At this time, Mina heard such a helpless sentence.

I saw Nangong, who was still in the kitchen before, put the lunch that was just taken out of the microwave oven a few times on the table.

"Anyway, I'm heading towards the age of 30, so I still have to pay attention to my weight."

Qihai shrugged and said something that was not girly. For her, the loss of a hand is much more important than age and figure. If she can accept this, she can naturally accept that she is getting older.

"But I have to say, I'm really tired of eating."

This is her only opinion. The supermarkets sell wholesale products, and since they are wholesale products, they naturally taste the same.

Five years, five years will naturally get boring.

Although she often went to Xi Li's side, she didn't get together every day.

"Then why don't you just come and live at my house? Anyway, there's no one there."

Seriously speaking, Nangong can only see Xi Li and Shen Yu on Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays.

And the other thing is, spending the night alone on the couch can be really... lonely.

Nangong used to have the self-awareness that he was afraid of loneliness, but he didn't expect it to be more serious now.

"I don't think your house is that big."

It's not that Qihai hasn't visited before, the three bedrooms and one living room are indeed very good, Xili, Shenyu, Nangong, so there are three people, what will happen if she goes there again?

"Are you going to sleep on the sofa?"

The hero who saves the world sleeps on the sofa. What kind of black humor is this?

"I'm actually sleeping on the couch."

To be honest, Nangong still couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart. The deceased would not respond, so no matter what he said, he couldn't pass it on to Kazama and Rino. If he wanted to be like this, he would go to sleep on other people's bed...

Whether it was five years ago or now, he didn't sleep in the bed.

Hearing such words, Qihai suddenly felt a little curious.

"Won't your back hurt?"

"It hurts when you get hit."

Nangong felt that he was young, and he was not at the age where he couldn't walk. Would the Otto family have that age?

The conversation between the two is still going on, but they are too natural, so they forget that there is another person here.

'What is the relationship? ! '

Have you reached the point of moving to your house?Never heard of this person!

Mina roared in her heart, she felt that she could not accept this.

I don’t know when there was such an extra person. What happened? It’s just that she traveled to China with her family during the summer vacation. Has the world changed in just such a short period of time!

How could such a relationship be developed in a month?

Did you take strange medicine like that little notebook?

"In that case, I will cook three meals a day in the future."

A certain man unconsciously uttered outrageous words.

The Retired Life of Ultra Soldiers Part [-]

"Won't it bother you too much?"

"After all, I have nothing to do. I sit at home every night and watch people laugh on TV."

The joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys between people are not common, I just think they are noisy.

"What is this empty-nester speech..."

A picture suddenly popped up in Qihai's mind, the program on the TV was happy, people on the street were laughing at each other, Xi Li and Shen Yu were spending happy time with their classmates in the university.

Then, Nangong swayed alone on the recliner at home, and the wind blew the curtains.


Qihai's expression became weird. Although she couldn't connect the person in front of her with the old man no matter what, this performance was really——

"Well, I have to speak to them before bringing the pets back."

The man had a serious expression on his face.

'I even started thinking about keeping pets, wouldn't it be birds? '

Probably because the impact was so strong that Qihai couldn't hear the short paragraph of "receive it", what flashed in her mind was the picture of someone playing chess with other people in the park with a birdcage in his hand.

"Are you still going to play chess?"

Qihai asked subconsciously.

"I have to wait until I understand it."

Before Nangong watched people playing chess in the park, he was basically in a "what, why, what are you doing?" situation, as a person who only knows the rules.


Qihai realized that the person in front of her seemed to be aging at an exaggerated rate. What happened?

"No, is there nothing you can do?"

She was very concerned about this.


Nangong stroked his smooth chin.

"did not expect."

Then came out such a sentence, he is basically a relatively passive person, but not only because of this reason.

And more importantly, he's 'suddenly relaxed'

He who used to stretch himself to the limit suddenly fell into a situation with nothing to do, so it turned into a strange situation of 'not knowing what to do'.

"Haven't you tried playing games?"

"For the time being..."

Having said that, Nangong scratched his hair, showing a helpless expression.

"too easy."

That's the thing, in fact, he only needs to spend a very short time to achieve the so-called 'speedrun'

As long as you concentrate, the enemy's movements are clearly visible on the screen. After knowing the operation, it is very common to push flatly.

Rather than fighting the enemy, it is better to say that the time is spent finding ways and talking to NPCs.

It's okay to say that the game focuses on the plot, and the pure action type is not very interesting.


After a short silence, Nanami took a deep breath, then changed the subject:

"Let's have lunch first."

She felt that she might really want to find something to do for the man in front of her, who now felt overly neglected from the inside out.

Pick up the chopsticks, pick up the lunch, start eating, and then give your own thoughts, that is:

"It's really not delicious."

According to Mina's evaluation, the food at home is more delicious.

"Brother Nangong, what do you do? You look so young, are you still studying?"

Ask questions while eating, because you can't hear the situation at all just by listening, and the more you listen, the more inexplicable it becomes.

However, there was a big problem with this question. Nangong began to think about how old he should say he was, and he couldn't tell the truth no matter what.

"He is 24 years old and is currently looking for a job."

At this point, Qihai reacted much faster, and she chose an age that matched her appearance.

"Well, that's right."

Nangong nodded immediately, he felt that he had been reminded, that's right, he should find a job, and things would get a lot better if he found a job, probably.

"She's younger than Sister Qihai."



On the outside, and indeed it is.

"In this case, do you mean to pursue Miss Qihai? You see, it's already reached the point where you can live together and cook for her."

Mina suggested with a smirk, anyway, if a child says something like this, it will be regarded as a joke, no, maybe it can just be a hint of a joke?

As a girl who has watched a lot of TV dramas, movies and animations, she is convinced that the two people in front of her are likely to have 'that kind of relationship'

It's the so-called 'intimate childhood sweetheart'

Think about it!Nangong was just an ordinary boy back then!And now, when he grows up, he chases his longing big sister to Tokyo, and now is the time for that feeling to burst out!

According to this script, it should be that Nangong dared not express his feelings, and Qihai was too slow to notice, treating the other party as a child.

After a period of time, a man might come out of nowhere and attack Nanami.

After that, the two sides swayed, a lot of conflicts and inexplicable misunderstandings, and finally Nangong won!

What?Why is Nangong winning?Because childhood sweetheart is number one in the world!

'That's right, there will at least be shaken or something next! '

Sharp eyes looked over, and then the man shook his head.

"Qami is an excellent girl. I believe that no matter who has actually met her, she will think so. The reason why she hasn't fallen in love with anyone is because she hasn't met her yet, and there is no need to care about someone who rejects her just because of her appearance. .”

It's a pity that she is disabled, and people with such thoughts don't need to go deep friendship.

"The basic condition of equality is mutual respect. If you can't even do this, what else can you talk about? An unequal relationship will eventually break down. Either one party will be tortured, or both parties will torture each other. The important thing is that equality is not humble. People To love yourself."

Nangong said seriously.

'Eh?Why did it suddenly become a class? '

Mina felt that this was not what she wanted to ask.

"No, I'm not talking about other things, but whether you have this idea yourself."

"Me? No, I'm not in the range at all."

Nangong believes that family members should not be classified as men, that's all.


Qihai frowned, such a flat denial made her feel a little unhappy.

The contrast between the two is caught in the eyes, and Mina realizes one thing:

'Is it not a female-oriented script but a male-oriented script? '

Then the plot will become a strange adventure of a dull man, and there will be more and more female characters!Ninety-nine out of [-] big sister roles like Sister Qihai will be defeated!

'Don't do that kind of thing! '

I have already tasted enough, can't I have some works by the mature big sister Shengli?Why are sister characters always acting as escorts!

"It always makes me a little unhappy to be denied so flatly."

Nanami bluntly expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Ah, sorry."

Nangong chose to apologize first.

The conversation over there is still going on, so it's even more strange.

'What's the relationship between these two? '

It feels like the most basic kind of childhood sweetheart who never has any other development, the kind of friend character that doesn't even deserve to be in a dating game.

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