If you want to do that, you may not be able to finish it in a day and a night.

It seems that no more information can be obtained.

After Wei Tu dismissed this idea, his eyes returned to Ran Xinxue.

And Ran Xinxue had already quietly got up a little bit, when she saw Wei Tu's gaze cast on her.

Immediately turned around and made a subconscious move to escape.

But Wei Tu only moved his fingers.



Ran Xinxue lay on the ground in an extremely embarrassing posture.

Looking at it from behind, Wei Tu can better and more completely see the round buttocks of this beautiful woman, which are slightly raised unconsciously.

He walked over.

"Like to run?"

"No... not... I... Nunu knew I was wrong, Nunu just wanted to bring water to the master..."

Wei Tu looked at her.

Ran Xinxue inexplicably felt a burst of hot eyes staring at her buttocks, she felt a disgusting and shameful feeling spreading in her heart, she couldn't help rubbing her legs, and wanted to twist her body to avoid the opponent's look.

But he didn't know that this kind of subconscious action was even more attractive, it was like a catalyst that affected the teenager's emotions.

Wei Tu is indeed a person who can control desires, but when there is no due pity and morality as restraints in the mind, some things will germinate and even grow like seeds.

He smiled when he heard what Ran Xinxue said.

"Bring water, right... Well, you bring water here."

Ran Xinxue got up and glanced at Wei Tu hesitantly.

Wei Tu looked at her.

"Don't want to go?"

"No...Master, Nunu will go now."

Ran Xinxue who turned around bit her lip, with an almost distorted expression on her face.

Then he came to the table step by step, picked up the teacup, and then moved to Wei Tu and reached out to hand the teapot to Wei Tu.

Wei Tu didn't reach out, but looked at Ran Xinxue.

"A slave handing water to his master like this? Are you the master or am I?"

"Of course you are the master..."

A trace of hatred flashed in Ran Xinxue's eyes, then she knelt down in humiliation, and handed out the teapot with both hands.

Wei Tu took the teapot and praised the new snow.

"Yes, the suzerain of our Yuanjian sect is not only full of tricks and tricks, but also good at acting, but also able to bend and stretch, and submit to it. It's not bad."

Is this a compliment?This is clearly an insult of yin and yang!

Ran Xinxue lowered her head, in order not to let Wei Tu see her hateful expression.

But I didn't expect Wei Tu to say with a smile.

"Don't look up? Why? Don't you like to hear it?"


Ran Xinxue looked up at Wei Tu holding back her expression.

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue indifferently.

"If you don't, you like it. If you like it, why don't you smile?"

"I... Nunu..."

Ran Xinxue evoked a smile that was uglier than crying.

Wei Tu nodded.

"You are so happy, don't you thank the master for the compliment?"

"Nu Nu... Thank you, Master, for your compliment..."

"Hehe, it seems that I want to reward you more."

Before Ran Xinxue understood what it meant, she saw Wei Tu pulling out a length of rope from nowhere.

This is……

Then Wei Tu dragged Ran Xinxue's hand almost to a thick pillar, and tied Ran Xinxue to the pillar with his backhand.

The beautiful woman who had no strength to resist could only scream hysterically.

"Let me go! What are you doing! You beast! What are you doing...!"

Wei Tu didn't care about the other party's insults at all, then went back and got the teapot and came over to look at Ran Xinxue.

"I didn't expect that you could change your ways to disgust me when you were warned like this."

Ran Xinxue glared at Wei Tu, perhaps knowing that the other party's most was to humiliate her and not kill her.

"I just want to disgust you! How can a scum like you be better than me? Why should I be insulted by you? You are lucky!"



Ran Xinxue was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Wei Tu, who was drinking tea, sprayed on her body when he insulted the other party.

The tea sprayed from the other party's disgusting mouth fell on his face, neck, and chest...

Thinking that it came from the other party's mouth, Ran Xinxue almost bit her tongue to kill herself.

"you you……"

"Hehe, I couldn't help it. Look, I accidentally insulted you again. What can you do with me?"

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

"Kill me with your mouth? Unfortunately, I don't want to kill you, uh."

Wei Tu smiled and raised the teapot, then raised it to the top of Ran Xinxue's head, and then...


All the tea was poured down, gradually soaking through the woman's clothes along the woman's hair.

It made her white dress fit tightly to her body curve, making her look extremely alluring, and even the color of the inner lining seemed to stand out.

And it's not over yet.

As if trying to restrain her emotions, Ran Xinxue, who was acting as if she had nothing to love in her life and was not afraid of anything, unexpectedly saw Wei Tu take out a bronze mirror as tall as a person from the Qiankun bag and put it in front of her.

The first time she looked at the bronze mirror, she couldn't hold back her expression.

Because from this bronze mirror, she can see her messy appearance tied to a pillar, even with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes, while the curves and translucency of her body are so despicable to the extreme, like a bitch who can do everything she can generally……

Wei Tu stood in front of Ran Xinxue with a smile and turned his head slightly, so that the other party could not help but see the situation in the mirror.

The boy stood in front of him, in front of his embarrassed self, as if he was humiliating himself.

This made her feel self-defeating, and even felt that the other party violated her like a beast here, and she seemed to have to admit it.

But Wei Tu didn't do anything.

The handsome young man looked at himself with disgust.

Then say, "Remember what happened to you today, and don't try to disgust me in the future. Otherwise you will have nothing left."

What Ran Xinxue felt at this moment was not more shame and extreme fear.

And it seemed that something was discovered in the disgusted eyes of the other party and the deliberate avoidance of not wanting to make more humiliating actions.

He doesn't want to possess himself.

He is not a person who wants to possess a beautiful body when he sees it, or covets a beautiful body.

On the contrary, he cares more about a woman's character and heart.

He thinks a 'dirty' woman like himself, he doesn't even want to touch.

if it is like this……

Humiliation was pure punishment, he couldn't have fun.

Even anger, as disgusting as myself...

An absurd idea was kindling a faint fire in her heart... She even wanted to laugh a little.

5 Everything is right about you

Autumn is getting thinner and winter is thicker.

Many flowers and plants have withered and withered in this season, but they have not completely disappeared in this world, just waiting for the next spring to bloom.

That's why some people say: Flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again.

Every time he thinks that he can be a teenager again, Wei Tu finds it incredible.

It seems that there is nothing more satisfying than being able to find a remedy for regrets again, so we can't ask for more, such as luck and God's favor?

"Wei Xiaoer, are you messing with this broken medicine stove again?"

"Who did you learn from?"

Wei Tu turned his head and glanced at the little fox beside him.

Looking like a goblin, and then imitating someone's words, it makes people feel disobedient and uncomfortable.

The little fox blinked.

"That's what our master said!"

"You can say that if she can say that?"

"is it not OK?"

"She is the master of Medicine King Pavilion, what are you?"

Wei Tu threw a herb into the stove, and then carefully watched the changes in the herb and the smell that wafted out.

Hmm, it should be almost there.

The little fox thought about it for a while, and then came up with a precise answer.

"We are good partners of the master, so I am also the master of the Yaowang Pavilion!"

Wei Tu frowned.

"Are you too hungry to take medicine in a daze recently? Why are you talking nonsense?"

"Have it?"

"Of course, I know what your words mean, but I can't understand them together."

"Well... it means that you just listen to us, we are the same as our master!"

The little fox patted his chest and said.

With a high-spirited look, those who didn't know really thought that the Yaowang Pavilion belonged to her.

It reminded Wei Tu of the scene when he drank with certain alcoholics in his previous life.

They belonged to Nanjianzhou before drinking, and Nanjianzhou belonged to them after drinking.

So Wei Tu flicked the little fox on the head~


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