Although my mood fluctuated a bit this week, but looking at him like this, I suddenly felt that it was no big deal.

In fact, watching him indulge in video games gave me a strange sense of peace of mind, because this man didn't disappear suddenly and was doing dangerous things somewhere, but was just playing games until he forgot the time and forgot to eat or sleep.

Of course, it doesn't mean that this is a good thing, but at least it is not something that will make him disappear.

You can't just be sucked into the game and travel to a different world. Speaking of which, this type of literary works are really rampant now, but the way to go to the different world is by truck.

"Shen Yu, don't lie there, you can always do it with chopsticks, right?"

"I'm coming."

Fukahae yawned subconsciously after sitting up from the sofa, she stretched and got up.

"It's really fast."

"Of course two people are more efficient than one."

"I think the same way when I usually do housework."

The two who have assigned different tasks to each other are very serious, but compared to Xili, Fukaha likes to do it while complaining.

Not long after, the last dish was served on the dining table, and after completing this action, Nangong also put the pot in his hand on the sink.

And Xi Li opened the chair and sat down, Shen Yu turned on the light, and the two of them looked at the extra dish because there was one more person.

Should I say nostalgia?

Or should I say happy?

But one thing is for sure.

The two picked up the two bowls of soup and approached the remaining bowl at the same time.

When Nangong settled the matter and took his place, he blinked, and there were a lot of snails in the bowl that was originally only mustard greens.

' At this time, don't say anything. '

He sat down with an unconscious smile, Shen Yu picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, which contained today's news.

"It's time to eat."

Xi Li picked up the chopsticks, and the meal was neither shabby nor rich, it was just an ordinary dinner that couldn't be more ordinary.

Compared with the two of them, the chopsticks in Nangong's hand were a bit slower, and he waited for Shen Yu and Xi Li to eat almost before starting to use his strength.

It's been like this for a long time, I'm used to it.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The setting sun outside the window is only a little bit behind the dark clouds. It is simple but time-consuming to clean the dishes and pots.

After finishing it, Nangong walked to the other side of the TV counter. He squatted down and pulled out something from below.

"Shen Yu, come here."


Shen Yu, who was still sitting on the sofa just now, got up and walked towards Nangong. When she saw what was in front of Nangong, she immediately wanted to back away, but it was too late.

"Stand up and take a look."


It was a scale, old but still functional.

"I want to know your current weight."

Nangong said very seriously, and Shen Yu, who had a dull expression just now, immediately showed a disgusted expression.

"I don't want to. Isn't it rude to measure a lady's weight so bluntly?"

"I just care about your health as an elder."

It's a pity that Shen Yu's words couldn't shake Nangong's thoughts. At this moment, Xi Li, who was standing up after the meal, showed a smirk that she couldn't usually see, and she said:

"It's also time to pay attention. She usually likes to lie in one place without moving, and she likes to eat and drink sweet things, and she also eats fast food."

For a moment, Nangong showed the sharp eyes that he showed in McDonald's a few days ago.

"No, I'm the kind of physique that can't get fat after eating."

Shen Yu was arguing for herself.

"Then stand up, don't talk too much, stand here right now."

Nangong walked around a few steps from the side and walked behind Shen Yu. This action gave Shen Yu a feeling of encountering a pervert, as if someone would suddenly push you down when standing on a high place.

"I, I know."

Shen Yu took a few quick breaths, but it was just to measure the individual's weight. Why did it develop into such a strange appearance?

She stepped forward, and the scale started at the same time as she was stepped on, and the numbers above changed with the movement, and slowly stopped when she finally stopped.

When the number popped up, Shen Yu turned her head to look, and she could clearly see that the eyes of the man beside her were wider than usual, and the eyes were firmly locked on the reading above the scale.

'I always feel bad. '

Fukaha had such a premonition.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

"Summer isn't over yet, don't you all feel hot when you go out for a walk at this time?"

The bad premonition came true, and Shen Yu felt that she was almost forced to be taken to the road at night. There are not many people here. After all, the residential area is different from the street, and the most basic quietness is maintained.

What's more, the only people who go out at this time are...

"You still have to take a walk after dinner, are you an old man?"

Yes, that was the reason she was brought out, out for a walk, only semi-compulsory.

"Walking helps with digestion, and sitting for a long time can easily make the stomach protrude, and finally become—"

"Okay, you don't need to say any more."

Shen Yu stopped someone's dog's mouth from spitting out ivory, and it was even more strange to hear it like this.

It's not the kind of conversation between a man and a woman at all, it's not the kind of half-truth that wants to show the best side of yourself, it's the kind of blunt speech that is too close to say something directly.

It's not expecting fake, but... well, it's weird, super weird.


Xi Li remained silent, but judging from the corners of her lips curled up, she was clearly in a good mood.

She doesn't like going out at night and doesn't mind going out when someone is with her, and Nangong also stopped her subsequent words at this time.

It's really not polite for girls, but the purpose of scaring the other party has been achieved, so let's stop here.

"Ah...the only people who hang around outside at this time are people who keep pets besides retired old people."

Shen Yu looked around, and she saw a lot of people walking their dogs along the way.

"Don't you think it's cute?"

Nangong realized that this was a good opportunity, and he should make a corresponding speech immediately.

"Cute is cute."

It was Xi Li who answered the call. During the recent period, she was in a good mood most of the time. This kind of good mood made her start to focus on things that she would not normally care about., the nature of 'beauty' as a human being is liberated, so she noticed one thing.

That is all kinds of 'cute pets' that are the focus of traffic on the Internet

After all, this era is an era where cute pets can also make money. It cannot be denied that they are indeed cute, in short, they are very cute.

"Trouble is really troublesome."

Xili asked Dongyang about keeping pets. According to Dongyang, it was 'very troublesome'

Hair loss, vaccinations, eating and drinking, and the most important hair... right?

"What if there is a cute pet that is not troublesome and understands human nature?"

Nangong is very aware of the characteristics of a certain dog. It is an existence that has been proved to be easy to keep. There is no need to worry about any pet problems. The only problem is that it likes to take walks and is afraid of being lonely.

"If there is, it has been trained for a long time... No, wait."

Xi Li turned her head to look at Nangong, she had a vague guess in her mind.

"Let me first ask which universe and planet the pet you are talking about is from? The cuteness should refer to the kind of furry cuteness instead of the tentacled cuteness?"

Although it is too late to ask this now, Xi Li still wants to ask:

"Your aesthetics shouldn't deviate too much from ours, right?"

This is really important.

"An ordinary dog."

Well, it is an ordinary dog ​​without gigantism, and there is no need for gigantism on this earth now.

Part of the reason why Nangong didn't return to that universe immediately was that "there are a lot of things to deal with"

At that time, he also heard various things on the ship. For example, the M78 nebula is really super sweet, and the first thing the Star Alliance does when they go back is to immediately draft a diplomatic proposal and prepare to reach a cross-universe alliance.

Of course, the Interstellar Alliance with the goal of "helping each other to seek the mysteries of the universe" cannot let go of the gentle M78 nebula, which is a matter of course.

It's going to be busy over there, and given the 'Empat influence' he thinks it's a good thing he just disappears when he gets the chance.

Now that a whole generation has changed, how about continuing to the next generation?

In the further future, if Empat is still there and continues to show his face, he will undoubtedly be 'deified'

At the beginning, the situation was unstable, so it was necessary for an existence with strong influence to stand on the side of the Star Alliance. Now that it is no longer needed, he should naturally disappear from the stage.

"Why didn't you talk all of a sudden?"

Shen Yu's words pulled Nangong back from his contemplation, and he accidentally started thinking about some things that had nothing to do with daily life, and the habit was still a bit difficult to change.

"Just remembering things from the past."

Of course there is an undeniable fact that he actually 'forgot' Geddy

It may sound a little heartless, but compared to Gedi, who he knows very well about his unknown lifespan and who may accompany him forever, at that time, he wanted to see the fragile, short-lived man as Lucifer said. , People who will pass away in the blink of an eye.

This may also be a manifestation of his selfish side.

"Speaking of which, you seem to be very interested in my past?"

Nangong had already made a plan to face his own black history. At that time, he was angry, reckless, he didn't know how to advance or retreat, and he did a lot of stupid things.

And even in this way, he will meet people who are willing to accept him. When people live in this world, they will inevitably have contact with who and what, and thus give birth to feelings.

"It's really interesting."

Xi Li nodded seriously.

"It's better to say that now I finally have the opportunity to listen."

Shen Yu is still very concerned about the five years that disappeared, how many five years can there be in life?

"It all started with a young guy who had just made a bit of a difference in the company, was partying with his colleagues and getting drunk."

Nangong gave a wry smile when he said this, what the hell did it start with?Is there such a beginning?How come there is such a beginning?

Walking alone must be boring, but it is another matter to listen to stories.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Drops of water fell spatteringly. It was the hot water gushing out of the shower. Fukaha bathed in the hot water and lowered her head. Her long hair, which had just been washed, was so wet that it stuck to her skin like a What a ghost.

About two seconds later, a voice came:

"Why, do you care?"

Xi Li, who was lying on the edge of the bathtub, showed a teasing smile. Of course, she knew where and what the other party was looking at.

"Of course I would care about being mentioned so fiercely."

Fukaba's left hand caressed her abdomen that seemed to protrude and didn't seem to protrude, and she didn't know what happened.

It's all Nangong's fault, always caring about what's there and what's not, making people care about it unconsciously.

'It's okay, I have a physique that doesn't make me fat. '

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