Kazama has gotten used to his role, time is really incredible, it is very easy to change people.

Even so, he is still not used to calling himself Xi Li's father.

There was no one in the living room, and Kazama turned off the lights, leaving the whole room in complete darkness.

Half a year has passed, and the alien beasts are still appearing and being witnessed all over the world.

As he had expected, the crisis of the alien beast was brought by Zaki, but when the alien beast began to breed, the matter of the alien beast and Zaki became two separate things, even if Zaki was defeated It doesn't mean that the alien beast will disappear.

In order to solve this problem, Ultra armor is stepping up research and development... well, although the prototype armor was only reimbursed before.

It will probably take some time before it is fully completed.

Then, there's another thing.


Kazama thought about this matter in his heart. Although the name of the military organization jointly established by various countries in the world is very clichéd, the nature of this organization is indeed very similar to TPC.

If you really want to say it, it is probably a weakened version of TPC. After all, countries in the world have not been able to let go of their vigilance against each other.

There seems to be a lot of talent inside this military organization, and they have developed more technology from the Ore of Spaceum and from the technology of Ultra Armor.

For example, the special pistol used in the army before is the application of technology.

They seem to be stepping up the development of more new weapons, including infantry weapons and heavy weapons. The sense of crisis drives governments around the world to do so.

After all, whether it is Empat or Zaki, they are all giants tens of meters high. God knows if there will be something tens of meters high in the future.

Therefore, the research and development of weapons has become a top priority.

In this regard, Kazama feels very good.

He handed over the technology of Ultra Armor to make this earth have the power to fight against alien beasts, and there is never too much power to protect itself.

' Then again. '

The unit that Kazama belongs to is also under the banner of GUARD, but it is just a tactical unit against alien beasts.

In the future, the trump card of this unit will probably be the Ultra Armor.

Although the power of Otto's armor is insignificant compared to that kind of monster that is tens of meters in size, it still has the power to resist against the alien beast.

For the future development of this army, Kazama intends to borrow the identity of a tester to stay in the army in the future.

If you want to ask why, because the salary is very high.

The wages of this kind of desperate troops are not low.

In addition, he does not have the ability to detect alien beasts. If it is a normal monster, once it appears, it will emit fluctuations that cannot be ignored.

It's a pity that these small alien beasts are more hidden, so in order to kill the alien beasts in the first place, Kazama also hopes to stay in the army.

He walked into his room thinking about the future.

It's just that the computer on the desk is turned on, and the mouse clicks on the folder.

Even without joining the government's forces, he has the means to hack into electronic networks.

From this electronic network, he found what he wanted.

Is money everything?

Money is certainly not everything.

But if you don't have money, you can't do it. This is the same in any world.

From the armor adaptation training to the first actual combat to destroy the prototype armor, about one and a half months is long enough.

Kazama stared at the computer screen, where all the data he obtained was left here.

People who died from alien beasts also had family members, and some were even the breadwinners of their families.

If the wife is a housewife, then after the death of the head of the family, the family will definitely have a difficult time for a period of time, and may even collapse all the way to the end.

Family status is data, and money is also data.

In fact, what Kazama needs to be responsible for is Xili's life. He himself does not need to eat, nor does he need any enjoyment.

Judging from the wages obtained in the first month, additions and subtractions can even be called surplus.

to this end......

Addition, subtraction, situational analysis.

People who used to have no idea about money are now very mundane and worry about money.

The sky outside the window began to turn white, and there was humidity in the air.

The scenery before sunrise is different. There is only a thin line between night and day, and the two overlap.

When the phone's alarm clock rang, Kazama saved the data and shut down the computer.

The night became less and less, until it disappeared completely.

At this time, the old man had just woken up and heard the sound that he could hear every morning.

Rino's father, Xi Li's grandfather, the old man's surname is of course different from Kazama, but the same as Rino's old surname - not coming.

Kazama felt that he couldn't find a second person with this surname after searching all over Japan.

"Yizhen, I have worked hard for you every morning."

Since Rino's death, Kazama, who returned after disappearing for a while, assumed the roles of father and mother.

Let alone work, the housework is also done.

Because of this, the old man was worried about whether Kazama was forcing himself.

"this is nothing."

For Kazama, his energy is inexhaustible in a sense.

Chores and jobs are small in nature.

"If I---"

"Dad, can I trouble you to wake Xili up and wash up?"

Before the old man finished speaking, Kazama interrupted him as if 'unintentionally'.

And the old man nodded immediately.

"no problem."

At the age of 69, he is already considered an advanced age, and his body, which is aging every day, is not suitable for hard work.

Even though it was such a time, nothing could be done.

Before the old man felt sorry for himself, Kazama interrupted that emotion.

Compared with the past, he has mastered more dishes now.

After counting, fifteen wontons were just right.

The next step is to wash the pot, and then drive Xili to school and then to the base in the city.

The army has not yet been formally established, so a commercial building was purchased for temporary use.

To be honest, Kazama felt that the location of the base would probably not change.

Which side has more fear in the wild or fear in the city?

You don't even need to think about it, the active place of the alien beast must be in the city.

Then it is only natural that the base of the army is in the city.


While murmuring, Xi Li rubbed her eyes and walked into the kitchen.

"Don't rub your eyes with your hands, it's not clean."


Because of complaining about getting up early, Xi Li climbed up the chair unhappy.

She yawned and smacked her lips.

"Grandpa, feed me!"


Kazama frowned, realizing that this was not a good thing.

Although this was because he didn't know how to get along with him at the beginning, it was not the past.

"You are also ten years old, and grandpa didn't eat breakfast, which is not good. Didn't you eat it yourself in the school cafeteria at noon?"

After arguing with reason, Xi Li didn't know how to refute.

But it doesn't matter, even if it's unreasonable, you have to refute it!

Not a wrinkle, not a sniff.

Time seemed to stop here, and Kazama recalled something.

"In this way, if you eat alone in the future and don't want others to feed you, I will promise you one thing."

Equivalent exchange, always useful.

After Xi Li sniffed, she swallowed back the emotions that had been brewing before.


"It's hard to follow a word once it's said... I mean it's true."

Kazama explained and added another sentence.

Then, without anyone's urging, Xi Li picked up the stainless steel spoon and happily ate wontons.

Because she did have a wish to fulfill, a promise she wanted to make from her father.


Kazama is really bad at facing tears.

He didn't make a sound, but the old man could see the clue from the expression of 'relieved'.

'It's getting more and more proficient. '

I can't see how he was in a hurry at the beginning.

The old man still remembered that when Xili made a big fuss, Kazama was in a hurry, but even so, he was still not angry or angry.

"I'm stuffed!"

As soon as Xi Li put the bowl down, she was still chewing.

"Don't talk while eating."

Kazama said something again.

'It's just a bit verbose...'

The old man smiled wryly in his heart, maybe this is the price of being both a father and a mother.

"Then wipe your mouth, put your schoolbag on your back, we're going out, Dad, please take care of the house."

Kazama plays the father and the son-in-law.

Soon, the garage is opened, and the affordable car drives out of the house.

"La la la~~~"

Xi Li, who seemed very happy, hummed a tune that might have been out of tune a long time ago.

Kazama listened while driving the car.

It's not a weekend morning, it's everyday.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Kazama, the commander is looking for you."

He had just stepped out of the elevator when Kazama heard such a sentence.

"Thank you."

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