At this moment, his body surface turned into a strange golden color, and metal patterns spread all over his body.

Not everyone could detect the strange fluctuations. Inside Nalak, Tartarus stood up suddenly, and he couldn't ignore the wavelength that didn't belong to Lucifer.

Seeing his appearance, Diablo didn't bother to ask any more questions. He just kept cross-legged and rested his right hand on his chin, counting the number of small stones on the ground.

"Huh, heh heh, hahahaha! Have the warriors of the Otto clan stepped into this field that they shouldn't have stepped into!"

Like questioning, but also like joy, the long wait made Tartarus' mood swings less obvious, even so, he still laughed, because there was still hope.

All the multidimensional universes are one and only, and all Tartarus may be one, and all his acquaintances and loved ones will be one.

As a person, the most important thing is the will of the self. Tartarus has an attachment to the self, and he refuses to let other people mix into his soul.

Yet ideas are not compatible, just as their paths are not compatible with Lucifer's.

How can the existence that has always been one and not divided understand today's species? What everyone sees is a completely different world.

"Diablo, get ready for battle."


In an instant, Diablo changed from his idle state. He bounced off the ground, his fists collided in front of him, and a strong momentum rose out.

The events inside this Nalak are unknown, and only time and space can check and balance time and space. Taking advantage of this, Tartarus can create that Nalak is not subject to Lucifer's observation.

Now inside the alien beast universe created by Lucifer, Sai Luo's figure has changed back to its original appearance, only wearing the ultimate armor.

'Just now is the control of time. '

He was sure of it, he knew he was being interfered with in time, it was pure instinct, it was the power within him that spoke the answer.

Lucifer and Noah, are these two giants mastering the power of time and space?

Zero recalled his battles in the Galactic Empire, and the power to turn back time was so terrifying that he has not been able to master it until now.

'Now we are standing in a completely different world from Lucifer. '

Think about it, space can still resist, how can time prevent it?

The two sides are not at the same level at all, and they cannot win if this continues, the enemy is invincible.

"Hey, Guren—"

Sai Luo also looked around while thinking briefly, he naturally saw the red lotus flame that was exhausted and unable to move.

" that Cyro?"

Red Lotus Flame is still a little unconscious until now, his memory is fuzzy and fragmented, and the dark energy controlling him has been released with the attack just now.

"Sorry, I'm too weak."

Although his consciousness is not fully awake, he can still barely understand what happened.

"Say what......?!"

Sai Luo was sure that he didn't look away, the question was who was this in front of him?

A new existence appeared in the empty universe just now, and that existence was blocked in front of it, and the pale golden organ became brighter due to the darkness.

There are still some fluctuations in the space, and the other party's facial features and physical features are undoubtedly the so-called 'Jetton'

The problem is...Compared with the bloated body of the general Jayden, this Jayden is more slender, with a feeling closer to firmness.

Different from the normal Jayden, a pair of wings with pale gold organs stretched out from the opponent's back, and the slender but barbed tail swayed slightly.

'When did this guy show up?The purpose of coming here is—"

Sai Luo didn't need to continue his thinking anymore, because Jayden in front of him had already waved his right hand. There were no five fingers on that arm, and some were just as golden as a blade.

Now the blade of energy was released with a single wave, and it was not the dim starry sky that was reflected in the eyes of the backflipping Si Luo, but the face of the enemy without any expression at all.


The head collided with the head, and on both sides of Sairo's neck, who was thrown back in the impact, were the double blades that slashed directly.

It was at this moment that the falling black light merged with the universe, and the hit Jayden failed to complete the pursuit.

"That rascal......"

Sai Luo saw a pair of green pupils in his line of sight. The guy's body was a combination of silver and black, embellished with blood-like bright red.

Empat rushed here quickly, he came to support... not really.

Sai Luo slashed out with a sword, but the target was not the previous enemy. The long sword on his wrist was extended by the addition of light energy, and it was only a little bit short of being able to slash on Empat's shoulder.


Empat made a surprised voice, and the two sides broke up without even communicating with each other, and the anger that Sai Luo had already generated was ignited even more vigorously.

"You can't fight without hiding behind others and controlling them!"

Sai Luo knew that the person in front of him was not Empat. Although the body belonged to Empat, it was a different person inside, because Palaji's shield, or Noah's power, sensed the existence of Lucifer and sent out Warning sound.

How many of the missing people have been corroded?

Crimson Flame, Empat, and the kidnapped Emilana...

"You say great things, but you do mean things!"

This sentence was not friendly, and Lucifer who occupied Empat's body was not angry, from the perspective of the other party, it must be so.


Not to refute, not to deny, not to justify, this is Lucifer's reaction.

In the next moment, Sero evaded after sensing the danger. On his back, the ultimate armor blocked the initial damage, and the dark Zapelio light grazed the ultimate armor.


The red lotus flame can only issue such an early warning sound at this time.

Chapter 120 Six Reinforcements from Other Universes

The red lotus flame's warning was right, because Zero had to face a new attack after barely relying on the defensive power of the ultimate armor to avoid the shooting of Zapelio's rays.

At this moment, Lucifer's raised right arm is surrounded by a huge halo, the purple halo has more sawtooth in its rotation, and a giant light wheel has been formed.

"Siro, you who have inherited part of Noah's power, you who have stepped into the time domain have only two paths."

For Lucifer, he has two primary goals, one is Gauss and the other is Cyro.

The danger of Gauss lies in the existence called 'Reggado', that legendary giant split into order and justice a long time ago, and seems to watch the world from two perspectives.

Justis and Gauss needed to be imprisoned for Lucifer, and he would not kill them, after all, he did not intend to provoke Reggado, it would become very troublesome.

To achieve the goal with simple methods without too much entanglement, this is the concept and practice of Lucifer.

It is precisely because of this that he corrupted Zaki and severely damaged Noah, used the Sameiro civilization to lure the King of Ultra, and then restrained Justis and Gauss to prevent Reggado from appearing.

This is not out of fear of the other party, simply because it is the easiest way to do so.

The current posture is also the same. Many years ago, after defeating Empat, he did not completely kill the opponent, because there is still value for use.

It is very simple to read the memory of a person who has no resistance. Lucifer directly seized Empat's body, suppressed the opponent's consciousness, and created an illusion.

After that, it was thanks to this body that he was able to easily deal with Justis. Justis was stunned when he saw Empat appear, and that stun was enough to make a battle of this level It's over in a split second.

Chris, that young man has a fragile heart, and this is also a point that can be exploited.

The pain of the past, the resentment of the destruction of his hometown, the longing for his relatives, and... the unknowingly dependent on Empat.

People always need a pillar to live. For Chris, the only person who extended a helping hand to him during the long escape, and the only person who said he would protect him was Empat, so Lucifer took advantage of this.

Borrowing the corruption of dark energy on people's hearts, he distorted Chris's mind, turning him into a "Lucifer-based" way of thinking, and then borrowed Chris's talent to create Bitstar and that Hypageton.

Hypageton is an interesting biological weapon, with the characteristic of devouring the evolution of life. Most of the planets in this universe have completely disappeared and have been used as nourishment for Hypageton.

It is the higher-level life that turns it into a complete body, that is, those visitors, those survivors of M80, or more precisely, the existences that have been revived after being completed due to the characteristics of immortality.

Lucifer had read the memories of the visitors earlier, and he knew what the existence of 'Siro' had done.

Reversing time to repair the planet and bring back the dead on a large scale is not only because of the reverse flow of time, but also because of the power provided by the pile of things called 'Emenar Ore'.

In the past, after Lucifer and Noah fought in that universe, what was left was actually a crystallization of power, and the light and darkness of the two remained there after being completed.

The combination of the power of immortality and the power of time allows those incomplete lives to be resurrected.

Cyro, Cyro, Cyro.

"Sai Luo, even if you have already experienced some of the characteristics of the original world, are you still unwilling to assist me?"

Lucifer sent out another invitation while throwing out the light wheel.

"What characteristics!"

The giant light wheel had already been seen in the last fight, but this time the giant light wheel was not manipulated into a spinning top by the snake belly sword, but directly exploded into hundreds of small light wheels attacking from different directions.

"The visitors died a long time ago. They were resurrected because of the characteristics of complete life. Don't you long for a world without death? Don't you hope that there will be no more innocent lives in the world?"

Sai Luo can understand Lucifer's words, if reversing time and death are part of the characteristics of the original world, no, it is that characteristic.

From the memory fragments of Palaji's Shield, he has seen a corner of that world, and he has also seen Noah and Lucifer who were once so good.

"What you are doing now is killing innocent lives, Lucifer, your feelings and obsessions make you forget important things!"

Sai Luo put his left arm forward, and the ultimate armor on his body instantly fell off and combined into a bow and arrow.

Holding the bow in the left hand and pulling the bow in the right hand, the arrow of light has been formed, and it splits with one shot.

There are a large number of light wheels on one side, and splitting arrows on the other side. Light and darkness collide in the middle, and the exploded particles become the medium of sound transmission. The harsh friction sound is enough to deafen most creatures in the universe. .

"Do you really think that your old friends can accept such a resurrection!"

By killing countless lives and resurrecting, people in the original world took the initiative to welcome death precisely because they were unwilling to accept such an approach. However, Lucifer, who accepted this future in the past, regretted it. He regretted it.

Sai Luo's question is so clear, does Lucifer want to refute it?not at all.

"I already knew that kind of thing."

If you really pursue immortality, the original world will not disappear completely like that.

"Even so, I want to see them again, Sai Luo, you won't understand that feeling now."

There was a little sadness in Lucifer's tone, and his way of speaking was never like a demon king who wanted to destroy everything.

"Since you don't want to join me..."

Why do you want Lacero to join the team?Why do you want to join the Kingdom of Light?Why is the attitude towards Emirana so good?

Lucifer can always see shadows of the past in various places, that feeling is complicated and contradictory, and in order to end such pain...

"Let's meet again in the new world."

The collision between the light wheel and the arrow is over. Lucifer originally planned to let Sai Luo die without pain. He borrowed Empat's figure to pretend to support Sai Luo so that Sai Luo would lose his vigilance and kill him with another blow. It is a pity that such an approach Failed.

The dark energy seems to be burning like a flame, and a strong momentum rises out.


Sai Luo instantly felt the familiar sense of oppression. Lucifer, who was using Empat's body, used the ability of 'overload', and the all-round increase of terrifying energy was not so serious compared with the past.

' Which means I'm stronger too...damn it's different this time. '

Without the excitement of facing a strong man, Sai Luo held a bow in his left hand and was located in a corner of this universe.

Lucifer was on his right, and Hypageton was on his left. After the conversation collapsed, Hypageton, who was on standby, had obviously locked him.

The situation in front of him was one-on-two. Sai Luo didn't know what kind of ability Hypageton had, and Lucifer didn't even show his ability. He just borrowed other people's body to fight without consuming his own power at all.

'How to do? '

Sai Luo fully understands how bad the situation is at this time, and to describe it in a short sentence is 'will die'

It is not surprising when the battle breaks out. Red Lotus Flame, who is unable to move on one side, has an intuition that the battle will be decided within three rounds, and the result is already doomed.

Having briefly experienced the power of Lucifer, he tried to mobilize the flames in his body. He was indeed exhausted, but he still had a move of 'self-explosion' that he hadn't used before, so he used this move to create an opportunity for Sai Luo to escape.

"Sai Luo, guess how many people I killed with this body and this face?"


Lucifer's tone had a calm sense of telling the truth.

"The mourning of the planet itself, people looked at this abominable ferocious giant in horror, and then dozens of dozens were trampled to pieces."

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