You must stop, it doesn't matter how you are abused, Hakkad who chose to use Zaki's power to destroy the earth is already crazy, so he pulled the trigger, he must pull the trigger.

In this space, the energy station is still running, and Zaki inside the container is staring outside with his eyes, or staring at an existence.

A big hole opened in the head of the being, the being was moving his gaze, the being spoke:

"Did you go through a lot of psychological struggle just now, and even feel that your goal has been achieved?"


The deceased spoke, and an incredible scene appeared before his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, more deaths were produced. The regular army who had fallen on the ground a second ago directly raised their guns on the ground. The hail of bullets directly tore Lide's team into pieces.

"As I said, the war will never stop, because..."

Hakad stood up slowly, his pierced head began to twist, turning into a pure entanglement of flesh, and finally turned into a long whip to sweep, and before my dream and Lide could react, they were blown away go out.

After clearing all obstacles, Hakad...or the alien beast that once had that face taunted:

"You have tried your best to destroy the alien beast and Zaki, but it is a pity that the alien beast has already invaded this planet, and that is me."

Chapter 250 Blasphemy

"The war you waged to destroy Zaki is over long ago, because Zaki is here, and the war you want to stop that may lead to the destruction of two planets cannot be stopped."

The entangled flesh and blood reunited, and what finally formed was Hakad's face, and it was only his face.

Whether it's Lid or my dream, it's clear that the person in front of me is not the so-called 'Hakad'

The issue is......

"Who the hell are you, when...cough?!"

Before the question was finished, the blood in Lied's mouth spit out, he could clearly feel that the organs in his body had been severely injured, and his brain was telling him that he was going to die.

At the same time, my dream on the other side was not much better. He stared at Huckard with a somewhat blurred vision.

'Alien Beast'

What exactly is that?

Even in the end, the alien beasts on the earth did not do this. They just relied on instinct and shared experience to kill and devour to satisfy their own appetite.

But the one in front of him was different, he pretended to be someone else.

Use dark forces to manipulate the army?No, it's not just that, maybe earlier, longer before, the other party had already acted in the dark.

What is the deviation of this planet's observation of the earth?

If the hands and feet have been passive, if the upper layer has been rotten from the beginning, then no matter what kind of action and will it is, it will be distorted.

Could it be that the conflict between two planets and two civilizations is...

"Wait a minute, don't pass out at this time. Now is the time when the big villain has calculated everything and then plans to blow himself up. If you lose consciousness, who am I going to tell Xiao Jiujiu, who has been holding it in for so long? Is it to Zha? Ki said?"

As Hackard spoke, he waved his right hand, and the next moment, Lid and I dreamed of something rushing into us.


Pain, heart-pounding pain, dark force poured into the body to maintain life, but also hurt the body, regeneration and corrosion proceed simultaneously, and the intense pain makes the brain sober.


I couldn't help curling up my body and fell to the ground, blood spit out from his mouth, it was obviously such a hurt, but the hurt was filled up again.

"Ah, forget it, it's too noisy."

Huckard sighed in a casual tone, and then snapped his fingers. The dark force that invaded Lid and my dream body captured the consciousness of both of them.

"Unfortunately, I thought I could tell my plan happily. It's really boring. Although I really want to chop you up, you are still useful, so I will bear it for now."

He waved his hand, and the regular army, which had been on standby all the time, immediately started to act. Some of them disposed of the corpses of the rebels, and some of them took away the unconscious Womeng and Lide.

"Remember to help them heal well and heal them completely."

After saying this, Hakad walked towards the front of the container, inside which was Zaki, who was just a normal person, staring at him, as if he wanted to keep him in his heart forever.

Just being looked at like this gave Hakad a strong sense of uneasiness, as if being targeted by a natural enemy, and he had a premonition that he would be eaten alive at some point.

"You're really scary, Zaki."

He reached out and pressed the palm of his hand against the mirror, staring at the dark god of destruction within.

If you just look at it this way, it really doesn't look like a god at all, just a prisoner.

Speaking of prisoners...


Huckard showed a malicious smile, then turned and left, until his back disappeared, and the eyes locked on him did not move at all.

Zaki, who is in the container, is not a doll who has lost consciousness and no thoughts. The anger and flames in his heart have never disappeared, and they are getting stronger and stronger, trying to burn everything in the world.

In the past, he used to be a weapon, imitating the weapon of the giant god. The weapon does not need self-will, but only needs to obey the will of the user.

But it’s not just why, he finally got his own will, this will yearns for freedom and wants to do whatever he wants, so he destroyed the so-called master, no one can order him, no one can take away his freedom.

But now, he is just a prisoner like in the past, unable to even move his body.

For Zaki, this is an absolute backlash, an untouchable scar, a mark of his shameful past.

'Whatever that scum out there is going to do, he's dead. '

This is Zaki's thoughts at this moment, for this prey, he will not give the slightest time to regret.

This planet is like this, and that planet is also like this. All the planets in this universe will die.

Intense negative emotions surged again, turning into piercing darkness, and this darkness turned into power, extracted from the pipeline, and continued to supply energy to all facilities in the entire base to transform monster weapons.

The protests from the outside are still going on, but the cleaning inside the base has already started.

Huckard has been waiting from the very beginning. What he was waiting for was the moment when the rebels threw themselves into the trap. He never cared about the rebels. Why should he care if he can kill a clean piece of rubbish by himself? ?

It's just that their rebellion makes sense.

"Lied, you don't even know how much you have helped me."

Hackard smiled, quietly waiting for the passage of time.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

There still seemed to be a scorched smell in the air. Naturally, there was nothing left of the wilderness after the bombing, and the wind blowing seemed to be still tainted with uncomfortable heat.

But that's just an illusion, because everything is over.

"As a commander, to stay here alone, everyone is in a bad mood. At this time, the most important thing is to stabilize the morale of the army."

The voice came after itself, but Lide didn't get up. What is the commemoration of the creature after death?

All he can do is erect a stone as a monument, and he can't do anything else.

This is already the third planet, larger than the previous two.

The alien animal factor is simply a terrible plague. The infected creatures are a link in the food chain. They eat and are eaten, and they are passed on non-stop, and slowly spread to different populations.

Then, the population of a creature is just destroyed, and the food chain is never alone. How much damage will the disappearance of one link cause?

Call it weak or call it stupid, Lid knows what he has to do and how much he hates doing it.

After a brief silence, the person behind sighed as if silent:

"What I said just now was just my words as a comrade-in-arms, and as a friend, you can rest here to your heart's content. Soldiers are shaken by feelings, and commanders are human beings. It's normal to feel shaken by this."

Hearing that sentence, Lid got up and turned to look at his friend. Huckard was facing this way with a wry smile, and the other party seemed to have the same distress.

"We are afraid of the spread of the alien animal factor, and then we destroy it regardless of 21. It is simply killing patients regardless of 21 when the plague was prevalent in ancient times. Is this really correct?"

Lied uttered his doubts and worries, and all he got in return was a heavier sigh from Huckard.

"Don't forget the tragedy of the institute, if we can really find an antidote, we don't have to do that."

What Huckard said was a tragedy known to the entire planet. The entire elite team of the research institute was transformed into alien beasts, and then caused the destruction of two blocks. It was finally calmed down and lost. Numerous talents.

How can we prevent the infection of the alien beast factor?

The previous measures didn't work at all, and the destructive power of the alien beast's horror was also first seen at that time.

The fried pieces of meat were still trying to reunite, and the remaining individuals fused together and became stronger.

The alien beast is simply some kind of biological weapon with the ability to spread the plague, Zaki, the earth...

"But maybe you're right."

Thinking was interrupted, Hakad's expression became serious.

"What we've been doing is genocide and it doesn't matter. We've already destroyed one tribal civilization, and there may be more to come."

This is to prevent the alien beast from harming more creatures, and also to protect itself from disaster, but even if it has a legitimate reason, it cannot take its eyes off what it is doing.

"If one day the army goes astray because of this, someone has to do something about it."

Before Hackard could continue speaking, Lied turned completely around, he held out his hand to Hackard and said:

"Things like the bottom line will become weak after being broken once. Once morality is abandoned, it is easy to become numb. Slowly, you don't even know that you have gone crazy. If I am crazy, remember to step on it for me." brake."

"Then it's an appointment."

The conversation ended temporarily, and the two held hands together, which was an agreement.

I started to act because of that promise, and I haven't forgotten it until now, but...but...


Consciousness became clear, and the pain was unbearable. Even after processing and data, Lid still felt unbearable pain in his left arm, as if something pierced into the bone and drilled all the way in.

Opening his eyes, he couldn't be more clear about this place.

"The are also there."

There were two people in the small prison cell, both him and me were lying on the hard ground, and even the clothes hadn't been changed much, but his shirt was taken off, and there was still black residue on the bandage that sealed the wound.

"Is the army so poor? A small cell fortifies two people."

Lide's situation at this time can be described as joy in bitterness in one sentence. Compared with him, my dream has not yet woken up. If he just recalled the past in a dream, the situation in my dream is not so gentle.

Painful, haunted by nightmares.

Now I dream that he has sunk into the swamp, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape, no matter how hard he tries to breathe, he will still suffocate.

Weakness, pain, constant, can't stop.

"Dream -- I -- hello --"

Someone's voice seemed to be coming from afar, but it couldn't be accurately captured.

In the reality beyond the dream, Lide tried to wake up my dream, but the other party still maintained that painful look.

At this moment, an undisguised voice came.


The door was opened, and the sound of footsteps was out of sync. A few seconds later, outside the cell was a soldier with a cold face and a smiling Hakad.

Just seeing that face made Lid feel uncontrollable anger.

My friend has been robbed of his identity, and the alien beast in front of him is using Hakkad's identity and face to do inhumane things, plotting an unknown conspiracy.

Lid wanted to yell, but he knew it was meaningless, so he just endured it.

The cell is divided into two sides, inside and outside, one side is the prisoner, and the other side is the winner, so Hakad naturally assumes the victor's posture, because he has won too much.

"If you were planning to wake me up from Meng just now, then I advise you not to waste your efforts. There was some kind of conflict between the light remaining in his body and the darkness that Zaki invaded. I don't know whether he woke up or not, but It doesn't matter, he's useless anyway."

That face and that voice spoke cruel words, treating all existence other than himself as props.

Without waiting for Lied to respond, Huckard put on a look of remembering something:

"By the way, you seem to be very concerned about when I became Hackard, right?"

The strange beast's expression became nasty again.

"It was five years ago, do you remember the agreement on the third planet? If the army got out of control, someone would step on the brakes. It was a masterpiece. What would the real Harkard say? I just How about acting like that? Surprised? Angry?"

His words were mocking, yet it was not over.

"By the way, why did the institute have an accident? Why didn't it happen? Since I have an accident, it must be inevitable. Guess how many people I have dealt with in the past five years? What did they look like before they died?"

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