However, Diana had no intention of objecting. The invisible detector she wore could detect the difference between the present Nangong and the last inspection Nangong.

Energy lifeforms are unusual. Normal lifeforms have such changes that seem to have changed their genes.

After that, Dagu took Nangong to a resting place. After a long battle, everyone needed to rest.

Nangong, who was struggling to meet his friends, relaxed, and then fell asleep directly.

This time, there were no nightmares, no memories of other people, just nothingness with chaotic consciousness.

"We've been through a lot over there."

Dagu and Diana explained, but Diana shrugged:

"I know, the man likes it that way."

Compared with myself, I still care more about others, and I just mess around because it is not easy to die.

Just because he likes to mess around, other people can only catch up, right?

In the dark Kingdom of Light, you can see the starry sky when you look up. Today, the residents of the Kingdom of Light fell asleep in the dark world after a long absence.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The system starts up, and some cheerful voices are heard:

"Oh, it's starting to move, it's starting to move. After all, it's really quite similar."

The self-examination started, and I heard the words of ridicule:

"If you look at it this way, it's your illegitimate child, Jambert. Seriously, Jambert, have you ever fallen in love with any machine?"

All devices are connected normally, and I heard the words of holding back laughter:

"Okay, don't bully him, I believe that no matter who encounters such a major event in life, they will be at a loss."

Fully powered on, heard an angry voice:

"You really can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth!"

I saw this picture: a robot's fist flew out, and that fist was chasing the other three people.



"Run away!"

But what is amazing is that the three people have completely different appearances, one is red and blue with strange ears on his head, one is pure red with his head on fire, and the other is all white... this It's quite normal.


At this time, he lowered his head and saw a little girl in white clothes, a little creature.

In an instant, the girl's information was called out, so it should be done like this:

"Princess Emerana, I am your Guardian Knight Jannay, please let me accompany you."

The mechanical life form that was very similar to Jambert called himself Jannay. He squatted down and stared at Princess Emerana.





The four people who were still fighting there just now stopped, and they looked at each other suspiciously, not understanding what was going on at all.

The mechanical giant found in Bit Star, that giant has a similar appearance to Jambert, so the giant was transported out, and when it was started, what was this man talking about?

"Hmm...I don't quite understand, can you explain in more detail?"

Emilana was a little puzzled by this, and her inquiry was answered exactly:

"When my creator created me, he only gave me two instructions. The first is to protect Princess Emerana, that is, you. The second is to let me think about what I should do. The latter is for me to temporarily Out of ideas, so I decided to carry out the first order."

Who is the maker of Jannay?

"Who is your maker?"

Cyroma immediately asked the crucial question.


The moment this answer appeared, Jambert's vigilance immediately reached the extreme. To him, Lucifer was just a reckless person who kidnapped the princess.

"No, no, no, no! I definitely don't agree with this guy becoming a guardian knight!"

The opposition was so fierce that Jannay turned his eyes on his Primarch and said:

"Brother, I will prove my reliability with practical actions."

"elder brother?!"

For the first time as a robot, Jambert experienced the feeling of being choked on words.

"Who is your brother!"

He immediately made a decisive rebuttal.

"No, no, no, it's better than calling you Dad."

The red lotus flame sang.

"Yeah, having children before marriage can become a matter of style. It's not chivalrous, and it can't be justified in terms of personal morality."

The Mirror Knight.


Jambert felt like being stabbed in the back, as if no one around him was a friend.

Different from those three people, Emilana said to Jannay after hesitating for a while:

"I see, but you have to make an appointment with me. When you have something you want to do, you don't need to worry about me. We are equal."

Lucifer, what is this man to Emerana?

mad Men?madman?It is undeniable that she has an inexplicable affection for the other party, just like the feeling of seeing an elder.

And Lucifer didn't know why he created the existence named 'Jennay' and gave it to Emerana.

"I don't agree! I don't agree!"

"Forget it, don't be so rigid."

Sai Luo hugged Jambert's shoulders, he was planning to build a team, the more reliable people the better, and it's easy to see what kind of person the other party is, isn't it?

"In short, Jannay, welcome to the Kingdom of Light."

That's right, this is the Kingdom of Light.

"There is no light."

Jannay looked around, it was really dark in here.

150 Eight Chapters After the War

Empty, of course, does not refer to the somewhat empty ward, but refers to his own spirit.

There are different treatment facilities in the Kingdom of Light, and there are medical facilities for people of different races besides those used for the Ultra Clan.

At this time, Chris was lying on this bed. His biggest problem now was that he didn't know what happened, but his brain was empty.

It's like waking up from a hazy dream, because the dream is so long that there is a feeling of being unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

When I close my eyes, I feel a sense of fear. I am afraid that I will fall asleep again. What is the fear of falling asleep?

More importantly, what is going on now?

The last thing reflected in the memory is... that's right, the person in his perception attacked him with the posture in his perception.

The appearance may be the same, but the sound is completely different.


The knock on the door attracted Chris' attention, and he was a little uneasy, but the voice came over:

"It's me, Chris."


What exactly is a dream?The voice is exactly the same, so when did the dream start?When did you hallucinate?

"Please come in!"

Even Chris's tone became a little hasty, he was eager to understand the situation at this time.

So the man who walked in from the door was exactly the same as the one in the memory, and Nangong Lan walked in.

He froze for a moment, then turned around suddenly.


Nangong pointed to his shoulders, and Chris lowered his head subconsciously. He, or she, noticed that the hospital gown on her shoulders had fallen off, revealing the snow-white shoulders caused by not being exposed to the sun for a long time.

'It's kind of...'

Nangong suddenly realized one thing, that is, he had never seen the real face of Chris.

Looking at it now, under the armor is a similar appearance to the people on Earth, the difference is that the blue eyes of the other party are like strange gradients that reflect light.

Was the mimic at that time the other party's original appearance?

The slightly thinner figure is because the other party is indeed a woman.

"It is an indisputable fact that men are more deterrent than women, and we can go back."

Chris's original voice was indeed somewhat neutral, and Nangong turned around. Whether it was for him or the girl in front of him, it was like a dream.

Want to tell the truth about everything?

Naturally, so he spoke:

"Chris, what I'm going to say next is what actually happened. It's been 12 years since you passed out."

12 years is definitely not a short period of time for most lives.

But for the Ott family, this period of time cannot be said to be long. In this short period of time, the entire universe was destroyed by Lucifer.

Then came the final decisive battle, Lucifer was finally defeated and disappeared with Noah.

Noah sealed himself and Lucifer together at the end of the dimension, a world that even nothingness and chaos could not reach.

No one except Nangong should know about this, the reason why he knows about it...

Nangong put aside his considerations about this matter, just as he expected, Chris's expression was very ugly.

"Have I not only failed to fix my past mistakes but committed more sins?"

"Not really."

Nangong shook his head and denied the matter. After sorting out Lucifer's memory, he found one thing, that is 'actually he didn't do anything'

Even if the existence of 'Enpat' is invaded, Lucifer's actions to destroy the universe are all done by himself.


Because this is 'what Lucifer decided to do, so he will not use other people's hands'

Words and thoughts, will and actions, that person is so contradictory, as if he agrees with the infinite possibilities of the multidimensional universe and still wants to destroy the multidimensional universe.

Nangong actually thought about it, what would happen if Lucifer also died when the original universe was going to perish?

Would it be possible to meet him in another way at some point, maybe just chatting with him when we passed each other by the side of the road?

Of course, it is meaningless to say these things now, and what the other party has done will not disappear.

"Wait, then my robot Jadon..."

"Come on, I'll take you there."

Nangong sent out an invitation, although it didn't agree with someone's idea.

About 10 minutes later, outside the pitch-black prison cell due to lack of energy, Nangong and the person sitting inside faced each other.

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