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In the deep universe, the spacecraft called "Panlong" is flying leisurely.

"Ray, what's wrong with you?"

It's just that the members are different, they looked worriedly at a young man wearing the same uniform.

Chapter Thirteen is ready

The Panlong is a ship belonging to ZAP SPACY, a human resource development and transportation organization.

Originally just a transport ship, it has undergone a series of transformations after experiencing a series of incidents, and now it is fearless even in the face of real warships.

Of course, you still have to run away from the fleet, after all, it's just one ship.

And it was none other than the young man named 'Lei' who got Panlong and its members involved in the incident.

In the past, the ultimate life form, Lebrondo Starman, disappeared and lost his body, but his spirit is still alive in this universe planning his own return.

Therefore, the existence named 'Leonix' was born. For some reason, they have the genetic factors of Lebrondo in their bodies, and they have the ability to manipulate monsters.

The Lebrondos drive the Leonix to fight each other and choose the final victor among them.

Ray is one of them, his real name is Raymond, and he survived after a series of battles and encounters.

But different from what the LeBrondorians had expected, Lei successfully rejected the fate that had been fixed from the beginning of his birth, and walked towards his own future.

The battle of the big monsters is over, and the Lebrando Stars have finally been buried in history...

"At least that's what I thought at the time."

Back to the present, Lei in the Panlong clutched his chest with an extremely serious expression.

"But no, in the recent period of time, I have been vaguely feeling a special call, until last night when I was dreaming, a Lebrondo star appeared in my dream, where is he still alive? , trying to drive me to fight."

Lei said while clenching the fighting instrument in his hand.

"The instinct that is still roaring in my body is the proof of the existence of the Lebrondos, and it is also the call of Leonix, where there is another powerful Leonix, the instinct in my body is driving me to Fight him."

Who is that?

At least not one that has fought in the past.

Lei has already told all the things he knows now, and the other members of the Panlong looked at each other, and finally, as the captain, Hyuga said:

"Even if you want to escape, it's useless. Even if you want to stay away, Lebrondo's factor will make another Leonix come after you."

The Lebrondo star did not really die, he still exists in this world in the form of a 'curse'.

"In that case, we can only take the initiative to meet them. Maybe there are people there who can communicate."

Haruna, who is the deputy captain, said that the Panlong is now a whole, and no one can get rid of anyone. The matter of Lei is the matter of the Panlong.

Noticing everyone's tolerance and support, Lei could only hold back one sentence in the end:

"Everyone...thank you."

He himself is not very good at words, after all, his actual age...

The Panlong changed direction. They planned to continue to go to other planets to mine resources, but now it is different. The place they will eventually go to is the M78 nebula that is about to turn into a battlefield, and they don't know this yet.

The Leonix who calls Ray in this universe is none other than Beria, the successor of the Lebrondo Stars in a certain sense.

At this moment, the surroundings of this man are no longer quiet. In front of him is a violent battle between monsters. Teeth, claws, tails, everything has become a weapon.

Because it was too boring, Beria ordered the monsters to kill each other.

It doesn't matter even if they die, anyway, as long as they have the Gigabit Fighting Instrument and the ability of Leonix, these undead can be resurrected.

In essence, Beria is not Leonix, he is a higher level existence than Leonix.

The reason why the Lebrondo stars drive Leonix like Ray to fight each other to decide the winner is essentially to find a resurrected body and create a usable container.

But this is not the first time he has done this, the body he initially sought was none other than Beria, who was banished for trying to capture the core of the Plasma Spark Tower.

However, the Lebrondo star made a miscalculation, because Beria did not take his body, but swallowed part of his soul.

In other words, today's Beria is essentially a 'winner'

The other Leonixes will be possessed by the Lebrondo star after the victory, which is the result of the victory.

Belia was exactly that result, because his body was mixed with the soul of the Rebrando star, but he didn't have the slightest dominance. For example, he mixed two bottles of water and it was already inseparable.

Because of this, Beria did not have the negative influence of Leonix being driven by the fighting instinct, he did feel the 'split factor' vaguely

But that kind of trivial matter doesn't matter at all. Anyone who sees the scenery of the monster cemetery will definitely think so.

Manipulating a few monsters or manipulating hundreds of monsters, which one is stronger, even those who have not learned arithmetic will know.

'It's not interesting. '

Beria thought in his heart, he has been waiting, the patience he didn't have has long since disappeared, and now he is just 'having fun'

So for the sake of greater fun, a lot of blood was splashed out of the supposedly peaceful monster cemetery, and all the monsters began to fight each other under orders.

The tyrannical king and the sad pawn, how long will this crazy banquet last?

This point is only clear to Beria himself.

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The cold and cruel universe, for most of the lives living in this world, the harsh space of the universe is cruel and impossible to survive.

But there are some special races in this universe that can travel freely without borrowing any machines, and survival is not a troublesome thing.

"Hey, where are we going!"

For example, for the person who is speaking now, the armor on his body does not provide any special benefits, let alone benefits. The energy in the body is suppressed, and activities become difficult. It is not so much an armor as a restraint.

His name is Sai Luo. For many people, the mere mention of this name will silence.

He should have been directly exiled, but in a sense he was imprisoned, learning fighting skills and being beaten day after day.

And the person who trained him day and night was Leo, a non-staff member of the Space Guard.

They left their original planets and are now moving around in this universe.

Regarding this situation, Sai Luo is not really happy. After all, he is beaten every day. He even suspects that Leo decided to continue repairing him because the original planet could no longer support him.

After all, if he was released after serving his sentence, wouldn't the restraint be removed long ago?

"Wherever I go, there are dots of stars in the dark, which is boring."

Sai Luo complained about the boredom at this time. If he had any fun in prison life, it must be lip service.

Facing his words, Leo nodded, and he responded:

"This universe itself is like this. Different people have different understandings of what it means, but I can be sure that this universe is colorful because of the existence of life."

So correct words made Sai Luo tap the helmet of the restraint device, if he could touch the ear, he would have made a 'huh?What are you talking about 'moves up.

"Again, do you want to say something about life being something we should protect? I can't stand it."

He is a young man, and he is also a young man from the Otto clan from the Kingdom of Light.

It's not that he didn't know about the Space Guard before touching the Plasma Spark Tower.

The reason why I say hands are cheap... In fact, Sai Luo really regretted touching that thing.

His thought at the time was 'Forbidden?I want to go and see what you can do to me! '

Then it was like this now, everything stemmed from a hand owed.

Facing Serona's rebellious style of response, Leo was not angered, but agreed:

"If you are persuaded so easily, it means that you are just a person."

Leo didn't care about that rebellious attitude, he just wanted to arouse Sai Luo's thinking.

The answer can be obtained from others or found out by oneself, but Sero seems to belong to the latter.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me."

Sai Luo scratched his helmet, and the kind of words that he didn't know whether it was good or bad aroused his fighting spirit even more.


He thought in his heart, and in fact he agreed with Leo's saying that "life is wonderful".

After all, if there is no life, he would not exist, that would not work.

"Where are we going?"

This is already the seventh time he has asked this question. Sai Luo is not a person who can endure loneliness.

"You'll know when you get there."

Leo answered like this, and this answer was no different from the previous one, so he heard the click of his tongue very clearly.

But he doesn't intend to tell the other party about the situation in the Kingdom of Light. The current Sai Luo is very skilled, and it's just that he is very skilled.

In one sentence, it is 'empty with power'

Compared with before, only the body has grown, and he still needs to hone a lot. If Sai Luo really heard the current situation of the Kingdom of Light at this time, he would probably have become impatient.

Of course, Leo himself couldn't say how calm the situation was at this time, but he knew that it was precisely because of this that he couldn't mess around.

'Going it alone' is his current policy.

After all, according to the information obtained, that troublesome 'Otto key' was snatched away again.

There was no other way, the entire Kingdom of Light was frozen, and it was too easy for the other party to take something away.

'Jakalu Legion is stationed near the Kingdom of Light, which is both a dangerous situation and an opportunity. '

Leo thought so in his heart, he knew the situation was so.

But Sai Luo is different, he looks around the surrounding situation, and what appears in his sight are asteroids that are not uncommon in every corner of the universe.

Aiming at the asteroid, he stretched out his left hand, with the index and middle fingers together, and the concentrated force of thought pushed the asteroid away from its original trajectory.

'it is good. '

In this way, it will not hit the planet that passed by before.

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Time always passes naturally, and the preparations that are synchronized with it have also been completed unconsciously.

The warships that originally stayed on the surface of Baxter star slowly lifted off, gravity is equivalent to nothing for them, if they can't even do anti-gravity, then don't even think about interstellar travel.

Above the surface, a well-known circus looked up at that special scene.

"Although I don't know what it is, there must be something happening in this universe right now."

Quack said like this, and then got a blank stare from other people, the meaning is very clear, that is, 'It's up to you to say'

It wasn't just one person who was involved in danger, everyone could clearly understand the abnormality of the situation.

And everyone thinks the same, that's 'don't let anything happen'

The so-called peace is tranquility, and it is because of peace that they can travel and tour everywhere and make money.

If you really go back to the chaotic war era of the past...

Don't think that war is just about soldiers fighting to the death on the battlefield, all people will be more or less affected.

The above can say any nonsense in order to promote legitimacy. At that time, the environment that gradually becomes extreme will twist a normal person into a psychopath.

"Speaking of which, I actually received a contact from my good friend."

At this moment, Bator's words attracted everyone's attention.

"He said he—"

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"Does this approach really work?"

Rattler in the battleship said so, he is not very confident about the plan for the 'shape changer'.

In fact, even Empat, who proposed this plan, is not very confident, he is making a 'gamble'

"All the equipment that can detect mimicry has been installed. If it is useless, we can only continue to implement this stupid method, and we have also prepared corresponding troops."

Take a gamble, just bet on the other party's 'psychology'

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