Nothing needs to be softhearted.

What exactly did he think of to finally condense into these inexplicable eight characters?


The flames were like meteors, falling to the ground one after another with the sword light, but burning on the ground.

The air around Wei Tu was distorted, as if it was rising with the burning of the flames, and the surroundings of him were already surrounded by flames, like a scene of purgatory.

"You're running out of strength."


The giant white jade tower waved its fists and smashed it down at the tenacious young man.

The sword that Wei Tu raised again could not penetrate the opponent again.

Even the inner breath is violently oscillating.

The young man in white shook his folding fan lightly, looking at Wei Tu who seemed to be struggling.

It seems that the dust has settled.

Dropping the sledgehammer again and again, it didn't seem like it would take long to exhaust all the strength of the boy and turn him into a puddle of flesh.

The will seems to be fraying.

Strength is no longer continuous.

In the opponent's city, the circulation of his own breath seems to be restricted.

The feeling of exhaustion is so obvious.

Even started to get confused.

Wei Tu felt the impact again and again, and his body seemed to be unable to bear the pressure.

It's really bad...


The roar is still in my ears.

This land is so empty...


Wei Tu suddenly thought of something, why is it so empty in this wrong situation?

What is being hidden in this moment?

"go to hell!"

Wei Tu almost rolled over to dodge this huge blow.

It's just that the extremely embarrassed boy stood up tenaciously. What he did was not to fight back, but to raise his arms and shout.

"The people of Nine Suns City...! The people of Dashang...! Come out! Your emperor is here!!"

28 The Cruelest Choice ([-]-word chapter)


29 Or elegy, or hymn (monthly ticket plus 7!)

There is no sun in the sky, and the sky is already like blood.

Tears rolled from the girl's eyes, hot and almost tore her heart.

When a person falls, another person will appear in front of her, and then stretch his neck, as if to kill him.

But the expressions of every fallen citizen were so relieved, as if they had obtained the best relief in the world.

But the relief they got was all the scars in the hearts of this young emperor and this young girl.

The firmer her grip on the sword, the greater the pain in her heart.

It's just that she chose a path.

From domineering to domineering, perhaps in such an instant.It is difficult for people to actively make choices when they are not under pressure, but once a choice arises, it will make people feel like a gecko with its tail broken, and it will definitely hurt a piece.

Wei Tu raised his head.

As a person fell down, the young man in white appeared to be in extreme pain.

The scarlet eyes in the clouds, which could not interfere with this scene for the time being, gradually faded away, but before they faded away, they took a deep look at the boy.

"Stop...stop it! Stop it! Damn it!!"

The young man in white began to rush towards Ye Bingluan like a crazy person in a desperate situation, as if he wanted to use his own strength to solve all this.

It was only when the boy took a step across and stood right in front of him that he realized that there would really be a person whose appearance was as exaggerated as a mountain.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!! You are the devil who helps the evil! Do you know what you made her into? You devil!"

It seems that the young man in white has become a victim instead.

And Wei Tu just looked at him, not even interested in talking to him.

But behind Wei Tu came the girl's voice, as if her heart was ashamed.

"This is my own choice and has nothing to do with others."

Wei Tu knew how this girl was feeling at this moment, but what could be done, sometimes the choice is so cruel, it has nothing to do with whether you are a human or a fairy.

The slaughter seemed to continue.

And the white jade giant had already launched a final attack towards Wei Tu like a dog jumping over a wall.

It's just that while attacking Wei Tu, Wei Tu could also clearly feel that with more and more names on the face of the white jade giant, the blood under his feet was about to gather into a river, and the opponent's strength was constantly weakening.

The color of the sky began to fade gradually.

Wei Tu knew that the sacrificial exercise was about to stop.

"This kind of cruelty is the truth..."

He swung his sword upwards, and the arm of the white jade giant was cut off again.


Bai Menlou fell to his knees.

And the pale face of the young man in white was beyond recognition.

His breath became weaker and weaker, and his figure became smaller and smaller.

Until he couldn't move anymore, he could only cry in pain.

So Wei Tu didn't care about the other party, but looked at Ye Bingluan, who was still waving knives at his subjects behind him, who seemed to have lost all brilliance and was about to become one of the walking dead.

He knew that what he said at this time was actually useless.

So all he can do is to continuously send energy to this girl, so that she won't collapse from exhaustion.

It seems that there is only such a cruel picture left in the world. A girl who is obviously beautiful and unparalleled, and who is obviously a king, wants to slash at her subjects with sword after sword.

It seems that killing people is a very simple matter, but Wei Tu also knows that for Ye Bingluan, this kind of killing seems to be destroying her world time and time again.

Perhaps the concept of the king and the cognition of the world are constantly changing.

But this is a necessary process, Wei Tu has already answered Ye Bingluan's question before.

She asked: Why is it her.

And Wei Tu can only answer: because you are the one who chose.

There is no necessary connection, an inevitable relationship, it is just such a choice of fate, just like myself in the previous life.

Similar situation, similar despair.

It's just that she can't give up yet, she has to go on.

The girl whose dress was stained with blood had a gloomy expression, and seemed to be numb as she kept waving the sword in her hand.

And there will be one after another of the common people who will automatically walk under her sword, and she doesn't even need to move her position, which is so ironic.

Ye Bingluan, whose back was facing the young man, said with a trembling voice.

"Even among you immortals, such a thing has never been seen before?"

Wei Tu conveyed his inner breath.

Answer each other calmly.

"It's indeed unprecedented, but don't think too much. There are only two paths in front of you. You can either live or die. There is nothing wrong with your choice."

"But it's still wrong."

The girl is a little sad.

There are not many people left, and it seems that they will soon be out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Wei Tu shook his head.

"There is no right or wrong. If you do it, you do it. If you want to repent, you have to wait until the matter is completely over."

The young man's calm, unreasonable words seemed to give Ye Bingluan all the strength to keep going.

When the last man falls.

The young man in white on the ground began to evaporate.

His whole body began to emit green smoke, he struggled to look at the two people in front of him, but in the end, like most everything in this world, nothing remained, not even a sound.

It turned into a white jade and lost all vitality.

And at the same time.

"Ding dong."

The long sword that was almost curled in the girl's hand finally fell from the girl's hand unbearably.

Wei Tu wanted to say something.

The palm touched the opponent's shoulder, but when his palm touched the opponent's thin shoulder.

Ye Bingluan turned around suddenly, threw herself into Wei Tu's arms, and hugged the boy tightly.

The scarlet clouds faded all over the sky, and the complexion between the sky and the earth began to gradually return to normal.

But it was also a wilderness. Although the houses and roads were still there, there were no people in sight, except them.

Except for myself standing in the wind and sand, and the crying girl in my arms, there seemed to be nothing left.

Wei Tu let her hug him.

Looking at the desolate scene calmly.

The color of the day finally returned to normal, the clouds returned to white, and the sky was azure blue. It's a pity that the men and women who should be farming and weaving in this land, all the laughter and laughter turned into sand and gravel blown by the wind.

Only the sound of particles.

Tears soaked the clothes on her chest, and her crying sounded so sad in the wind and sand.

"why me……"

"Why is it me...!"

"I don't want to be like this... Woohoo, I don't want to!"

"But I have no choice... I have no choice from the beginning to the end! I have no choice!!"

Of course Wei Tu knew that she had almost no choice. It was difficult to sum up the situation accurately. A few words could not explain everything, but that was the way it was.

The wind will remember, the cloud will remember.

They will spread this story silently, maybe the years are like a song, who can clearly hear whether the song is joy or heroism.

Wei Tu stretched out his hand to caress the soft white hair of the other party, and said softly.

"You've tried hard enough."

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