
Very slow, very slow, even so, the two seemed to be trying to move.


The black Taylor didn't have any special reaction to this, he didn't have a thinking soul and self-awareness, he just left after the matter was over.

"How could this be, the treasure of the Kingdom of Light..."

There was a strange purple light in the team leader's eyes, the black Taro's arms were combined, and the stream light hit the target directly.

Together with the figure, the bridge collapsed and fell.

Jump up, leave, and after the battle is over, there is deathly silence again.

The black Ultraman who was waiting in the universe merged with the other two and left together, taking away two equipment that could be either a shield or a spear according to the user's will.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The two faced each other in the barren area, one maintained a vigilant posture, the other seemed to be relaxed, but the sharp claw of his right hand was holding a black double-headed stick tightly.

"Go away, I have no interest in your plans."

"It seems you don't trust anyone."

"No, I believe that anyone will betray each other for their own benefit."

The black giant has dark yellow eyes, and the purple crystal on the chest is the proof of being an Ultra warrior in the past.

His name is Beria, the traitor of the Kingdom of Light, and the heir of the ultimate life form, Lebrondo.

"If that's the case, I won't bother you."

The other person is the notorious Mephilas star in the universe. He bowed and left. It is really stressful to face a moody tyrant like this.

The two parted ways...you can't say that, because they were not the same from the beginning.

Beria is very clear about what a clumsy lie the so-called "serving him as master" is. It is said that he is the master, but in fact he is just using him as a useful tool and wants to use his power to do something.

It is necessary to establish a power, but this power must be built by him personally, to establish a power stronger than the Kingdom of Light and become its overlord.

'Only relying on this...? '

Beria turned around, in front of him was the 'ball of light' that had caused him so much pain in the past

The core of the Plasma Spark Tower, the core of the Kingdom of Light, how to use the powerful power hidden in it?

Unlike before, even if he stretches out his hand to hold it like this, he won't suffer any harm.

Even so, it's still the same as in the past, this 'thing' is rejecting him, what's wrong?

'Because my strength is not enough? '

Beria thought in his heart.

'No, not like that. '

Compared with the past, he is not at the same level at all, or is it still not enough even with such power?

'Unable to understand. '

Since a long time ago, he has been incomprehensible to the Kingdom of Light, and this kind of doubt is still going on.

"never mind."

Beria lightly raised the double-headed stick, and this peculiar weapon lit up faint blue light at both ends along with his thoughts.

He knocked down the 'Giga Fighting Instrument', and the invisible fluctuations continued to spread around.

Located between the cracks of time and space, the cemetery where the monsters sleep sounded unwilling voices, and one after another, they woke up under the call.

Chapter Six Hidden in the Dark

do you died?

He didn't die, not because of how powerful he was.

The team leader who was dispatched to carry out the reconnaissance mission was lying at the bottom of the plasma spark tower at the moment. What he felt in the previous battle was a certain sense of oppression.

The gap in strength will create a sense of distance, and when this gap in strength is brought into a real battle, it becomes a sense of oppression.

What happened to that pirated chief instructor?

Sure enough, there was some conspiracy brewing behind the scenes, but it was precisely because of the success of this conspiracy that he was not dead yet.

The Plasma Spark Tower is the core energy source of the Kingdom of Light, and it is also the key to maintaining this galaxy.

In order to transmit the light and heat brought by its core, there are connection points buried under the entire Kingdom of Light, in other words, 'sub-towers'

Now this sub-tower is completely frozen, why is that?

Because of the weakness of the Ultra family... No, it should be said that almost all creatures in the universe have a weakness - absolute zero.

In the absence of the core of the plasma spark tower, relying on the energy of the sub-tower alone cannot resist the cold.

'I see, no wonder the Kingdom of Light can only be left here. '

Now a fragile balance is maintained here, ordinary energy does not work, and the energy that destroys the planet will thaw this frozen country before it falls.

It is precisely because of this that the Kingdom of Light is left alone for the time being.

The reason why the future troubles are endless is simply because there is no solution at present, and if the Kingdom of Light can never be thawed, then even if it exists forever, it will not be effective.

How on earth did the enemy do such a thing?

No, after all, who is the enemy?

'Have to figure out a way to tell other people what's going on here. '

The team leader touched the timer on his chest with his right hand, and the extracted energy was shot out with the movement of raising his hand. The light beam went straight to the sky and turned into words in the deep universe.

The message has been sent, and now most of his body has been sealed in ice.

With his power exhausted, he could no longer resist the temperature that was so close to absolute zero, and soon, the team leader and the ground were completely connected to the ice.

Otto's signature was engraved on the star, and new information was engraved again.

The Ultra Clan will turn into brilliance and disappear after death. One of the few weaknesses of the Ultra Clan is ultra-low temperature, and the ultra-low temperature has played an unexpected role at this time.

They didn't die, because even the movement of the particles was stopped. In short, the wounds were sealed with ice, so they barely survived.

The sent Ultra's signature is eye-catching, and the message that only the Ultra family can understand is transmitted.

But that information has just been eliminated for a short time. In the depths of the universe, what exists.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"The Kingdom of Light is frozen, and the Plasma Spark Tower, Ultra Key, and Ultra Bell have been robbed..."

Although the situation has been predicted to be bad, it is really hard to accept the situation so badly.

"No, there is still hope."

As Rattler said, the members of the Space Guard in each branch and sub-base have not lost their combat power, and in a sense, as long as the Kingdom of Light can lift the ice, it can immediately become a new combat power.

"The problem is the Ultra key and the Ultra bell."

"What are keys and bells?"

At this moment, Empat, who had been in the listening state, spoke up. After all, he didn't even know the situation in this universe, so he immediately participated in an incredible event.

He doesn't know much about the Kingdom of Light, but he is very clear that it is precisely because of the existence of the Kingdom of Light that a peaceful order has been established.

It's a bit contradictory to say so, but what maintains peace is power. The kingdom of light with such power is actually frozen like this?

'Not to be underestimated. '

In Empat's cognition, judging from the time concept of the Ott family, he had just finished fighting Zaki almost 5 minutes ago, and now he encountered a new situation immediately.

Of course, he himself is used to this kind of thing. According to his friends, he belongs to the type who is attracted by troubles. From this point of view, it is actually quite convenient, and he can just start to solve it immediately.

After a short thought, Empat immediately heard the answer given by Rattler:

"The Otto key and the Otto bell are both weapons that played an important role in the Ultra war 4 years ago. The Otto key has the power to smash a star with one blow. The Otto bell can have a strong effect on any creature. Mental disturbance."

The problem is very serious, but compared with those special nouns, Empat cares more about one thing, and that is the time point of '4 years ago'.

'Sure enough, the perception is different. '

For the Ottos, time is measured in 'ten thousand years'.


"what happened?"

Noticing Empat's distraction and special fluctuations, Rattler reminded.

"Nothing, just keep talking."

Empat immediately came back to his senses. He had a strong sense of anxiety just now, and this emotion caused the dark energy in his body to react.

This fluctuation also made Rattler more clearly aware that the blue-eyed warrior beside him was on the 'dark' side in a rough way. He continued:

"The energy source of the Ultra key is the plasma spark tower. It can shoot two shots in a row when the energy is abundant. The Ultra bell has almost no energy limit. As long as it keeps shaking, it can at least produce mental disturbance to the creatures on half the planet. Effects, in addition to various special functions."


"I don't know either. It's a special treasure used by the Silver Crusaders for self-defense, and it has nothing to do with our combat troops."

Rattler shook his head and gave a somewhat frustrating answer.

Empat rested his chin on his right hand and fell into deep thought. The moment he got the information, he began to think about what would happen if he fought an enemy who held these two props.

With mental disturbance and special functions, Ultra Bell is the perfect auxiliary weapon.

Star destroyer-level weapons, the Otto key just being held by the opponent is a strong deterrent.

To match their words...

"Commander, it's an emergency communication from N1113 Nebula branch!"

"Connect immediately."

Empat's thoughts were interrupted, he quickly looked at the screen, and the blue Ultra warrior who appeared there spoke in a hasty tone:

"This is the sub-base of N1113 Nebula. I'm sorry, this place has been placed together. Most of the fighters lost their combat capabilities in the previous attack. Please support."

As soon as the voice fell, the screen shook, and before the communication was cut off, the sound of an explosion came.

How to do?

Empat turned his attention to Ratterer. In the current situation, the Kingdom of Light is frozen, but it is not impossible to save it, but it must be a dangerous area, and it may even be heavily guarded.

The longer the delay, the more likely the enemy will find a way to smash the frozen Kingdom of Light into pieces.

But the situation in other sub-bases is also very critical, not to mention that there are enemies like the Babar Stars and Zarabu Stars captured before.

If these enemies are not eliminated as soon as possible, I don't know what will happen next.

Should I choose the Kingdom of Light or the whole universe?

'The two things should be equivalent. '

Empat came to the conclusion in his heart that the Kingdom of Light possesses great power, and as long as the Kingdom of Light can be restored, they will definitely become a fighting force.

Not only that, but even the intelligence of the attackers can be provided.

simply put......

"I think we should unify all the sub-bases and branches first, gather the remaining troops, and search for the survivors of the Kingdom of Light at the same time during this period of time. I will prevent any battles that occur."


Rattler's tone is inevitably mixed with doubts, which is natural, because there is a difference between simply 'stop' and 'end'.

To put it simply, to end a battle, you only need to completely defeat one side, but to stop a battle, you need to defeat one side without hurting others. It is not easy to be merciful on the battlefield.

"Well, I'm strong."

No bragging, just plain saying.

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