"That's it!"

The black mist completely disappeared, the previous sense of urgency like needles on the back disappeared without a trace, and the room returned to its previous calm.

The most important thing is that the person who spoke just now, the instructor who had fallen on the ground before, stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Dream, Instructor Mebius?!"

"Sorry, I scared you."

Because the previous situation was too scary, they didn't notice it. Now the three of them realized that the other party didn't seem to be penetrated by the light. The timer on the chest was so blue that it couldn't be bluer.

"You guys did a good job. It was the last test for the Space Guard to join the team, and you passed it."

The words are like a heavy hammer hitting their heads hard, what does this mean?

Realizing that the three of them hadn't understood the situation yet, Mebius raised his index finger and said:

"This is a test for responding to emergencies. The Space Guard is not only about strength, but mentality is also very important. When you face this situation, you immediately made a quick and correct judgment."

He paused to organize his language before continuing:

"Immediately realized that this is a floating city and then planned to seek rescue, and took back the hostages through unexpected actions. After realizing the strength of the enemy, I did not become hysterical, but made the best judgment. Congratulations, you have passed the test."

Mebius nodded encouragingly with his hands on his hips, but before the three people in front of him cheered, he immediately changed his stern attitude.

"However, there is also an important problem here. The three of you have cooperated to achieve such results before, but you will not always be together. Summarize each other's experience and learn from each other's strengths, so that you can become stronger!"

The sudden lecture made the three subconsciously stand at attention.

"From now on, you will be the official security guards, and you will be role models that everyone else aspires to be. Because of this, you have to urge yourself, encourage yourself, and stick to your heart."

Mebius shook his clenched right fist, and the three responded immediately:


"it is good!"


No matter where you are, no matter what civilization you are in, only being strict when you should be strict and being gentle when you should be gentle can have a good educational effect.

"Then I will give you two days to rest, and then report to the police headquarters."

After finishing his business, Mebius returned to his original form, and he said in an admonishing tone:

"By the way, the content of this test must be kept secret. Your predecessors have also experienced such things, and so have I. This is a tradition."

Half a minute later, the three of them ran out excitedly.

"Speak up! Sure enough, keep it a secret!"


"of course!"

How can this kind of thing not be kept secret, how can we be frightened alone?That's not fair!

At the same time, in the room, Mebius turned his attention to the man who had just 'pretended to be a bad guy'.

"It's been hard work, but I really have to admit that you played the villain perfectly."

Unlike the previous disguises, this person is completely capable of releasing dark energy.

To be honest, Mebius inexplicably remembered the 'emperor' just now

Of course, it is only associated with the strong dark energy, this person's "darkness" is cold and calm, while the emperor's "darkness" is biting and hateful.

Mebius' brief thoughts were not known, and Empat only responded to the other party's evaluation:

"Actually, I also think it might be a good thing now."

Now Empat began to feel that it is very convenient to use 'dark energy' to intimidate others. After all, it is not that he has never seen someone who is as stubborn as hell before.

Desperadoes don't eat soft and hard, and it's really difficult to get them to speak.

'It seems that one trip to the seabed and sky can be given up. '

You don't need to hold your own to go up and down the sea and go around the planet for a week.

"But do you have to face these before you officially join?"

Empat is curious about this 'tradition'

Hearing his question, Mebius smiled wryly:

"Instead of letting them suffer a big loss in the future, it is better to prepare them psychologically now. The universe is so big and there are so many, we don't know where and what kind of enemies we will encounter."


Empat began to understand how difficult it is to join the Space Guard, and this is not a place where you can join after passing an exam.

"Okay, let's go out first."

Mebius has already completed a test, and in his opinion, the current reserves are still a bit short of fire.

"By the way, how is Sai Luo? Does he plan to join the guard?"

The two chatted while walking, and Mebius felt that it would be a powerful boost if Sero could join the guard.

However, it is a pity that Empat carefully recalled the recent days and found that the other party did not mention these.

"It doesn't seem to be there at the moment."

He can only think of dialogues like 'Oh, this tastes good', 'Oh, this water is so cool', 'Oh, I've never seen that thing', 'Are you kidding me, I don't want to eat grass'.

"Really? What a pity."

Mebius touched his chin, thinking about how to arouse the other party's interest.

The two walked slowly through the aisle and reached the inside of the training ground at the end of one of the floors.

This is just one of the entrances, and the scenery you can see at different entrances is similar, whether it is a reserve player or a formal player, some of them stand on the 'training disc' and work hard, and some practice in pairs.

The so-called 'training disc' is a special device, you can adjust the level of shielding against the plasma spark tower, and you can also adjust the multiple of gravity, which is very convenient.

It was on such a training board that the crescent blade in Sai Luo's right hand turned into a head dart after one swing, and then returned to its original position under his manipulation.

The man took a step, and quickly pointed his right hand to Empat standing in the entrance passage.

"Enpat! I want to challenge you!"

For Empat, this was too sudden, and he couldn't understand how it could develop into such a situation, so he said this:

"It's rude to point the finger at someone."

"Ah, sorry."

Sai Luo quickly withdrew his right hand and shook it, the weird atmosphere just now suddenly became funny.

"So what happened?"

During this short period of time, Empat failed to figure out the reason, so he had to ask honestly.

And Sero came to the current conclusion after deliberation. What is the difference between the mentality when he was practicing in the past, when he was fighting Beria, and the mentality now?

The answer is, focus.

When I practiced, I wanted to defeat my master and surpass him.

When fighting Beria, he wanted to win the opponent and protect the Kingdom of Light.

What now?

"Now I need an opponent who can let me put aside everything and focus on fighting, come and help me!"

Sai Luo said so, and for this reason, Empat is actually not unfamiliar, and it's not that he doesn't have friends who simply like fighting.

In other words, the person in front of him was also of the same type.

"Phew... I see."

Empat jumped from the entrance, he passed through gaps and gaps, and finally landed on the side of the training plate with Sero.


Looking at those two people, Mebius began to consider whether to evacuate the people around him, after all, it seemed that Sai Luo was fighting regardless of the type of people around him.

Chapter 31 Two people who are similar

Empat VS Sero!The most powerful showdown in the world!The world's number one martial arts club!

It's not that exaggerated. In fact, other people in the training ground are focusing on their own affairs, and no one pays attention to this side.

And the two of them just circulated the energy in their bodies after shaking their hands and feet at will, which is not the real body, and there is nothing stiff or not.

"Actually, I have been very concerned about your strength since before."

Sai Luo once felt another force on the battlefield, but he was not a lunatic who would rush forward regardless of the occasion when he saw a curious object, and he knew exactly what to do when he saw it.


Contrary to the exuberant tone of the former, Empat's response seemed a bit out of force, and the difference between the two parties was clearly revealed by the different reactions alone.

"Then the start signal is initiated by the training disc."

"I see."

With Sai Luo's setting, the training disk entered the countdown, and the two stood at different corners of each other, ready to fight.

Empat's left fist was received at the waist, his body was slightly shifted, and his right hand was placed in front of him in a relaxed claw shape.

Sai Luo put his left fist at his waist, his body shifted slightly, his right two fingers were retracted, and the third fingers were relaxed.

The starting moves of the two are somewhat similar, or the purpose of most starting moves in the world is similar, that is to avoid the body being hit from the front.

Gradually, or in other words, because of the concentration of the mind, the feeling of time becomes slow.

Empat's eyes are completely focused on the opponent, how will the opponent fight over?Head Dart?light?fighting?

The sound in the ears began to lengthen, and at the moment the training disk gave out the signal, the two forces tore it apart by only a short distance.

At the same moment, the two people on the training disc did one thing at the same time, that was to step down hard with their own feet.

Fighting is to make good use of what you think you can use. They judge that the training disc under their feet is something that can be used. As long as they step on it with enough force, the entire battle field will be turned directly.

However, when this idea was simultaneously implemented, the wobbly training discs were only wobbly even if cracked.

The sound of the air being torn open came, Sai Luo swung his right hand forward, and the head dart on the right quickly rotated forward and cut out.

The attack arrived quickly, and a large number of sparks were ejected. Empat used the wrist armor to block, and the deliberate angle made the head dart deviate along the sliding surface of the wrist armor.

The two don't know much about each other, because they were responsible for different battlefields in previous battles.

Sai Luo held another head dart in his left hand, and made a slashing movement while sprinting, but it was a fake movement.

Empat opened his claws, and the starting action of this claw strike was also a fake action.

In an instant, a large amount of air exploded in all directions, and the center that almost turned into a vacuum was the collision between thought power and thought power.

'This guy......'

'Can I also use the power of ultra telekinesis? '

The two instantly realized the similarity between the two, and this shock also made them realize one thing.

But since he was already so close, there was no way to take back the action in his hand.

Claw strikes, slash strikes, and the attacks that crossed each other deflected and bounced off, and another head dart that was quickly pulled back struck Empat's back.

At this moment, Empat's thought force was applied downwards, and the training disc suddenly turned into a springboard, tilting rapidly.

It was also at this moment that Sai Luo jumped up directly along the slope, avoiding the sweeping claws passing by below.

He grabs his head dart forward and then flips his body, interfering with the practice disc before his opponent hides behind the disc.

"Try this trick!"

The two head darts, one in front and one in the back, were thrown out in an arc trajectory and circled to the left and right sides of the training board.

Sero quickly turned on the headlights, and Emelim cut and shot out.

This is the moment, the blade stabs.

The center of the training disc was pierced, and the blue-black dark blade hit Zero's right arm that was defending in time.

'didn't see it. '

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