Lucifer evaded it with a jump, and the orange-gold light passing below him failed to hit anything, but it was still chasing him non-stop.

The warrior standing there was none other than Mebius. At this time, the shattered timer on his chest changed into two parts, the left and right parts, and the surrounding armor lines looked like a space ship. Boat.

The engraving of Mebius' original flame was replaced by black lines, and his body is not only his own strength.

At the moment his body was pierced, his life was gone.

The falling light is not a real attack, it comes from Sophie, Ultraman, Seven, Jack, Ace, and Tyro.

Six people plus one person, the power of the six Otto brothers gathered together through the breath of Mebius, pulled back the dying life of Mebius, and transformed it into a new posture.

Infinity, a gesture of advancing toward an infinite future.

He raised his right arm forward, and the cosmic miracle light emitted from the side of his upper body still couldn't hit Lucifer, and the speed couldn't keep up.

But when it comes to speed...

Mebius collided his fists in front of his chest, and the light energy of the whole body was extracted through Mebius' breath, and the colorful light overflowed the body surface.

The next moment, his body disappeared from this place.

At the same moment, Lucifer's body also disappeared from its original position.

"You can always give me I don't need surprises."

As Lucifer spoke, he turned sideways to avoid the heavy punch, and the moment he stepped back, he fell back again, and Mebius, who had circled behind him, had already completed the horizontal slash with his hand knife.

The figures of the two disappeared again, and that was only for the two of them. In fact, for the others, they couldn't even see where the two were. They could only feel a mass of energy moving at a high speed.

At this moment, Sai Luo and others finally descended to the Kingdom of Light. What they faced in the universe before was the countless spikes released by Lucifer, and what they faced were the monsters transformed from those spikes.

Now that the black water is reunited, Lucifer is fighting fiercely with Mebius in different positions, more precisely, Mebius is chasing Lucifer.

"where is it?"

Diablo couldn't keep up with the fight, his eyes couldn't see anything.

At this time, it is no longer possible to see with the naked eye, but to see through the perception of energy.


What exploded was colorful brilliance, and such brilliance was continuously released.

Indistinct, indistinct, there is a flashing shadow.

Sai Luo quickly looked to that side, where Mebius' body was leaning back, and Lucifer's elbow hit his chin.

Immediately afterwards, countless residual shadows appeared in consciousness.

Mebius’ double punches failed to hit the enemy. His crossed arms blocked the first blow, and the second came from a stomping arc. After stepping on his arms and destroying his defense, the road Xifa's whip kicked directly on the side of Mebius' head.

In an instant, the two entangled energies collided again.

They bombarded each other non-stop, interweaving chaotic trajectories, but almost every time the color light was blasted back as a result.

Mebius shook his aching head from the attack. He had already exerted his strength to the limit, but even so it was not enough.


one strike.


Second hit.


Three hits.

Three consecutive punches broke Mebius' defense, and he was thrown out in a whirl.

The ground was pierced, and the earthquake began to spread. Lucifer's raised fists were accompanied by his dive, and Mebius, who had just rushed out of the ground, was smashed deeper into the ground again.

Lucifer slashed vertically with his finger knife, and the pieces that had already become a large number of fragments were pushed away to both sides like a divided sea. Mebius' right shoulder sprayed out particles. It wasn't the shoulder that hit.

Now there is no one around, and the place where the two sides are fighting has already changed in the constant movement.

Without any words, Lucifer concentrated his thoughts, and his waving knife was interrupted in the middle.


It was a pleasant musical sound, but it was indeed so loud to Lucifer's ears, and it hurt his spirit.

The colorful light finally exploded completely, and Mebius, who hit Lucifer directly with the shock of the cosmic miracle, moved forward again, and this was just the beginning.

The second elbow hit the opponent's wing-shaped energy core, and the third heavy punch did the same.

In the already shattered city, the guards stood on the ruins and kept shaking the bell of Otto. The treasures to expel evil were not aimed at the body, but at the spirit.

The sound spread to the entire planet and filled Lucifer's ears.


Mebius roared and charged, then directly smashed Lucifer into pieces.


The pitch-black dark energy crashes directly into the earth, advancing crazily in the earth.

"Lucifer passed through the ground!"

Mebius' telepathy was sent out, and at the same time, Otto's father slashed down with the ultimate blade, and the black water gushing from the ground was cut open, at least from the looks of it.

'wrong! '

The black water on both sides turned into two Lucifers. They were located on the left and right. They bombarded Father of Ultra's head and waist with opposing heavy fists. The dark energy from the explosion pushed away the surrounding ruins.

A large number of spikes protruded from the ground, and several guards carrying the bell of Ultra were pierced as if they were being tortured.

But at this moment, the Bell of Ultra had been thrown out, and it was Astra who caught it, and the crossed flying kicks of Leo and Zero were entwined with flames.

How could that hit hit, but that hit hit.

Lucifer's body is only half the original size, so the efficiency of evasion is also reduced.

Eddie rang the Ultra bell that was taken out at some unknown time, and the Galaxy Cannon blasted by Max and the Jenonium Cannon blasted by Jeno combined to bombard.

It was at this moment that Lucifer's body changed, and what gushed out of his body was the same black as before. These black spears were the first to pierce Sero and Leo.



After being pierced, the master and apprentice were pushed out, and the Otto bell in Eddie's hand was knocked down. Astra turned around as a shield and threw the Otto bell at the same time, and he was pierced through the abdomen.

Mebius took over the Otto Bell, and he clapped his palm on the clock, and the sound once again affected Lucifer, the dark energy's acupuncture was no longer hard, and the people who were pierced fell down.

Seizing this opportunity, Mebius concentrated his power, and the cosmic miracle light was released again, and the orange-gold light directly engulfed Lucifer with a strange posture.

The bell of Ultra was still shaking, and the next moment, the guard who was ringing the bell was punched right through.


Lucifer's body was vaporized by the cosmic miracle light, and then Lucifer jumped out of the ground.

Those who attacked the father of Ultra, and those who were constantly attacked were not his true body, but an existence that could be described as a clone.

Mebius jumped up with the recoil of the light, and he stopped in front of Lucifer.

At this time, the people who were blown out fell to the ground, and particles flowed out of their wounds.

The bell of Otto needs to be played to have an effect, and that effect can affect Lucifer regardless of the difference in strength. What Mebius has to do is to continue to make the bell ring.

But how to stop Lucifer?

What Mebius saw at this time was only a part of the opponent's body.


50 meters, this is the height of Lucifer, if you wear wings, it will be 55 meters, exactly the same as Noah.

Now Lucifer's height is 5555 meters, his dark energy release, to describe it as 'super giant' is too childish to show his ability.

He overtook Mebius' interception in an instant, and his fist smashed the members of the guard who couldn't react.

It was as if the sky had collapsed, with such momentum, the heavy punch was about to smash the broken clock that gave Lucifer a headache and the surface of the planet together.

This powerful force spread out, and Empat, who was located outside the Kingdom of Light, saw the scenery directly because of his perception.

He has no way to join the battle, he has already been affected by the aurora here, if he descends to the Kingdom of Light, he is not sure whether he can still move.

Another powerful force merged, Belia did not bow his head, he looked upwards, and a force he loathed arrived in this universe.

A special phenomenon can be observed in the gap between dimensions, that is 'cosmic overlap'

One universe touches and merges with another universe, and that phenomenon leads to destruction.

But this time is different, if you want to ask why, because the merged universe has a clear consciousness.

It doesn't take half a second for a quarter of the Kingdom of Light to be shattered by Lucifer's punch.

It was during this extremely short time that fists collided with fists, and the force of the explosion sent everything around them flying.

The sudden situation was incomprehensible, Lucifer raised his head at this time, what he saw was not the sky, but the universe.

The Phantom Fist that he confronted just now has disappeared, and the opponent seems to have consumed a lot of his limited power.

"Does the half-dead watchman also have a hand?"

In exchange for Lucifer's words, the majestic voice said:

"Lucifer, this world will not let you do whatever you want."

King Ultra didn't die, he just merged with the universe to heal himself and to heal himself.

After sensing the beginning of the decisive battle, he rushed to this universe, allowing parts of the two universes to overlap, and supporting without harming the other universe.

At this time, the bell of Otto rang again, Lucifer's body shrank in the vibration, and he hugged his head subconsciously.

The next moment, a large number of black shadows rushed out of its body, and they rushed towards the bell of Ultra one after another.

In order to protect the Bell of Ultra, the guards meet the shadows.

The King of Ultra, who had lost his physical body, materialized a part of his body, and the falling punch and the punching punch did not give up the slightest confrontation.


The bell continued to ring, and Lucifer's body completely collapsed into black water, no longer maintaining his true form.

The golden light falling from the universe penetrates into the ground to block the invasion of dark energy and protect the Spark Tower.

Right now, at this very moment, a large number of bombardments fell from the sky, constantly bombarding the black water.

The guards fought fiercely with the black figure in the air, and the light left trails in the air.

The bell rang, and Mebius's body was covered with rainbows of seven colors. He kept walking through the black water, consuming seemingly endless dark energy.

In the turbulent water, Mebius' body was entangled by a large number of lines, and Lucifer who appeared there punched him in the face, blasting him into the bottom of the water.

The violent waves continued, and the rainbow sword on Mebius' right arm cut the black water, and he was freed from the bondage, but more dark energy entangled again.

The fight is still going on, and both sides are attrition...or so it seems.

The battle in this universe is constantly escalating, and what breaks into this universe is the existence called 'Giga Endora'.

Dracion is a civilization, not a single person. The mechanical weapons they make do not contain will, and they can be made after they are damaged.

Now that the previous army is destroyed, send the new army

"Kingdom of Light, we have come to support."

The bombardment kept falling, the black water was constantly disturbed, and the Ultra fighters helped each other to support each other and destroy the dark humanoid that was split by Lucifer.

The Kingdom of Light is becoming riddled with holes, but no one cares about this. Everyone is only focused on one thing, and that is to defeat Lucifer.

In that black water, while Mebius and Lucifer kept appearing and disappearing, Lucifer watched everything.

Is the clone fighting Mebius?

That's not the case, it's just that Lucifer's consciousness is strong enough to be multi-tasking, or... just this is not enough to make him concentrate, not enough to pose a threat to him that he must concentrate all his attention.

'Noah is nothing to be afraid of now, Justis is locked into the end of the dimension by me, and the king is half dead. '

Evenly matched, really?

As expected, Dración only has this kind of unintentional weapon that is easy to corrode. The Kingdom of Light seems to have given all its strength, and the bell is really annoying. '

Lucifer thought about everything in front of him.

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