'For the Ott family, it is common sense that they will not improve so much in those few years. '

Cyro's eyes saw the sky, and his memories echoed in his mind.

'Elevate, elevate... elevate... elevate. '

There is also a certain difference in strength between when he first came to this universe and now, he has become stronger, why is that?

"Belia! Take my trick!"

Someone roared like this, Beria didn't feel the danger, but just realized that something was approaching.

With a random wave of the free right claw, the sharp claws tore apart the pile of metal.


Even he couldn't help being puzzled, because what flew towards him was the metal wreckage, which belonged to Jambert, and the metal on his upper body was completely torn apart.

In a short moment, after several jumps, the mirror knight's body suddenly appeared on the reflective surface of the broken metal.

"Ha ah ah!"

Concentrating all the power, the silver cross slashed, and the arrow of light shot towards Belia's arm at almost zero distance, and finally hit.

The claw marks even condensed in the air, and Beria, who turned and swept, failed to hit the mirror knight who was jumping again with reflection.

However... Beria, who had turned around for half a circle, did not stop his attack, and in the remaining half circle, cut the wreckage of Jambert that had not yet landed.

The metal is so distorted that it can no longer maintain its luster, all luster is gone, and it is no longer a 'mirror'

With a dull bang, the mirror knight's body bounced back like a cannonball. He was kicked by Beria's front when he had to leave the 'mirror'. The pain made him unable to adjust his movements. The whole People smashed the earth, leaving deep ravines.

"You bastard."

Beria's tone was a little irritated. Knowing the essence of the mirror knight through Alan in the previous battle, he instantly thought of a way to deal with it. The result was the mirror knight who was kicked out.


The Mirror Knight was temporarily speechless, and even found it difficult to move his body. His eyes only focused on one place, which was Sai Luo's chest.

In front of the timer is the contrast between man and giant.

'I did, Sero. '

At this moment, Beria also noticed the girl and felt the energy flowing in the girl's body.

"You are-----"

The Mirror Knight had bought enough time, Emelana had already finished her preparations, and it wasn't like she didn't do nothing during that short period of preparation.

As the visitors say, she is a descendant of Noah's human body in the past, flowing with the blood of the "fitness".

With the same heart and heart, the Otto family can exert stronger power with the assistance of the human body.

"Siro, I'll help you."

"......it is good!"

Sai Luo has already recalled that his slight increase in strength is due to absorbing the energy of the Emmenal ore, not that kind of temporary enhancement, but a real increase in strength.

At this moment, the timer on his chest turned a strange azure blue, and Emilana was nowhere to be seen.

The strong wind spread in all directions, and the right foot that Beria stepped on was held up by the palm, and Sai Luo suddenly threw it upwards, directly throwing Beria who was attacking him before flying.

Emenaar's energy flows in the body but does not erode, because that power is controlled by one person.


Sai Luo said so, and Emilana in his body could even experience the flow of light and see the same scenery.

Correspondingly, Beria who landed mobilized the dark energy, and the enhanced super speed allowed him to quickly reach Sai Luo's side, and then saw the phantom.

'how? ! '

Wonderful, incomparably wonderful, it is a wonderful experience in Beria's consciousness at this time.

The claw strike was resisted, and Sai Luo quickly turned around and elbowed to resist the enemy's attack.

'I can feel it! '

This is what Sai Luo felt at this time. He could feel Beria's trajectory and route. After the elbow hit, he turned around and whipped his legs towards the enemy.

'This feeling is——'

Before being attacked, Beria had already realized the trajectory in advance, and what he saw in front of him was like a phantom of kicking first, and then the kick came.

Block, counter, dodge, counter, block.

In an instant, the two people with zero distance used their whole bodies, using all their limbs and head as weapons. Sai Luo's heavy fist hit Beria's abdomen, and then his arm was bombarded by the upward knee bump .

'this is---'

Beria felt a strange feeling. The palm knives he slashed inward at the same time on the left and right sides were blocked by the raised arms, and the head hammers from the front collided, and the zero-distance Emelim cut and exploded.

It seemed to hear the sound of a missile launching, it was because of the noise made by the two punches and kicks too fast.

It seemed to hear the sound of metal crashing. It was because the bodies of the two were too hard, and the noise produced when they collided.

Immediately after being repelled, they rushed forward again, and the two broke out in a terrifying fighting battle. At this time, no matter what is involved in this universe, it will definitely be penetrated.

The two strongest weapons in the entire universe are bombarding each other.

'Is it the resonance between the Emmenar Ore? '

Using all the power of the whole body, the phantom formed by Beria opened its huge mouth, bit and swallowed Sai Luo fiercely, and then both the phantom and the huge mouth were cut open, and Sai Luo grasped the double sword tightly.

Jumping sparks scattered in the air, and the scattered sparks were extinguished by the blown turbulence, and the double swords and sharp claws collided several times during the change of the user's position.

Sero and Beria have not been able to find a point that can be used for the time being, and they have not been able to create a point that can be used for the time being. The two can only rely on hard power to collide with each other.

The entire capital had been razed to the ground, and after such a period of time passed, the mirror knight heard the sound of the wind being torn apart.

'Too, is it too late? '

The black dots in the sky are undoubtedly not birds, but the mechanical giants made of metal.

The one-eyes of the imperial hunters have locked this side, and they quickly reported the situation on the scene and waited for the next order.

There is no need to think about this point at all, there is only one answer - to help protect the emperor.

It was a small black dot before, but now it has turned into a red light spot. The front of the imperial hunter's one-eyed front is gathering energy, and they are looking for the moment to bomb the enemy.

'will be hit——'

The moment the Mirror Knight raised the thought, a meteor of fire fell.

"Red Lotus? No!"

He denied his thoughts because the color of the meteor was blue-blue-yellow.

However, what is consistent is the sea of ​​flames that spread out. Three parallel flames engulfed a large number of imperial chasing soldiers.

At the same time, a large number of imperial hunters suddenly turned their heads, and they bombarded the enemies around them, and the visitors in their bodies directly eroded them into new bodies.

On the homeworld of the Empire, the rebellious Baltan fleet arrives.

Sai Luo Chapter 75 Resonance

"Baltan, what are you planning to do! Are you going to betray the empire!"

The communication questioning sent from the army in the capital of the empire is really a bit ignorant, what's the point of asking when it's all like this?

"There is no turning back. Those who launched the rebellion will either take over the world or all die... Really, the sacrifices we have made for the future of the universe are really great."

The commander of Baltan seemed to be joking and self-deprecating. The next moment, the shelling from outside the atmosphere quickly swallowed the Imperial Chase.

At the same time, the imperial army, aware of their attack, began to separate new combat troops to attack from within the atmosphere. What was faster than that was the bombardment outside the atmosphere, and the two sides exchanged fire.

'No matter what, we must contain the enemy's army'

That's why the three bolides are attacking quickly.

"It's really surprising that such a once-in-a-lifetime event doesn't call us!"

"Are you stupid? Of course you did it so as not to get us involved!"

"It's sad not to get us involved!"

Blue, blue and yellow, the center of the three-color flames are three giants of the same color as the flames released by themselves. Just by looking at their appearance, one can know that they must have some special connection with the red lotus flame.

Fresh green, indigo, and vermilion, the three flame giants came following the trail of their family members.

Under the mutual reflection of the flames, the orange flames were rekindled, just like the life forms of light, perhaps all energy life forms have a vigorous vitality different from normal creatures.

Red Lotus Flame's body was slowly taking shape, but his consciousness was still dormant due to serious injuries.

Seeing this situation, the three of them burned even more violently. The wall of fire they formed blocked the enemy from coming, as if they were going to build an arena, and the two people inside were still fighting fiercely.

Leaping up and chopping, the ground was cut open. Sai Luo raised his right and looked at Beria who was retreating. He felt the enemy's movement again, so he quickly turned sideways, dodging the extremely fast flying kick, and the two passed by. .

The more you fight, the clearer that feeling becomes.

Belial used his flying ability to flip forward before landing, and the five claw marks he swung out bounced off the double swords that were thrown.

"Belia, why does a man like you only use strength to act..."

This is the voice of the heart, Sero does have companions to assist him, but so does Beria, the soldiers of the empire are trying to protect their emperor.

Not only that, but in the previous battles, Beria also had companions who were willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

For some reason, that thought reached Beria's heart, and he responded subconsciously:

"How can a brat like you understand? The only thing I learned in the Ultra War is the importance of power. Those who have power can rule everything."

This voice was transmitted to Sai Luo's heart just as Sai Luo's heartfelt voice was successfully transmitted.

"The weak will only die. The dead can't do anything. Their consciousness, will, and everything have completely ended at that moment. Only the strong who survive are qualified to talk about good and evil, right and wrong, Talk about the future!"

The memory of the Otto family is too good. Beria remembers the Otto war very clearly, even the original feelings.

No one is born strong, the uneasiness when he first entered the battlefield, the pain and regret he saw on the battlefield, and the resentment of his own powerlessness.

That emotion was what initially drove Beria's quest for power.

Fist to fist, Sero and Beria collided again, this time not through their hearts, but through their own words:

"You who know the pain of the weak are now going to oppress the weak and cause death!"

Sai Luo questioned the person in front of him, and the intersecting heart made him feel the emotions that Beria had never forgotten.

"The weak...just obey the management of the strong!"

Beria took a step forward, using his shoulder as a weapon, and the iron mountain leaned against Sai Luo's body.

"Sai Luo! No matter how powerful your Kingdom of Light has become, it has not changed at all. It is still so weak! How long did it take you to form the so-called peace! There is no need to listen to the voice of the weak , they just need to kneel and submit at my feet!"

He raised his right hand high, and then swung it down vigorously, the violent thunder fell like a shaking whip.

In the ear-piercing crackling sound, the sword light flashed, and the slash cut through the electric current.

"In oppression there must be resistance, as there is now."

Sero gripped the double sword tightly, staring ahead at the person he thought was similar to him, and still thinks so now.

"Belia, what is your so-called strength! Is strength enough? I resist you together, and the person standing in front of you is not strong? Don't you understand?"

He can now feel Beria's killing intent towards him, and there are other things mixed in that killing intent.

"I can't save everyone. I let my companions die. I stood in front of you like this. With the help of my companions, I have fought with you until now. What about you?"


Sero's question silenced Beria.

"What is mixed in your killing intent? Do you want to deny your own feelings? You have never been a strong person who can rule everything."

"To shut up!"

Beria concentrated his power, and his palms condensed the dark energy of the riot.

"You are just a weak person who, like me, has to rely on the strength of your companions to get to the present, and needs others as much as anyone in this universe!"

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