Wei Tu looked at her angry eyes and laughed out loud.

"You too?"

After saying this, Wei Tu rubbed his fingers heavily.


All of a sudden, unbearable screams resounded throughout the Baoguang Hall.

Ran Xinxue, who was almost unsteady immediately, was about to fall to her knees.

But at this time, the young man who was in a bad mood felt that she had suffered a lot, and he felt a little soft-hearted, so he thought that he was really a good person.

I'm really not a good person, at least I don't have to be a good person to treat a woman like her.

Wei Tu was still pulling at her hair, making it impossible for her to kneel down.

"Wei Tu...you...!"

"Did I never teach you? Or is it because you have a bad memory and forgot who you are?"

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue indifferently, and at the same time rubbed his fingers heavily in her desperate eyes again.


The screams echoed again, this time Renxinxue's legs couldn't help trembling slightly, if the feeling of electric shock before was more shame than pain, then now I really feel what is called torture and pain.

Slave pattern is not for her to enjoy.

Wei Tu can precisely control strength, that is to say, if he wants the other party to feel ashamed, he can make the other party feel ashamed, and if he wants the other party to feel pain, he can make the other party feel pain.

Like this time.

Ran Shinyuki tried to grab her wrist with one hand and let herself let go of her hair.

The other hand is covering the leg, as if pressing hard can relieve the pain.

Wei Tu let go of his hand this time.

And Ran Xinxue collapsed on the ground almost instantly, and just aroused the slave pattern twice, so that Ran Xinxue lost the strength to support her body, and the woman who wanted to talk about something had already lost the equal status that negotiations should have. .

Wei Tu was telling Ran Xinxue in this way that she was not qualified to negotiate with him at all.

What kind of equal dialogue... is simply wishful thinking.

He can do whatever he wants with her, it's just whether he wants it or not.

Lying on the ground panting heavily, the woman who could no longer care about how embarrassing and attractive her posture was could only try her best to calm the aftermath, and Wei Tu squatted in front of her.

Look at her darkened eyes.

"What do you want to talk to?"



Ran Xinxue bit her thin lip, looking at the boy's narrowed eyes, disgusted...

He is really annoying!

This boy... this scum!Scum...

She scolded so hard in her heart, but when Ran Xinxue saw his fingers that had been pinched together, she seemed to react naturally.

"Nu Nu..."

Wei Tu raised the corner of his mouth.

"You are the suzerain, where did that stubborn Ran Xinxue just now go? Why did you call yourself a slave?"

Ran Xinxue knew that he just wanted to humiliate herself, and it was not a friendly question at all.

What a... what a disgusting fetish!

This bastard... I will one day...

Regardless of whether that day will appear or not, Ran Xinxue really doesn't want to suffer the kind of pain that almost penetrates into the bone marrow.

How could Ran Xinxue, who was reluctant to die, be willing to suffer such humiliation?

"Because... because in front of the master... Nunu is the master's slave..."

"So that's the case, then how dare you talk to me as if I were equal to me?"

Wei Tu stared at Ran Xinxue's unavoidable eyes.

Ran Xinxue, who was already dripping with sweat, took a deep breath. She decided to take a risk, and she still wanted to win a chance.

So she looked at Wei Tu and said softly.

"Master... let's not go on like this... Nunu has a good suggestion."

But at this time, Wei Tu was not angry, did not act rashly, but looked at Ran Xinxue with a smile.

"Suggestion? Tell me."

It seems that he is very satisfied that the other party calls himself a slave.

Ran Xinxue calmed down for a while, then organized her thoughts, and said slowly, "Master, it's better to remove Nunu's slave pattern, Nunu still maintains a slave relationship with the master..."

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue with a smile.

"Since maintaining such a relationship, why do I need to remove the slave pattern? Isn't it unnecessary, and I also lost a handle. It's a loss, what can you give me?"

Ran Xinxue glanced at Wei Tu, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Instead of dodging, she moved closer to Wei Tu's legs, and then propped herself up.

"Master... If you help Nunu get rid of the nu tattoo... Nunu promises not to do anything like last night, the master doesn't have to worry about Nunu messing up your relationship with other women... You can even help the master Busy. And master, you still have life and death Gu, so you don't have to worry about Nunu having other thoughts about you..."

Ran Xinxue thought clearly.

Even if she died, she would not want to be threatened by the slave pattern. This kind of shame and painful torture almost made her life worse than death.

She made up her mind, if she could let him get rid of the slave pattern, she would try her best to find a way to get rid of the life and death Gu, step by step.

She didn't want to bear it to this point, but also to be threatened by a sect disciple, who didn't even have any dignity in being tortured.

She even hopes that she can break free from hell and complete a complete transformation.

Wei Tu smiled and looked at Ran Xinxue.

Ran Xinxue felt that the smile was intriguing, which was a bad sign, so she gritted her teeth, and carefully hugged the boy's knees with her hands little by little.

He almost rested his chin on Wei Tu's thigh.

Then she looked at him, trying to eliminate the anger and hatred in her eyes, revealing a bit of natural tenderness.

"Master... what fun is there in a slave without a soul? Let the slave be the slave of the master willingly... without these constraints... it is guaranteed that the master can enjoy a completely different feeling."

Ran Xinxue felt that since this young man hated touching her and hated her clean body, she probably liked the meeting of souls.

If so, things are much simpler.

If you want to capture yourself, do it in a more effective and possible way... Isn't it better?

Using a magnanimous way to win a chance to convince myself to him, maybe there is a possibility that I can control this boy in turn.

After all, he is just a young man...how deep can the city be?

It seems that he has won everything, but he is not good at guarding, right?

Is it possible?

Then Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue and smiled.

"Do you know that I hate you?"

"Nu Nu... know."

Of course Dye Xinxue knows!How could he be Ruoyuan's helper, how could he not hate himself!

But this kind of dislike can easily be diverted by desire, after all, I am definitely not the instigator.

"Since I hate you so much, do you think I would want you to surrender to me sincerely? You are so naive, Ran Xinxue, how did you manage to be the suzerain for so many years?"

Ran Xinxue was speechless, and bit her thin lip.

Wei Tu continued to punish his heart with every word.

"Listen well, I am more determined than you think, and I know better what I need. I will not have any soft-heartedness for people who I didn't think about in the first place, or even regarded as enemies. I didn't kill you just because The reason for the situation is inappropriate, but I remember I told you, don’t give me the chance to get to this point, you can still live if you don’t get to this point, but you can only die if you get to this point.”

"Isn't it a good opportunity now?"

Ran Xinxue bit her lower lip tightly.

Wei Tu nodded with a smile.

"You are very smart."

Then he lifted his head and sighed.

"But you're also being smart. Do you think your so-called threats and methods of disgusting me are really useful?"

Of course it works! !How could it be useless!If it wasn't like this, you don't despise my body...how could you be helpless to me in front of Lu Qingyan? !

It seems that this obsession has become the only pillar supporting Ran Xinxue.

It's just a pity that Wei Tu planned to give her a hard medicine before going to the Shang country, lest she make any trouble for him when he went to the Shang country.

You can't give sweetness to a woman like Ran Xinxue, she won't be grateful, she only thinks about how to get the initiative.

So Wei Tu stood up and grabbed Ran Xinxue's wrist.

"what are you doing……?"

Wei Tu dragged Ran Xinxue out.

"No... what are you doing..."

"Do you want to be seen by all the disciples and flirt with me?"

Wei Tu who opened the door asked so.

Ran Xinxue shut up immediately, she couldn't bear such humiliation.

Fortunately, it was already after sunset, and the sky was already shrouded in black.

The moonlight was obscured by dark clouds.

And Ran Xinxue soon discovered that Wei Tu had pulled herself outside the Yaowang Pavilion in the back mountain.

She didn't know why the other party dragged herself here.

And after coming here.

"Lie down."

Wei Tu pulled her to the window sill of Yaowang Pavilion, and gave her cold orders.

"What are you doing..."

Ran Xinxue looked over from the window sill, and could see a figure with her back turned to her, leaning on the medicine stove.

It was impossible for her not to know who this figure was.

But what she didn't understand was Wei Tu's intention.

Then Wei Tu pressed her on the window sill, almost whispering in her ear in a voice that she felt disgusted and disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

"You hate Mu Xitong, don't you?"

Ran Xinxue was stunned for a moment, as if she hadn't thought about how the other party knew.

Wei Tu said with a smile.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you dislike her or not, and she dislikes you for sure. If... Mu Xitong sees you flirting under my hands... what will happen? What will she do? What? Are you afraid?"

Ran Xinxue gradually widened her eyes.

"no, you can not……"

She lowered her voice as hard as she could, and cast a pleading look.

She and Mu Xitong looked down on each other...Mu Xitong looked down on her own methods, let alone her own style of doing things.

If it wasn't for the fact that she stayed in the Yaowang Pavilion to catch the new snow and didn't touch her, the diaphragm would definitely be indispensable.

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