After all, he is poor and white, without any special equipment, and the power in his body conflicts with Sai Luo's power.

In the end, after going all the way, considering that he also likes to eat, he decided to bring some food over.

The two sat in this undisturbed place, and the entire Kingdom of Light was like a glowing crystal ball, and they were sitting on this crystal.

The sound of eating on the right side of Nangong didn't stop at all. In addition to expressing his gratitude, he came here to see the situation of Kingdom of Light.

"Siro, what do you think of what Lucifer said?"

Hearing this, Zhu Xing, who had just opened a bag of potato chips, paused, and his expression became serious.

"Well said, but ultimately selfish."

Lucifer has never asked others whether they want such an eternity, nor has he sought other people's opinions, but has done it arbitrarily, so there is no ally, and resistance is ushered in.

"I really think that kind of world is good, but it's okay to sacrifice others for it. The imposed kindness will turn into malice, not to mention whether Lucifer's kindness is considered goodwill is another matter."

Zhu Xing picked up the unfinished jelly and took another sip.

"Perhaps our battle will never end as Lucifer said, but so what?"

The Kingdom of Light wants to create peace, but there is only one Kingdom of Light, and there are countless multidimensional universes. Even if peace is created in one universe, there may still be countless universes in war.

"At least someone is smiling in the peace created, and that's enough."

Zhu Xing thinks this is the meaning of fighting, and the people who are saved must be meaningful.

"It's useless to say this now, anyway, I can't turn back time."

It’s okay to talk about a small area, but if you want to talk about changing history, let’s forget it, it’s impossible.

Just when Zhu Xing was about to pour some potato chips into his mouth, he heard the man beside him say something like this:

"What if someone could turn back time to the very beginning?"


Zhu Xing stopped the movement in his hands, he put down the potato chips, and looked at the person who was also looking at him.

At this time, one thing came to mind, that is, the man beside him was once possessed by Lucifer, what does this mean?

Zhu Xing felt that he seemed to understand something, and Nangong came here precisely for this matter.

That's when Lucifer told him that he 'had a chance to turn things around and change everything'

The longer this matter is concealed, the less it can be said. Nangong is really afraid that one day in the future he will "feel that he should do it at that time"

There should be only one person who can stop him, who can stop him in advance.

Sai Luo, who inherited part of Noah's power, should be able to detect when he is close to the seal, and Sai Luo has enough strength.

Nangong knew that he was like a spring bouncing back under pressure, constantly surpassing his original self.

"If one day I..."

That's all he said, because Zhu Xing interrupted him roughly.

"If one day."

Zhu Xing stood up, and he looked straight ahead with his hands on his hips.

"If one day my friend plans to do something irrational for some reason, I will definitely go there to stop him."

That's right, just do it.

"At that time, I would catch him, lock him in a certain space, and beat him non-stop."


"If he is unwilling to change his mind, I will beat him until he is willing to change his mind. If he is obsessed, let me wake him up."

Just use the simplest way of persuasion - fist.

"Oh, then please."

Nangong laughed, he felt that it was really the right time for him to come this time.

How many people in the world can guarantee that they will never regret it?

Even if he promises that he will never regret it now, what will he think when things come to an end?

That's why Nangong wanted an insurance, someone who beat him when he was stupid.

Coincidentally, Sai Luo's forte is beating others, and he really found the right person.

"But until then, please be gentle."

"It's beyond my control."

Zhu Xing was also smiling, and he used light energy to condense a pair of brightly colored glasses in his hands at this time.

"In this case, let me try to see how much you weigh now."

The words stirred up a fighting spirit.

"I haven't given up on the chance to tie the record."

Hearing this sentence, Nangong also stood up. Sai Luo's words always carried some kind of emotional power, so there was an extra item like a sword hilt in the palm of his hand.

"Then try it, and I will tell you the difference in combat experience."

The spark prism unfolded, and from there overflowed dark thunder and iridescence.

"Experience can be redeemed with skill and strength, and I'll show how much I've grown."

He wears Zelo glasses, and the light that gushes out from there wraps around his body.

At the same moment, the giants of darkness and light faced each other across the land.

They leaped towards the sky, pulled out tracks of different colors, and finally escaped from the atmosphere and flew into the deep universe.

Light and darkness are entangled together during the flight, just like the intersection of spirals, and the energy exploded in the collision is constantly overflowing.

The rays of light from fists and feet, the bow and arrow of sword blades, and the particles ejected non-stop are proofs of mutual incompetence.

On that day, in one corner of the universe, Star Trek tourists saw strange images like hallucinations.

It was the serrated blade that twisted like a giant python and danced non-stop, and the arrow of light that was as straight as a shooting star flew at extreme speed, and it disappeared in just an instant.

The last picture I saw was that the snake-belly sword had completely collapsed, and the armor was full of cracks. The silver-gray giant was holding a faint blue light in his palm, and the red-blue giant was holding a sword in his right hand. The two drew closer to each other.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

The universe originated from one point, everything came together, and everything began to expand in an instant, extending space and time to form matter and existence.

There used to be many worlds destroyed by one person's desire, and now those destroyed worlds are reunited.

Just as it wanted, the destroyed world was reassembled into the only one, and life has begun to be born in this unique world.

The first batch of stars were born, and they greedily absorbed a large amount of matter to fill themselves.

Now this newborn universe is only in a newborn state, the raging protostars have filled the entire universe with chaos, and there is no room for planets to form.

The scorching universe is full of stormy radiation, and there are few living things that can survive here.

But creatures are intelligent, and the specially made detectors fly in the star map. Even with advanced technology and equipment, the detectors still cannot withstand the harsh environment.

The scenery of this universe was completely photographed and sent back, and the existence named 'Drasion' was monitoring the newborn universe.

This may be the first 'birth of the universe' they have observed

And the timing of the birth of this universe was really too coincidental, and it was precisely because of such a coincidence that Dración paid attention to the situation in it.

If everything Lucifer said is true, then this universe is likely to be a new universe created after the reunion of those destroyed universes.

How would such a universe be different from others?

At least there is nothing special at present, or in this case, there is nothing special about it.

The bright stars are eating, the initial evolution is going on, and the detector is gradually reaching its limit, and the gravitational pull makes the overwhelmed shell begin to collapse and crack.

Judging from the parameters passed in at the end, the time flow rate of that universe is quite different from that here, which is also a normal situation.

Perhaps what the probes sent next time will be able to detect is the evolution of planets, and slowly continue to be the evolution of life, and then we will know how this newborn universe is different from other universes.

Many things have happened since Lucifer disappeared, the reason for using 'disappear' is because the other party has a unique 'immortality'

Ten thousand years?billion years?Who knows if the other party will make a comeback.

Compared with time, the other party has plenty, but there is no civilization that lasts for millions of years in the current universe.

In order to prevent possible crises in the future, Dración is currently planning a visit to the M78 nebula.

As the saying goes, 'the right way helps more than the wrong way'

It is precisely because we have the same dream that we should help each other.

Dración occasionally thought that if Lucifer's approach could be modified, it might not be a better approach.

But what Lucifer has to sacrifice is not only life, but also the will of others.

Can you accept that your family is not just your family, that your lover is not just your family, and that you are not just yourself?

Therefore, Lucifer will usher in a natural resistance, and finally decide right or wrong with strength.

Fortunately, this side won, but I don't know what will happen in the future.

Dracion is not just claiming to be the cosmic court, they are the longest-existing civilization in this universe, and they are also the strongest civilization.

I have seen so many things in such a long time, the so-called 'peace from now on' is just a beautiful wish.

At this moment, Dración detected a cross-dimensional reaction. It was a dark giant from another universe who came here from there. There was no need to guard against it. He came here probably because of those two people.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Is there any relationship between the newborn universe and Lucifer?

For the time being, no one can know the answer to this point, even Beria, who has the remnant soul of the ultimate life form in his body, is the same.

After the battle was over, he and the army returned to the universe he controlled, and the residual impact of that battle had already been displayed in this universe.

For example, those so-called "alien beasts" ceased their activities after Lucifer disappeared. These beasts are indeed just alienated dark energy, just like weapons that cannot wield themselves.

"Finally quieter."

Beria hasn't heard Lebrondo's restlessness recently, and it seems that Lucifer is indeed the one whose soul is frightened.

There is no need to care about how Lebrondo knows about Lucifer, why he is afraid of Lucifer, etc. What Beria cares about now is "power"

Wang, Noah, Lucifer, and...the existence shrouded in rainbow light.

Beria felt that things were getting more and more troublesome, but no matter how troublesome it was, it seemed that it was not as troublesome as before.

The current king is extremely weak, and Noah doesn't know where he disappeared. Perhaps the only thing people have to guard against is the guy in stone.

Under what circumstances will the other party appear?

There is no conclusion yet on this point, but the force cannot be ignored anyway.

It's not strong enough now, that's right, my own strength is not enough.

Beria looked down at the scenery below. The city was completely lit up at night, but the streets were quiet. After all, the citizens still had work to do tomorrow.

That's fine, as planned.

What should the world really be like?

Why do people keep repeating the same mistakes?

Beria used to think about this kind of problem often. He looked at different directions from the people in the Kingdom of Light, and he was more and more eager for another road.

"Who is right?"

He looked at the starry sky, how many of the stars could give birth to life?What about the process these lives have gone through?

To put it bluntly, the previous Galactic Empire was just a fairly successful experiment. Beria came to this universe with his subordinates with a lot of results and achieved corresponding results.

The moon in the sky is extremely bright, not because it reflects the light of the stars, but because that planet has been turned into a colony, and cities have been built on it, inhabited by people.

"Military strength is just military strength, and I need stronger strength."

At least you must have the power to overwhelm the father of Ultra, and you must have the power not to be afraid of the enemy, for this you must...

Beria has some ideas that have not yet been implemented, but ideas are just ideas, and they may change due to certain factors at that time, so let's wait until the real need for implementation to be determined.

There are so many multidimensional universes that there might be some special opportunity to be found in one of the other universes.

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