rolled down happened to be the angle at which his eyes were facing him.

So Ye Bingluan could see the empty but strange eyes of the other party almost at a glance.

And Ye Bingluan shook his head.

At this point she could no longer say what it was to be afraid.

Perhaps the cruelest thing is this. A person doesn't even have time to be afraid, let alone have any scruples.

She sat on the dragon chair, as if the dust had settled.

She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes slightly.

"There is no turning back, father, I will do it."

she said so.

Then closed his eyes.

The moment you close your eyes.


It was almost an instant backlash, I don't know from which direction, or from all directions.

The girl suddenly felt that the power in her body...the breath...even the circulating blood and the mysterious and mysterious life force were starting to flow away.

No... not elapsed, but drawn.

She instantly understood that this was the signal for the so-called formation to start.

She didn't know what it meant to say that the moment when the formation was activated was the most vulnerable moment.

She just felt as if when this formation was completely completed and the ancient beast hidden under Chaoge City was unsealed, her vitality would be completely exhausted.

I will die on the dragon chair, and Da Shang and Chao Ge will be destroyed and cease to exist.

But at this time she was unable to leave, and even if Ye Bingluan was asked to leave, she would not leave.

Because even if he left the dragon chair, he activated the formation as part of the formation, and he could leave, but all the people and courtiers in Chaoge City would be used as nourishment for the sacrifice.

The seal of Lord Shangque will still be lifted, and the great merchant will still be destroyed.

If the great merchants were destroyed, the emperor would no longer exist.

Where is the meaning of my own life?I have lived up to all expectations, and my mission should not just be to destroy the big merchants.

So soon Ye Bingluan no longer felt panicked by the lost power.

She even calmed down, closed her eyes, and a raging flame ignited in her heart.

She began to follow the trajectory of absorbing her own strength, she began to try to resist, trying to stalemate with the other party.

Maybe this opponent is not just intercepting the two of them, but also the net that has already been laid in Chaoge City.

But it's alright……

"Even if I die, I will die on this chair."

She is unwavering.

Just outside the city at this time...


The ground began to tremble, houses began to crumble, and courtyard walls began to crumble.

Even the seemingly indestructible, towering city wall kept dropping debris.

The ground trembled intermittently, as if something would erupt from the ground at any moment.

No one knew what it would be, but at this moment even the scarlet in the sky became deeper.

It can no longer be said that there is light at all, and it presents a dead air and dark red like a doomsday scene.

That's not the color of blood, it's more like the color of blood that's about to freeze.

In the stalemate, it seemed that neither of them could completely kill the other, Wei Tu and Duojian stopped their movements.

Duo Duo and Duo Duo looked at the sky with satisfaction, showing expressions of enjoyment and relaxation.

"The magic circle has been cannot be reversed."

"Just waiting for this moment... The light of the witch god will once again spread over the entire world."

"Regardless of the world."

"Regardless of Xianzhou."

"Regardless of Demon Realm."

"All will belong to the witch god."

Wei Tu looked at the two people who seemed to have the chance to win, and he also gave up drawing the sword.

Because he knew that the purpose of the existence of these two people as tools had been achieved, even if he killed them now.

The activation of the magic circle cannot be stopped, and no one can interfere with all this now.

Apart from……

Wei Tu looked at the palace in the distance. Under the scarlet clouds, it had become somewhat blurred, and even the tiles seemed to have turned blood red.

It doesn't look like a palace, it looks like Fengdu City in the underworld.

He laughed.

"Trust me, you will lose this time."



The girl on the dragon chair was dripping with sweat.

Sweat fell from her forehead in big drops, like soybeans.

Almost soaking the ground around her feet.

Her expression looked a little painful, her face was bloodless, and she was even struggling.

Even every expression seemed so strenuous.

Her strength, her life seemed to be passing away.

Even the pain made her scream uncontrollably.

The door has never been closed, and the faint light shining in from outside seems to be a last hope and an exit.

As if telling myself.

There is still time to go, you can survive.

There is no need to really die here...

These thoughts can't help appearing in her head, after all, she is just a young girl.

Perhaps no one can ask her to take on everything, she is stronger than anyone else at an age that refuses to be attached.

But she still closed her eyes, trying her best every minute and every second to fight against that formless, unknown force for the final time.

She wants to survive.

I also want Dashang to survive.

She doesn't want too many people dying.

It is meaningless to think that tens of thousands of people from the great merchants died in this way, and they even sacrificed their lives for crooked ways.

She didn't want her ancestor's foundation to be destroyed in her own hands.

I don't want to think that everything can be forgiven because I'm just a woman.

Your choice may be forgiven.

Your own mistakes can be forgiven.

Your own weakness can be forgiven.

One's own submission can be forgiven...


As long as she is still the emperor, this day cannot appear in her hands.

She is as stubborn as a rock, even if it is about to be shattered, she must be under astonishing high pressure, even if the sky is about to fall.

Use her sharpness, use her strength to break through the falling sky.

As for whether it will be a new world or a new purgatory, she doesn't think about it.

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