Bears, deer, squirrels, flying insects, whatever they were, did not respond to them when they passed by.

Fallen leaves and branches were crushed, making a crisp sound.

As if influenced by this voice, the young man's eyelids moved.

And at a position less than two meters away from him, the sun shone on the comer, illuminating its technologically-inspired mechanical armor.

If Empat, disguised as a 'youth', opened his eyes immediately, he would be shocked by this 'Ultra Armor'.

One step, two steps, the unknown mechanical figure squatted down after approaching.

It stared at this face that was somewhat unfamiliar to it, stretched out its hand after a few seconds, and stopped before touching it.


A few seconds later, the mechanical figure stood up and floated into the sky.

Its body disappeared like a chameleon, leaving only the wind behind.

The wind blows on the young man's body, completely awakening him.

When I opened my eyes, the leaves fell with the wind and landed on my body.


Nangong could feel the situation at this time, and he could control his body, which was a matter of course.

Because this is not someone else's body, it is his own mimicry.

Empat mimicked Nangong Lan, even so, it was completely different inside.

He sat up from the ground and looked around.

'here is? '

Wherever the line of sight passed, there was no one except him.

This is also a matter of course, why can the body that is exhausted and withered be able to ignite flames again?

That is the flame of life, trying everything to achieve the last thing.


Where is this, what time is it, and what happened after that?

Thinking of this, Nangong had no choice but to sit still.

He stood up dragging his tired body, walked out in one step, released the mimicry, and disappeared from here.

In another country far away, even on weekends, the streets seemed deserted, as if everyone had lost their vitality.

Things have not been resolved in any way, so how can people laugh?

Now, there are people who are unwilling to go out, and there are people who cannot go out.

Only the sound of the TV reverberated in the spacious home, and the old man kept calling, but got no response.

He looked at the girl in the living room, who was just sitting quietly in front of the TV, without any reaction to the content inside.

After getting the prompt of 'the phone is turned off' for the fifth time, the old man gave up and went into the kitchen to take out the cut apples.

"Xi Li, look what Grandpa cut for you?"

There was a smile on her wrinkled face, and Xi Li raised her head upon hearing this call.

There was no happy expression on her face, she just nodded silently.

A child who used to be lively becomes silent because she has no father to amuse her and no mother to take care of her.

Xi Li has no awareness of 'death', but she has awareness of 'lost'.

The feeling of being abandoned is brewing in my heart, but I don't know how to vent it.

Was it a big cry?

Already cried.

Crying in the past can be exchanged for new toys, but now the crying just keeps echoing.

Xi Li picked up a toothpick and stuck it into an apple slice.

Eat it in one bite, the taste is not sweet.


Even so, he still didn't speak.

If she was abandoned because she was disobedient and too willful, then don't be willful in the future.

In this case......


The interior of the house is seen: silent children and old people who don't know what to do.

On the street, Nangong closed her eyes, almost wrinkling her brows with bitterness.

1 minute, 2 minutes, when Xi Li was about to stuff the third unpalatable apple slice into her mouth, she heard the doorbell ring.

At this moment, she immediately dropped the apple slices in her hand and ran to the entrance.

Without even asking, he just opened the door.

Xi Li hoped that she could meet the person she wanted to see, and then, she saw it.

Kazama's expression was not so gentle, his smile was forced.

But Xili didn't care.


She immediately moved forward, wanting to hug her father who had disappeared for several days.

At this time, the old man who came late had thousands of words in his heart.

Lessons, complaints, comfort, and finally only one sentence:

"Just come back."

In his eyes, Kazama's response was a bit unfamiliar, with a sense of bewilderment.

Maybe it's because of guilt, but no matter what, it's good to come back.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The weather was not bad. Under the blue sky, the deceased disappeared in the flames, and the last thing left was this jar of ashes, which were buried under the tombstone.

There are similar customs all over the world to let the dead be buried in peace.

The entire long ceremony was over, and Kazama took Xili's hand, staring at the name on the tombstone, as if he wanted to engrave this name in his heart forever.

And now, maybe there is still one person missing under this tombstone.

'sorry. '

'Kazama' apologized in his heart, he felt sad for the people he couldn't save.

No matter how it happened, no matter who was responsible, he didn't want to see anyone die.

A few seconds later, he hugged Xi Li, who had kept her head down.

"Kazama, I..."

Seemingly aware that the matter was over, Suwon, who participated in the ceremony, stepped forward. He wanted to say something comforting, but he didn't know what to say.

How can those who have not lost comfort those who have lost?

"It's okay, the dead are gone, we should all look forward."

Kazama said so, looking at his familiar face, Mizuhara didn't know why he always felt that the other party had changed in some way.

If I really want to say it, I probably... lost my smile.

Anyone who encounters something like this will probably change.

Before Suyuan could continue, Kazama gently and carefully stroked Xili's head.

"No matter what, I will protect Xili well."

It must be done, this is a promise, and it must be done.

Not just Xili, but also...

"Don't forget that I'm still here, if you have anything to say, you can speak up."

Mizuhara patted Kazama on the shoulder, he wanted to do something, but he didn't know what to do, so he could only say this.

But the concern is real.

Kazama felt guilty, because he shouldn't bear this feeling.

"Thank you."

As he said this, the wind blew on the two of them.

Turning his head, it seemed to be just a passing white bird.

Chapter Thirteen The Will of the Earth

In a closed laboratory, the day and night of the outside world do not affect the internal work at all.

"Fujimiya, you'd better take a break."

Even though everyone has rested, this newcomer from Japan is still doing all kinds of calculations.

Klaus has long known that the other party is a workaholic, but since the existence of the alien beast was announced, Fujimiya has become more serious... If it weren't for the limit of the human body, Klaus suspected that the other party would not even Going to leave the lab.

A call pulled back Fujimiya, who was a little distracted, and he shook his head to shake off the trance in his consciousness.

"Klaus, what time is it?"

I was so focused that I forgot that there was still time, and what was worse... what was I thinking before?

Fujimiya tried to think, but couldn't concentrate.

As he turned around, Klaus saw his entire face.


Klaus raised his eyebrows silently. In his eyes, Fujimiya's eyes were bloodshot. In addition, a pair of thick dark circles made people think that the other party had put on smoky makeup somewhere.

So, without waiting for the other party to react, he stepped forward and put his arms around the other party's shoulders.

"Okay, okay, look at you, I think you can't even think."

More or less people in this world have stayed up all night, and that is not something to be admired.

Klaus has naturally experienced that feeling. To be honest, in this situation, he can't control his body at all, he can't even think, and he will soon fall into a half-asleep and half-awake state due to exhaustion.

"Instead of continuing to waste time here, you might as well go to sleep quickly, and continue to develop your beloved computer after a good night's sleep. You don't want everything to be wasted because of your distraction and mistakes, right?"

The rebuttal Fujimiya originally wanted to say was interrupted by Klaus' words, and he swallowed the original words with a wry smile.

"You really are like a lotus flower."

"Tongue what?"

The Oriental Fujimiya used an idiom, but unfortunately the Westerner Klaus completely failed to understand what it was talking about.

"I'll explain it to you later."

Before they knew it, the two had already walked to the front of the dormitory.

Fujimiya dragged his tired body to his room, Klaus shrugged, he felt that the other party might have forgotten what had happened when he woke up.

But it doesn't matter, his mission has been completed, and it's time to go to sleep by the way.

'Alien beast...'

Klaus thought about the alien life forms announced by the whole world recently, no, can it really be considered an alien life form?

At least he felt that form was not so much a living thing as some kind of virus.

It is because of this thing that everyone is vigilant and anxious.

Doesn't it mean that if there is one, there are two?

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