Jiang Ying raised her head, and stared at the young man with those misty eyes that were easily emotional.

"Senior brother..."

"Senior sister, stick out your tongue."


Jiang Ying never asked why, she only knew what the other party asked her to do, and she did it.

So he did so and raised his head.

Then Wei Tu lowered his head.


The crooning that came out also seemed so sweet.

So it's normal for a girl's clothes to be messy, right?It should be perfectly understandable.

When Jiang Ying finally got some room to breathe in the confusion, Wei Tu would smirk in her ear.

"Senior Sister... You are so sensitive, but you are easily bullied."

In fact, Jiang Ying was not so shy in contact with the young man, but these words seemed to tease her fiery heart, and she couldn't help but sink even more.

She felt that this kind of thing exceeded the normal limit, and the other party's words were not a gentleman.

But even if he didn't know how far he would sink, he was willing to sink deeper and deeper.

"Senior sister has been bullied by you..."

Wei Tu gently leaned against her face, breathing into her ears.It was so hot that it made my whole body tremble.

The other hand no longer hugged the girl, but pulled it out and pulled the girl's body over.

Turn your back to yourself.

Then Wei Tu squatted down and gently stroked the girl's delicate ankles with both hands.

"Hmm... so strange..."

Jiang Ying couldn't help but hum.

I felt that the other party's not rough but fiery palms were gently massaging from the ankle all the way up.

more and more.

He didn't lift off all the girl's dresses and take them off.It's just that he hugged the girl from behind and pressed her delicate body.

The body is tightly attached.

Then he gasped hot, almost uncontrollably.

"Turn around."

Words like commands bring a different kind of stimulation.

Jiang Ying couldn't help turning her head, her confused eyes were full of uncontrollable love.

Then catered to the boy's passionate kiss.

This extreme squeeze made Jiang Ying almost out of breath, but she unexpectedly got the stimulation that the other party seemed to blend into her body.

So just kissing, just stroking, the young girl's delicate body trembled slightly.

"Senior sister, you are really a goblin."

Wei Tu sighed, feeling a little helpless, some emotions become difficult to restrain when facing the person he likes.

"Do you want my sister to help you?"

Obviously, Jiang Ying can be said to be understanding.

"No need now, I'll talk about it when I come back, I'm going to Baoguang Hall."

Wei Tu still sighed helplessly, he still couldn't treat his baby sister too much, although it was very cool, but he couldn't be unrestrained.

Jiang Ying nodded, then took Wei Tu's hand.

"It's okay, the senior sister will also help the junior brother when she comes back... um."

Some words cannot be described and naturally cannot be uttered, but Wei Tu understands what she means.

So he smiled and nodded.

"Okay. I'll find Senior Sister when I come back."


Wei Tu left the Yaowang Pavilion in the back mountain.

On the way to Baoguang Hall, people kept saying hello to Wei Tu. Wei Tu has long been used to it, and now he can be regarded as a celebrity of Yuan Jianzong, like a celebrity.

Wei Tu also gestured with a friendly smile.

It is quite unnecessary to make enemies with people without meaning, it is asking for trouble for yourself.

Although I don't think I will have too many interactions with them in the future, it is always right to have more kindness.

When he came to Baoguang Hall, Wei Tu told the maid at the door.

Then the maid let Wei Tu in.

Wei Tu found it when he walked into Baoguang Hall.

At this moment, not only his master Lu Qingyan was there, but also Yuan Wei from Qingting Peak, and Lin Ruoyin, the sect master of Xuejian Peak.

Wei Tu raised his head and saw Ran Xinxue staring at him.

The glamorous woman in a white dress looked down at her as if she was usually condescending.

But Wei Tu saw the slight complacency in her eyes.

It seems to be saying: I have called so many people, you can't do anything, right?This palace is going to be disgusting, what do you have to say?

Wei Tu met her eyes, and then smiled.

There is a feeling that you all sleep together, otherwise I will see how I deal with you, a disobedient slave later.

3 Sovereign, you are so majestic~

"Wei Tu! Still not saluting when you see the suzerain?!"

This is Yuan Wei shouting angrily.

Lu Qingyan doesn't care about these things, anyway, as a disciple of her own, she doesn't even respect her master, and she thinks of bullying her master and destroying her ancestors every day, which is simply rebelling against her master.

When Yuan Wei finished drinking, Lu Qingyan frowned and looked at Yuan Wei.

Wei Tu also looked at Yuan Wei.

"Who are you?"


Yuan Wei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that this young man would act so unrestrainedly. To be honest, this young man could be the last person to see his ancestor before he was about to pass away. This alone is enough for many people to envy.

Even he himself failed to win this opportunity for Li Hanyang.

That's why he wanted to beat Wei Tu out of anger.

But it's a pity that Wei Tu has never followed suit. As a handsome man who prefers softness to toughness, Wei Tu's good temper is relatively speaking.

It was about to quarrel.

Ran Xinxue said at this time.

"It doesn't matter, after all, he is a disciple valued by the ancestor, it doesn't matter if he behaves politely or not, I don't care about that."

"There are still a large number of suzerains, but what should we do if the disciples in the sect follow suit? The more respected the disciples, the more they should pay attention to their words and deeds, otherwise they will follow the old saying that if they do unrighteous deeds, they will die. "

"I'm still in the desolate land of Bashanchushui."

Wei Tu grumbled, then looked at Ran Xinxue.

Ran Xinxue shook her head helplessly, and even sighed aggrievedly.

"It doesn't matter. Although I am the master of the sect, but in terms of talent, I can't compare with many disciples. It's normal for them to look down on me..."

Wei Tu bowed his hands angrily.

"I have seen the Sect Master."

Obviously enchanting and glamorous, Ran Xinxue looked at Wei Tu in 'surprise' as if she was wronged and ashamed.

"Ah, Wei Tu...don't dare to ask you to salute, don't be polite, and the sect will rely on young people like you more in the future!"

Good fellow, three times, two divisions, and the other elders in the entire Baoguang Hall looked at Wei Tu in a different way.

It seems that Wei Tu is a villain who is ambitious and will never give up on power.

Once he attained the Tao, all the ugly faces appeared.

Wei Tu took a deep breath and smiled.

"No, no, no, the sect can still follow the example of the suzerain, you don't know why the suzerain called the disciples..."

Ran Xinxue blinked innocently at Wei Tu.

"If something happens, will you help the sect solve it?"

Wei Tu gritted his teeth slightly, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"If it is something about the sect, the disciple will of course do his best, but it still depends on what the matter is. If it is not something the disciple can do, the disciple will not dare to pat his chest and promise."


You are sighing your horse here!

Ran Xinxue sighed sadly.

"The old ancestor passed away, and the sect's hearts are really broken. Even her most promising disciple is now unwilling to contribute to the sect..."

What Ran Xinxue said, I felt pity for her, as if the whole world made her helpless, and Lu Qingyan couldn't help but speak with her pitiful appearance of supporting the entire sect with her thin figure.

"Sovereign, you just say it's okay, if Tu'er can't solve it, I will help."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Ran Xinxue looked at Lu Qingyan gratefully, and then took the time to glance at Wei Tu.

The pride in his eyes made Wei Tu touch his finger.

Ran Xinxue was taken aback, then immediately stood up straight and said in a deep voice

"That's what happened. The country of Shang, which has a close cooperative relationship with us by offering incense and providing resources, has recently encountered a situation. The monarch of the country of Shang personally sent a letter, asking for the help of our Yuan Jianzong."

Wei Tu didn't speak, but Lu Qingyan frowned.

"The country of Shang... is the country of the empress who has only been on the throne for less than a year?"

Ran Xinxue nodded.

"That's right, it's the Kingdom of Commerce."

"What is it that is so serious?"

Yuan Wei also became puzzled. Ran Xinxue didn't tell him beforehand, but said to discuss it with the elders when they arrived.

Lin Ruoyin watched with a calm expression, as if none of these things had anything to do with her. From Wei Tu's point of view, this woman who was colder than Lu Qingyan, who was almost indifferent, seemed to be gathering numbers.

She didn't respond at all without mentioning her.

Dye the new snow trail.

"First of all, the way this female emperor came to the throne was not to seek power and usurp the throne. It was because after the previous emperor of the Shang Kingdom died, the remaining sons fought for power with each other. None of the heirs remained, and several ministers were planning to elect another one, but the distant prince had not yet arrived in the capital, and his evil deeds in the fief had already spread throughout the capital. The prince was abolished. In order to quell public grievances and stabilize the situation in the Shang country as soon as possible, those ministers can only recommend a woman who has always been virtuous and smart since she was a child..."

"and then."

"However, from the time of enthronement to the present, that is, about a month or so, the Shang Kingdom discovered strange things one after another. Suddenly, a minister and general died in the mansion for unknown reasons. They couldn't find the wound, but the death was extremely terrifying. , as if they were greatly frightened before they were alive. Then there is one thing in common, that is, they found a villain suspected of using witchcraft under the bed of the deceased..."

As soon as Ran Xinxue finished speaking, Yuan Wei frowned.

"Witch Gu villain... Could it be the method of those evil cult witches?"

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