But no matter what, she knew that Misaka Mikoto was the third person with superpowers. Out of trust in the girl's ability, Artoria withdrew the strong wind in her hand and stood back to her original position.

The battle between Misaka Mikoto and Accelerator started in no time. After standing in the dark and watching Mikoto's angry appearance, and listening to their conversation, Artoria suddenly seemed to understand something.

The troubles Mikoto encountered before, the appearance of Misaka 10032, the top-secret experimental code, the boy's sudden murderous intent, and Mikoto's hatred for Accelerator, everything was spliced ​​together like fragments. A vague concept formed in his mind.

Although there is no last key yet, it will allow her to see through the fog and see the truth.

But there is one thing that Artoria clearly knows at this moment, if it's just a fight, the boy actually wants to kill someone!This is not bad! !

In any case, one party must be prevented from passing through! !

Chapter 48 You call this level 3? (4234 words)

"Hey, third person, don't bring irrelevant ordinary people here?"

Accelerator frowned, with a slightly impatient expression on his face, "Could it be that this is a standard plot of killing secrets after they are seen?"

The boy's tone was very harsh, but Artoria just said slowly to his fierce words, "We met this boy three days ago."

She said, and then nodded, "I remember very clearly that you gave me 500 yen at that time, and I have always been grateful to you for that."


After digging his ears, Accelerator raised his head and looked at the blond girl, a glint of haze flashed in his blood-red eyes, what is this nosy guy talking about?

Uncle Fang, who obviously forgets a lot, has already forgotten all about this trivial matter three days ago.

"So that's the case, you forgot."

What do you not understand when you see the other person's expression?

Arturia shook her head lightly, and she looked straight into the other person's eyes, the emerald green eyes were as clear as water, dazzling like a piece of flawless emerald.

In any case, she believed that the other party had a soft heart under the fierce appearance, so Artoria paused, and did not give up her plan to persuade the other party, "Life is a precious and noble existence, no matter who it is, it should not be You can't talk about other people's lives lightly."

She saw everything that happened before, if the other party hadn't been holding back, Misaka Mikoto would never have survived until now.

"So..." She looked at Accelerator seriously, "Now that things have come to an end, please stop!"

But before Accelerator could reply, Misaka Mikoto interrupted them directly.

"Liya, why are you here?!"

The girl with brown shoulder-length short hair dissipated the magnetic force on her body, she fell gently to the ground, and said anxiously, "It's dangerous here, hurry back!"

Miqin urged the other party to leave quickly, because she could clearly see that because of Artoria's persuasion just now, the expression on Accelerator's face became more and more irritable at this moment.

She clearly knew that the other party had saved her just now, but this did not mean that she would also involve Artoria in danger. Who can Liya, who is only Level 3, do?

I'm afraid it won't be the final ending, but Misaka 10032 and Liya will be added, and then the three of them will go to Huangquan hand in hand.

However, for her kind reminder, Artoria just shook her head slightly, her lake-colored eyes looked back at the other party, the eyes were bright and clear under the moonlight, the delicate girl's eyebrows were picturesque, and the black deacon The clothes looked handsome and elegant on her body, "I can't go, and I won't go."

The girl heard the other party's quiet voice, and she said, "Mikoto, you need me."

"But, but..."

There was a shaken look on Meiqin's face. Before that, she had been struggling alone in the dark, and she was almost killed by Accelerator just now......

After all, she is just a 14-year-old girl, and it is not easy for a person to persist to this point.

People are like this, when there is no one to comfort them, nothing will happen, but if someone comes to comfort them, tears will flow down uncontrollably.

First her throat was dry, then her whole body trembled slightly, and finally tears flowed out uncontrollably.

Misaka Mikoto bit her lips tightly, trying hard to take back her fragility, but it was obvious that her actions had little effect.

At this time, the pretty girl's body was covered with dust and scars, her amber eyes were filled with tears, she stared blankly at Artoria, her aggrieved look was like a homeless bird The puppies are generally poor.But even so, she finally shook her head while crying, "No, that white bastard is the first in level 5 in Academy City, you can't beat him."

"Hey, the third one, I'm standing here, I heard everything you scolded!"

The white-haired boy glared at Misaka Mikoto viciously, with a terrifying smile on the corner of his mouth, "You are really impatient."

The voice full of malice caused the girl's pupils to shrink slightly, and her body trembled reflexively. However, after she reacted, a trace of haze and humiliation were cast in those eyes in an instant.

How shameful that I would be frightened by that bastard!

As if to prove something, Miqin gritted her teeth and turned her head away, her amber eyes stared fiercely at Accelerator, as if she would never hesitate to give the boy to him if conditions allowed. Biting bones and peeling skin.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder at the scene became stronger again, the light in Arturia's eyes flickered for a moment, and she suddenly interrupted their staring.

"No matter what, Mikoto." After a pause, she continued, "Please let me have a few words with this young man."

"Speak? What are you going to say to me??" As if hearing the funniest joke in the world, Accelerator stretched out his hand and covered his face, bent over and couldn't help but started laughing.

"Should I be called a friend? You really have the same mental problems as the third one!"

The white boy burst into tears, but when he was smiling, he suddenly stopped, as if the pause button had been pressed, and the boy stood in the dark, looking a little weird.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Misaka Mikoto's eyes, she tensed her body unconsciously, and took a slight step forward to block Arturia behind her, looking at her warily.

Although she was still afraid in her heart, Liya was by her side now, no matter what, even if she risked her life, she had to protect Liya well.

Seeing the figure of Misaka Mikoto with her back to her, Artoria felt a touch of emotion in her heart.

But being moved is moved, she still plans to make one last attempt at this time.

So Artoria raised her head and took a complicated look at Accelerator, carefully pondering her own words, "Miqin just told me that you are the existence at the apex of this Academy City."

After a pause, she added, "You are the first in level 5."

"So what?" He sneered, as if being aroused by the blond girl, Accelerator spread his hands indifferently, eager to know what the other party would say next.

"You have power, but power should be used to protect others, not to commit atrocities, because greatness is not in the strength of power, but in how to use it correctly."

The girl stared at him calmly. Unlike Misaka Mikoto, this kind of calmness did not come from forcing herself to look indestructible, but from her spiritual strength.

"But everything I saw today was not like this, whether it was the battle between you and Mikoto, or the battle with Miss Misaka 10032......"

"I don't know the specific content of this experiment, but I can be sure of one fact, that is, you really want to kill them. This alone is the bottom line that I absolutely cannot tolerate."

"This is evil!" she said firmly.

After a pause, her emerald green lake looked into the other's bloody eyes.

"...But as long as you can recognize your mistakes and go back and correct them in time, it's never too late."

The girl under the moonlight raised a smile, like the breeze blowing on the grassland, or the reeds swaying on the lake, her smile was soft, and her eyes were full of expectation and encouragement, "Mr. Yifang Tongxing, please stop here .”


After listening to what the girl said, Accelerator slowly put away the smile on his face, and he took a serious look at the other party, the expression in his eyes was dark and unclear.

It seemed that some fig leaf had been torn off, or that the words just now had stung some sore spots in his heart. In short, an unbearable anger rose up, making it seem like a flame was burning in his heart at this moment.

He lowered his eyes slightly, and the long bangs on his forehead covered his eyes, making it difficult to see the expression on his face in the dark.

"What do you know..."

His voice was weak and vague, which made Arturia feel a little inaudible for a moment.

So Artoria turned her head and looked at Misaka Mikoto, and when she found that Misaka Mikoto also shook her head, indicating that she didn't hear clearly, a hint of confusion appeared in her green eyes.

Just when she was about to continue asking, Fang Accelerator suddenly clenched his hands, raised his eyes and yelled fiercely at her, "It's so ridiculous! People like you who have never experienced darkness, how could they have anything?" You are qualified to accuse me!!"

The girl's temperament is clean and transparent, and she looks like a well-protected eldest lady who has not suffered any suffering at all.

"Enough is enough! I would waste my time here with you! How stupid!!"

The young man's expression was ferocious like that of a ghost. He inserted his hand into a container that had fallen beside him, and with a little force, he lifted it all up.

In Misaka Mikoto's eyes, the villain with white hair and red eyes had a ferocious face, looking at her and Arturia with terrifying eyes, with a slight force on his wrist, the container was thrown out by him in the next second, smashing towards this side Come.

"Be careful!!"

Misaka Mikoto's body was covered with tiny blue lightning. She tried to flip out the coin she had been holding tightly in her hand, but she didn't know if it was because she was too nervous or because of other reasons, but she didn't grasp it firmly at the critical moment. The coin slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

Ruined! !

Because of her own mistakes, she and Liya were about to splatter blood on the spot, despair and remorse lingered in her heart, and the painful emotions made Miqin feel worse than death for a moment.

Time is life, and now is the time to race against time with life, but Misaka Mikoto is losing at this moment.

The only thing she can do now is to stand in place and stretch her arms out in front of Artoria.

God, no matter what, please let Liya and her sisters live.

This is her last wish in this life.

Closing her eyes dimmed by regret and unwillingness, she bit her lower lip tightly, preparing for the moment of death.

"I have received your wish."

The wind is flowing, shuttling by her side.

Even with your eyes closed.Her eyes were also illuminated by bright light, there was no darkness as expected, only bright and dazzling gold.

Eyes opened in surprise, Misaka Mikoto's eyes reflected the intertwined brilliance of gold and blue, and the cyclone formed by the invisible wind was spinning extremely fast.

"The Hammer of the Wind King!"

Just like the strong wind that saved her before, the roar of the wind was indomitable, destroying the container that was already in sight with an invincible momentum.

The girl with brown shoulder-length short hair stared blankly at the other party. Suddenly, her body was pulled by a gentle force.

The blond king protected her behind her, and Mikoto's amber eyes reflected the other's fragile but inexplicably reassuring back.

"I once swore that as long as you need me, no matter where I am, I will fly to you and turn into your sharp blade to fight for you."

The golden long sword in Artoria's hand was clearly exposed in front of everyone present. As she spoke, the wind in the air gathered around the sword again, and the long sword in her hand slowly disappeared. When he fixed his eyes, he could only vaguely see the invisible wind with a vague outline.

Suddenly, under Misaka Mikoto's dazed gaze, the black deacon uniform lit up with golden particles, and the blue air flow surged through her whole body, and it was only a moment. The blue lining and the silver armor Suddenly, it enveloped the whole body.


etc!Lia, isn't your superpower Level 3 wind control? !

Where did your weird dress-up special effects come from? ? ! !

not to mention.........

She looked at the wreckage of the container not far away, then swallowed lightly, your level 3 super power is too powerful, you can destroy the entire container so cleanly? ?

"... Liya?"

She opened her mouth and called the other party's name, her expression was a little dazed for a while.

The girl in knight armor was as clear as a boy, and her figure was as tall and straight as a green pine. After hearing the other party's call to her, she turned her head sideways, and looked at Mikoto's figure quietly with her eyes as calm as a lake.

"Liya, what are you......?"

Hearing the other party's inquiry, Artoria was silent for a while, and when she opened her mouth to say something to Mikoto, Accelerator's voice suddenly came, "What's the matter with you? !"

The scarlet eyes stared at the other party firmly, his face was black, his hazy and cold gaze was scanning the blond girl up and down, he grinned, and Accelerator's tone was filled with infinite malice.

"Well, it's kind of interesting, tell me, who are you?!"

This kind of super power that can control the wind, change clothes, and conjure a sword, even the uncle Fang is a little curious at this moment.

Chapter 49 She's the real knight ([-] in [-])

The stars are in the sky and the moon is bright.

The moonlight fills the world, the high-rise buildings in the distance, the roofs are covered with silver brilliance, and the colorful neon lights create a bustling scene. The city just stands quietly in the dark night.

The abandoned factory has long lost its original appearance. At this time, there are only uneven potholes, as well as mess and wreckage all over the ground.

It's like a strong wind passing through, sweeping away all the vitality here, leaving only an empty ruin like a ruined well.

The boy and the girl are facing each other, and their gazes collide with each other from a short distance, one is like the purest forest, and the other is like chaotic and thick blood.

"Who the hell are you?"

The boy stood up straight, and then put his hands in his trouser pockets. Even though the super power of the blond girl in front of him was a bit weird, it still couldn't make Accelerator take it seriously.

As the number one in Academy City, the boy has absolute confidence in himself.

———He is the strongest.

"Arturia Pendragon, this body is a knight."

As she spoke, she raised the invisible sword of the oath of victory in her hand, the tip of the sword was facing the direction of the young man, her eyes were clear and determined.

"It seems that you don't intend to stop." Taking a deep breath, she shook her head slightly, with lingering regret in her voice, "Mr. Fang Tongxing, you have chosen a wrong path."

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