Because he lives forever, there is no such thing as 'retirement', and it continues like this, until there may be a 'final'

When the thing about immortality is added to 'forever bound to something'

Then this blessing may be reversed into a curse, and you will be endlessly bound forever.


The memory of the Otto family is really troublesome sometimes, and the impressive things are even more unforgettable, so that I still remember the expression on the other party's face and the mood at that time.

Is it a blessing or a curse?

It may be different for different people. If the person who is bound by a sense of responsibility has no complaints and enjoys it, will this turn into a blessing?

At least Nangong knew what his lifestyle looked like to others at that time, which made him feel sad, and he didn't want those close to him to worry about him like this.

"Why are you all in a daze, one left and one right? Could it be that you are having a good time?"

It can only be said that a certain person can destroy all the atmosphere as soon as he opens his mouth, and then quickly bring into his own rhythm.

Sai Luo, who was still working hard on the training board just now, is standing in front of the two of them, and he continued:

"Anyway, Master Leo sent me a message just now, so I'll go out first."

Kingdom of Light does not need mobile phones and the like, it can be used as a communication tool by telepathy.

"You don't always have a bitter face, and you are not afraid of turning yourself into a giant of darkness when you hold it in your heart."

"I'm already a giant of darkness."

Empat complained.

"Then you have to be more vigilant, what should you do if you go crazy?"

Sai Luo shrugged, he jumped up and left the training city.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Space Guard, the ministers of each branch were brought back after not leaving for a long time, because there were important matters to discuss and make a decision.

"That channel is about to disappear now, and if we don't make a decision sooner, the clues we may have will disappear completely."

This is Ultraman's speech. The space channel fluctuations in his area are decreasing, and it is estimated that they will completely disappear after two days in the Kingdom of Light.

"This may be a trap, or someone's distress signal. If I miss it, I don't know if there will be a next time."

Everyone knows that there is a possibility of both. In such a clueless situation, it is not wise to give up the clues.

But if you want to go through the passage, you will definitely face risks, here is...

"I think a team should be formed to go through the passage to investigate. Considering the current abnormal situation, this is necessary."

Sophie is very aware of the situation in front of her, and taking risks is a last resort, and everyone understands this.

"Then the question now is how the team should be formed."

Jack's words made everyone start to think, and one after another candidates were reported.

During this process, Leo, who had been listening in, realized that something was very wrong.

Carrying out such a risky task must require strong strength. There are not many and not many people who can use the top combat power in the Kingdom of Light. If you want to say that the one who is at the top...

"please wait."

Leo interrupted to stop, attracting everyone's attention.

"Why didn't you consider Sai Luo?"

As a master, he is very aware of the strength of his disciples.

In the case of wearing the restricted practice armor at the beginning, Sero was able to fight Leo evenly, and now he has experienced the battle with Beria and regained his pure heart in the past.

Is there no one more suitable for this task than Sailuo?

About this point, in fact, everyone is clear, but there is a big problem, that is 'guilt'

Regarding the matter that Sai Luo went to touch the core of the plasma spark tower and was finally expelled, everyone didn't say anything, but they all believed that they were responsible. If they were not all busy with work, how could such a thing happen.

"Right now, Shiro is just—"

"Leo is right, Sai Luo is no longer a child, he has the right to decide what he should do."

"Brother Seven..."

Before Tai Luo finished speaking, Seven interrupted the sixth brother's words.

As a father, he can see all of Sai Luo's character. If he really wants to say it, if the boy knows that he is excluded, he will go to the house on the spot and make a mess.

He failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father in the past, so now he wants to take care of an indomitable man as a baby because of his so-called compensation and guilt?

Seven thinks this is wrong.

Just then, a knock on the door was heard.

"Master Leo, what did you ask me to do? I'm busy!"

Hearing such a voice outside the door, Seven could only say that maybe this kid is really a baby in some respects.

Can you be a little more polite!

Unknowingly, Seven clenched his fists.

At this time, Sophie and Ace looked at each other, and finally nodded to each other.

"Siro, come in, we have something to discuss with you."

The door opened immediately, and in just a few seconds, Sai Luo was actually a little impatient. He walked into this meeting room, and was surprised to find that all the people here were big figures in the universe, so to speak.

"Hey, it does seem like a big deal."

After shaving his cheeks, Sai Luo felt that the next thing might be very interesting.

At this moment, Eddie opened his mouth to explain the current situation. He could only say that he was worthy of being a teacher, and a few simple words explained everything.

Unlike what Sai Luo thought, this is not an interesting thing, and he also put away those playful thoughts.

"That is to say, the crisis of all universes, if it is not resolved at once, it will be over."

What a joke, I just returned to the Kingdom of Light, who wants to destroy it!

"And this task requires strong strength and the courage to face danger without shrinking. It is tailor-made for me."

There is no difference between Sai Luo's words and accepting the task. He has already understood the importance of strength, and it is none other than Beria who taught him.

If he wasn't strong enough back then, Beria's trick of mantis catching cicadas might have succeeded.

What is the purpose of exercising this strength?who knows.

' But I love my hometown. '

I like people who say hello to each other when I see them every day. If someone wants to destroy this universe, I will never forgive them.

"I accepted, isn't it just a reconnaissance mission? It's 2 years too early to stump me!"

Sai Luo made a V-shape with his right hand, clearly indicating that he accepted the task.

Leo, who was on the side, also nodded slightly. The sharp edge of the sword was honed out. From the first meeting, Leo knew very clearly that Sai Luo was a material that could be made.

He also looks forward to his only disciple becoming stronger and stronger in the future, and to walk out of his own path.

Chapter 38 Heading to the next battlefield

"That's the thing, I'm going to go to someplace I don't know where I am after I'm done tidying up today, and I don't know what I will encounter, but don't worry, it's too early for this kind of small task to cause me trouble 2 years."

It is impossible to say that there is no anxiety, but what has the upper hand is the absolute confidence in oneself.

Sai Luo is ready, he can't watch more universes being destroyed, he will become very unhappy when he thinks about who is dying.

It was already after the meeting, and Sai Luo, who had returned to the training city, shared the tasks he had taken with the other two. He couldn't just disappear without saying a word.

"Reconnaissance mission..."

Tai Jia nodded. It is not a matter of one or two missions of the Space Guard. Isn't it because of the heavy tasks of the Space Guard that he will spend less time with his father?

"I know, but you have to be careful, you may find that I have become stronger than you as soon as you come back."

"Oh! That's the momentum!"

Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Unknowingly, Tai Jia was also slightly infected, and began to use heroic words instead of goodbye.

Zero moved his gaze, and the man said this:

"You don't seem to be [-] years old, do you?"


Really will pour cold water on you, you have a refrigerator.

"It's just a metaphor, do you understand the metaphor?"

Sai Luo complained helplessly, besides, his age is now a little more than a quarter of [-], isn't the next two quarters of a few sounds easy?

"That's it, I'm off."

After saying goodbye, Sai Luo jumped up.

"Wait, I want to join the mission too."


One sentence stopped Sai Luo's movements, he turned his head, and then made a V-sign gesture.

"It's 20 seconds too late for you to participate in this mission!"

Really change the sentence.

"But it's a great help. If you are here, it will be even more powerful."

Sai Luo's tone became a little happy. He is not the withdrawn type of "I am enough alone". He has already experienced the fact that a large number of people is powerful when he was fighting Peleudora. What kind of combined monster? , how many are there?

"Then come with me! Time is running out, let's go right away! Goodbye, Taija, but we will be back soon."

After Sai Luo finished speaking, he started to speed up, Empat also nodded to Taiga, and the two left the training city together.

Taiga, who was left behind, is more concerned about another thing now, and that is why he joined the Space Guard.

In order to get the approval of others, in order to get the approval of the father?

After thinking about it carefully, a strange but not repelling idea emerged——isn’t this all right?

Taiga's affairs are only known to him now, and Sai Luo, who has left the training city, is telling Empat about the mission.

This is a crisis that may spread to a large number of universes. They will pass through the passage, then conduct investigations there and leave corresponding coordinates, and the Kingdom of Light will naturally send people to support them.

Does it sound easy?

The question is where is the other end of the passage, the interior of the star?planetary core?Black hole space?Aiming at the center of the muzzle?

It is precisely because it is impossible to confirm whether there is danger that the investigation team needs to be strong enough to deal with danger.

"The composition of the team is me, Max, and now you are added. We are a three-person team."

Listening to Sai Luo's explanation, Empat also got a general understanding of the situation, so the next step is to get the equipment and set off.

The actions of the two were not slow, Sai Luo didn't say anything, but the speed of flight alone was enough to see his eagerness.

Soon, before the general base of the Space Guard, they met the Ultra Brothers waiting here.

At the moment Empat appeared, Altman was stunned. They excluded Empat from the candidates from the very beginning. It was not because of 'distrust' and 'foreigners'. Simply because——

Just when Taylor was about to say something, Eddie slightly raised his hand to stop him, then shook his head.

'When others have made up their minds, there is no need to say more. '

"Please let me join the mission."

Empat said so, and Sophie nodded in response:

"Then I'm counting on you. You should have heard about the mission this time, right? Max will further explain the details on the way, and you will go to the Milky Way together."

"I see."

Empat turned his head to look to the other side after getting approval, and a person there also nodded to him.



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