He pulled the enemy up quickly, completely smashing the ceiling of the gas station.

The existence less than two meters pulled the monster at least twice his size into the air, and when the alien beast was about to fall, a stronger force smashed its body into pieces.

Empat's uppercut sent the foe higher into the sky, and it wasn't over.

The alien beast has no way to resist at all, it keeps rising, keeps rising.

Those fists kept smashing his body, turning him into unusable rotten flesh.

The tentacle that was barely flung out was caught and directly torn off and burned, the corner of the head was smashed by the sweeping punch, and the mouth in the center was pulled to pieces from left to right.

Across the clouds, even in sunlight, the black around Empat's eye sockets couldn't be dispelled.

He didn't know how many times he punched through the body of the alien beast. Exuberant black flames burst out from the wound and spread to the whole body, completely burning the enemy to ashes without leaving any residue.

Empat turned around and rushed towards the gas station where he was before in an instant.

Blood and oil mixed together, Kazama knelt down to touch 'her'

There was no trace of blood on the originally soft lips, and the body temperature gradually faded, and the blood stopped as if it had drained dry.


Someone, smiling.

Zaki knew that those nosy giants of light would never give up saving lives, so they would definitely show up where the alien beasts appeared.

That action exposed everything, he already knew where to go to find Ultraman who came to this world with him.

Someone, watching, fists clenched.


Everything is under the panoramic view.

It's too late, it's over.

But 'it' still has things to do.

The body floating in the air moved quickly, and it flew to the position it felt.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Run away, escape, because the clone is completely killed.

Sometimes the hunter becomes the prey, but it doesn't matter.

The liquid alien beast continued to operate in the dirty sewers, and it didn't care about the fact that another part that had grown up very well was completely wiped out, because the 'fear' in this city spread more widely.

As long as the amount of this staple food increases, it will be able to grow faster and stronger.

As long as there are some parts left.

The liquid alien beast decided to lurk temporarily, using these fears to create more clones.



The fast-moving liquid alien beast stopped, and in the dark sewer, a mechanical sound came out.

At some point, an existence appeared there.

It doesn't make a sound as it approaches, because it doesn't move with its feet at all.

The alien beast immediately changed its posture, like a shrimp or a worm, flew into the air and turned around at an exaggerated speed to escape.

Because from its perspective, what you see is "the existence that completely destroyed its clone just now"

"Is it Fu Ruigen this time? You have no chance to evolve into Pedron."

The sewer was illuminated, and the tail tentacles of the alien beast released fireballs, reflecting the blue eyes of those who came.

In an instant, the fleeing alien beast found that its body had been cut open, and a purple light blade extended from the existence's right arm.

And the energy from its wound burned it, and after 0.1 second, the liquid alien beast that couldn't even split was completely burned to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

"Go to hell, trash."

Even the mechanical voice that couldn't distinguish between male and female, old and young, couldn't conceal the anger in the tone, and the existence of the annihilated alien beast merged into the darkness and disappeared again.

Hours later, Japan issued a state of emergency declaration.

The unconcealable disaster spread wildly on the Internet, and the existence of the strange beast became known to the world.

On the same day, countries around the world issued different declarations regarding the existence of alien beasts.

Chapter Nine Strange Information

At night, the lights are bright but no one wanders around.

The reason is simple. The curfew policy announced by the government has played a role, and if they don't want to seek death, no one will risk being attacked by strange creatures and wander around at night.

What's more, even those who want to seek death may not necessarily want to try this method of death.

Three days ago, the alien beast that appeared in the urban area of ​​Tokyo caused 20 deaths, and its appearance was witnessed by more people.

The monsters that fell on the earth harmed and preyed on human beings, and were even continuously strengthened in the process.

According to the live video, the alien beast code-named 'Pedron' grew from 2 meters to 5 meters in a short period of time, its posture changed, and it evolved even more incredible abilities.

Fireball, lightning, what kind of creature is that?Biological weapon?

Regardless of other countries, the situation in Japan is very bad.

After all, only Japan has the scene of alien beasts raging. The darkness of the night is like a devouring beast. People who are resting at home must have anxiety in their hearts.

The lights outside the window are connected together, but they can't bring warmth.

There is only weirdness in the quiet city.

To be honest, it's an abysmal situation.

The uneasiness of the masses will breed fear, and fear will create more alien beasts.

However, the current government can do nothing but declare that it is building a corresponding force to deal with the abnormal situation.

Think about it, if you say that there is no problem casually, it will not just be the result of the government's credibility being discredited when something happens.

In the face of the threat of death, no one can guarantee that he is him, and out of control emotions will make people do crazy things.


"Is this the Spethium Ore..."

The special mineral extracted from Mars, now this ore that almost fills the entire warehouse has been stripped of the outer rock, exposing the inner mineral.

The light blue translucent ore is like an untreated rough stone, reflecting a strange brilliance under the light.

According to the investigation of the equipment, the inside of the ore emits a unique wavelength and stores special energy inside.

In the future, if humans explore Mars, they will definitely find this special ore.

However, it is still a bit far away for today's human beings.

How could it take three days to reach Mars for mining and transport back.

It is for this reason that the government is inevitably wary of the alien life form 'Empat'.

Such a huge mineral was not retrieved by humans, but Empat brought it here in the dark.

According to the other party, he went to Mars for a trip, and then retrieved the corresponding materials, hoping that the government can carry out the research and development of the Ultra armor as soon as possible.

He himself is focused on dealing with the issue of alien beasts. In other words, in this bottomless and uninhabited night, Empat is integrating into it.

But this behavior is not good to say, it is the behavior of moths to the flame.

He is fighting against the fear of the entire city with his own strength. Tokyo has tens of millions of people, and Empat has only one person.

"I see, the design is very crude and straightforward."

"Sure enough, it's just a prototype armor, it's better to say it's just for testing."

"Build the ore into a circulatory system, let the energy flow, and use this energy to release it."

"There will definitely be more improved models in the future."

At this time, someone was discussing intensely.

The researchers formed some strange scenes, some of them were over half a century old with wrinkles on their faces, and some of them were energetic young people in their 20s.

'Alchemy Star'

In recent years, talented young people have formed an organization equivalent to a rally.

Originally they only communicated with each other, and they started to act after the appearance of the "Alien Beast", hoping to join the work of the government.

In science, being young and old is not a big deal, knowledge and inquiry are what matter.

They discussed, verified, and analyzed the Spethum ore.

The resulting blueprints are nothing more than sketches, and any normal self-respecting researcher will not be satisfied with this.

But first of all, I still have to try to make a prototype armor. I don’t even have the first finished product to think about the next thing, but it’s too ambitious.

Soon, researchers sprang into action.

They each perform their duties, and the ore that has long been divided is extracted for manufacturing.

The night outside did not affect the enthusiasm of the researchers in the slightest. They had already had a full sleep when they took the plane to Tokyo during the day.

Next, they will be indulging in new knowledge, new technology and enthusiasm for researching the unknown.

And their successful research will become a sharp weapon against alien beasts.

It's a pity that before then, the alien beast will not just wait.

The factors that make up its existence have been sown as seeds, absorbing the accumulated fear in Tokyo and multiplying continuously.

Strange creatures that feed on emotions appear without people knowing.

There was only darkness outside the window. In the house with the word "Kazama" engraved on the house, the girl looked up, her expression was not happy.

"Grandpa, doesn't daddy want me?"

Xi Li's bright eyes were full of emotions that made the old man feel heartache.

He also grieves, and it is because he is 'in love' that he feels pain when he loses.

But facing such a child, he knew he shouldn't show his emotions.

"How can it be? Dad is just in a bad mood. Do you also feel like this sometimes? You don't want to talk to other people, you just want to be alone?"

Two days ago, Rino's father moved into the house that originally belonged to Kazama's family of three.

In such a difficult time, it is precisely because of the family that we have to support each other.


'One true. '

The old man was complaining about his son-in-law, and this was not venting his anger.

Regarding Lino's death, the old man knew that it was caused by a bad fate, and there were many people like him who lost their children like him.

What made him feel angry was Kazama's subsequent handling.

During the day and night, when Xi Li needed her father the most, he was not there.

'I know you suffer too, but sometimes you have to hide the pain. '

Especially in front of children.

"After your father comes back, grandpa will tell you about him!"

The old man comforted his granddaughter in this way, but in return, he shook his head.

"If Dad is uncomfortable, don't bother Dad."

Xi Li shook her head, she just... didn't know why she felt that something was wrong with her father.

At the same time, she looked at the TV, and the originally interesting animation became boring.

Because there is no dad sitting on the couch and no mom pulling fruit from the kitchen.

The original life was shattered, and this feeling was overwhelming for Xi Li.

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