When a person is used to the superiority brought by manipulating others, how can he give up easily, not to mention that the other party did it for this matter.

Rona is the name of the victim, and he is trying to persuade Qing Ge.

The only thing he can touch now is this 'woman who serves the gods'.

The sun had already set, and the institute didn't feel any cold, and the climate regulator was working perfectly.

"I'll do it, just..."

Faced with that request, Qing Ge did not intend to refuse, not because of other reasons, but because——

"I said you should think twice before doing things."

The door of the research room opened naturally, and a pack of wolves rushed out from there. They left the research institute quickly, and returned to nature after scaring Xiao Huang.

The wolves that attacked Xiao Huang were the creatures corroded by the blue mist. As Dean said, that mist was spreading uncontrollably.

At this time, Lucifer narrowed his eyes. He was not in a very good mood. The reason was that Rona planned to rely on Qingge to persuade him. What was he planning to do?Use her?Side-by-side?


"I said don't call me God."

Qing Ge's words were immediately interrupted, and it was also at this time that the body movements he made in response revealed the test tube holding something in his hand.

Qing Ge blinked, then said:

"I know Lucifer has a kind heart."

It's impossible to catch wolves in a second and shut yourself up in a laboratory as a human being and do nothing.


After a long silence, Lucifer sighed.

"If you want to say anything in the future, just come to me directly, don't do those things that are not there, I don't like to be tempted."

He picked up the test tube in his hand, and the emerald green light flowed inside, as if the light was locked inside.

"Energy can be offset by energy. The problem is how to prevent the host from being harmed when the two energies collide. Everything has animism. The planet under our feet flows with the life of the planet. Use vitality to stimulate the immune system of the creature to maximize it. Maximum liberation, so that the energy can be excreted from the body and return to normal."

Ordinary organisms can solve it by relying on this alone.

"And you like that."

Lucifer pointed to Dean Mezzard, the white jellyfish, floating on one side.

"There are implants in the body that rely on this short-term suspension of activity, and then rely on surgery or other means to remove them."

"Did you mean type it out?"

Dean still vaguely remembered that scene, Lucifer gave him a palm, and then he returned to normal.

Who is this man in front of him?Incredible.

"I wouldn't mind doing it again if I had the chance."

Lucifer thought that might be faster, and the risk of opening a space crack in the opponent's body was too high, so he went straight forward after explaining.

"What are you waiting for, set off to save your universe."

Although he is not very interested in these creatures in the universe, Lucifer is not ruthless enough to watch so many creatures die.

Now he is not furious, nor is he indignant.

130 Chapter Seven and People

The gigantic god does not seem to have a will of its own, it just sleeps and does not perform any activities.

The power possessed by the gods is coveted. If this power can be used, how much benefit will it bring?

Trampling on others, destroying others, and the sense of superiority over others makes people feel unstoppable.

Everyone is always accompanied by consequences when doing something, it is best to be mentally prepared before doing something.

However, this thing will always be forgotten, especially the kind of people who have been 'used to'.

Accustomed to not bearing the consequences, accustomed to being superior, and accustomed to doing whatever they want, this kind of people has formed a habit of thinking. They don't believe that they will pay the price, and they will not show their ugliness until that day comes.

"Go away!"

No one will help him, and he is destined to have no companions in his position.

The female body that was pushed away was out of balance. She was half floating in the air, and there were hard steps below. The human body was so fragile, like some kind of fragile product.

So a force has been formed, and the woman feels a certain softness, going all the way down like a slide, and finally lying on the cold ground.

What he saw in his sight was a strange scene, the sky was full of cracks, and those cracks were filled with blue mist, and a crystal fell from the sky.

Whenever the fog falls, the giant beasts who guard the 'god' lose their ability to move. They either fall to the ground and lose consciousness, or roar weakly.

If holding such a large army is a means of "God", then what is it that defeats these large armies now?Is there something at the same level?


A person just walked past, he raised his head and stared at the crazy person above the giant tower.


What else does the man who has come into contact with the gods and used the power of the gods want to say, is it begging for mercy?Is it a summation?Is it a fox pretending to be a tiger?

Either way is meaningless, because his life ends here.


Assemble the army?Seeking allies?These things didn't make any sense to Lucifer. His approach was very simple, which was to directly solve the root of the problem.

Now the man who used something else fell to the ground, and his life was taken away without even an instant.

But its last madness has appeared, the passage to the outside of the universe has been completely opened, and the world here is too noisy for the creatures there.

He heard the sound of nothingness crying, and heard the sound of chaos breaking through the space.

Blue mist spewed out, instantly covering the space completely.

Chaos spread again, trying to plant this concept in the souls of all living beings.

In the next instant, the originally shattered space solidified again, and a pitch-black giant appeared at some point. His figure disappeared from its original position, and then the entire space was completely smashed to pieces.

I saw the evil god of chaos leaning back, and the dark giant's right fist was in front.

The two worlds have been completely connected, and the creatures in the other world and the concepts that are not needed in the real world have all started to move.

The chasm that tore through the universe is expanding, bursting with supernova-like brilliance within.

Just as a dark yellow meteor was about to break through there, the pitch-black dark energy turned into tentacles to grab it firmly, and then pull it back again.

Strange creatures followed one after another, and the dark web kept extending.

In the center of a ravine, two colliding existences can be vaguely seen. The evil god of chaos is roaring, and it responds mechanically to everything around it.

Stimulated by the real universe, it tries to go to a new world.

"Grimd, this is not the world you should live in, go back to Chaos."

With Lucifer's palms forward, countless sharp blades crazily thrust towards the enemy.

Stimulation in exchange for greater stimulation, the existence called 'Grimd' spread its power amidst the roar, and it was just the crazy expansion of the blue gully the length of the planet.

The distance between the two worlds was completely shortened, and the thick blue fog that had spread to half the universe suddenly disappeared. It was pure black, pure darkness.

Like covering it with cloth, the huge city wall isolated the invasion of foreign enemies.

The planet at night could enjoy the night, but today is different.

It's just that the light illuminates everything around, and the weird astronomical imagination completely obscures the galaxy.

A phenomenon completely inexplicable by scientists appeared, and a figure was vaguely seen. Three blue dots were like three eyes. A winged giant showed its figure. The cluster rays formed by the three eyes tore through the fog and resounded through the sky. The roar of the universe is the resistance of the evil god.

There were noisy voices in Lucifer's ears, and the nothingness weeping for some reason released mental disturbance to his heart's content.

A large number of troublesome things frantically wanted to penetrate his defense net, and the sharp claws drawn by Grimud spread out chopping waves with light-years as the unit of calculation, and turned into ropes to entangle.

Lucifer's power is being consumed, and it is not rational to fight against another world with one's own power.

Today, he is equivalent to a lunatic who blocked before the flood, and a large number of heterogeneous creatures began to emerge from the spreading gap, and the speed of damage exceeded the speed of blocking.

At this moment, the insect-like creatures directly collapsed the atmosphere, causing radiation to fall into the planet, and the scenery illuminated by people was still.

At the last moment, the insects flew back, the blasted atmosphere was sucked into the interior of the planet, and the cracks began to be re-sewed up.

At the first moment, Lucifer pressed forward with both palms, and the burst of dark energy forced Grimud back to another world, and the light blasted from that hole hit his chest and his shoulders.

The moment the golden light pierced the giant's body, the entire crack was completely closed, and the planet where the evil god lived temporarily returned to normal.

The mist carrying chaos dissipated without its owner, while Lucifer took a deep breath and repaired the pierced wound.

This kind of injury is nothing to him, and it is not uncommon for him to do random experiments relying on the characteristic of 'immortality' in the past.

Unlike existences like him, life in this universe is too fragile and too short.

"Reverse time..."

Lucifer whispered the previous anomaly, the world changed in a single thought, the reason was unknown, it was just a strange instinct, he wanted to do this, so time was reversed.

After the initial repair of the wound was completed, Lucifer turned around and looked at the monsters who had returned to normal. His figure was reflected in the eyes of others, and the crystal on his forehead was like a third eye.

He jumped up with the monsters that did not belong to this planet, and disappeared into the opened space channel.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Three-eyed God..."

No matter which newspaper is talking about it, it's still like this after such a long period of time. No matter how many times you read Qing Ge, you won't get tired of it.

"We are traveling with God."

She put down the small translucent tablet, teased the white bird with her left hand, and stroked the yellow tiger's head with her right hand.

"Not God, call me Lucifer."

I heard such a sentence first, and then I saw that person opened the door and walked in.

"Ah, is the job done?"

Seeing Lucifer returning home, Qing Ge immediately went to the side and poured a glass of warm water.

The three-eyed god that is widely circulated in the universe works as a so-called 'private detective' in the city on this small planet

Isn't this a very miraculous thing?

When Lucifer entered the house, he glanced at the tablet on the table before taking off his clothes and hanging them on the locker.

"Compared with finding out the truth in person, people nowadays prefer to talk about uncertain things. Journalists also like to use exaggerated words to exaggerate events to attract attention. It turns out that the spiritual level is inseparable from the physical."

After giving his evaluation, he took the water from Qing Ge, took a sip, and then went to the side of the kettle to pour another glass.


Lucifer handed the water he poured to Qing Ge, because he never felt that the relationship between the two parties was superior and subordinate, and it made him feel very uncomfortable to be regarded as such one-sidedly, especially when the other party still had the same face .

'It's someone else after all. '

Today's Lucifer is completely convinced of this matter, and he treats Qing Ge as another person.

But feelings can't be controlled if you want to control them. For example, now, the discomfort is improved because of the other person's face.

"Thank you."

Qing Ge took the water glass steadily, she took a sip and put it aside, because she was not thirsty yet.

"Why do you come to this city?"

What is God?

In previous education, Qing Ge believed that gods were dangerous, and could not understand the existence of being unable to communicate.

However, it is different now, God does not exist like that, and even the so-called 'equivalent exchange' does not abide by it.

Faced with that question, Lucifer's response was also very simple:

"Because I want to see how far today's creatures have evolved spiritually."

The reason why he is interested is because of the existence of Qingge. No matter what the reason is, he has come into contact with the creatures that exist today. Once he comes into contact with them, his curiosity will arise.

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