This is also the case now, Beelzebub's posture can only be described as weird:

Its lower body is a long spear, and the tip of the spear has turned into a root, tightly entangled with the Gigabit Fighting Instrument.

Its upper body is enlarged, with a hole in the center, forming a circle, with arms on both sides of the circle, and sharp claws on both hands that are spreading scimitars. Its head is still roaring, and the tongue in its mouth is split into thorns.

The thorns in Beelia's mouth shot straight to Beria's head, and the two faces on its neck looked at Empat behind.

The eyes of the two faces were wide open, the mouth was open, as if screaming in fear, and the light blasted from the eyes and mouth with terrifying power.

Alien, Beelzebub is exactly such an existence.

Belia's head was tilted back, dark particles spewed out, and the trident passing through the hollow in the enemy's chest disappeared under his will, avoiding a direct hit.

I saw Empat's body being wiped off, the factor turned into flesh and blood, corroded, and evaporated by the burning dark energy.

I saw the mist above the chaotic realm, and from there appeared a group of battleships that could not keep up with the battle.

"If it's against a monster like Lucifer, maybe we can't do anything, but if it's a strange beast, it's another matter."

Captain Baxter has confidence in this, not only the universe he is in, but another universe has corresponding research on alien beasts, when the results of the two universes are combined...

"If it doesn't work, I'll be at a loss, huh?!"

Tregear covered his chest with both arms, and the fleet he brought in through space teleportation was completely foreign to Grimd in his body, and Grimd was following his instinct to melt the foreign body as well. part of chaos.

In the dark blue world, there is a strange light blue color, the fleet salvos, and what is ejected from the gun barrels and missiles is the 'anti-alien beast factor'

In an instant, the nature of this place changed. Belia, who was in front of Beelzebub, once again activated the ability to manipulate monsters, and he issued an order:

"Change your posture!"

Become the most unsuitable posture for fighting.

The next moment, Belia flew upside down, the wound on his cheek was deeper, and the thorn in Beelzebub's mouth quickly retracted.

Unlike the order, Beelzebub's posture is exactly the same as before, but the twist is the same. This only shows one thing, that is——

"Has it understood and adapted!"

Beria was startled by Beelzebub. The ability to manipulate monsters worked for the first time, but not at all for the second time.

Because the characteristic of the alien beast is to evolve according to the situation, as the strongest and most primitive alien beast, Beelzebub's ability is even greater, and it has evolved to the point where it ignores Lebrando's ability.

But evolution takes time, and it needs to be endured, so today's Beelzebub is disturbed by the disturbance curtain formed by the anti-alien beast factor, and the alien beast factor in its body, that is, the dark energy of alienation, is running slowly.

In essence, the research on the alien beast factor is the research on the alienated dark energy of Lucifer, and it is also the research on Beelzebub.

In the case of accidental collision, the anti-alien beast factor successfully affected Beelzebub. At this time, Beelzebub could not freely change its posture, and it could only meet the other attacking opponents with this distorted posture. an enemy.

Ten scimitars intercepted from different directions, but unfortunately not fast enough.

For energy life forms, the slow movement of their own energy naturally leads to a decline in strength.

Through the blade, heavy punch bombardment.

Empat in the overload state does not need to condense the dark blade, his own quality has completely surpassed the dark blade.

So in the dark energy that exploded, Beelzebub, whose posture was distorted, was sent flying by him.

"It's not over yet!"

The next moment, the cyclone-like faint blue was the proof of the energy explosion. Empat's position kept changing, and his fists and feet continued to bombard Beelzebub's distorted body.

Chapter 150 Chaos and Darkness

Hundreds of punches or elbows, hundreds of kicks or knee bumps, the dark energy from the explosion spread wildly, forming thousands of attacks, and Beelzebub's body was almost shriveled.

But no, not enough damage.

Beelzebub has no clear self-awareness, so it will not feel pain, nor will it feel fear, and it will not be dulled by sudden situations and lose its ability to judge.

At the moment when it found that its own energy was running slowly, it completely materialized its own energy and turned into an indestructible 'sandbag'

Bearing the attack, unloading the attack, the power flows and spreads on its body surface, because it judges that the way to attack it is blunt blow and explosion.

In the next instant, slashes bloomed on his body surface.

"Use a weapon!"

Beria's trident pierced Beelzebub's body, and the long black sword he threw was also held tightly by Empat.

The sword specially made for the Dark Emperor Ambella is named 'Dark Grain Cloth'

The moment Empat held it, the dark energy overflowing from his body was directed to this weapon, perfectly condensing the dark energy together.

One slashed horizontally, the other stabbed, and the alien beast factor that made up Beelzebub's body spewed out from the wound.

'Destroy enemies in one go after weakening them'

That was Empat's plan. It was for this moment that Tregear would liberate Grimd and separate Lucifer and Beelzebub, constructing a space that would not be noticed.

Tregear isolated the outside, the fleet weakened the enemy with the anti-alien beast factor, and then Empat and Beria killed Beelzebub.

Now the plan can still be considered smooth, and Beelzebub's twisted posture that is not suitable for fighting is a further weakening.

The dark cloth sealed the throat with a sword, and the dark trident pierced through the head, and then Empat and Beria were bombarded with strong force at the same moment.


Tregear could see very clearly that Beelzebub, who had no power to fight back the last second, straightened his hands.

It's just that its hands are not blades now, but battering rams. Beelzebub, who has changed his posture, directly blasts the two attackers away.

"Could it be that-----"

Already 'adapted'.

Belia realized that this was a similar situation to before, and Beelzebub had 'adapted' to the anti-alien beast factor, so now it was once again smoothly operating the power in its body and changing into a suitable posture.

Evolving in battle, this is the scary thing about Beelzebub.

In an instant, Empat and Beria disappeared from their original positions, and only a little mist remained in their original positions.

The fog door opened again. It was a portal built by Tregear after his physical condition stabilized a bit, and two people quickly rushed out of it.

Beria and Empat's fists hit Beelzebub's face with all their strength, and they were thrown flying during the slash.

On Beelzebub's shoulders are constructed sharp blades. Its vision is not simply to see with the eyes, but to have a panoramic view of everything.

Who is the best to deal with now?

Who is the biggest threat to him now?

Who should be dealt with right now?

Claws crossed claws, but Beelzebub's sharp claws exploded sparks as they collided with each other, and the mist door took its prey away again.

This is the realm of chaos, the space of Tregear, where he can move the position of others, provided that the other party does not resist.

Beelzebub quickly turned around and threw out his right hand, and the dark energy gushing out from there formed a thunderous light and hit Tregear.

After completing this action, its chest was hit. Beria, who stepped on it, held a trident in his left hand and a dark cloth in his right. These two weapons are still embedded in the enemy's body.

But before Beria detonated the dark energy, Beelzebub's body head "blossomed" directly, and Beelzebub, which was split from head to neck, was no longer inlaid with dark cloth and trident.

It hit Belia's abdomen with its knees, kicked the enemy a short distance away and then turned its body, but what it threw out was not a kick, but a claw strike, and the sharp blade on the front of its foot brought out a large number of armor fragments.

At the same time, the explosion flew up, it was the thunder light thrown by Beelzebub before.

At the same time, although Beelzebub felt it, he couldn't dodge it. Empat, who was still wrapped in thunder, slashed down from above, and his speed was faster than before.

That's because the light that hit Tregchia before was absorbed by him, and the initial velocity and acceleration were superimposed to bring about this hit.

This cut cut through Beelzebub's crack, and now not only the neck, but also the chest was cut open, and flesh and blood splashed from there.



Before Empat could think about it, his body was pulled away by the fog gate again, and the counterattacking blood arrows sprayed from the enemy's wound failed to hit him.

At this moment, Beria and Empat disappeared from their original positions.

At the next moment, the two appeared from different positions with a time difference.

They flanked each other, constantly appearing and disappearing from the fog, and after each attack hit, they would break away before being counterattacked.

Beelzebub didn't have time to attack Tregear, the impact made it difficult to aim.

The short-term advantage of Empat and others formed, and then their short-term advantage disappeared.

There is an idiom from religious mythology on the earth called 'three heads and six arms'

As long as Beelzebub thinks about it, let alone three heads and six arms, even nine heads and eighteen arms are not a problem.

Now it's four arms colliding with four arms, and both arms are facing Tregear.

Empat, Beria, the joint attack of the two was completely blocked by Beelzebub. The two faced Beelzebub's two faces, and the other face looked at Tregchia. That face The grasped hands blasted out energy waves, completely engulfing Tregear's original location.

There is no longer the teleportation of the fog gate, and Beelzebub's six arms transform into different postures, knives, swords, axes, hammers, whips, and shields.

Swords and swords, hammers and whips, shields and axes, Beelzebub, who had already overwhelmed Empat and Beria physically, completed its counterattack.

The long whip wrapped around Empat's neck, the blade cut through the body barrier made of dark energy, and the ax slammed into the prey's chest and embedded it. With a muffled groan, Empat's timer began to flash red and sound.

The shield hit Belia's body, the heavy hammer bombarded the dark armor again, and the long sword pierced through the gap in the armor that could no longer be sewn together. With a low growl, Belia clenched the trident and the dark cloth tightly.

What a formidable enemy Beelzebub is in front of him. It doesn't use any powerful light skills, doesn't use any difficult special abilities, it only uses its physical ability to fight, and uses the characteristics of alien beasts to fight.

If one compares Lucifer and Beelzebub's basic strength without all special abilities and skills, then Beelzebub is undoubtedly above Lucifer.

The weakening of the anti-alien beast factor does not work now. In the short few seconds when Tregia was affected and could not be assisted, the distance between Empat and Beria was completely defeated.

At this moment, Empat's right arm was completely turned into sawtooth. He formed the entire arm into a halo, and threw it directly at zero distance.

The sudden blow hit Beelzebub's waist perfectly, and the rotating sawtooth cut open the enemy's defense and then kept going deep inside, blood spurting out.

'If my judgment is not wrong————'

Empat recognizes the difference between now and before.

At the same moment, the dark trident in Belia's left hand thrust forward directly, and Rezolim's light was fired at zero distance again. In essence, the light technique that disintegrates the enemy's body has no effect on Beelzebub whose body is too strong.

Since this is the case, then increase the output again.

The dark trident completely exploded in the indoctrination beyond the tolerance limit, and the huge force knocked everything around it away.

Out of the blood-red light was Beria holding a dark cloth. He concentrated all his strength, and the burst without regard to consumption caused some of his healed wounds to open again.

Beria's long sword pressed forward frantically, and countless sword shadows entangled the enemy.

So Beelzebub threw away Empat, who had a lot of holes in his neck and a cracked chest, and his six arms cooperated with each other.

Just because of this, Beria, who was still the main attack just now, had to go back, he switched from offense to defense, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't change the situation, just like a bug caught in a spider's web.

The sword was broken and shattered, the heavy hammer hit the waist, the big ax hit the shoulder, and the knife and sword pierced through the body.

Beria took the initiative to pull his body closer, and the knives and swords piercing his body were releasing more sharpness.

Suddenly, Beelzebub was hugged, and Beria pressed himself against the enemy in front of him, and the dark energy ignited from his body, and even burned out of his body.

Ultra bomb, that is a skill that every Ultra warrior will use. The reason why it is forbidden is because if you use that trick, you will die.

"Is he going to blow himself up? What a magical scene."

Tregear's voices overlapped, he had already judged the situation that it was too late for him to make a move after using the domain to dodge the attack just now.

As he judged, Empat suffered a lot of injuries, and Beria now seems to be planning to drag the enemy and explode himself.

As for him, he was using his power, or Grimud's power.

Their thinking was too simple, the evolution speed of that monster Beelzebub was too fast, and it was hard to say whether the anti-alien beast factor had an impact on it for half a minute.

Everything is based on the premise of 'the opponent is weakened', if you can't even do this, don't even think about fighting.

At present, it seems that the plan has failed very much. Under normal circumstances, Tregia would choose to escape, but this time is different.

Lucifer wants to unify everything into 'one'

Does Taro have an equivalent?

do not know.

If so?

Is the Taylor at that time still the Taylor I know?

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