Kazama never expected that Xili's first words would be this after she left.

'If you don't let me wear it, why let me try it and let me buy it? '

Xi Li's expression became unhappy as she couldn't utter this complaint.

"Didn't you look at that woman? I wish I could eat you up."

"Pay attention to quality, pay attention to quality..."

What is 'that woman'?

Kazama was a little ashamed, he found that he couldn't understand what the adolescent child was thinking.

"Go buy your clothes."

"Then you will help me choose."

"Uh... okay?"

Under Xili's energetic eyes, Kazama gave an uncertain answer, and the two walked into a women's clothing store.

About 10 minutes later, Kazama encountered a crisis.

Xi Li narrowed her eyes. She was wearing a white-backed outfit with an orange coat on the outside. The design was similar to a dress.

"Why do I feel that you seem to be fine in everything?"

This is what she said three seconds ago, because Kazama is like a repeater, only "good-looking, good-looking", "good good good good" "very good very good"

The problem is that these are all Kazama's actual feelings, and he can't say how to match them.

Next, how to respond?

"I think it's all great, you can take whatever you want, you can take it, no problem."

Just buy them all!


Xi Li sighed, and the saleswoman on the side also sighed in her heart, another straight man of steel.

But this is also good, although steel, but the money ah!

The saleswoman was happy in her heart, waiting for the checkout.

She likes this kind of customers who don't talk much, just buy, buy, buy, buy.

The high-hanging sun began to set, and the colors changed from thin to deep.

The sun has changed from dazzling to hard to see. In a big city, if it is in the sky, it can still be seen, but at sunset, it is tightly blocked by tall buildings.

It is difficult to watch the sunset in the city completely.

"Go back?"

"I'm tired."

Xi Li didn't hide it, but she was curious why the man next to him who was said to be sitting in an office had so much physical strength.

"I can carry you on my back."

Kazama said jokingly.

"Absolutely not."

Xi Li firmly opposed it.

How old is this already, and he is still carrying it, and he is no longer a child in the past.

"Then let's rest for a while."

There is also a fountain standing in the middle of the commercial street, and the two sat down on a nearby bench.

All kinds of product advertisements are broadcast on the advertising boards. Even if the world begins to change, people still live in a very ordinary way.

Alien beast, Ultraman.

What does the happiness of ordinary people look like?

Kazama feels that the happiness of ordinary people is to be able to spend every day peacefully with the people they value.

There is no need for intense agitation or magnificence, just like this.

"Phew... so tired."

Xili supported the bench with both hands, and the fountain at the back sprinkled clear water, and the wind brought coolness.

She closed her eyes, not worried, because someone was right beside her.

Kazama stared at the young face, and finally looked away.

Chapter 31 Collaborative Tasks

The giant appeared and defeated the alien beast, and nothing left evaporated.

It's gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate, but do you think this is the happy finale?

That's not the case, Fujimiya's current whereabouts are still a mystery, not only that, the radar used to search for him before is no longer effective.

What exactly happened?

For this, GUARD has no way to know.

The only guess is that Fujimiya himself did some hidden measures.

The blue giant, Ultraman.

It has been almost two weeks since he appeared in Shinjuku and defeated the giant alien beast Pedron. During this time, there have been no reports of sightings or attacks on the alien beast in Tokyo.

There have also been no strange cases of theft from gas stations, wineries, or other messy places.

Things were very quiet, nothing happened.

According to the speculation of the Tokyo branch, it is very likely that most of the alien beast factors in Tokyo at that time and the accumulated fear gathered on Pedron.

According to Kazama's eyewitness report, Arakuna was absorbed by Pedron, and Pedron then swelled to a height of 50 meters.

The specific order is:

A large number of Arakunai were born in fear——Arakunai group began to act, supplying Pedron—Pedron grew into a giant, and absorbed all the remaining Arakunai—The blue giant appeared and wiped it out ——Tokyo has not seen any alien beasts for almost two weeks.

"In other words, if we allow the alien beasts to continue to develop and become huge, and then wipe them out in one go, will it be possible to wipe out all the remaining alien beast factors in a city?"

Above this night sky, the sound of the engine of the transport plane and the sound of the wind are mixed together.

Sitting in his seat, Aikawa speculated about what happened during this time.

There is a certain logic in his words, after all, the situation of Pedron and Arakunai is very similar:

"Nurture Gu."

Nanami said that word.

"Let them fight internally first, and after they decide that the strongest is the last one left, then everyone will be happy if they kill the last one too, right?"

What she's proposing is a reasonable line of thought that fits with what's happening in Tokyo.

It's just that there is a very, very big shortcoming in this idea.

"The question is what happens along the way."

Kazama pointed out this shortcoming.

"The alien beasts in Tokyo do some petty things, but the alien beasts in other places may not be like this. The task of our night raid team is to eliminate the alien beasts before someone is hurt by them. Are the beasts preying on humans?"

How could innocent people die just to raise Gu.

"And you haven't confirmed that the blue Ultraman is our comrade in arms."

Qihai added another sentence, what if a monster with the same 50 meters as the giant Pedron was raised at the end of the breeding?

When it is raging in the city, isn't it a joke that Ultraman doesn't show up?

"This idea is equivalent to saying that we wait until the evolution of the alien beast is completed, and then let Ultraman solve it."

Kazama's words spread things out.

"The giant who arrived on the earth five years ago has disappeared for five years. Human beings must rely on their own strength to protect themselves, and they cannot feel safe just because someone is protecting them."

One day, humans will be able to fly in the sea of ​​stars with Ultraman, and he hopes so too.

Nanami and Kazama, what you said and what I said meant the same thing.

Aikawa spread his hands and shrugged.

"I just came up with an idea. How can I act like I'm a bad guy? I'm fully aware of the danger of alien beasts. That's why we're here, aren't we?"

He looked to the left. There were no lights on the outside of the dropship. The lights were on the other side of the water.

The Tokyo branch of the night raid team was heading to Yokohama on a transport plane at this time, and they found a lair of alien beasts in the branch of that city.

In order to truly wipe out all the alien beasts, the Yokohama branch decided to ask for support, so the three of them would take a transport plane to participate in the extermination mission.

"However, today is indeed a mission at night."

Aikawa leaned back, complaining about the false name of the night raid team.

The transport plane headed for the city, where the mission awaited.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"I'm Muto, the commander of the Yokohama Branch, nice to meet you."

"Kazama, Captain of the Armored Forces of the Tokyo Branch, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The two shook hands after introducing themselves to each other. The time was 8:00. It was not long after nightfall, and the citizens were still enjoying their happy nightlife.

But in this ordinary life, the extraordinary hides.

Annihilate them before the citizens find out, this is the task of the night raid team.

The three of Kazama followed the commander all the way to the interior of the base. For their arrival, the members of the night raid team just glanced at them and left in a hurry.

About 2 minutes later, the three arrived in the combat conference room.

The members of Yokohama City have been waiting here for a long time. Unlike Kazama and others, the armored members of Yokohama City all use the most versatile Type 7 armor.

This armor has the same kinematic properties as other armors, the disadvantage is that the application of Spethium's energy is eliminated because it does not require adaptability.

In short, equal to Type 1 armor without the Spethium Beam and the Spethium Armblade.

At present, it seems that the design is indeed very successful, and the peripheral equipment is being developed hard.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's get started."

The conductor took out the retractable electronic pointer from his pocket, and with his movements, the picture on the screen began to change.

First of all, the number of alien beasts cannot be determined, but at least the type has been determined, which is a liquid Pedron.

Just like Arakuna, they are alien beasts synthesized from common creatures and alien beast factors.

The most troublesome thing is the viscous body structure, they can invade almost any place through the gaps between buildings.

The way to lure is very simple, that is, ethanol.

Secondly, the location of the battle is set in an undeveloped area in the outskirts.

Finally, there is the task of armored forces.

The situation in Tokyo cannot be ignored. Apart from Pedron, there may be other strange beasts hiding. If there are such strange beasts, the armored forces will take care of them.

If the above plan completely fails, then proceed to 'Plan B'

"Night Raiders, move."

Following the conductor's words, everyone in the meeting room stood up and saluted, and they left through the door in an orderly manner.

Where is the hiding place of the alien beast?

Pedron likes damp and dark places, in other words, sewers.

There is a line connecting the city, and workers have disappeared.

At this time, Kazama, who boarded the armored vehicle with his teammates, had just sat down when he saw the hand stretched out.

"The next battle depends on our cooperation. How about letting me see the strength of the prototype and the new model?"

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