The soldiers had already understood everything in their brains, and the rifles in their hands could only be said to be light weapons, which could not bring harm to the group of alien beasts.

Left, right, and front, countless alien beasts with identical appearances are approaching the soldiers.

They opened their mouths, and the bright flames illuminated the earth, and these flames flew into the distance.

Not missiles, no missile blast range.

But it may not be too much compared with it, because there is nothing that can bear it.

The place where the torpedoes and other logistics items were stored was ignited by flames, and the violent explosion expanded into even more frenzied flames.

The destroyer that was originally docked sank into the sea, and the soldiers who failed to escape spit out air bubbles from their throats and lost consciousness.

Even if powered by 'nuclear' it is nothing but a 'ship'

Only some of the aircraft carrier remained on the surface of the sea, more palms were slapped on the ground, and more alien beasts crawled out of the sea.

They targeted the base for destruction, and the fireball after fire detonated everything here, destroying everything here.

This night, citizens of both Yokohama and Yokosuka heard a loud noise that was hard to ignore. It was an explosion.

They stared at each other worriedly, not knowing what was going on.

If someone takes a helicopter to the sky, then they are likely to see the flames that are not conspicuous due to the distance.

So someone was heading towards the helicopter, but was stopped before they could get on it.


The TV reporters in Yokohama were ready, but they couldn't leave.

Because the control order has been issued, no one is allowed to go to Yokosuka Port.

At this time, the sound of the engine running of the transport plane was gradually approaching. Not only that, the dispatched self-defense force air force moved towards the place where the fighting broke out.

The navy is an army that fights on the sea, and it is also one of the modern military types.

But why does the modern army exist?

It is an army established by each country with other countries as imaginary enemies, and an army that uses humans and weapons made by humans as their enemies.

They didn't exist to fight against the alien beasts. These alien beasts have powers that are completely unreasonable. The means of destroying ships is not fish, not missiles, but teeth.

Just to get closer and bite the bottom of the boat.

How much is the quantity?

The night sky has been dyed orange-red, and thick smoke and sparks are still floating.

The Yokohama branch night attack team who arrived first due to the closer distance looked down, their expressions under the helmets were terrible.

No one could remain calm after seeing such a scene. The burnt corpse was picked up, and the strange beast directly stuffed it into its mouth and swallowed it.

It wasn't the five or six you usually see, but a large group of them that kept pouring out from different places.

Looking at it this way, apart from the flames, there are only one after another alien beasts walking and eating.

"The gang—"


The captain stopped the teammates who wanted to jump down. With such a number, going down would just be death.

The next moment, the pilot of the transport plane felt as if his heart was about to stop.

He immediately took evasive action, firing fireball after fireball at the transport plane like surface-to-air missiles.

The plane was operating in flames, but what was the point of so-called maneuvering under fire?

The position hit by the flame evaporates and disappears immediately, followed by an explosion.

The transport plane swayed and fell downwards, and the strange beasts roared.

This is the image data obtained by the first-hand investigation. The data is transmitted to the GUARD, and then passed on through the GUARD.

"how so......"

Everyone inside the air base can see this scene. The crazy scene is like a war, but it is not other places that have become like this, but Yokosuka Port, an important base of the Japanese Navy.

Chiba stared at the scene after the army was disintegrated in shock, and Shishi also felt strong anxiety in his heart.

He is aware of the achievements of the night raid team in recent years. The damage caused by the alien beast disaster has been kept very low, giving people a feeling that it is being effectively suppressed.

But what's going on here?

"...a total of 411."

Atsuko used computer calculations to count the number of alien beasts that appeared in the video just now. Where did these 411 alien beasts come from?

"New video data!"

Qiao Ji pulled out the new information. The previous one was the base of the US military stationed in Japan, but now it is the base of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The same tragedy, the same raging fire, and the same alien beast.

The computer is counted, the quantity is:


The sum of the two is nearly a thousand alien beasts.

"What the hell are the night raiders doing!"

Qianye couldn't help being angry, these nearly a thousand alien beasts were simply the biggest mockery of GUARD.

'You have not restrained any alien beasts at all'

As if saying so.

"Commander, please issue an attack order!"

At this time, I Meng, who was also in the command room, stepped forward and said, with unconcealable anxiety on his face.

Before dividing responsibility, it is more important to save people.

If this continues, these alien beasts will undoubtedly swarm into the nearby cities, and then they will really be powerless.

Hearing my dream's words, Shishi also nodded.

"Take my order, Team Lightning, Team Falcon strike."

"I'm going too!"

Leaving this sentence, I Meng ran out of the command room.

And Shi Shi frowned tightly, the alien beast chose to attack aggressively when the destruction of the root causes the physical attack, is this a coincidence?Or......

This worry was correct. At this moment, in another space filled with darkness, the man closed his eyes to appreciate the tragedy.

"Phroguros, don't disappoint me."

He opened his eyes and looked at the doll standing on the right.

Chapter 48 The Yokosuka Port Landing Battle

"What is this..."

Can you believe this is what actually happened before your eyes?

As the largest naval base of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, it is now burning in flames, slowly burning down.

There was no trace of any survivors, and no response to the call could be heard.

The restless sea was choppy, and the strange beast that did all this in the ferocious sea of ​​fire was holding something in its hand and chewing something in its mouth.

The military is the greatest power that man possesses, and when that power is disintegrated before your eyes, fear will arise spontaneously.

These fears attracted the attention of the alien beasts, and the Phoruguros group raised their heads neatly, and they saw the fast-flying object.

Accompanied by strong noise, the low-flying air force formations swept across the sky in unison.

Climbing under the control of the driver opened the distance to the ground.


What would happen if 1000 people shouted together?

What would happen if a thousand alien beasts shouted together?

The information captured before has begun to become outdated, and more alien beasts keep crawling out of the sea.

They waited for instructions after landing ashore, but they were not unconscious.

At this moment, they simultaneously roared menacingly at the coming Air Self-Defense Force.

The sound overlapped with the sound, spreading to the surroundings, crossing the distance, passing to the city, and mixing with the evacuation warning.

The citizens of the city fully understand what is going on, but are not sure what is going on.

This sense of fear made it impossible for the alien beasts to ignore, and they were almost unable to hold back due to instinct, and they finally got the instruction to be liberated.

In an instant, thousands of Phoruguros rushed out quickly.

Whatever death and destruction they caused was left behind by them, and they are now about to cause new destruction and death.

The mighty team started to move, and this scene was also seen.

"Headquarters, the alien beasts have changed their actions. They are now rushing towards Yokohama City, requesting an attack!"

About a second later, the order was communicated, and the turning fighters remained in formation, and the air-to-surface missiles that had been carried before the attack completed the aiming.

The long flame looks like a tail, and the whole looks like a shooting star.

Now these meteors are falling towards the earth.

It didn't even take half a second, the violent explosion created raging flames, which devoured the running alien beast in the process of expansion.

Phoruguros, who was hit first, was torn apart, and the remaining fragments scattered around.

The power brought by the explosion engulfed those of the same kind around it.

A new sound was brought out, which was brought about by the crazy burst of bullets.

The Vulcan cannon of the fighter plane fired continuously, strafing while flying at low altitude.

In an instant, Phrogoros on the ray swayed wildly under the powerful firepower.

The bullets that hit them carried strong kinetic energy, knocking them to the ground directly.

It's just that the so-called overturned on the ground is just overturned on the ground. When the fighter jets passed by, they struggled to get up from the ground again.

Heavy firepower like the Vulcan Cannon can indeed tear apart the flesh of small alien beasts, but it takes a while to keep firing.

The hit Phroguros endured the attack, and the first round of blows ended in the breakaway of the fighters.

The pieces of meat that were blown to pieces in the missile still stuck to the ground due to the high temperature, and the internal alien animal factors did not lose their activity.

Piece after piece of rotten meat approached each other and combined, and finally successfully assembled a new Phoruguros.

The sonic boom reappeared, and the distance was getting closer.

Fighters are ready to strike again, but what they're up against next is 'anti-aircraft fire'


"Avoid! Avoid!"

What kind of structure is that body, and why is it able to issue such an attack?

Such problems are not what pilots think about, what they have to think about is how to avoid them.

Pulling and climbing, hundreds of fireballs were shot into the sky in one breath.

These fireballs light up the night sky, but they also bring death.

There was an explosion, and the wing of the plane that couldn't dodge was smashed. The loss of balance brought about a fall, and at the same time brought more attacks.

The steel fighter plane couldn't even withstand the fireball attack. During the rotation, the pilot inside made an emergency parachute jump, and his car became a shield to block the fireball. Finally, the whole fighter plane was shattered in the flames.

The world was spinning, and finally the parachute opened.

The other fighters who barely managed to evade heaved a sigh of relief after seeing their comrades successfully escaped.

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