Meteors fly across the sky and fly to the distant universe.

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Even from the land, the odd shape of the sky can be seen, and the huge stars cause tidal locking, so that one side of the planet is always day and the other side is always night.

But this is abnormal, because all the planets in the galaxy have been swallowed up, but this one is different, it still maintains a distance, constantly revolving around the star.

Nothing grows on the light side, nothing remains, only scalding and scorching.

The dark side is brightly lit, playing production tunes non-stop.

The same products are neatly arranged inside a large number of giant factories. They have brown and black mixed bodies, and the composition of limbs and heads is a standard 'humanoid'

But different from humans, they wear a strange gray crystal on their chests, the dim color is exactly the same as the eyes.

'Dark Lopes'

This is the name of the machines. Once only one giant weapon that made the whole earth helpless formed an exaggerated military force here. Until now, the factory is still producing and processing.

If you want such a weapon to move, you need a powerful enough power source, and the most common and most energy-providing source in the universe is none other than stars.

The back is the production base, and the front is the charging field.

The person in charge of this base can be very proud to say that he has completely mastered the use of star energy, as evidenced by this army of dark Lops.

However, he doesn't feel joy now, just staring at the huge screen in front of him.

On the back of the screen, a 'Dark Lopes' was disassembled and blocked, and there was a purple energy core on its chest.

Unlike other 'fakes', it is the original prototype, the real Zero.

"The Ultra Clan..."

The person in charge of the base, Barlow, pronounced the term with a gloomy expression. After the test machine on Earth was destroyed, Zero, who received the corresponding data at the same time, had a special reaction against the red giant.

A certain similarity can be seen between the two just from the appearance, and then the number zero, which has been silent all the time, flows out a large amount of data as if it was activated.

After these data were exported, Barlow knew the existence of the "Kingdom of Light", which is an advanced civilization capable of crossing parallel universes, not to mention possessing powerful science and technology, even life forms have entered a new level.

They must have noticed the abnormality of the multi-dimensional universe before they came to this universe to investigate, so it was troublesome.

'Sure enough, should we abandon this universe? '

If the universe in the fusion state is directly combined completely, it will be torn apart as seen before, and the entire starry sky will be torn apart.

'But in doing so...'

It is also a pity that the three universes have been superimposed with great difficulty, and the experimental data has not been collected yet. Although there have been corresponding results, it is still not enough.

'No, it's already overwhelmed, and it will definitely not please the kingdom of light if it continues to procrastinate. '

After careful weighing, Barlow made a decision in his mind. He picked up the communicator on the seat and gave an order:

"Everyone is ready for the leap, tidy up all the things produced here, we are leaving this universe, repeat, we are leaving this universe, all preparations will be completed within three working hours, Get moving, quick!"

After giving the order, Barlow got up from the seat, and he readjusted the screen, where the scenery captured by the released drone was reflected.

As observed in the past, nothing has changed.

Spreading out from the fusion point, there are only black holes and stars, and there are no planets. Those things have been destroyed long ago.

"Forgive us."

The little sadness in Barlow's heart was interrupted at the next moment. At this moment, the entire base suddenly sounded a fierce siren. It was a sound that had never sounded since he came to this universe.

It's impossible for anyone to get here.

Barlow quickly adjusted the screen while his eyes were diverted by an 'action'.


Lops Zero, whose limbs were forcibly dismantled, raised its head slightly, as if it felt something.

And soon, the self-inspection report of the base system showed that the warning came from Lops Zero, which had discovered something.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

' was found. '

Digitization is a special ability of the Otto family. With this ability, members of the Otto family can be either firewalls or electronic viruses.

Today's Max is just as an electronic virus that quickly invaded the traces he found before. In this system, Max observes the situation through the surveillance in the base.

The mechanical giants that had fought before were nothing more than mass-produced soldiers. They were made by machines in the factory. There were not many people controlling the machines, and the total number was only 50.

These 50 people are busy with some things, and Max can feel that the data is being exported continuously.

In order to find out, he was looking for the largest data flow he could feel before, but it was this that exposed his existence.

The thing to do now is not to type out from here, because that would be meaningless.

Aiming at a node, Max quickly restored his body again.

At the same time, most of the staff at the base put down their original work. They were touching the machines and performing various operations.

"How could it be possible for an electronic virus to invade here? The technologies of different civilizations are inherently different, not to mention that they are separated by a universe. How did they do it?"

"No intrusion point can be detected, and the drones sent out are all normal, and there is no trace of intrusion."

The inspection was going on non-stop. Suddenly, the body of a person whose finger was touching the keyboard suddenly retracted like an electric shock. His wonderful movement made the colleague beside him ask with concern:

"what happened to you?"

"I don't know, it's just that my body twitched suddenly."

That person's very natural response, different from his calm expression, was full of wind and clouds in his center.

'wrong!I did not intend to say such a thing! '

Not only did he say what he didn't want to say, but he couldn't even feel his body anymore.

He feels that he is now a puppet manipulated by silk threads, saying and doing things are completely different.

'Help, help! '

Even if he shouted in his heart, he couldn't get a response, and his consciousness was cut off in an instant.

"How? Have you found the source of the intrusion?"

Hearing such a voice, when he turned around, he saw a man who was exactly the same as the 'earthling' in terms of appearance and characteristics.

However, it is only the same appearance, because the 'memory' has already said everything, the Salome civilization, this is the founder of this base.

But this is the 'fourth Salome civilization'

When the three universes overlap, there are three Salome civilizations.

It is none other than the fourth Salome civilization that causes the three universes to overlap.

No interrogation, no coercion, because now Max has taken a human body.

As a member of the Space Guard, Max has naturally undergone rigorous training, and such actions belong to the specialty of the 'intelligence department'.

Borrowing the 'integration' ability of the Otto family, intelligence and camouflage have become easier.

'The next thing is...'

Max turned his head, as he expected, the people checking the data finally came to the same conclusion:

"The virus has been removed, but the source has not been found."

It's not a real virus, it's just a part of the digitalized body that Max deliberately left behind, so as to create an illusion, and this illusion——

"Activate a part of Dark Lops to guard, and continue to back up the data, and the speed must be fast."

This illusion will deceive the enemy, just as Max calculated.

'Is the Salome star planning to leave this universe? '

Everything returned to normal, so Max naturally returned to his job as a possessor.

Reading memory is delicate work, the memory stored in the brain is too much and too messy, and now he can only read some recent things, such as the order he just received.

'This is an opportunity. '

Max thought so, maybe he can just mix into the opponent's team next, and then continue to investigate further.

There is no need to speculate anymore, this Salome civilization must have something to do with the overlap of the universe.

'Put a long line to catch big fish. '

Max used such words to convince himself that he actually wanted to bring the people here to justice immediately, but he couldn't because there are such troublesome "dead men" in the world.

After calming down for a while, he naturally imitated the same actions of the people around him.

From the corner of its eyes, it looked around. Following Barlow's order, some of the Dark Lopes stored in the container before were activated. The crystals on their chests and the red eye sockets lit up together, and they left during the ejection.

But no matter how vigilant you are, no one will attack you, and Max knows this very well.

Just work slowly like this until all kinds of things are cleaned up.

All the people assembled under the order, a total of 50 people, not one less.

"Thank you for your hard work."

As the overall person in charge of the project, Barlow said so.

"This time the task is more difficult than we imagined. What we have to face is not only various technical difficulties, but more importantly, inner condemnation."

No need to see it, so the guilt is lessened.

Because no matter what kind of existence it is, it cannot survive the collision of two planets, nor can it maintain its prototype in the heat of the stars.

It's just that it's fine if you know you're killing people, but you haven't even seen anyone.

"The results are rich enough, yet you can't be proud of it, so remember one thing."

Barlow was silent for a while before continuing:

"We did not conduct this experiment to destroy the universe."


Didn't say anything, and can't say anything for now.

It is precisely because I have a real body now that it is so difficult to endure. The heat that goes straight to the brain is uncontrollable.

'This experiment was not done to destroy the universe'

and then?

Isn't the result already shown in front of your eyes?

How many people have passed away?How many people are still dying?


"Negative, person in charge!"

There were terrified voices in the crowd, someone pointed behind Barlow, and everyone's eyes were focused on one point, including Barlow himself.

What they saw was the Lops Zero whose limbs were still not complete at this time, it had already started up, and there were blue light spots inside the red eye sockets, which stared at the only existence.

Max was sure the machine was watching him.

Unlike other unaware humans, the machine seemed to be aware of something.


Barlow turned his head abruptly, and he also reacted suddenly.

Chapter 45 Let It Resound

When did the exception start?

It started with the red Ultra warrior.

According to the internal data of Lops Zero, the Ultra fighters are members of the so-called "Cosmic Guard", and the people in this team are the elite among the elites, and they are the experts among the experts.

And what is this universe?

It is the universe that is facing the end. To carry out missions in such a dangerous place, strength and character are indispensable.

So, is that red Ultra warrior really just a brat who seems to have no brains?

Or was he just acting thoughtless on purpose?

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