Ju interrupted Nangong's words, he almost walked over with this person just now, what kind of game useless person.

In your capacity, shouldn't you be more self-reliant?

"Let's...Look, the convenience store over there is open, let's go shopping first."

Tachibana pointed to the store a hundred meters away, and everyone started to move forward.

About 10 minutes later, someone is swigging a bottle and...

"Cough cough cough cough cough! Woohoo! Vomit!"

Although I don't know if someone pours a whole bottle of wine in one breath and it will spray out, but the probability of pouring a whole bottle of Coke in one breath is still very high.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Ai Chuan still had half a bottle in his hand, as for the half bottle he drank, he spit out a lot of it again.

"I still want to imitate the frustrated and confused man, it seems a bit difficult."

He was choking and talking.

"Imitating urchins should be very successful."

Tachibana just asked for a bottle of mineral water that was absolutely worth drinking.

The three of them sat on the side of the road, and they just sat on the side of the road.

Tachibana and Aikawa, who are about to retire now, are actually in the same position as Nangong, belonging to a stage where they don't know what to do.

About 5 minutes later, Aikawa, who found a place to wash himself, walked back to his original position and said:

"Young people seem to like to dance in the ballroom after work and go to the bar to find a relationship."

"So you want to have a relationship?"

Nangong felt that he might have heard the subtext.

"It can't be said that I want to fall in love, I can only say that I am really curious about this kind of thing."

Aikawa raised the palm of his right hand while talking, using body language to increase his persuasiveness.

"Look, all kinds of TV dramas are always about love and love, and love movies are also enduring. Even in games, you have to make cute female characters to enrich the love branch. Sure enough, love is one of the ultimate pursuits of human beings, right?"

His words may make sense, or they may not make sense. In fact, Nangong didn't intend to think about whether it makes sense. He just made trouble as a friend:

"Do you know a book called "Fortress Besieged"? It says that marriage is like a besieged city. People outside want to get in, people inside want to get out, and love is the grave of marriage."

In a sense, this can be regarded as taken out of context, but it is not a serious topic in the first place.

At this moment, Tachibana also spoke:

"And I think that all the promotion of love is due to the aging population. Nowadays, men and women all over the world are unwilling to raise offspring, because there are more interesting things than that. The progress of the times has also made inherent concepts attacked, such as passing on the family line. "

In short, the government is in a hurry. Maybe the human beings who have survived the alien invasion and the ravages of alien beasts will become extinct because they are unwilling to have offspring. It is ironic to think about it this way.

Three seconds later, Nangong could clearly see Ai Chuan's eyeballs rolling around, and instinctively told him that what Ai Chuan was going to say next was definitely not a good thing.

"Marriage is the tomb of love, and marriage is a siege. Everyone is unwilling to have children, so I just need to meet and not get married?"

Misunderstood statements in various senses just popped out.

"Take the initiative and be irresponsible, right?"

Tachibana complained, and at this time, Aikawa suddenly stood up after drinking the remaining Coke in one gulp, and he said:

"Come on, let's go to find an encounter. Now that the summer heat is not over and autumn is just here, let's go to the beach to play."

So the men who had nothing to do in various senses boarded the subway after half an hour, and they were going to the so-called 'sea bathing beach'

This term sounds a bit confusing, but it actually refers to artificially built beaches and shallow seas, which are generally used as a good place for people to escape the summer heat and play.

Of course it sounds perfect, but all people have to face in the summer is the problem of 'crowding'.

It's okay to go to the real beach, so there won't be many people mixing together, but sometimes the sea bathing beach will turn into a 'swimming pool' situation, that is, a group of people crowding each other in the water.

It doesn't take much time, and all kinds of equipment can be purchased directly through the convenience store near the bath.

After cleaning up and changing clothes, Nangong, who was still wearing a top, walked into the bathing area.

Now it is the end of September and October is coming soon, the temperature is not so hot that people faint, so the number of people here is not as many as expected.

In addition to this, there is another key issue, that is, not everyone is so idle and panicking on this working day.

"Huh? Why are you wearing a top?"

Aikawa was a little curious about this, and Nangong also answered bluntly:

"I would be a little uncomfortable exposing my entire upper body."

Nangong adjusted the light yellow top again to hide her good figure, but no matter how she hides her body outline, she will not be deceiving.

"I have a question."

At this moment, Ju who had been staring at Nangong just now spoke.

"You...are you wearing clothes or not when you transform?"

Maybe it's because he has been with Aikawa for a long time, sometimes Tachibana can say something out of the blue.

So here is the question, are the Ottos wearing clothes or not?

Depending on the answer, Aikawa felt that his impression might also change strangely.

"Of course there are clothes to wear, it's better to say that the appearance itself is a kind of clothes."

Nangong, who understands the essence of the Ultra family, can say that, in fact, the appearance is the clothes, and the real body is the energy and will inside.

For example, if he can change his form now, it can be regarded as a change of clothes in essence, can't it?

"Phew... I was taken aback. I thought you would turn into a streaking pervert. It's really great that you didn't become like that."

Aikawa wiped his cold sweat with gestures, he turned around and looked at the water over there.

"It's not a problem to stay in this entrance all the time. Look, there is water on the other side of the beach."

"Aren't you talking nonsense..."

Tachibana could only comment on the other party's speech in this way.


Ignoring Tachibana's complaints, Aikawa walked over there quickly, his well-trained body gave a reliable feeling.

"Hey, wait."

Nangong stretched out his hand to say something.

However, Aikawa has changed from a brisk walk to a trot.

"You haven't warmed up yet."

After Nangong said this, Aichuan had already jumped into the water, so the splash must be 0 points.

After shaking his head helplessly, Nangong and Ju walked to that side together.

During this process, the two looked around for a while. The number of people today is neither too many nor too few, and it can actually be regarded as empty.

There are adults as well as children. After all, many jobs are not weekends and holidays, but take the form of 'scheduled leave', and their holiday time is not fixed.

A few seconds later, Aikawa, who was still soaking in the water just now, walked back to the beach with his body covered in water.

"I realize something."

He continued seriously:

"I almost forgot how to swim."

This is a very crucial thing.

"Actually, I have to review it."

Tachibana also agreed that the two of them used to know how to swim, but no matter what they did for a long time, they would definitely become unfamiliar.

"It would be too shameful to be rescued after sinking below."

With such thoughts in mind, Aikawa returned to the shore again. He moved his hands and feet to warm up his body that had become cold due to the water.

"Why are you also doing warm-up exercises?"

Ju looked at Nangong's actions with some doubts.

"I don't fit in if I don't move for a while, and moving can make me temporarily forget the game. I really want to pick up my phone now."

"You're sick to the bone."

Aikawa complained, and then the three men moved their bodies on the bank.

Then, the three people who went into the water were funny in every sense,

Although it is not a good thing to judge people by their appearance, the tall and mighty man with obvious muscular lines and strong abdominal muscles is really funny now in the water like landlubbers.

Ai Chuan, who swam a few times in the water and swam for a certain distance, stopped again, and he floated on the surface of the water.

"How do you breathe while freestyle?"

He almost choked the water into his mouth just now.

"How about not freestyle swimming when you can't?"

Tachibana's hands moving from side to side drive the body forward, which is breaststroke.

"No, breaststroke doesn't look good."

"You...you look good and who can show it to you?"

Nangong shook his head helplessly, this man is almost 30 years old, why is he still so childish?


Aikawa turned around and continued to splash in the water. After a few seconds, the splashing water kept rising in one place.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

"Ugh, it's disgusting, I'm suddenly starting to regret coming here."

"It's you who said you would come, and you who said you regretted it. That's fine."

"Do you want to give up after choking on a few sips?"

There was no swimming or activity, the three of them just floated on the water like this, looking at the sky above the beach.

Swimming goggles bought in a convenience store successfully prevented the possible burns from too much sunlight.

About 5 minutes ago, Aikawa suddenly stopped moving forward, just thumping in one place, at that moment Nangong and Tachibana realized that the other party might be drowning.

But in fact, after rushing over, I found that the other party was very good, and there was no such thing as cramps at all.

After that until now, the three of them just floated on the water without knowing what they planned to do in the first place.

"Actually, I realized a problem just now."

That was the idea that Aikawa had when he accidentally choked on water while trying to take a breath, and this idea directly disrupted his movements and thinking.

"Look, there are at least 100 people in this beach right now?"

At this time, Nangong and Ju were still thinking about whether the other party was going to publish some philosophical questions about human beings.

"There are people coming and going. From the beginning of summer to this time, the open beach must have thousands or even tens of thousands of people coming and going, right?"

As Aikawa said this, he waved his hands slightly to divert the water.

"There must be adults and children, men and women, and based on the plots in some small movies."

"Wait, can you stop talking about this topic? I don't want to give alien friends the impression that people on Earth are full of yellow waste."

Tachibana immediately interrupted what Aikawa wanted to say. As a man, he certainly knew what the other party wanted to say.

Although when men get together, the topic is very likely to develop in the direction of pornographic waste, but you should pay attention, don't think that the physiological structure of aliens is the same as that of human beings!

Maybe people don't need knots...cough cough cough cough!

"Okay, I won't say that."

Aikawa felt that this kind of topic was indeed not very good to talk about here.

"Then let's talk about children. We all know that children's self-control ability is very weak, and they will always do some unbelievable things, so how many children do you think will be in this bathing place amidst so many people?" Some physical activity?"

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