Empat felt his whole head vibrate, his posture collapsed, his upper body was thrown back, and the fist on his face came from Lucifer.

Lucifer, who was affected by the starlight bomb, was not even affected at all, so how could it be possible to hurt him with mere containment.

Lucifer's right hand moved forward and directly grabbed the opponent's right leg, and then that right leg was completely deformed.

Empat didn't care about twisting his right leg to an unknown degree. His rotating body drove his left leg, and kicked fiercely directly on the enemy's face.

There was no light at all on his chest, just a shell of a black timer filled with new light, the light was released in the form of a timer flash, and the bombardment engulfed his right leg and the opponent together.

Then the blue light was cut from the center, and the purple half-moon blade passed by.

Empat, who had completed a backflip, saw Lucifer, who had cut open with the shelling, and the opponent jumped up again, as if planning to engage in close combat.

Empat clenched his left fist and pulled back, the dark blade surged.

What Lucifer saw was a stabbing action, but it was a slashing attack.

Empat, who didn't care whether his palm would be torn open, grabbed the dark blade extending from the front of the left wrist armor with his right hand, and then pulled the blade out of the 'sword sheath' of the wrist armor.

He used the snake-belly sword to slash but hit the air. The upside-down Lucifer evaded with incomparably perfect timing, and at the same time hit Empat's chin with a homeopathic kick, blasting him into the air even higher.

Empat, who was out of balance, threw out the extended Concertina sword, and when Lucifer dodged it, he chased him for the second time.

The seemingly complete body was still estranged, so Empat's estranged left arm spread wildly for thousands of meters. The moment he grabbed Lucifer to avoid the snake-belly sword, he locked his neck with the five fingers of the blade, but it couldn't be crushed with force.

The original hard arm now has a strange elasticity, like a slingshot, and Empat shoots himself at Lucifer.

'I don't have time. '

So Empat thought, his timer not responding because it had been smashed long before.

In an instant, dark particles spewed out, spinning and being thrown into the air by the snake belly sword, which cut off his left arm.

Lucifer counterattacked and punched nothing, he raised his head, and his opponent passed over him.

The dark flame jet, that is Empat's right arm is moving, and the wrist armor of the single arm is like a separate jet engine, adjusting the orientation of the whole body.

The fighting method used in the battle with Zaki in the past was used again. The dark flame sprayed from the back of Empat's wrist armor brought acceleration, and this speed was superimposed on the original flying speed.

Speed ​​brings kinetic energy, and the lightning-quick strike blows through the air.

'Although it is fast, it is not an invisible attack. '

This is Lucifer's evaluation, he looked at the opponent who fell below him, and the door was wide open.

How to turn without leaving any room for acceleration?

If this problem can be solved, or must be solved, the unfinished tricks are the only way to rely.

'End it all here now! '

Fully concentrating all his strength and spirit, Empat made the next move, and there was a being who arrived at that position one step ahead of him.

A quality afterimage can confuse the enemy and cooperate with the attack. In this case, there are such usages:

The afterimage that Been Pat himself was the first to reach that position was smashed to pieces before he could stand still, and the hidden dark energy inside exploded directly.

Accompanied by the shattered particles, Empat, who forcibly turned, accelerated towards Lucifer again.

The second slash was still in the air.

Then, the second afterimage, the second explosion, and the third slash.


Lucifer dodged again, and Empat's speed increased, accelerating him even more with each turn from the blast.

The explosion is disappearing, the explosion is disappearing, and the explosion is just beginning, and these are corresponding to the different acceleration stages.

Lucifer was locked in the original position, locked in a narrow range, and in the slowness of everything caused by the high concentration, only he and Empat maintained a high speed.

I could still see the figure becoming blurred before, and some of the dozens of explosions formed at unknown times were starting, and some had already disappeared.

One's own power will not harm oneself, this is only limited to the fact that that power can still be manipulated.

Empat's body is full of scattered particles, and every time the afterimage explodes, it will bring further kinetic energy and bring him new damage.

But it can be faster, faster than before, so fast that the other party can't react, and it's too fast to avoid it even if it predicts.

The dark red sword shadow is the proof of the slash, and the bursting sparks are the proof of being hit. Lucifer's evasion has finally slowed down, and the imbalance caused by the impact is magnified here.

The traces of the blade's slash, the impact of the impact hit, everything is attributed to one point.

From different directions, Empat kept attacking, and his speed was still increasing, to the point where he couldn't keep up with his own movements.

If you can keep up, you will be wielding the Dark Blade.

If you can't keep up, the body wrapped around the dark flame is a cannonball.

Slashing, bombarding, tens of hundreds, collapsed.

Concentrating all his strength, Empat looked at his diagonally upward corner, and after a second passed, the aftermath that had been stacked before exploded.

At this moment, around Lucifer's side are red and blue traces, particles, and materialized shock waves, which look like countless ribbons around it.

Aiming at the existence in the center, he swung out the last slash.

Enpat put his arms around his waist, the original dark red blade turned into pitch black, and the horizontal slashes drawn across the left and right were engraved on the enemy's body.

But the difference is that the trace of the slash did not disappear, the straight horizontal line still existed, surrounded by a large number of quicksand-like particles.

Zapelio's power-storing gesture was completed in this slash, and the dark flame on Empat's body also turned into pure black, which was a symbol of maximizing darkness.

Arms connected to each other, the strongest blow poured all the energy into it, and the pitch-black light expanded wildly, rising into the universe in an instant, swallowing all the starlight.

The Zapelio light surpassed any previous one—————

"If I had been hit, I would have been seriously injured enough to call it serious."


Empat is still maintaining the action of emitting light, but the words came from behind, just like when the two confronted each other at first, Lucifer was behind him.

Prediction is just one application of time manipulation. As long as you jump from this point in time to another point in time before being hit, the future that was hit will disappear, leaving the result of hitting empty.

"Goodbye, Empat."

Lucifer said goodbye.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Hurry up...what the hell does this mean?"

Justis didn't understand that, and on the far side, the blue beams painted words that told something he couldn't ignore.

He had just sent Chris and the robot Jadon and the spaceship here, and now it was time to go back to support.

Less than 10 minutes have passed, could it be said that the enemy really——

"It's just that the two of you can't win against me, the legendary bust."


Chris couldn't understand what happened, all he could see was that the red giant was almost split in half by the blue-eyed giant, and the light spewed out like blood.

"Why would you--"

He felt as if he was having a dream that was too real, even the feeling of vomiting was so real.

The Final End of Chapter [-] of Tiga Chapter

Without giants, resistance is meaningless, and most of the earth has been completely eroded.

The alien beasts left behind after the war slowly developed, and after they thought they had achieved a certain victory, they bared their fangs.

THE ONE is already winning. Zaki and Empat disappeared together, Gaia and Aguru couldn't appear, and the earth was taken advantage of when it was weakest. Those two had done their best just to protect the core.

The area eroded by the alien beast factor is much more than anyone imagined, and this erosion makes the earth itself unable to make effective resistance.

In a sense, human beings who have become semi-independent from nature can resist, and THE ONE calls it a meaningless struggle.

To put it bluntly, THE ONE has completely taken care of everything, and it is sure that there is nothing in the entire solar system that can stop him.

However, this calculation is all based on known information, and there is one piece of information that he does not know, that is 'Empat's origin'

The Ultra warrior from another universe is chasing Zaki, so what about the original universe?

The person who disappears without leaving any information is the object of more people's pursuit. Many things have indeed happened in this universe, but this may not be the case in another universe.

Having dealt with many incidents, experienced many battles, killed many alien beasts, and passed through many universes, now the Ultra warrior named 'Tiga' puts up a fighting gesture, his The body has changed from the original purple and silver two colors.

Switching from aerial type to compound type, Tiga focused on the enemy in front of him.

'Should be right this time...? '

He threw away his thoughts for a while, and arrived at another universe ravaged by alien beasts from a universe ravaged by alien beasts. The difference from that over there is that the earth here still exists and has not been destroyed.

Of course there is only one thing to do next:

At the moment Tiga sprinted forward, his arms crossed forward horizontally, and the pure white half-moon blade rushed straight to the enemy who fell on the ground.

'Why another one? !How could there be another one? ! '

Apart from shock, there is another emotion in THE ONE's heart at this time, that is fear.

It is no exaggeration to say that THE ONE is afraid of the existence of the "Ultra Warrior". He has seen it and seen it, so he is afraid of it.

That kind of power cannot be matched by normal creatures, so he tried his best to seal Gaia and Aguru in the core during the past five years.

Destroying the human beings and nature they want to protect is just a way to attack the mentality of those two people, but now his mentality has become unstable.

'I've won. '

THE ONE thinks so, but, but, but—————

The sharp half-moon blade was already in sight, and the flame bomb spit out collided with it.

The blue fire exploded, the light blade shattered, and at the center of the conflict, the red giant rushed out unscathed.

'Wait, red? '

THE ONE counterattacked subconsciously, but found something unusual at the moment of the counterattack. Why did the four-color enemy suddenly become a monotonous combination of red and silver?

It was too late to react until now. Dijia raised his right arm and collided with the attacking claw. His right arm stood upright steadily, and the bursting sparks seemed to have no effect on him at all.

Switching from the compound type to the powerful type, the all-round increase in body strength made Tiga ignore the claw strike directly.

Clenched his left fist tightly and swung it out suddenly.

Dijia didn't move half a step on the spot, and his left fist didn't touch the enemy, because the enemy was directly repelled by the impact of the explosion.

Do alien beasts have a sense of pain?

The answer is yes, but with the consciousness of alien beasts, pain is meaningless, and they will not feel it.

And THE ONE, which drove its body with another distorted will, arched its body in pain, and before it could fight back, it punched him in the face again.

One advances, the other retreats, the attacking Tiga is advancing, and the wounded THE ONE is retreating. Compared with just now, a large number of arcs exploded in the collision between the two.

Every time it is attacked, THE ONE will retreat in bursting pain.

Every time he swings his fist, Tiga will convert his own light energy into a strong current.

The next moment, Tiga, who kept moving forward, turned away from his body, and from his side was a tail that swept across. The long tail that spread around went around behind Tiga and then went back.

However, before the winding was completed, Di Jia's palms directly and firmly grasped the tail.

From here, the strong current that was originally just covering the fist began to climb up the enemy's flesh.

Combining the use of light energy and superpowers, Tiga is an all-round warrior. No matter what form he transforms into, his fighting style is always a combination of his own abilities.

Now, the light and thunder climbed up the enemy's body along the enemy's tail.

The tail had just been wrapped around his waist before it was uncontrollable and loosened. Tiga grabbed the tail tightly and concentrated all the strength of his body.


With a battle cry, the combination of light energy and superpowers paralyzed the enemy's resistance, and the monster power brought by the powerful type really exploded. I saw THE ONE's tail was torn off, and the blood mixed with alien beast factors inside the wound was destroyed by high-voltage current.

What did THE ONE want to do, and then saw Tiga's raised right fist, how to hit that position?That spot is impossible to hit with wingspan.

The light concentrated on the right fist turned into flames, and the flames were blasted directly into the ground.


THE ONE instantly felt that the connection was cut off, and the flames released from the Tiga Fist filled the entire underground, and the branched flames were like roaring flame dragons, burning up the snake-like tentacles.

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