"You just said something very interesting. Ultraman wants to protect humans."

Indeed, I don't understand what kind of feeling the so-called "guardian" is, so I want to take a look.

"Let me see what kind of existence the human beings they want to protect are like."

"Please help yourself."

With the final dialogue, the exit of the spaceship was closed, leaving Mephilas alone.

"I just hope you're not too disappointed."

Any intelligent creature in this universe has both positive and negative sides. If you don't understand this, you will only walk into a dead end.

I don't know how the young man's curiosity will be answered.

So, how can we satisfy our own curiosity?

Just wait, what is needed now is pure observation.

Watch the blue star of water for a week long enough for it to once again circle pure white clouds.

Under the layer after layer of white clouds, people wore black formal attire and participated in a solemn ceremony.

Countless people died in the war against aggression. They have no corpses, but only the items they once owned.

A huge memorial monument has been made, and different branches and different countries have placed it in different places, and Japan's Far East headquarters has been chosen in Tokyo.

Heroes should be treated like heroes, they are worthy of everyone's admiration.

The rain dripping from the sky seemed to be mourning for him. The Prime Minister spoke his last words, and the rain fell from the black umbrella in Dagu's hand.

Only him, Ye Rui, and Lina were present in the TPC Victory Team. Captain Junjian and Zongfang were lying in the ward. Hori and his legs were fractured, and Xincheng's right hand was fractured. Everyone's injuries can't be cured in just a week. of.

This city is under construction, or in other words, major cities around the world are under construction. Even if it does not take too long due to technological progress, it will eventually affect life and economic activities.

Step forward slowly and put down the bouquet of silent mourning.

After the relevant people paid their respects, the citizens who came here also put down the flowers and letters they had prepared, as if some kind of unique induction, Dagu looked to the side of the crowd.

There, the young man in black only showed his pale right hand holding the umbrella bone. He straightened up, put down the white bouquet, turned around, and finally blended into the crowd.

One after another, black umbrellas of the same color and different shapes surged. Gradually, it became impossible to tell where the man was.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

Title: Did You Hear It?What the cosmic man is looking for is Empat and Dija

Content: They seem to have some bet, what is going on?Could it be that the guy's original goal is Ultraman, which has nothing to do with us humans?


Chapter 17 The Man Who Falls into Darkness

Even at night there is a loud noise, which is the noise generated by the construction site.

It took a whole week to clean up the wreckage of the damaged buildings in the city. What is going on now is intense reconstruction work. Although it will inevitably cause disturbance to the residents under such circumstances, people accept this.

Survived the catastrophe of invasion, and some were changed by it.

During that war, there were no reports or broadcasts. Journalists were human beings, and they would feel scared. They didn’t even know where the war broke out. They could only stay in the shelter, underground. Results await in the parking lot.

There are very few people who witnessed the meteor shower, only the top executives of the TPC and the pilots who survived the battle.

Fewer people know where this meteor shower comes from, and they are only protected by Empat, and they are unable to respond to his cosmic troops.

Is it Ultraman who protects humans?

Or did Ultraman attract the enemy?

The top executives of TPC finally came to the conclusion that "Ultraman protected humans while attracting enemies"

The Mags power system has stepped up research and development, and they don't want to be treated as fish on the chopping board because of their own weakness.

For ordinary people, they only have such doubts - 'Why didn't Ultraman appear'

Or maybe he did appear, and he doesn't know about it, and he doesn't understand it, but the so-called human is a creature who can comment on things he doesn't understand.

Rational people are silent, but irrational people are just venting their emotions.

Attacks, doubts, and countless media even fueled the flames for traffic and popularity. For a while, the existence of Ultraman became complicated and chaotic.

No matter what kind of era it is, there are people who follow the trend, and it doesn't matter if you say a few words casually. With such thoughts, they also echoed.

One person, two people, three people will become a tiger, you say it, I say it, it is more than three people, dozens of times, hundreds of times, thousands of times, rumors are spreading.

"Why don't the authorities clarify the matter!"

Lunar Carlo Base is not an isolated place, and members can also know what is happening on Earth.

As a representative of the team members, Captain Gale could even be said to be questioning his chief, the commander of the base.

"You should also know the truth, Commander!"

The recovered Carlo flying boat recorded from different angles, and the pictures pieced together form a complete passage.

As a rescued person, he doesn't know whether his savior is dead or alive, and the savior must bear the accusations and slanders of others, and the feeling of anxiety almost swallows up his heart.

People are not stupid, as long as they know the truth, they will understand.

But the truth was hidden, TPC did nothing but let these things ferment.

Being questioned by his subordinates, the commander stood up. He didn't respond immediately, but went directly to the door and opened it.

As expected, it was the members gathered here that appeared in sight.

Pilots, messengers, and their representatives are Captain Hayate.

"Are you going to run away! Commander!"


Without showing the slightest fear, Haifeng confronted the commander head-on.

Finally, the middle-aged man showed an undisguised exhaustion on his face. He could understand the feelings of his subordinates, but...

"Then what do you want TPC to do?"

"of course---"

"Announce the truth, tell all mankind that Ultraman is the one who saves us, and then the exuberant worship rises completely. Everyone believes in giants and regards them as our gods, and develops into an absolute cult of personality. The government and The role of the TPC is no longer there."

The commander's words made Hayate's rhetoric stuck in his throat.

"You should also know what the existence of Ultraman means, Haifeng, didn't you also complain that because of the appearance of Ultraman, our TPC was regarded as an empty shelf with no effect?"

"That, that is..."

"That's the sign. If the truth is announced, what will the world, human beings, be like? Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? I know that Empat and Tiga, who saved the world, were subjected to such Criticism is our responsibility and our fault."

But someone has to do it.

"In today's unstable world, in order to maintain our human vitality and develop without relying on the so-called patron saint, we can only do this."


There is no way to refute, because what the other party said is correct.

What does the fanatical cult of personality represent? There are countless examples in history that illustrate the mistakes in it. Should we not even learn a little lesson?

Everyone lowered their heads, and what rose in their hearts was a kind of 'unreconciled'

"We must really develop and develop to be able to fly under the same sky as Ultraman. At that time, we don't need to use such a method to cover up. Everything is because we humans are too far away. Weak."

That's why it is necessary to become stronger and master stronger power until it is able to resist all malicious enemies, until it is able to march towards the deep universe.

There was nothing more to say, and the members of the Carlo Base were silent.

The electric lights in the hallway are bright, and the energy called 'electricity' discovered by human beings is so great that it cannot be seen even outside the atmosphere. On the ground, the lights of every house dispel the darkness.

The electric lights on the ceiling came into view, the mobile phone was placed on the side of the pillow, and Nishinomiya touched his fiercely throbbing chest.

Close your eyes, it is the scene of her death.

Open your eyes, it is the criticism of Ultraman on the Internet.

He saw the weary giant crushing his strength, angry at the death of innocents.

Why don't everyone understand?

Because everyone didn't see it.

Being rescued by others, one's own powerlessness is unbearable.

Sitting up from the bed, the boy put on his clothes. If he just lay down, his thoughts would only become more confused.

"Brother, where are you going?"

"Go out for a walk."

"This time..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was stopped by her twin sister, who shook her head.

In the end, only one sentence remained.

"Be careful on the road and come back early."

The Nishinomiya family lost her, lost Ada, and lost their new family without even paying back.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the special period of construction will end at eleven o'clock. Walking on the street, perhaps because of the noise, there are more people on the street than expected.

The small shops that were originally operated there, and the supermarket that was located here before, will all disappear in the flames due to the old trees rustling in the evening wind.

The temperature in late November is already very low, and the cold wind makes people shiver, but it also calms down the fiercely beating heart.

Gradually, came to the street.

Only the street lamps are illuminating, and the closed shops will naturally not produce brilliance.

He stopped, and suddenly there was a strange sound.

It turns out that the road under our feet is cracked and has not yet been repaired.

Ahead is the light brought by the street lamps and the darkness produced by the night. I have never thought that the shopping street is so weird, like a monster with its mouth open and its inside flickering.

Tranquility was a bit scary, Nishinomiya took a step back, wanting to leave.

Just then, something caught his eye.


A flash of light, the two chasing people, and the blurry shadow suddenly disappeared.



Or is it true?

Step forward unconsciously.

In the distance, there is the sound of panting.

He ran, but found that the enemies behind were following him like a shadow, and the sound of footsteps was approaching.

Turning around, shooting, the light shot was easily caught without causing the slightest wave.

Throwing this weapon that has run out of energy forward, the hilt drawn from the waist lights up, and the sword of light lights up the surroundings.

The blue sword light kept dancing, trying hard to stop the enemy's figure from chasing him, but he was still unable to hit him.

After the slash was over, the distance was shortened, and the heavy punch that hit the abdomen made him feel so painful that he even had to stop breathing.

He fell backward in embarrassment, and the falling sword hilt made a cracking sound, and was crushed directly with his feet.

"Yes, I'm sorry! I was wrong! I'm leaving Earth immediately! I was also coerced! If I don't I'll—"

"Go and apologize to the deceased."

In the alley, the young man swung his right hand, and the flash of purple light hit the invader who was pretending to be a human from Earth. In half a second, he was burned to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

This is No.70 eight.

Nangong counted in his heart, when he woke up, the battle had been over for three days.

Of course, there were no survivors among the battleships he shot down, but before that, what about the enemies who attacked with the disc fighters?

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