Daniel raised his head when he heard the voice, and a female scientist named 'Catherine' came over. In her eyes, the president of Alchemy Star, who was supposed to be radiant, now has a beard and no elegance.

Soon, Daniel continued to lower his head, thinking about the strange situation in front of him.

Knowing that she couldn't persuade the other party, Catherine sighed in her heart, then walked to Daniel's side and said:

"Thanks to the existence of the original shield system, this vast forest has maintained its original appearance. What's going on?"

Catherine developed a natural assisted circulatory system called 'Original Shield' in order to better protect nature, but she never expected such an abnormal situation to happen.

To put it simply, the land is gradually becoming unsuitable for plant growth, not only in Australia, but also in land all over the world. The land that has lost its vitality makes it impossible for plants to continue to grow.

The implementation of the original shield system has successfully suppressed such a situation, but it is only suppressed, and it is not a cure for the symptoms.

A way must be found to reverse the status quo, however...

"I think that's exactly what the Earth is warning us about."

Daniel said seriously, so many anomalies cannot be ignored, and human beings must deal with them.

"The battle five years ago is not over yet?"

Catherine's question was a little uneasy, and her speculation was rewarded with a nod from Daniel.

The data in the computer was presented in front of their eyes, and the strong wind from the outside blew through the forest, taking away the withered and yellow leaves.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The small town near the sea is still a bit hot today, and the man who returned home has already grown up.

"Brother, you are back."

"You are so uncute, where did the little sister who used to call me brother go?"

"Can you stop fabricating memories that don't exist?"

The girl named 'Erina' has grown into a decent girl in five years, but in the eyes of her elder brother, she has become uncute.

Compared with before, the ratio of noisy and harmonious relationship has changed from 3:7 to 6:4. Sure enough, girls will not be as close as before when they grow up.

"Anyway, let me in first."

Shirou rubbed his shoulders and walked into the room with a change of clothes, Erina also closed the door naturally, and the two walked into the living room one after the other, the noise did not affect their relationship.

"Put it here first, I'll sit down."

As soon as the salute was released, Shirou sat comfortably on the sofa, but the relaxed expression was soon occupied by gloom.

Seeing his appearance, Erina immediately understood what happened.

"Just like last time?"

"No, it's worse than last time."

Shirou answered his sister's question. Originally, he thought that his sister wouldn't have to worry about things in reality, but he said that there is no way to control such things as leaking.

If you are used to being honest with a person, you will not be able to tell a lie when you want to, which is exactly such a situation.

"There aren't even a few fish this time, what's going on?"

What Shirou said was what he saw and heard when he went to sea this time. To be honest, fishermen have become sad since a year ago, because the original fishing ground was suddenly useless.

I have been confused since then and nothing has changed until now. God knows why it has become like this.

It's not just Japan. From the news, it seems that fishermen all over the world are facing similar difficulties.

The farm is okay, and people like Shiro who go to sea earn less and less every year.

"I'm already thinking about changing careers. How about working in a convenience store?"

He said so, and then in exchange for a detailed look from Erina - the flat cropped hair that is easy to clean, the dark complexion due to long-term sea trips, and the strong body obtained from physical work.

"It's more practical for you to be a security guard, the kind in a bar."

Erina commented on her older brother.

"Tch, it's not cute."

Shirou complained, then got up and picked up his salute and prepared to stir it in the washing machine.

After turning his back, his previous expression changed back to worry again, probably because of the influence of someone. He also tried to read books about the ocean, so he realized that this situation was abnormal.

The problem is that he seems to have nothing to do except worry. Does the people above know the situation clearly?

Worried, Shirou walked to the balcony where the washing machine was placed, and behind him, Erina looked to the other side, and she felt that it would be great if someone was there at this time.

Professional scientists must be better than their guesswork.


The last time we met five years ago, then what?

Then Fujimiya never came back, and so did Yabuki, what happened?

Thinking about it now, the two of them are full of secrets, are they leaving with secrets now?

But this kind of thing can only be asked in person, if there is a chance.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Is it necessary to disarm in a peaceful world?That is impossible.

In order to prevent the enemy's reappearance, the development of weapons is necessary.

So today, XIG's air base is still floating, and Atsuko, as a correspondent, connected to the communication request sent by the investigation team.

It was a silver beach, but the scenery on this beach was not gentle, there were no tourists having fun, and the sea water washed up on the shore slapped the creatures, but they didn't get any response.

These creatures are long dead, they are fish that cannot live on the shore, and now they are stranded and dead on this shore, motionless, with empty eyes.

There are corpses lined up from one side of the beach to the other. Seeing such a scene, I believe no matter who it is, it will feel creepy.

What's more serious is the situation caused by the temperature. No matter how long it takes, these corpses will completely stink.

If it is just a simple stranding of fish, there is no need for XIG to dispatch, the key to the problem lies in the abnormality of these fish.

XIG has been investigating the abnormality of the sea today, but compared with the sky and the earth, the sea is still a difficult puzzle, so the progress is not smooth.

What is certain is that fish are rarely seen in today's shallow water areas, and this time the grounding may be able to obtain some new information. With this idea, XIG dispatched.

Now Weiwei on the front line uses special equipment to scan the corpses of fishes, and members of the XIG sub-base in this area are also doing the same action with him.

However, the results on the device are normal, a corpse is just a corpse, and a fish is a fish.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Yumi is very good at flying fighter jets, but if he doesn't even know where the enemy is, he can't fight.

"This is a warning."


When he heard a strange voice, he turned around and drew his gun, and a girl appeared in front of everyone, standing in the middle of the school of fish.

"Captain Weiwei?"

Atsuko inside the air base spoke with doubts, and all they could see was everyone pulling out their guns suddenly and vigilantly.

This alert and threatening gesture didn't affect the girl's expression, and she continued to say what she wanted to say:

"The real enemy is still hidden underground. It has isolated the leylines and is trying to erode our planet."


Weiwei frowned, the information contained in the other party's speech was impossible to ignore, what is the real enemy?Isolate the leylines?Eroding the planet?

"The giant and the giant beast are resisting each other. You must find a way to find and force the enemy away as soon as possible. If the planet itself is eroded, then everything living on the planet will—"

The conversation stops here, there are many things I want to ask at the end of the story.

For example, what does a giant mean?Gaia and Aguru?That is to say, my dream is still alive?Is he fighting something now?

However, there was no chance to ask, because the virtual image in front of him was not stopped because he wanted to stop the conversation, but had to be stopped.

In an instant, the virtual image was cut in two as if cut in half.



These were the last words of the girl, and the virtual image completely disappeared, leaving behind only uneasy prophecies.

"The real enemy is still hiding underground?"

Someone in the investigation team repeated the important information in the girl's words, and everyone woke up like a dream.

The long-lost cluelessness has been answered, and the enemy has not completely disappeared.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

It was already morning, and Gong Ye was watching the materials with his colleagues.

A little girl like that digging through trash cans in an alley looking for something to eat doesn't look right. This can already be called a case.

"Sayako Nogami, her father died in a traffic accident two years ago, and her mother is still alive...that's wrong."

Gong Ye was sitting in the bus in casual clothes, with his cheek pressed against the screen of his mobile phone, talking on the phone with his colleagues in the police station.

"I checked all the way up and found that their family should have obtained a sum of money through insurance, and it is impossible to reduce it to the point where the children go to the trash can..."

The tone of the colleague on the phone was a little disturbed.

"I don't think so either."

Gong also agreed with that statement, there must be something abnormal in it.

"Drugs, gambling, or was that woman deliberately directing her husband's death?"

He speculated in the bus with few people, the streets around here are not really lively, after all, this period is——

"The annual anniversary, don't engage in such disturbing cases during this period."

After a colleague complained, he continued:

"In short, I will continue to check along, and I will let you know when there is any progress."


Hanging up the phone, Gong also sighed.

Before he became a policeman, when he read novels, watched TV dramas, movies, animations and other things, he would occasionally think, 'How could such a thing happen in reality, it's too fake'

And now I find that there are a hundred times more illogical things in reality than this. Killing people just because of quarrels, gambling to bankruptcy and killing their own family before committing suicide, wives throwing their children downstairs because of quarreling with their husbands.

Can't understand?

'I can't understand it either. '

That's why we're going to investigate.

The arrival signal of the bus sounded, and Miya stood up to get off, but there was no one here.

It's enough to encounter such a bad thing on a rare anniversary. '

With a not-so-good mood, Gong Ye walked into the residential area along the map in his mobile phone, and finally arrived at the gate of 'Nogami' after searching for a while.

Approach, ring the doorbell, and wait for a response.

During this process, Gong Ye looked around, and the small courtyard was full of weeds, and it could be seen that no one had dealt with it for a long time.

In addition, there is the birdcage.

'birdcage? '

Gong also frowned. He knocked on the door while pressing the doorbell again, and walked into the courtyard without any response after waiting for more than ten seconds.

As soon as I got closer, I saw the scene in the birdcage. The water in the small water box was already dirty, the box for bird food was empty, and the bird that should have been on the swing now fell to the bottom of the birdcage. Not moving at all, as if dead.


Subconsciously looking at the palace inside the glass door, he couldn't see anyone in the living room, all he saw was the messy and untidy floor.

'No one feeds, not only Sayoko, but pet birds as well. '

Gong Ye was thinking, while tentatively pulling the glass door, perhaps because of luck, the glass door was not locked.

"Is anyone home!"

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