"We decided to name this new phenomenon death, and will continue to follow up the investigation to observe the new phenomenon after death."

The person above gave the conclusion, naming this phenomenon the so-called 'death'

So the meeting is over, what is that new phenomenon?

With this in mind, the person who is often teased 'you have three eyes' stands up and prepares to leave. He usually doesn't participate in the discussion because his social circle is actually quite small.

He left among the crowd, and heard someone calling him from behind:

"Hey! Lucifer!"

After stopping, the man known as Lucifer saw the man running towards him.

"Noah, are you not participating in the discussion?"

Lucifer still felt a little puzzled by this. After all, Noah often couldn't stop talking. He didn't expect to say nothing at this time?

Hearing his question, Noah shrugged.

"I don't know much about this phenomenon, that is, about death. Without investigation, I have no right to speak. But you, when you sent us a message, said you were going to investigate a new phenomenon, so why didn't you speak at the meeting?"

The answer to this question is very simple, Lucifer simply does not think it is necessary.

"I'm not that familiar with them."

That's right, because I don't know each other.

After getting the answer, Noah sighed deeply and said:

"How can you make new friends if you don't try to communicate?"

"Keep making friends, you'll never know everyone."

Lucifer objected, he was curious where Noah's energy to always be friends with anyone came from, wouldn't it be troublesome to memorize so many names?

"You don't need too many friends, it's enough to talk to each other."

He spoke his thoughts casually, Noah blinked, and then showed a smile.

"That is to say, you regard me as someone you can talk to?"


Lucifer squinted his eyes half-closed in silence. He felt that the person in front of him must have something wrong with his mind. Who do you think is the person who has been with you for such a long time?And who is it with you to pretend to be this tiny figure mingling with other people?

"You two!"

Hearing the call at the same time, the two turned their heads to look at the person who greeted them over there.

"Our discussion here is over, have you discussed anything?"

The long-haired woman over there is smiling, and the reason for holding seminars in different places is very simple, that is, there are too many people, and no one knows who is talking about what.

The result of trying to discuss with thousands of people is that it is not as good as everyone sitting there listening to music, and then it becomes a concert.

"Absolutely not."

Noah spread his hands together, showing a helpless expression.

"But Lucifer went to investigate alone."

He sold out his friend immediately.


The young man on the other side asked curiously, and upon hearing this question, Lucifer nodded without concealing it.

"Let's talk as we walk."

The other three looked at each other, and then walked together with Lucifer.

"The so-called death..."

Lucifer once observed that phenomenon, he did not respond to external stimuli, and the physiological functions of life completely stopped. Not only that, his body would emit special phenomena after a period of time.

"I call it rot."

A large number of new bacteria will be bred in the body of the creature, and then the creature will emit a foul smell, which will attract insects, and those harmless creatures will do things that they would not do before, and they will start to clean up the creature.

But this kind of cleaning is not something like sweeping. They start to eat the dead creature and lay eggs in it.

The phenomenon of death seems to be a new cycle in nature, where living things change from organic to inorganic.

"Hmm... sounds interesting?"

The long-haired women were very interested in this, and Noah also showed some interest.

Seeing them like this, Lucifer didn't know whether he should comment that they were confused by the so-called 'curiosity'.

Different from those two people, after listening to all the young people's faces showing worry, he said:

"There is an old saying that the observation of a new phenomenon means that this phenomenon has participated in the natural cycle, which means that such a phenomenon will appear in the future. Don't you think this is a terrible thing?"

There is no response to external stimuli, and physiological functions completely stop.

"That is to say, death will completely end all thoughts of a life, just like a sleeping person who will never wake up, and we will never see him again."

When the young man said this, his worry turned into an emotion called 'fear'.

"But at least we can observe new things, can't we? The so-called death can happen overnight, and then I don't remember who said it."

The woman's expression is quite relaxed, and the two have completely opposite attitudes.

This is the beginning of everything, and it is just a fragment of memory.

Leaving from the inside, Nangong stared at his hands.

"What I saw was..."

To put it in a bad word, he was peeking into other people's memories.

For Nangong, he was still in the rain one second, and vaguely heard someone's voice the next second.

After that, maybe because he wanted to struggle, he came here.

"If it's here..."

Nangong looked at the next fragment again, no matter who the enemy was, they were terrifyingly strong, perhaps he could find the enemy's weakness in these memories.

The question is: what is going on with this young man?

Noah, Noah, he knows the name and has seen it before.

Among the other three people, besides the woman and Lucifer, there was one more person.

Nangong realized the strangeness, he could clearly see the other person's face, and clearly recognized that that face was exactly the same as his own, exactly the same.

But the only thing that is the same is the face, whether it is the way of speaking or the usual expressions, they are completely different from him.

"Why do I... still say..."

In just a split second, words such as "afterlife" and "reincarnation" flashed through Nangong's brain. Is this true?

Not only to fight against the enemy, but also to find the answer, Nangong moved forward again, and he reached out to touch the next fragment. The fragment that looked like a natural crystal emitted brilliance and directly pulled him into the interior.





Silence, long silence, finally, the woman speaks first:

"You don't have to read it. I know what happened to me. In fact, I have been vaguely aware of it since the past few years. My body function is gradually deteriorating."

Compared with the past, the corners of women's eyes are clearly wrinkled.

Ten years have passed since the phenomenon of 'death' was discovered, and now a new phenomenon has been discovered called 'aging'

Chapter 130 Changes in the Primordial Universe

The deterioration of physiological functions brings about the weakening of the immune system, and the weakening of the immune system leads to diseases, which in turn lead to death.

On this basis, a large number of new facilities were established where people could seek medical treatment.

But in any case, it is inevitable that 'aging'

or 'death'

Everything starts with death. When this phenomenon, this concept appears, everything begins to change. What causes death?

"Now not only animals and plants, but also people are beginning to have such a phenomenon. I think it is necessary to conduct a further discussion on the current phenomenon."

"Speaking of this, we found a more interesting situation after careful observation of the phenomenon after death, that is, the body of the deceased is turned into nourishment after disappearing. In a sense, their life is just transformed into a new life."

"What about the mind and the self? Where is the most important personality of an independent person? If it doesn't even exist, how can it be said that the dead just changed to a different life form, rather, it was the dead who served as nourishment and cornerstone?" In exchange for the birth of a new life."

The meeting is still being held, and the curious look in the past was only a short moment, and now everyone is aware of the various problems brought about by 'death'.

'I' exists.

'You' exist.

All existence will be equal in the face of 'death', which has never been the case for everyone, maybe the next goodbye will not be goodbye, but farewell, we will not be able to see each other again.


The discussion was still going on, but Lucifer didn't have that kind of thought.

Aging, death, parting, never to be seen again.

These never-before-seen concepts made him feel extremely bad. He has traveled more than once in the entire universe. Compared with other people, Lucifer possesses unimaginable power.

If you want to talk about ancient times, there should be no one who can compare with him except another person.

'But I am not old. '

Lucifer looked at his palm, it remained the same as before, and his bodily functions did not deteriorate.

"Lucifer, I found something."

At some point, Noah moved to his side and called him.

"Look here, I found a supermassive black hole in the X111 galaxy that has never been seen before. I have calculated that according to the current level of technology, it will take a long time to manufacture the corresponding ship, so—— —”

"So let's investigate first? Okay, let's go right away."

Lucifer took out his device and entered the name galaxy X111, which is an absolute blockade area, and it is said that many galaxies have been affected by its incomparably huge gravitational force.

This black hole appeared after he gave up searching, and now he keeps various animals and plants in his home, and tries to infuse them with different energies to maintain their youth.

Lucifer wants to know if aging can be overcome if he can overcome death.

He stood up now, ready to leave the meeting.

"I'm so anxious."

Noah said this, but he said it in a teasing tone, but there was no such emotion in his tone.

"Your movements are faster than mine."

Lucifer pointed out precisely that Noah was ahead of him.

For two people, or rather for creatures with emotions, "something that has never been touched" is always impossible to ignore.

At this point, a fragment of memory is completely over here.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

A new scene is reflected in the new memory fragments:

Skimming the insignificant rush, skimming the process of revealing its original posture, directly resisting the gravitational force and rushing into the black hole.

The distorted space-time was meaningless to the two of them, passing through this bottomless void and falling from another bottomless void.

Then what did you see?

"The residue of this energy... I have experienced it, no, we have experienced it."

Noah stretched out his palm, he could even touch the terrifying heat, and he had experienced this energy when his consciousness was just born.

Academically, this period should be called the period when the universe was just born.

"Our universe has passed this stage, which means that this universe is not the universe we are in."

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