Jill Barris?

No, it's not.


Perhaps this is indeed the case, but the Galatron in front of him is extremely broken, his limbs are mutilated, the left arm is forcibly torn off, the right arm is a smooth section, and under the chest is a melted wound.

"In countless universes, I've been looking for your existence, Otto family... No, I'll just call you Empat."

The AI ​​inside Galatron is completely different from the past. It is not a simple combat system, but a highly intelligent AI with self-judgment ability. In order to perform its own tasks, it must change.

"There is no need to show hostility, because before the common crisis, our position is the same, and I don't want to be destroyed."

There have been unpleasant conflicts between the two sides in the past, and Galatron did not feel hostile because of it, or in other words, it has never been hostile to any existence.

What's more, the crisis has already spread to different universes and the multidimensional universe, so we should temporarily forget the past.

"As you can see, it is very difficult for me to maintain my own operation now, and the last energy is also used to force you into this universe."

In order not to cause misunderstanding, Galatron explained the previous collapse of the passage.

Artificial intelligence is worthy of being artificial intelligence. While explaining the situation clearly in a few words, it has also attracted new attention.

"What the hell is going on? Whose method is this? What happened in this universe?"

Empat felt as if he had approached the corner of the crisis and was about to see it clearly.

This inquiry is just right for Galatron, and any inquiry means that he intends to communicate.

"According to my calculation, three years before Earth time, I observed dimensional shocks in other universes. The impact was so strong that it even disrupted the arrangement of a large number of parallel universes. After half a year of observing this , I discovered the first parallel universe collision."

"Parallel universes colliding?"

In front of Empat's eyes, Galatron projected a virtual image, which were two crystal balls with a starry sky inside, and then the two crystal balls kept approaching, touching, and then turning into strange shapes.


Empat noticed that the shape that looked like a cell division was exactly what he had seen before.

Slowly, a light shines between the contact points of the two universes. The more the two universes merge, the more intense the light will be. When the universes are completely merged into one, there is no longer any trace left inside the crystal ball. There are only dazzling lights in the stars.

When the strong light overflowed, the universe that merged into one was completely shattered, and disappeared without a trace in the strong light.

"This is the end of the two universes. I sent a reconnaissance plane to explore the fusion universe. The tragedy is just like what you can see now. There should not be two planets appearing in the same place. The balance of the entire universe It's all messed up."

The ever-evolving universe is added with catalysts, stars, planets, wormholes, lots of overlapping of the same and the like.

"I'm just a transmitter for warning, to transmit information. All universes should know the tragedy that happened here, and then find the reason for it, otherwise there is only one way to destroy."

The light in Galatron's eyes dimmed.

"Go and see, look at the planet you love deeply in another universe, and then use it as a warning to yourself that you must act, look at me, someone has already started to act after observing the demise of the universe, don't think that the position is the same It is your companion, even if the goal is the same, there are different paths."

After leaving words that seemed to be admonishing, Galatron completely exhausted the energy in his body. Its warning was meaningful, and it knew the meaning of the words better than anyone else.

The goal of the Kingdom of Light is the peace of the universe, and the goal of Gilbaris is also the peace of the universe. However, the two sides still have to fight in the end, because they chose different paths.

Empat looked at Galatron's mutilated body to understand this better. If this machine is a sentry that transmits information, then who made the sentry into such a miserable state?

and also......

Empat looked into the distance, this is the region on the edge of the Milky Way, even so, he has already noticed the hidden meaning in Galatron's words.

'Not only the intensity of the radiation, but also the gravitational force between the stars becomes stronger. '

Stars are less affected, but what about planets?What about the beings living on the planet?

After making corresponding psychological preparations, Empat took out the Ott bracelet he obtained from his body, and as long as he used his consciousness to connect and order, its effect would be played naturally.

What he is holding in his hand now is a wonderful bell, which is almost exactly the same as the Otto bell, but it has only one function.

Under the shaking, the special wavelength shrunk the remains of Galatron, and after a burst of brilliance, the inside of the bracelet contained Galatron, and then was taken back into Empat's body.

After completing this action, he spread his consciousness while flying, and the telepathy was not transmitted to anyone.

'Zero, Max, where the hell are they now? '

Due to Galatron's warning, Empat did not issue the Ultra signature, and this weird universe seems to hide a deeper crisis.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Below is the asteroid, an asteroid that is speeding forward.

Sai Luo was lying on this asteroid that had been knocked out of countless fragments by him, and the impact brought by the rough collision into other universes directly threw him away. When he reacted, a pile of rubble was crushed Toss in the same direction, and he's lying here.

"Empat, Max!"

Tried to call the names of the other two but did not get any response, the three-person team was divided directly at the beginning.

Faced with this unfavorable start, Sai Luo himself quickly calmed down, the first thing he felt was a "suction force"

In addition to this strong suction, it is an incredible energy supply. Although it is not as fast as the plasma spark tower, the energy transmitted from the outside is obviously strong enough.

Appearing huge blue to Cyro's eyes, on Earth, this star would be classified as a 'supergiant'.

Such high temperature and brightness are nothing to Sai Luo, but he was shocked by the scenery.

Planets are 'pulled' into the interior of this supergiant star, and the star in front of it is simply a glutton that devours everything.

Why are asteroids traveling at such speeds?

Why did those fragments fly in one direction just now?

Because they have already been firmly pulled by gravity, and now this supergiant star is about to eat everything around it.

"Is it so exaggerated at the beginning!"

Sai Luo bounced off the asteroid quickly. He was puzzled by the current situation, but the things to do in front of him were still very simple.

Leaping up, flying, in this cosmic space, energy was released quickly, and after a while, Sai Luo was wrapped in the light energy released by himself, turned into a perfect shining golden ball, and disappeared from the original position in an instant.

He who escaped by photosphere is advancing against the gravitational force, and besides him, countless things are advancing behind him.

Planets that have long been scorched by high temperatures, comets that flew from nowhere, stars do not have only one face, they are now tyrants that bring destruction, and almost nothing can go against its will.

Any existence that wants to violate its practices cannot escape its palm, yes, even monsters are the same.


Sai Luo didn't hear the cry, even so, he still felt the despair.

In his world, Bemonstein, known as the 'cosmic monster', is constantly struggling to move forward. Why does it appear here?

Whether it is for foraging or simply passing by, the supergiant star has now firmly grasped it.

The wings that normally assist in flight already emit a scorching smell, and it's not just gravity that hurts and interferes with it.

One, two, a large number of fragments pulled from nowhere hit Bemonstein's shoulder and face, constantly impacting it.

When it was already difficult to change direction, an asteroid much larger than it collided.


Unable to escape, he let out a cry of despair.

The next moment, the asteroid was directly separated from the center, and the small head dart directly divided the asteroid with a diameter of nearly a kilometer with a smooth trajectory.

Before Bemonstein could react, a faster speed pulled its body up, and the body that had been scorched by the high temperature did not feel the pain when it felt the 'warmth' .

"You are really unlucky, just happened to encounter this kind of stellar evolution."

Bemonstein didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, it just brought the blue back into his eyes.

Sai Luo didn't know why he did this, probably because he just saw it and felt that he couldn't let it go, so he did it.

At this time, the high temperature from the outside cannot be transmitted to the inside, because the inside of the photosphere itself is a unique subspace.

After getting rid of the gravitational force at an exaggerated speed, Sai Luo heaved a sigh of relief, and he shook his Ultra bracelet.

"This thing should be reliable, right?"

After lifting the photosphere, he sent out his perception again.

'how?What's the matter with this gravitational force and strong light transmitted from all directions?It's almost like setting the whole universe on fire. '

Sai Luo knew that this situation was abnormal, and worrying about the other two made him pull out the light energy in his body and gather it at his fingertips.

"First of all, find the other two people...Although I thought so, it seems that I can't help but do this."

Before Ott's signature was issued, someone came to interrupt.

Actually that's not a man, but a 'beast'

One, two, three monsters with the ability to travel freely in the universe focus their ferocious eyes on the same prey at the same time.

The moment he felt that he was being targeted, Bemonstein fought back with the same fierce eyes as if he couldn't feel his pain. He waved his wings that were still falling from the black coke, and let out a threatening roar.

In contrast, the blood-sucking monster Chimaira sticks out its slender tongue from its open mouth, the fiercest beast Herberos flicks its tail, and the cosmic monster Bermula just keeps staring at Bei Monstein.

"Come on then!"

Zero stood in front of Bemonstein, facing the three monsters in a confrontational stance.

So at this moment, the gaze shifted to him, facing that gaze, Sai Luo could feel the difference.

'Something is wrong, what's the matter with this look? '

Vicious... No, it's even more extreme than that, it should be said to be full of hostility.

But there is neither hatred nor hostility in it, but it is not the way a predator looks at its prey.

Sero didn't understand what it meant, and it was impossible for the monsters present to explain it to him.

Finally, at the next moment, the mist sprayed by Chimaira rushed towards Sai Luo and Bemenstein in one go.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Escape! Escape!"


The light gun, which is enough to vaporize half of the body just by hitting a human body, didn't have any effect at all. The brown-black giant walking in the city stepped on everyone's hearts step by step.

Energy bombs, long-distance bombing, no matter how it was attacked, the giant walked forward without the slightest reaction.

Finally, it stopped, the left fist was closed at the waist, and the right fist was slashed to the right. This was the signal for the attack and the end of the sentence.

The left arm is down, the right arm is up, and the five fingers are spread out. The purple-black light is released from the right arm, blasting towards the empty city.

Chapter Forty In An Abnormal Universe

'It's over. '

No one doubted the power of this blow, because half of the planet had already been turned into barren land, and half of the continents had been directly evaporated.

As long as the purple light is detonated, it has the power beyond any weapon.

"The support hasn't arrived yet!"

"No! No response!"

"Damn it! Those cowards!"

Anger, but anger is meaningless, because the light is only a few dozen meters away from the ground. Without any restraint, this blow has turned the surrounding buildings into half-melted buildings without touching anything. state.

In an instant, the light with emerald green as the main color fell, and it canceled out with the purple-black light at the moment of contact, and the colorful light flowing inside it was so gorgeous.

If you apply a little more force, the emerald green light will hit the ground instead. If you apply a little less force, the emerald green light will not be able to complete the interception, no more, no less, the wonderful force perfectly offsets this blow.

Under the sunlight, an inconspicuous black shadow fell.

At the same time, the undoing force makes the confronting light only leave scattered particles to prove its existence. The giant who has maintained the posture of "invincible" for the first time performed an "evasion" action, and it held the top of its head after jumping back. The sharp edge on the other side.

Unsheathed, chopped, collided, sparks flew.

But this was just the beginning, the giant also held the corresponding sharp blade with his left hand quickly, twisted his waist quickly after three quick collisions, and hit the silver blade that reflected sunlight with a fast high whip leg. Destroyed the mind power attached to it.

For the person carrying out the attack, that's more than enough.

The bounced sharp blade showed its original shape at this time, it was a short knife with a curvature, but it seemed that there was only a 'blade' and no 'handle'

The person who caught the sharp blade fell to the ground, and the high-speed braking caused dust to rise.

Even in a half crouch, he is as tall as a building.

Surrounded by scorched earth and half-molten buildings, the visitor stood up and straightened his body.

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