The behemoth, which felt the food for the first time, woke up from its dream, and the visitors also peeped at that gesture.

No matter how you look at its characteristics, it is consistent with the monster weapon Zedon driven by the Jadon Stars, but what is the size?

Before the visitors can continue to think, their consciousness is plunged into darkness in the shock.

Lucifer put down his clenched right hand outside the training cabin, and he looked down at the scenery below. The giant beast named Hypageton kept devouring the visitors who were at a higher level in the 'level'.

However, the visitors will not experience the pain and fear, because they do not have the consciousness to feel it, which is the kindness given by Lucifer.

"Beasts that become stronger by devouring life... People really like this kind of thing, they only use power as a weapon."

The same farce continues to be staged day after day, year after year.

Small brilliance is meaningless, only a small part is illuminated.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


Chris lowered his head, staring at the blueprint that Lucifer gave him, and thinking about the subsequent manufacturing steps and engineering.

Not to brag, he is still very talented in the research and development of weapons.

At this moment, the special costume worn by Chris gave him a hint, interrupting his thinking.

He raised his head and saw the young girl standing in front of him.

"It's you, what's the matter?"

Is it Emirana?Chris tried to remember the other person's name.

" you also agree with Lucifer's plan?"

Emelana's question made Chris sigh in his heart, so is it because he changed his mind and tried to persuade him instead when he saw that he couldn't convince him?

I am not afraid of being dealt with if I say the wrong thing. Is it brave or reckless?

"Don't you think it is very worthwhile to end all the subsequent killings with one killing?"

Chris' rhetorical question made Emilana show an uncomfortable expression, human life should not be measured on a scale.

"Or do you have a better solution? For example, stop wars and killings in all universes through dialogue. Can you do this? Can you bring endless resources through your mouth?"

A series of questions made Emilana unable to answer. In order to create a better world, let all the life that exists today die. Is this the right thing to do?

"You can't guarantee—"

"There is no way to guarantee that what he said is true, right?"

Chris interrupted Emilana, he understood what the girl in front of him wanted to express, but it didn't matter.

"If you don't agree, you can rely on strength to decide the outcome. He chose this path. If you want to deny it, use stronger strength to fight back. This is the most realistic way. I also have my insistence. You can do whatever you want. "

After saying this, Chris bowed his head slightly to say goodbye, and then continued to walk through the passage.

'I also have people I want to call back. '

Chris still remembers the devastation of that day, parents, relatives, friends, hometown, no one can forget such a thing.

’ And he saved me, only he was on my side. '

A somewhat unfriendly hero descended from the sky, if it was for him.

Gradually, Chris's back disappeared into the distance of the aisle, Emerana could only remain silent.

'Persuasion' is not such a simple matter, if the other party is not willing to listen, it is meaningless.

As Chris said, strength is the reliance used to make the other party willing to listen to you. In the end, the only way to go is to fight?

'Want to make the world a better place'

"With such the same desire, why would there be conflicts..."

Emirana whispered.

"Because different people have different answers to one thing, that's all."


Eminara turned her head in a little fright, and the person standing there was not the appearance he recognized, with a pair of light blue eyes hanging on the black and white mixed face.

"You can't convince anyone here, give up as soon as possible."

Jeter's tone was very affirmative. He knew this matter better than anyone else, and he knew the source of the anomaly better than anyone else.

"Why don't you find a safe place and wait for it to be over, and sit down and pray?"

There seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in Jeter's words, but he was only offering advice seriously.

"Do you also think that what Lucifer did is correct?"

Emilana asked again, and the person in front of her was the third person she met who could communicate.

"I'm just doing my job."

Jeter turned and left after saying this.

Time is passing by every minute and every second, and the last moment is approaching.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Line up neatly, here are the elites selected from various departments of the Space Guard.

This time, it is not other people who will be dealt with, but Lucifer who seems to be the same as Noah. That may not be an enemy that can be solved by numbers.

Therefore, the selected person must be the elite among the elites. The source of the coordinates has been confirmed so far. I don’t know what kind of traps will exist.

"Really, are you going to dispatch too? Is the wound really all right?"

Sai Luo looked in surprise at the father of Ultra who was wearing a cloak and still had the legendary ultimate blade hanging around his waist. Not only the brothers Ultra, but even the father of Ultra wanted to go to the battlefield?

"Don't worry, this time it wasn't a surprise attack, but we took the initiative to enter, no problem."

Otto's father didn't think that there would be Beria attacking him in the universe over there, and after experiencing the last incident, he had completely accepted the reality of the breakup between the two, and would not be careless anymore.

Taking a step, he walked towards the outer square.

Chapter 120 The Ultimate Form of the Alien Beast

It is true that the square alone cannot accommodate such a large number of people, so what is actually occupied here is the empty space above the square.

At the front are the Ultra brothers, Ultraman, Seven, Jack, Ace, Taro, Leo, Astra, Eddie, Mebius.

As the elder brother, Sophie stays in the Kingdom of Light, ready to dispatch troops at any time, using various technologies to support the frontline.

After the Ultra brothers, Naios, Seven 21, Max, Jeno and other powerful fighters are also in the team.

The total number is 5000 people. These 5000 people have experienced hundreds of battles, and at least they have the strength to face a fully equipped space fleet alone.

In order to fight against Lucifer, even so, Otto's father still felt that it was not enough, but the meaningless sacrifice in order to fill the number was really not worth the candle.

Now, the father of Otto floated into the sky, and after scanning the crowd once, he spoke:

"Everyone, since the birth of our Kingdom of Light, we have faced countless challenges, such as aggressive invaders, cosmic monsters attracted by energy, and ambitious careerists, but we have overcome these challenges and achieved true peace."

Morale is very important, and things like speaking before a war don't make any difference no matter which civilization you live in.

"This time our enemy may be very powerful, but we have fought against many powerful enemies so far. There is no need to be afraid. Think about why we joined the guard at the beginning? Isn't it to make other innocent people Will man suffer no more from us?"

It is because of the aggression, because of the pain experienced in the aggression, that I hate such things so much, and I hope that other people will not experience the same thing.

"Today's Lucifer conveys fear. Think about the Sameiro civilization in another universe. They went crazy in the face of the fear of extinction, hurt many people, and took many lives!"

Otto's father was indeed speaking of guilt.

"Samelo civilization is unforgivable, and the most unforgivable thing is Lucifer who created this kind of destruction! Everyone, lend me your power, and then let us cut off this cycle, and no one will be killed because of the destruction. Come and make an irrational move!"

He drew out the long sword at his waist and pointed it obliquely at the sky. People raised their arms and called out, ready to fight.

The elites of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light were ready to go out. At this moment, Sai Luo raised his head subconsciously, and there was nothing above the emerald green sky.


Sai Luo didn't know why he raised his head, but he did it instinctively.

Without his knowledge, Diablo in the golden space asked unhappily:

"I haven't finished it yet, what are you doing?"


Tartarus was silent and did not answer, but he still wanted to sigh, "The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately some people just don't want to use it."

"That Ultra warrior just now... Could it be..."

Tartarus is proud of his special ability, and he who masters time and space naturally has strong confidence.

It's just that just now, at that moment just now, he felt that another person stepped into his domain.

'Could it be that the Ultra warrior just now also has this talent? '

If that's the case...

"Again, is what the guy with the horns said true or false?"

Diablo's words made Tartaros want to say, "Don't you have horns too?"

But this time the other party's words are indeed a bit interesting. If the Kingdom of Light's words and the philosophy it upholds are true, then there will be a lot of room for manipulation in the future.

Except for the two of them, no one knows what happened inside the golden space Nalak, and the Kingdom of Light has already set off.

The energy released inside the sub-towers of the Plasma Spark Tower, this energy has been gathered under the control of the Science and Technology Bureau, and constitutes a star gate that can go to other universes.

The vanguard broke into the stargate under the leadership of Otto's father. The interior is not connected to any universe, but the cracks that can go to any universe. The colorful starry sky is essentially distant universes.

Moving towards the target universe, at the same time, a special energy is perceived, such a huge energy level is impossible to be undetected.

Just as the vanguard of the Kingdom of Light sensed that energy, the army from another universe also sensed the energy of the Kingdom of Light.

A large number of mechanical spaceships formed a team, and in the center of the team was a figure similar to the Otto family of the Kingdom of Light. He had a blue body and was named Gauss.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Before you know it, the sun is already rising.

Musashi has liked watching the starry sky since he was a child, and it was precisely because of this interest that he met Gauss.

Now before leaving, he went to see his favorite starry sky again, but this time there was another person with him.

"I'm leaving."

Musashi said to Ayano who was leaning beside him, and Ayano just nodded.

The two got up from the lawn, just when Musashi wanted to hug Ayano, he found that the other quickly jumped back a short distance to avoid the action.

"Let's save the hug for me when you come back."

Ayano said with a smile, she continued after standing upright:

"But you have to be conscious, because I will definitely hug very hard in the future."

I don't know if he was amused by the words or because of other reasons, Musashi also replied with a smile:

"Then I will definitely hug you with the same strength as you."

After saying this, Musashi turned around and held up the extremely familiar tool. Its tip opened and turned into a crescent moon, and the crystal ball in the center released the light of the sun.

Under the radiance of the sun and the moon, Li Gauss jumped up and disappeared into the morning glow.

There is enough time, and the next step is to follow the traces left by the other party to the other party's lair.

After boarding the universe, what appeared in front of Gauss and Musashi was Dración's army, just like when they ruled over the earth in the past, the cyclone-like brilliance accompanied a large number of Goloka motherships. Zhaoendola's final weapon is also numerous and mixed among them.

"I never imagined that there would be such a day fighting side by side."

Although it was a little out of place, Musashi still felt very impressed.

When Dración is an enemy, it makes people feel scary, but when he is a comrade-in-arms, he feels really reliable.

"Drasion's mentality may be the same as that of Justis back then."

Gauss knew about Sandros, and it wasn't just Justis who gave Sandros 2000 years, Dración was the same.

It is precisely because of this that Dración finally chose to trust humans again.

"Gauss, let's go."

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