Fujimiya's sudden speech drew Kazama's attention back. What is the smell in this area?

First of all, it is naturally the smell of the sewer, and secondly, it is the smell left by the accumulation of high-concentration liquid.


A strange cry came from a distance, like a threat.

The next moment, something was thrown from the darkness.

There was a broken sound, and the object that was attacking Fujimiya was knocked into the air by him, hitting the wall on one side.

It was a red box, a fuel tank at a gas station.

This smell is the smell of ethanol.

Dozens of tentacles stabbed out like long spears, Fujimiya and Kazama instantly turned away and counterattacked at the same time.

A red light beam and a blue crescent moon were released from their palms, and the two beams of light illuminated the sewer.


At the end of the sewer, something is filling it up.

A jelly-like body and wriggling tentacles.

How could Kazama forget the code name of that alien beast.

"Pedron, still alive... No, it's a new individual!"

But the size of this individual is completely different from what I have seen in the past.

If the Pedrons encountered in the past were more than three meters long and solidified, then this Pedron was in an intermediate state before that, looking like a strange beast made of mucus.

It is precisely because it is in this form that it can be squeezed into the sewer.


The cries of the Arakunai reached the ears of the two of them, and they turned their heads at the same time. The alien beasts that had lost their mobility and had not had time to destroy them were quickly becoming shriveled, and their tentacles pierced them.


Fujimiya narrowed his eyes, and he threw out the crescent blade again, hitting Pedron and splashing explosive particles at the same time.

The next moment, Pedron's body began to swell.

The underground space can no longer accommodate such a huge individual.

As a result, the vibration and shaking generated were transmitted to the ground, and some passers-by on the street fell due to the sudden vibration.

"What, what's wrong?"

Incomprehensible, not at all clear what was going on.

Scores of people fell as a result, and before they could flee, a force threw them into the air.

In an instant, countless screams mixed together.

People waved their hands and feet indiscriminately, falling from a height of more than ten meters.

Road debris of different sizes fell together, and Pedron rose in the opposite direction.

At this time, its thick body swells as it rises, and the people who are thrown into the air will be swallowed by it before they hit the ground.

The gray figure rushing out from the ground caught one of them first, and threw him flying before the other party could react.

Otto's mind power began to expand, pulling the thrown people away from here.

At critical moments, there is no room for hesitation.

Kazama mobilized the power in his body, and his body changed.

Before that, Fujimiya, who was still in the sewer, raised his right hand, and a strange bracelet appeared on the previously empty wrist.

"Aguru, show me all your strength."

The bracelet spread its 'wings' left and right and turned upside down, a cool light blue light gushing out like a fountain.

The light was not blocked by the ground, and the gushing light instantly attracted Kazama's attention.

'This is......'

He felt a similar force, but a very different one.

The light is expanding, and the light is condensing into shape. Finally, in the light is a half-kneeling blue giant named Aguru. He stood up and stirred up the strong wind with a punch.

At this point, Pedron's has surpassed some buildings, and the 50-meter-high liquid monster seems to be 'flowing'

In contrast, is the blue giant who is throwing a fist.

His fist was so powerful that it was swallowed directly when it hit Pedron's sticky body.

"Go quickly and don't look back."

After putting down one person, Kazama broke into the battlefield of two behemoths again.

He kept transporting the people on the battlefield outward, and the strange cry sounded again.

It seems that Pedron was very proud of swallowing Agur's right arm into his body. The ball in front of it turned into tentacles, forming a huge mouth, as if it wanted to swallow the enemy in front of him whole.

'Humph! '

With a cold snort in his heart, Aguru's right hand turned into a sword.

The energy in the body surged out, and the energy that should have constituted the blade continued to spread around like fireworks.

Particles, particles, particles, particles, a large number of particles seem to be flying feathers, or fragments of swords, they are constantly destroying Pedron's body, smashing Pedron's structure.

A few seconds later, Pedron retreated backwards, and the front of Aguru's right palm took shape.

"Giant! It's a giant!"

"It's different from those two five years ago!"

"What the hell does this happen?!"

People are confused, puzzled, and puzzled.

At this moment, the night was rising and the sun was not yet setting. Under the boundary line between the two colors, Aguru pointed his sword at Pedron.

"Then, what the hell is that?!"

Kazama put one person down, and that person's tone was filled with panic, and he couldn't help mixing all his emotions into such a sentence.

"It's Ultraman."


The man looked puzzled at the armored man who brought him out, and before he could ask any more questions, Kazama rushed to the battlefield again.

Anyone who can see this scene will be attracted.

Those who couldn't see this scene didn't know what happened because the reporter didn't arrive, and they were still doing their own things.

At Jonan University in Tokyo, in the Quantum Physics Laboratory, Takayama Gama is conducting tests as usual.

But today is different.

"This, what is this..."

He seems to shuttle in the channel of light, colorful and dazzling.

In an instant, all of these disappeared, and what remained was a giant emitting red light.

Chapter 27 The Blue Giant

Viscous liquid is not suitable for fighting, and Pedron himself knows this.

Therefore, its original strange dark purple body changed its shape and turned into dark brown.

That gesture was the one Kazama knew.

Five years ago, Pedron took Rino's life with this gesture.

It's just that compared with five years ago, Pedron in this posture has a larger body and more powerful strength.

But now, it is not him who is fighting this alien beast, but a giant he does not know.

He has touched that energy.

"Fujimiya is that giant..."

Kazama, who transported people out of this area, looked up at Aguru, where did this giant come from?

If it came from outside the earth, there's no reason why he couldn't perceive it.

In that case, is it the same as Tiga and Empat, a giant sleeping on the earth?

'No, now is not the time to think about that. '

Kazama moved his gaze to Pedron, and if he combined the things he saw in the sewer before, he could guess what happened.

Arakunai are weak because they do not devour fear.

All the fear was taken away by this Pedron, and Arakunai was just a 'subordinate'.

The smell of ethanol has surpassed a large number of categories, and it is probably Arakunai who stole it.

No wonder the night raid team failed to find Pedron in advance, because they did not attack humans, and there were no cases of attacking humans.

This is where the alien beasts become cunning. They are no longer like before, simply creating panic by attacking.

Still, the best way to create panic is to attack, as it is now.

'Have absorbed the fear and become stronger? '

Aguru could feel the alien beast in front of him becoming stronger, because it appeared in the city now, and people in the city would naturally be terrified when they saw this sight.

These are two huge monsters of 50 meters level fighting in the city.

'A quick fix. '

Aguru took a quick step forward, and the action instantly aroused Pedron's counterattack.

The moment the blade swung down, a certain smell began to emanate.

The flames burned in the air, gasoline spurting from Pedron's body.


Instantly realizing that the situation was not good, Aguru scattered the light blade in his palm.

There was a lag in his action, because the attack was essentially suspended.

Unlike Pedron, that's what it's meant to be.

Unlike individuals that appeared in the past, it is more intelligent.

During this latent period, how much gasoline and alcohol was in its body?

Now these liquids turned into flammable gas and spewed out from its body, affecting Aguru.

Aguru was afraid of causing a bad chain reaction and gave up the attack, but Pedron was different, it didn't care what happened next.

Then, from the tentacles on its head, a fireball blasted out.

This fireball brought out a sea of ​​flames, and Aguru couldn't dodge it, because there was a city behind him.

In an instant, his figure was engulfed by flames.

What people saw in their eyes was a sea of ​​flames tens of meters high, what a terrifying scene, the heat wave rushed towards their faces, it seemed that their skin was burned dry at this moment.

The sense of fear rose instantly, and the previous stagnation turned into action, and they began to flee in a further direction.

This sense of fear became food and was devoured by Pedron, who threw three long whips with his right arm, which became stronger.

When Aguru escaped from the flames, the long whip locked his left wrist.

The pulsating electric current began to spread from the point of contact to the whole body.


Pedron restrained him with his right arm, and chased him again with his left arm. This time, the long whip pulled the enemy's right wrist, and the two electric currents began to spread crazily.

This was just the beginning, more fireballs blasted out from its head, hitting the enemies who were extremely close to it.

Aguru, who just broke free from the flames before, was engulfed by the flames again.

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