In the last second, the spear passed by one side, and Jeter disappeared.

At this second, the spear was easily caught by Jeter who had completed the teleportation, and the impact seemed meaningless to him.


Accompanied by a powerful battle cry, Jeter used the spear as a blunt weapon and slammed it down from above.

One side is heavy, the other side is sharp. The earth and grass clippings are flying all over the sky. When the weeds and soil like fireworks fall, Jeter quickly turns around and stands in front of the spear as a defensive posture.

The attacking flaming crescent blade was stacked in two. The first one was used for defense before, and the remaining two were for counterattack. The eclipse blade collided with the spear, and the exploded particles scattered all over the ground.

This is just the beginning. Today's Gauss right fist pulls back, and his body is completely different from before.

Originally, red surpassed blue, but now the two colors are perfectly blended and balanced, and the crown has become softer.

He moved at a high speed and accelerated, and then punched hard.

The blow of the solar eclipse hit Jeter's defense directly, and the previously incomparable power made Jeter drop the spear in his hand, and then punched each other's stomachs with their fists.



The earth kicked up dust during the unloading, and the long spear spun around for a few circles and pierced into the mountain wall on that side.

Jeter deliberately let the weapon be blown away, because he knew that he could not block the blow, so he chose to give up the weapon on purpose, and retaliated while receiving the attack.

As a result, Gauss, who could have pursued him, was repelled, and both sides suffered corresponding damage at the same time.

And the pain made Jeter caress his abdomen, this power is indeed not to be underestimated.

"It's a well-deserved reputation, so it can be called the half body of legend."

What Jeter said is important, legends, legends, half body, and the moment he heard this description, Gauss realized that the person in front of him was very important.

"Who are you? Where is Justice?"

Gauss is sure that the other party knows the answer, but it is not an answer that can be exchanged for asking questions.

"What if I refuse to answer?"

Jeter's words were indistinguishable from provocation.

"I'll let you speak."

Gauss's words were not gentle, and there was a limit to his tolerance in the face of villains who wanted to blow up Julan Star as soon as they appeared.

In the next moment, the world slowed down, and the dust floating in the air seemed to be still.

In the high-speed world, Gauss showed the application of energy, and ultra-high-speed movement brought all-round growth.

Corresponding to his movements, Jeter also moved. He didn't use any energy, but was very purely moving, which is the so-called "strike with all his strength without leaving room"

Relying solely on physical strength without resorting to other means, the Terrorist Jeter overcame the weakness of the Jayton series' relatively slow speed.

The figures of the two disappeared from their original positions, and their positions appeared somewhere and then disappeared.

From the state of ultra-high-speed warfare, perhaps only the flow of dust and wind that is inevitably affected can tell others where the two existences are moving.

You can even hear the sound of the sonic boom, you can even see the Mach ring, the storm that set off spreads in all directions, and the captured Jeter's body is arched, and his abdomen is a fierce fist.

In a pure speed competition, he was slightly inferior.

In an instant, Gauss's body was lifted high, his shoulders were locked, and Jeter, who was not injured after being hit by a blow, smashed Gauss directly to the ground under his feet, creating nearly a hundred thousand-meter cracks It spread instantly, and the area shook as if it had been hit by a major earthquake.

Chapter 110: The Jaden Legion

Dropping the enemy and chasing the enemy, Jeter did not pick up the weapon that belonged to him, but raised his fists high and punched Gauss under him. The continuous heavy punches caused an earthquake-like scene, cracks Spread and expand.

It is simply a destructive beast. Jeter's hand or two can cause the ground within a kilometer to sink.

Just using physical ability is enough to change the terrain, and this terrifying power is hard to ignore.

When Jet raised his fists high again, the lines of light converged and emitted in a spiral shape, and the skill named 'Kizmium Beam' was launched quickly without any power accumulation.

This blow caught the gap in Jeter's attack, passed through Jeter's arms that wanted to defend urgently and bombarded his chest, the particles exploded, and he was blasted obliquely into the sky.

Half a second later, Gauss stood up from the deep pit, and Jeter, who was a thousand meters away from him, crossed his arms and bounced off the incompletely powerful Kizmium light.

The fierce melee battle between the two stopped briefly here, while Gauss' consciousness was communicating with Musashi in his body.

"Let's go together, Gauss!"

Musashi didn't hesitate at all when he was drawn into the battle again. He hated fighting but was not afraid of it. When faced with an existence that refused to communicate no matter what, his fist was the only answer.

"Let's go together, Musashi."

The old sense of self-containment reappeared, and for just a split second, Jeter's fighting instincts told him that something was different about the enemy below him.

In order to test out this difference, he put his palms together in front of his chest, and the energy in his body was exported, turning into an extremely compressed fireball.

Terrorist Jeter is a derivative of the monster weapon Zedon series, and he has all the characteristics and skills he inherited.

The mega-degree fireball expanded at the moment it was thrown, and the giant fireball with a diameter of more than 2000 meters was exactly the same as the fireball that fell to Zhulan Star.

When the giant fireball fell to a distance of several hundred meters, the irresistible energy exploded first, and the originally gathered heat was dispersed, but this did not mean that its power had declined.

Bolides fell to the earth, and the meteor shower turned the previous concentrated attack into a large-scale bombing.

Before the bombardment landed, Gauss' arms crossed on his chest also stretched to the sides, and the light energy in his body was released regardless of consumption.

A piece of golden color turned into a dreamy fog, and the solar eclipse now makes the light fog thicker due to the release of a large amount of energy. This thick fog collides with the falling bolide, and the form it displays is very strange.

The splashed light particles are like water splashes, and now they are like a golden sea that has wiped out hundreds of thousands of flames.

The moment Jeter raised his hand to gather energy to pursue, the fog of light changed its form.


Gauss turns from defense to attack, just like the tenderness and strength of the eclipse.

The fog of light has finished converging, the solar eclipse radiation turns into a violent eclipse shooting, and the fog becomes pure light due to concentration, and this light blasts straight towards the enemy.

The interior of the atmosphere shone with gold, and this gold went straight into the universe, flying to unknown distances.

After completing this attack, Goss's figure changed because of Musashi's heart. His longing for the future, his courage to move towards the future, and his will to believe that the future can be changed by his hands all turned into real power.

The pattern of red and blue changed again, and the presence of both of the solar eclipse did not change, but became more determined.

Overcoming the trials of Dración, the power to go to the future made Gauss evolve into the strongest posture, which is Gauss Future Form.

Compared with the new posture that is more evolved than the solar eclipse, he didn't move, and he didn't look up. The moment there was a spatial fluctuation behind him, Jeter had already appeared there.

First, he aimed at the neck and slashed horizontally with his hand, and then quickly turned around to change his position.

Jeter's feint was complete, and his face was badly damaged.


There was only a loud noise that shook his brain, and Jeter's entire upper body was thrown back by the blow.

Gauss didn't even look back, he just slammed his right fist back over his shoulder seemingly casually, and now he turned around quickly, attacking Jeter who deliberately kept his strength so that he didn't fly, and shot out from the palm of his hand. Contain the light blade and hit Jeter's body.

The bodies of the Ott family are abnormal for normal creatures. They have no bones, no muscles, and even the way of exerting force is incomprehensible, so they can do enough to be called "weird" fighting methods.

Today's Gauss is just so weird, with his right palm in front, he still maintains the movement of firing the light blade, but with this lunge forward movement, his body unnaturally rushes forward again.

The palm turned into a fist, and the fist hit his abdomen. Jeter suffered a new attack just after being attacked. The unexpected situation made him think for a short time, which came from the enemy's strange attack method.

However, the time required for this brief thought was still too long in the battle. The blue explosion was set off, the light dust made of particles was scattered, and the light bullet fired by Gauss at zero distance caused the third damage.

The ground was smashed, the soil flew upwards, and Jett, who was on his back, symbolized that his fighting posture was completely shattered. He fell and bounced up, and after a few weeks of rolling, he pierced his five fingers into the ground to relieve his inertia.

"This power..."

Hearing the sound of the wind being disturbed, Jeter immediately raised his head, and Gauss, who was sprinting from that side, was still covered with a glowing afterimage. This time, he was unable to keep up with the speed of the enemy.

There were several dull impact sounds, and Jeter's arms shook slightly. His footsteps were a little messy, and he quickly backed away.

There were several more collisions, and Jeter's chaotic footsteps even turned into staggering. He and Gauss fought at close range for several rounds, but the opponent's movements were really weird.

One second he threw a straight punch, and the next second he made a quick movement that had nothing to do with the body at the moment of the kick.

For example, now, he is clearly going to perform a backspin kick, and he is clearly performing a backspin kick, but he keeps moving, draws a strange arc and goes around to the side. Aim for the back of the head.

There was another sound. Jeter, who originally wanted to stabilize his balance, had difficulty adjusting his balance because of the different angles of each attack by Gauss. Now he staggered forward and was about to fall.

Gauss retracts his legs and moves, or in other words, keeps moving while retracting moves. That fighting style is brought about by combining flying ability and superpower. Flying ability is used for movement, superpower is used for adjustment, and the physical body Keeping the action is almost divided into three uses.

Just as he raised his right arm, turning his palm into a knife, a black shadow struck.


After the loud bang, even Gauss was injured by the blow, his right hand was shaking and overflowing with light particles.

At this time, Jeter, who was half kneeling on the ground, raised his right hand and held the crescent spear summoned by him.

Tearing the air, whipping up a gale, the ferocious return of the carbine is only a short miss away.

Gauss, who took a few steps back, completed the evasion again, and Jeter gave up the fist fight, and he clenched the purple-stained spear and swung it.


The ground under Gauss' feet was shattered, because the enemy's spears kept releasing purple chopping waves.

Thrusting, sweeping, and swinging, the crescent spear in Jeter's hand seemed to have no weight for him, and the continuous swing released the energy attached to it.

Chop shot wildly, borrowing Gauss' ignorance of spears, Jeter successfully reversed the situation.

It's a pity that there is a weather in the world called 'tornado'

Now what appears in front of Jeter is a picture with such expressive force and impact. Gauss's ultra-high-speed movement is displayed again, but the application method is different.

He puts all his speed into one action, which is spinning.

Today's Gauss seems to have turned into ten people, fifty people, and one hundred people, and his figures overlap.

Even the stalemate did not exist, and the slight advantage that Jeter had just gained was wiped out again. The five fingers of his right hand were bent as if they were about to be twisted, and the spear that collided with Gauss was released again.

Where did it hit?

Jeter couldn't judge, but the restless 'windmill' had already attacked. With such a close distance and just causing damage, Gauss was sure that his blow would definitely hit.

So Gauss raised his right fist and pushed it forward, and the future energy gathered in that fist strengthened the Kurzmium beam, multiplying its power.

This 'heavy blow' hit the barrier formed in front of Jeter, and the violent explosion directly blasted the two people who were only tens of meters apart.

'This is......'

Gauss stabilized his movements, and he clearly understood what happened just now.

'reflection. '

That's right, the blasted Gauss slam was reflected back when it hit the golden round shield, and Gauss slam and Gauss slam exploded in the conflict.

Gauss landed lightly, and he could continue to fight.

On the other hand, Jeter, who fell to the ground in embarrassment, supported himself to stand up after rolling several times on the ground. Even if he avoided the direct hit of the light, the explosion occurred only a few meters away from him. , so it is still hurt.

Suppressing the corona, competing with the eclipse, and being completely surpassed by the future, this is his limit.

"How many forms are there?"

Jeter couldn't help but say such a sentence, from the beginning to now is the fourth, how many times can you transform?

"It's over, you've lost, tell me about Justis."

Gauss' declaration made Jeter laugh.

"Hahaha! You are too happy to be happy."

Jeter raised his left hand while talking, and the next moment, Gauss, who stepped forward to try to stop him, collided with the enemy who didn't know how to appear.


Blocking and counterattacking, Gauss will fly one of the enemies who blocked him, and then there will be fluctuations in the space on both sides, where two monsters appear to lock his shoulders.

The next moment, Gauss spun like a windmill again, throwing the enemies on both sides to the ground.

However, this action was a little late. The fireball hit his body, and the heat from the explosion made the ground burn, causing Gauss to fall to the ground in some embarrassment.

At this time, Jeter is not the only one around Jeter, the robot Jayden, the EX Jayden, and the original Jayden, they just stand here.


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