With healthy limbs and clear consciousness, how could it be considered a failure.

Shaking, standing up straight, being eaten by myself with a full blow and hurting myself, Gaia is not in a good state at this time.

And in front of him, Britz Brotz has already closed the armor on his chest, and the reflection is complete, so there is no need to continue to be naked...Is that so?

The earth has always been in a passive situation compared to the host of the destruction of the root, and it is impossible to even detect it.

In other words, the enemy's intelligence is almost zero. Just like Britz Brotz in front of him, Gaia only figured out the opponent's ability after suffering serious injuries in the battle.

Absorbing light to reflect and scatter the materialization of Ultra warriors, combined with the physical ability to compete with SV, it has become the most difficult enemy.

The strongest spear and the strongest shield are combined together, is there really no weakness at all?

There is no point in asking even this way, because the other party will definitely not answer.

Gaia's feet spread apart, and the timer's flickering and ringing continued, bringing a dangerous atmosphere, and the surroundings were full of fire, enveloping both of them.

Make a fist, open it, and be sure that you still exist.

Feeling the tingling pain, Gaia waved his right arm, and the gathered wind pressure rushed towards the enemy in one go.

The turbulence that was enough to blow away a solid building directly hit Britz Brotz's body, but it didn't work. It raised its head slightly, turned away from its body, and then dodged the attack.

After the flying kick landed in the air, Gaia's backward elbow collided with the opponent's arm.

He turned around immediately, and saw the sharp hand knife before he swung his second pursuit.

'Tsk! '

Again, Britzbrotz has the physical ability to counter Gaia SV, and it's only natural for it to fight back after being attacked.

There were red marks on Gaia's cheeks, and the light floated from the inside, and the distance between the two drew closer.

Britz Brotz opened his palm, and the impact of the heavy punch came.

Gaia's eyes moved down, and the fist he aimed at the waist of the enemy was blocked and held. Just this kind of contact, the pain was hard to ignore, the red light overflowed, and it seemed that he couldn't even maintain his body.

Suddenly the arm became brighter, and in the next moment, the two sides opened up a short distance.

Gaia, who retreated about [-] meters, lowered her center of gravity, and Britz Brotz, who was still in the original position, was still holding the 'severed hand'

Although it is no longer a hand, it is just an 'energy bomb'

At this moment, the bomb exploded, and there was a strong light in the center of the turbulent wind.

Gaia stepped forward quickly, and before the glare dissipated, the Britzbrotz inside flew out backwards, and it received a severe blow in the abdomen, and its kicking skills were not so easy to withstand.

Britz Brotz raised his head, and in front of him was a giant rushing out of the light.

Flying and accelerating, Gaia's body seemed to be stretched several times, and the rolled up black ash seemed to form a ring-shaped passage.

He attacked with his intact left fist, and the aftermath of the explosion made the earth sink. The two sides moved nearly 2000 meters in just a few seconds, and the flames they passed were crushed by the strong wind and extinguished in mid-air.

'The only thing that can absorb energy is the crystal on the chest. '

Gaia kept thinking in her heart, if the whole body had that function, the 'abandoned hand' just now would disappear if it couldn't even be detonated.

He shot out the pain of the severed hand along with the attack. The suddenly bent arm was the first to be elbow knife. Britz Brotz's face was injured and his head was tilted to one side.

At this time, Gaia clenched her right fist again and pursued it before the enemy reacted.

At the same moment, the wings spread out, and Britzbrotz's black wings raised left and right, and they flapped forward at the same time. It was attacked unilaterally just now, using its own power to get rid of the status quo, and pulled back a short distance.

Gaia immediately raised her left arm, and as expected, the returned kick exploded with intense force.

The earth wave rose, he stepped on the ground to relieve his strength, and then jumped up again.

Sounds like missile launches are intertwined, like the loud noise when objects collide, something explodes, it is the sound of punches smashing the ground.

Gaia's raised right leg resisted Britzbrotz's knee impact, and Britzbrotz's fists blocked Gaia's palm strike.

Collision, separation, and entanglement again.

Nothing can get close to the two people at this time, the two meat grinders.

At the moment when the arms collided, Gaia's arm vibrated as if it had real muscles, and in contrast to it was Britz Brotz's stable wrist armor, giving people an unfathomable sense of oppression.

Their figures disappeared from their original positions, and only the continuous voice could prove the fierceness of the confrontation.

Suddenly the dirt was thrown into the sky, as Gaia's feet touched the ground and slid over it at exaggerated speed, in front of it, the wings spread Britz Brotz still maintained a 'sorrowful' face , it swoops into the invisible zone.

Immediately afterwards, the aftermath of the confrontation kept adding 'holes' to the complete 'mud wave'

Rising, hollow, rising, hollow, in just ten seconds, the high mud wave spreading 500 meters turned into a large number of strange shapes and fell, and they were not connected to each other.

Finally, this time it was a slash, a straight line split them into two.

Gaia was covered with a lot of bright, red light leaking out, and 40.00% of his body turned into pure red light. The giant with a thick and heavy beauty looked very frightening at the moment.

He leaned forward with his upper body, stepped on the ground with both feet, pulled his right arm backward, and stretched out the blue light blade.

However, this cut only cut through the mud wave. On the blade was an arm, and the end of the arm must be the body.

Britz Brotz held the sword, was pulled along the sword's slash, and finally arrived at the opponent's back.

Before Gaia could react, the kick broke out. Britz Brotz spun around and kicked the enemy's waist with a sweep.

What was left here were scattered particles, Gaia was kicked away, crashed through the mud waves and then rubbed against the ground, inlaid with them and pulled out long traces, he was buried in the ground.

But is this really the case?

Britz Brotz did not pursue it, seeing through the enemy's true purpose, it spread its wings again and flew high into the sky.

As it expected, the already restless land became even more violent.

If Britz Brotz stepping on the ground is the source of interference, then lead it to the sky; if Britz Brotz can interfere with the earth, then go to a place where it cannot interfere.

Taking advantage of this injury, Gaia voluntarily fell into the ground and went all the way down.

So at this moment, the angry dragons with their huge mouths opened rushed out of the ground one after another, chasing the prey they wanted to leave.

A hundred meters, a thousand meters, the group of brown dragons with the image of the Oriental dragon intertwined but did not affect each other, locked on the same target.

Britzbrotz is fast, but the Dragons are even faster.

Biting, biting, biting, even Blitz Brotz, who is a giant to human beings, seems a bit small compared to the earth dragons.

But being small doesn't mean that strength is inferior. At the moment when it was inevitable, it swept away with its right fist, smashing the head of an earth dragon to pieces in an instant.

Dodging, dodging, dodging, counterattacking, Britz Brotz is fighting a bloody path from the encirclement, hard mud is flying everywhere, these are the body fragments of the earth dragon.

Suddenly a dragon spoke, it was breathing.

Several high-pressure water guns took advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to complete the attack directly, and hit it hard on the body.

Although not injured, Britz Brotz was still hit.

The next moment, the figure of 'Swimming Fish' appeared inside the water column called breath.

Gaia swam in it, took it as a cover, and jumped out from the inside, and he, together with the blue color symbolizing the ocean, was reflected in Britzbrotz's eyes.


The battle roar uttered, and the giant's anger overwhelmed the beeping of the timer.

Gaia blasted Blitzbrotz's face with a full blow, and in an instant, the black and white demon fell like a cannonball from a height of a thousand meters.

The too relentless blow caused Gaia's body to flip around in the air before stabilizing, but he was not happy because the hand felt wrong.

At the moment of the final hit, Britzbrotz's wings played a role again, and those seemingly aerodynamic wings were essentially organs for manipulating gravity.

The damage was very shallow, and it was precisely because the power was not fully blasted on the enemy that Gaia would have such an unbalanced performance.

Strong, to put it bluntly, is strong, Britz Brotz is an excellent weapon, both in terms of targeting and its own combat ability are terrifyingly strong.

Now it has finally shed the impact of the previous trauma, even so, its mechanical thinking still judged the situation just now.

Hidden in the body of the earth dragon, blended into the breath of the water gun, Gaia at that time completely merged and released the power of the earth and the sea, if it hadn't been able to dodge at the last moment......


An inaudible voice came, and there were tiny cracks on Britzbrotz's face.

And this trace became obvious under the strong light. Above the sky, Gaia's arms suddenly swiped down from his forehead, and the photon blade flew out.

The light was so fast that it was already unavoidable just by relying on speed, so Britz Brotz opened the breastplate, and the reflection-absorbing crystal played its role again.

The strong light converged and was completely swallowed up and turned into its own.

In the midair, the existence that provided light energy disappeared.

From a thousand meters to zero meters, Gaia stepped on the ground and appeared behind the enemy with instant movement.

Does Britz Brotz also absorb light without side effects?

Gaia decided to take a gamble, or rather he has been taking a gamble.

Was it his inability to defeat the enemy before his strength ran out?

Or is it that he was stripped and defeated in constant fighting?

Power has been gathered in the palms, and Gaia's palms are facing each other on the right waist, and the particles surging inside the blue light ball are like flowing sea water.

Britzbrotz is now divided into front and rear sides, one side is absorbing the photon blade, and the other side is about to be bombarded by the liquidator at zero distance.

'You can't hide! '

Gaia can be sure of this because everything he does is for this one moment.

The non-stop fierce battles are all for a decisive flaw, creating the only chance of victory.

Fighting is like guessing fists, paper-scissors, the game before the game is all for the short moment after the game.

Now, he holds this moment.

The liquidator launched, and the ball of light containing the power of the sea hit the golden halo instantly.


Britz Brotz couldn't avoid it, and he couldn't guard against it. It was true that there was nothing wrong with it.

But Britz Brotz is just a weapon, a weapon made by the shattered entity.

The current situation looks a bit dreamy to a third party, because the golden halo falling from the top is surrounded by layers of Britz Brotz, which is the channel used by the root-shattering summoning body to transmit weapons.

However, the light ball launched by Gaia touched and collided with this golden color, but it could not break through it. Now the channel containing the power of space is like a protective shield separating the inside and the outside.

"Because the enemy can't take it lightly and focus too much on one enemy, you made a mistake, my dream."

Without anyone noticing, Klaus stared at the scene. He had already abandoned his body and turned into a spiritual parasite. If he deliberately hid himself, it would be very difficult to find him. Even Fujimiya could only infer. Just found Klaus.

So, is the end of the battle coming?

Gaia stepped up again, and the Reckoner completely shattered the transmission channel, piercing it.

But the inside is empty, there is nothing.

No matter who is facing the unexpected situation, there will be a long or short reaction, and the same is true for Gaia. For a moment, he feels that he even saw a hallucination.

Because the liquidator broke through the transmission channel and left all the way to the distance, Britz Brotz, who should have existed, was nowhere to be seen.

Where will this blow go?

Where is the enemy?

Britzbrotz could not evade and defend against Gaia's offensive by himself, but it is not on the earth now.

Quickly escape through the transmission channel, and then quickly fall through the transmission channel, this is what it does.

At this very moment, someone was standing in front of the swiftly advancing liquidator.

Power has no will, and those who have will are the users of power, so no matter what kind of existence is in front of the liquidator, it will be smashed... unless it is the 'user' of the liquidator

The young man raised his right arm upright, and the continuous ringing sounded from the inverted wing bracelet, and intermittent blue light gushed out.

"Not enough, not enough, more!"

He growled so low, the Spethium ore he had taken from all over the world gave him strength, but it was still not enough.

Now, the liquidator in front of him, full of the power of the ocean, swallowed his figure completely.

Chapter 230

Time seems to stop at this moment, but the intense light is shrinking, shrinking continuously, as if there is a black hole that devours everything in the center of the star, sucking in all the surrounding matter.

This is not actually the case, as the power is essentially returned to the user.

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