Looking cautiously at the two very beautiful girls, the young man with ponytails smiled shyly at them, then turned around and ran towards the village.

"It really makes you laugh. This kid, Ah He, hasn't seen many outsiders since he grew up."

It seemed that they had no intention of letting them in now. The men in shabby clothes just stood at the entrance of the village chatting with them to pass the time.

Turning to look at the vigilant eyes of other congregants, Artoria and Die Ninja looked at each other helplessly.

Village, religion, no matter which of these two nouns, most of them mean exclusion of outsiders.

They had expected the current situation, so the two of them didn't feel angry about it.

Very cooperative, they chatted casually with the man.

The other party's mouth was very strict, even if it was just gossip, he didn't say anything about the internal situation of Wan Shi Bliss Sect.

They just talked about the weather, and then felt that Odagiri Kurika is a good boy.

About 10 minutes into this unnutritious conversation, a girl in a red-brown kimono suddenly ran over from a distance in a hurry, and behind her was the boy named Ahe.

"It's really you, Miss Pendragon!"

Odagiri Kurika's surprised voice came to her ears, and she turned her head. After seeing the girl, Artoria couldn't help softening the expression on her face.

"Long time no see, Ms. Odagiri, it's very offensive to come here this time, please don't take offense."

Please leave Mina-san, Happy New Year's Day!

Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

On such a good day and festival, code words or something is really a waste of good time.

So to sum up, the author, I happily decided to skip work today.

In fact, not only today, but in the next half month or so, it should become every two days.

I decided not to push myself so hard, just write a book, just be happy.

above!Goodnight Sarah~~~

Chapter 28 The people in the Bliss Cult speak nicely, and all of them are talents (two-in-one

There was a happy smile on the girl's face.

Like most of the congregants, she was wearing the most common reddish-brown kimono, but this kind of dark-colored clothes could not hide her youthful beauty.

Like the most beautiful flower that blooms in spring, the figure of Odagiri Kurika leading the way is youthful, moving and full of vigor.

— It seems that she is doing well here.

Looking at the other party's fair and soft cheeks, Artoria thought so in her heart.

Along the way, at least as far as she can see now, the smiles on the faces of the believers of the Bliss Sect are not the slightest bit adulterated.

Not only Odagiri, other believers are also very satisfied with their current life.

This situation made Arturia's feeling of uneasiness all the time, and she also slowly let go of her heart.

Perhaps... this Bliss Cult is actually a very serious religion.

"Hey, Sister Butterfly, are you friends with Miss Pendragon?"

Odagiri Kurika's voice interrupted Artoria's contemplation. Following the voice, what came into view was the scene of two girls talking happily together.

The girl's friendship is so inexplicable. It is obvious that the two have just met for a short time, but Butterfly Shinobu and Oda Kirika have already begun to call each other sisters.

Artoria smacked her lips, feeling a sense of frustration in her heart.

After all, Odagiri still calls himself "Miss", and when he comes to Butterfly Ninja, he becomes an older sister.

Really... I was the one who came first.

When Die Die Ren heard the question, her gentle eyes could not help but bend, and she replied softly, "Yes, Pendragon and I are very good friends."

"A good friend? I see. I have long felt that there is an invisible tacit understanding between the two of you. Sure enough, my guess is right."

While speaking, Oda Kirika led them to a small wooden house at the edge of the village.

"Ah, here we are."

She glanced at the two of them with her big bright eyes, then smiled and gave a nondescript western salute, and deliberately said in a tone of voice, "Welcome to the Burrow as guests."


Butterfly couldn't help laughing, and Artoria couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

"Come on, you're welcome."

Odagiri opened the paper door, took off his shoes and ran in.

"Then it bothers me."

After politely saying this sentence, Artoria and the others also took off their shoes and walked into the house.

Looking around, the first thing that catches the eye is a leaking fire pit at the front. On the fire pit is a small shelf made of three logs, and an empty iron pot is hung under the small shelf.

It seems that Odagiri's activities such as boiling water and cooking rice are carried out here.

The whole house is about [-] square meters, except for the leaking fire pit at the front, behind it are two rooms separated by paper doors.

The rooms are one big and one small, the big one is about fifteen square meters, and the small one is about ten square meters.

This is a typical Japanese-style cottage. Although the area is not very large, it is definitely enough for one person to live.

As soon as Arturia looked over, she could see that the brown-haired girl was looking for something in that small room at the moment.

"Miss Odagiri, what are you looking for?" She couldn't help asking curiously.

"Tea, I originally wanted to make tea to entertain you..."

After rummaging around, the girl finally walked out of the small room with her head downcast.

"I asked the people who went out to buy some to buy some back, but I'm sorry, because no one here will come to visit, so I don't know where to put it?"

She seemed a little embarrassed for her carelessness, her cheeks flushed slightly when she said this.

"Don't be so troublesome, it doesn't matter if you don't have tea."

Butterfly said softly, "Besides, we actually prefer hot water to tea, which is a bit bitter."

After she finished speaking, her purple eyes lightly glanced at the blond girl beside her.

After receiving the cue from Butterfly Shinobi's hidden eyes, Artoria was slightly taken aback, and immediately reacted and nodded in agreement, "Yes, Odagiri, you also know that I am a foreigner, so I am a foreigner for this country. There is always some tea that I am not used to."

The two of them sang together, which indeed dissipated a little of the shyness in the brunette girl's heart.

Taking a deep breath, she smiled, and her embarrassing mood became clearer.

"Then please wait a moment, I'm going to boil some hot water." She said, then went to the water tank outside the house to scoop up a ladle of water, turned around with the ladle and walked to the fire pit inside the house, She raised her arms and poured water into the empty jug suspended by the rack.

"I'm sorry, whether it's tea or hot water, it seems that my reception this time is very unqualified."

Using a wooden stick to pull the charcoal at the fire pit, she added the firewood skillfully, and within a short while, she could see orange-red flames slowly burning from the cracks in the wood.

"That's not the case." Arturia shook her head, "We rushed to visit without prior notice, obviously we are the ones who should feel sorry."

"Ah, speaking of it—" she seemed to have suddenly thought of something and thumped her left palm, "—we brought you a present for Ms. Odagiri."


As if being aroused by the word 'gift', the brown-haired girl finally stopped worrying about her unqualified hospitality.

Yes. "Artoria nodded with a smile, and then handed over the delicate little box that she had been carrying in her hand.

"It's filled with snacks from the Western side, and it's a kind of biscuit called a cookie. You can try it, it's delicious."

"Wow, Western Dim Sum!"

Happily reaching out to take the small wooden box, Li Hua's face was blushing with excitement, "It's really great, I've grown up so much, and I've never eaten Western dim sum before."

"Miss Pendragon, Sister Butterfly." Her voice was cheerful and melodious like a lark, "Thank you, I like this gift very much."

"...you don't need to call me by honorific title."

Arturia finally couldn't help but said, "Just call me by my name, just call me Pendragon."

Really, compared with Butterfly Ninja's sister Butterfly, Miss Pendragon is really out of the ordinary.

She softened the expression on her face, and looked seriously at the brown-haired girl in front of her, "Odagiri, we are friends, so we don't need to be so extravagant."

Odagiri Kurika was still holding the small box in her hand, her twinkling eyes were stunned for a while, and then a hint of understanding suddenly appeared.

She looked at Butterfly's gentle but amused expression, then turned her head to look at Artoria who was looking forward to her.

In the next second, she blinked with a smile, and there was a bright smile on the corners of her eyes and brows, obviously very happy with Artoria's proposal in her heart.

Perhaps it was because the more she cared, the more cautious she became. When Odagiri Kurika faced Artoria, she couldn't treat her like other people.

Wanting to be close but afraid of being bored by girls, under the mood of worrying about gains and losses, he accidentally showed some subtle sense of distance in his attitude.


It was at this moment that she realized one thing, and that was that such an attitude was actually very hurtful.

After thinking about this point, Odagiri Kurika nodded heavily.

"Well, I see—" she smiled, showing two cute dimples on her cheeks, "—Sister Pendragon."

Hearing her surname said from the other party's mouth, Artoria finally felt at ease at this moment.

Finally... I am also a 'sister' generation.

Thinking of this, she smiled contentedly, and the curled hair on the top of her head shook happily.

They sat around the fire pit in groups, and with the sporadic sparks splashed by the burning firewood, a cheerful atmosphere enveloped the whole hut.

As they talked, they inevitably talked about the recent situation of Odagiri Kurika.

"You came here to live alone, I was a little worried at first." She held up the misty hot water cup with a smile on her face, "But after seeing you, I feel relieved, it looks like you are here Had a great time."

These are her sincere words. After all, the girl named Odagiri did not suffer from depression, sadness, or restlessness when she came to visit this time.

The smile on her face is bright and vibrant, and it all points to the fact that she has fully recovered from that terrible incident.

This is a very good thing, and Arturia is sincerely happy for the other party.

Facing the smiling face of the blond girl, Odagiri lowered his head in embarrassment, his ear tips partly covered by his temple hair were slightly red.

"Thank you for your concern." She coughed lightly, "Maybe it's because everyone has been hurt... It's like a family. Everyone here treats me very well."

"That's it." Aritoria said with emotion, "If that's the case, then I can rest assured."

"It sounds like this Eternal Bliss Sect is very good, which makes me feel a little curious—" Butterfly Ren asked softly from the side, "—Sister Lihua, can you tell us something about the All Things Bliss Sect? something about it?"

"of course can."

Different from the xenophobic thinking and vigilance of other congregants, because she was saved by the other party, Li Hua, who regards the blonde girl as the ideal that she will pursue all her life, has [-]% trust in Artoria. .

Because of this, even Butterfly Shinobi, who has only known each other for a few hours, just because she is Artoria's friend, she also has a great affection for this beautiful young lady that is not proportional to the time of acquaintance.

"Eternal Bliss Cult." Odagiri Kurika smiled proudly, full of pride, "Although I haven't been here for a long time, what I can be sure of is that this is a place of all happiness and all beauty."

After hearing this, Artoria looked at her blankly, her thoughts wandering, not knowing what she was thinking about.

"It looks like you like it here."

She sighed, and for some reason, the doubts in her heart slowly rose again.

After all, in this day and age...is there really such a beautiful and happy place?

"Yes, I like it here."

The brown-haired girl's eyes were shining brightly, and she smiled happily, as if she was really happy with her current life.

She talked about the people she had known during this time.

There is a little boy named Ryota who has handicap, but still tries hard not to hold everyone back.

There is a kind and kind mother-in-law Huazi who always patiently teaches her various life skills.

There is also my best friend Haruna, who is shy and introverted, but always shares delicious food with herself.

There are many, many more.......

She listed them one by one, with a smile on her face from her heart.

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