"I think I saw that wild man."


"And he's handsome."


The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

A normal habitable planet will naturally have two phases, day and night, and the day is divided into morning, noon and afternoon.

The signal was first detected in the morning, but it is now clearly noon.

Among the curious new generation, strange rumors such as "wild man" spread, and Diana was very clear about the authenticity of the rumor, that is, this guy who moved his sleeve and dropped a few fragments of branches.

As for why it is not clarified...how should I say it?

Said that the Ultra warrior that you all admired so much just wandered around in the woods like a primitive man if he had nothing to do?

No, the primitive man probably wouldn't wander around in the woods, but the orangutan would, the gorilla of light, not the gorilla of darkness.

And here's the problem, which is...

The first thing this person came back was to look for Gedi. In fact, it was not without such a premonition. Anyway, he must be thinking, "Everyone else has seen it, so I went to meet the one who has not seen it."

It's really a simple and easy-to-understand way of thinking, but it makes people feel strange.

'Does that mean I'm not as good as a pet? '

Diana had such a thought in her heart.

"Why are you staring at me?"

The man in front of him said this without the slightest conscious, and then Diana grabbed a strange remote control with her right hand and pressed a button on it.

It was also at this moment that Nangong felt that he was being lifted up, and the mechanical hand protruding from the room grabbed him and turned him upside down.


Shake, shake, shake.

"Like an animation——"

Up and down.

"Can you stop doing it?"

Swish swish.

"Then don't do something like a character in an anime."

Diana lowered her head, and the extra mechanical hands were cleaning the leaves and branches on the ground. She shook her head helplessly. Although this person used to do stupid things in his spare time from time to time, it seems that he has become more stupid recently.

"No, it's not okay."


Nangong's dull voice was echoed by Gedi, and now he is still standing on his head in the air, with his clothes falling down due to gravity and covering his head.

"The reason why I can't do it is because it's animation. If I can do it now, I naturally want to do it. I also have a childhood."

After saying this he began to fall, falling with Geddy into the hole that opened below.

About 1 minute later, a person and a dog fell from the hole above again, and landed lightly, with some strange bubbles floating out of their bodies.

Nangong, who was still in a mess in the forest before, has become clean again, with a fresh fragrance wafting from her body.

"Did you just throw me in the washing machine for a spin?"

Nangong clearly felt the earth-shattering feeling, at first it was water, then even the water was shaken dry, and finally it was thrown out directly in the warmth.

"Anyway, there are often characters who are thrown into the washing machine in animation, right?"

Diana said very naturally.

"And that's not a washing machine, it's a fully automatic washing machine. It only takes one minute from washing to drying. It's non-toxic to the human body. You can go in and take a bath directly. The cleaning is all done by the machine, and the efficiency is very high."

It's not like she hasn't jumped in before, and once in and out, everything is done directly.

"Have you started working on something weird lately?"

Nangong scratched his hair, and some bubbles popped up and disappeared by themselves. Did Diana study this kind of thing before?

"The uncleanness of the body can lead to the growth of bacteria and even the development of disease, but it is too troublesome to take a bath by yourself, so this kind of thing is made."

Diana's answer made Nangong not know how to react for a while.

"It's too troublesome to take a shower...you..."

He doesn't know what to say at this moment, if it's troublesome to take a bath, what's not troublesome?

"Hands are limited by the structure of the human body. Not only is it laborious and time-consuming, it may not be clean. What's wrong with my all-round cleaning machine? It's fast and clean. Everyone in the scientific research department has given the highest level of praise."

Diana said dissatisfiedly, but there was a lot of information revealed in these words. It seemed that the entire scientific research department had started to use this strange thing.

"The disadvantage is probably that I was thrown out without feeling how warm it was, and my body feels like a washing machine."

Nangong retorted that he felt that the joy of taking a bath lies in the daze when the hot water rushes over his body, and suddenly everything becomes 'empty'.

But what happened to the washing machine just now?

Just go in and spin, spin and spin, spin and dry.

"Have you ever been in a washing machine? Have you been washed by a washing machine? How can you represent a washing machine?"

The three consecutive questions that came out of Diana's mouth made Nangong speechless. First of all, the washing machine made in the earth couldn't hold him under normal conditions.

So in fact, what the other party said was true, he had never been washed in a washing machine.

After a few seconds, Nangong shook his head helplessly and said:

"I think that sooner or later you will find it difficult to eat."

"I have long felt that eating is troublesome."

Diana sneered. To be honest, she felt that eating, sleeping, and bathing were bothersome, and it was a waste of time to do so.

"So I created this, an energy drink that's a meal in a bottle and comes in different fruit flavors."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the drink on the table and drank it. To put it bluntly, isn't the human body eating to replenish energy?As long as it can supplement the necessary energy for the human body, whatever you eat is the same.

"Also well received in the research department."

Diana's expression at this time was very proud, matching her current too young appearance with a subtle sense of cuteness.

It's just that what she said made Nangong feel that the woman in front of him was really...unbelievable.

Although a lot of human touch has gradually become more in getting along, but the unbelievable place is still the same unbelievable.

"It's fine if you can accept it."

Don't judge others, right?Don't blame others for the way of life they enjoy. After all, this way of life has not hindered anyone or caused any bad effects.

"What, you just accepted it."

At this time, Diana in front of Nangong looked disappointed. Who was the person who argued so fiercely just now?

"Then how do you want me to react..."

Nangong's words brought Diana an expression full of interest, and she said:

"Say this way of life is not good, let me correct you or something, then start to take care of my three meals a day, treat me like a child and love me, by the way, I have to drink some every night Dairy."

The more Diana said, the more strange Nangong's expression became.

The more you listen, the more you feel something is wrong. Do you want to go back to your infancy?

'I heard that geniuses have some quirks, is this Diana's quirks?Or is she finally getting old? '

In fact, Nangong really didn't know how old Diana was. The other party was a girl, a girl, and a woman.

But considering that Diana's father has already grown gray hair, which means Diana's age...

'No matter how conservative it is, he must be older than me. '

Nangong knew about the stage of 'menopause', so he suspected that Diana had entered such a stage that caused her to start talking nonsense, which was quite scary in a sense.

The scene in front of her was like an adult woman clamoring for someone to feed her. She didn't think it was cute, but just creepy.

"Do you...do you want to go to the hospital? No, I'm not saying you're sick, but have you checked your health recently? Mental maintenance is also very important."

Nangong made a suggestion with a slightly terrified expression.


In an instant, Diana's expression became calm, and she narrowed her eyes to stare at the man in front of her.

"Sorry, I was too blunt."

Nangong immediately apologized.

"I can't hear the slightest hint of an apology from you at all."

Diana felt that the other party was completely emphasizing the 'you should go to the doctor'.

At this moment, the door of the research room was opened, and someone walked in from there.

"Huh? So you're still here."

As soon as Zheng Mu opened his mouth, what he said was not very polite.

"It's not to drive you away, but there's nothing for you here, why don't you go back earlier?"

"No, no matter what I hear, it's just seeing off guests."

Nangong blinked, what's the matter?

"What about Dagu and Asuka?"

"Going to the banquet, do you want to go too?"

"Uh, no need."

Zheng Mu's words made Nangong hold back the words. At first, he could find some food in the banquet for entertainment, but later it gradually turned into various chats.

And... the people who chatted gradually changed.

Even if you haven't changed it, you can still feel the difference from the past.

'The Darkness of the Heart'

There is more or less a dark side in everyone's heart, just like Pandora's box, once it is completely opened, it will release things that should not be released.

When you keep getting old and see a person for decades, what kind of thoughts will you have at that time, what kind of expression will you show?

Nangong had vaguely felt some negative emotions, and since then he will try his best to push away such things.

There is no need to stimulate others. Going there is like giving others a test, which has no meaning.

"I'm on the way to chat now, how many times is this the first time?"

With the snapping of fingers and the words, Diana pulled back Nangong's thoughts, with a little helplessness on her expression.

It is Nangong's bad habit to often sink into his own thinking. No matter how many times he talks about this bad habit, it seems that there is no way to change it.

"Sorry, I'm trying my best to correct it."

"It's just that there is no result."

Zhengmu made complaints about Nangong's apology, he put down the things and said very bluntly as before:

"By the way, do you have anything else to do? Go back if you have nothing to do, it will hinder our work."

Is there any need to hide after we have known each other for almost 100 years?

Because of this, Nangong nodded.

"I see, but there is one last thing."

He paused, then turned his gaze to Diana and said:

"I want a prosthetic arm."

this point is very important.

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